Evening, September 1, 289, the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

   Pendragon, the residence of Jacob Churchill.

   In a small room, Jacob is sitting on a soft sofa, and in front of him, a person is kneeling on one knee.

   If Su Cheng were here, he would be surprised, because the man who was kneeling in front of Jacob was the red-haired captain of the thousand-man team in the crusade army he led!

   And Jacob was squinting his sharp eyes, quietly listening to the report from the captain of the Redhead Thousands of People.

"...The above is all that has gone through this battle. Not only that Su Cheng is a monster, but the little girl named Alan who is next to him is also a monster. Her strength is incredible... Ah, it seems that there is also a little girl named Deng who is also with Su Cheng. She feels like she is a stubborn person." The Red-Haired Thousand-Man Team captain said in a deep voice.

   "Well, thank you very much." Jacob waved his hand, "You go down first."


   After the captain of the Redhead Thousands of People exited this small room, Jacob narrowed his sharp eyes and muttered:

"Originally I just wanted to put a person by your side, so that I could take a closer look at how you performed, but I didn't expect that Alan is also a character that should not be ignored... Forget it, from the report, it seems that he is just a brave person. That's all, I am not very interested in her, I still care more about Su Cheng..."

   Jacob squinted his eyes and looked at the empty front, not knowing what he was thinking.

   After a long time, Jacob said to himself:

   "Su Cheng...if you are good at nurturing you, what realm can you reach..."

   The light came out from Jacob's eyes.


   Pendragon, in the hut rented by 4 people in Su Cheng.

   "...Then, I thought the three of us were going to be hacked to death by the cavalry behind. Alan grabbed a longbow and shot at the cavalry squad behind, with one arrow and one enemy..."

   Deng Jiaer was holding a bottle of Songlang in his right hand, his cheeks were reddish, and he was telling Kylor what happened when the three of them led the crusade to counter the rebellion.

Kylor was sitting on the bed, holding a bottle of Songlang in her hand. After drinking a lot of wine, her eyes became cloudy, but it seemed that she hadn't been listening to Deng Jiaer since just now. .

   Seeing Kailor's current appearance, Su Cheng frowned, and then snatched the Songlang in Kailor's arms.

   "Don't drink it, you will get drunk again and make a fool of yourself again. Did you know that you look ugly when you are drunk, like a 6-year-old child."

   "Don't! Give me back the wine!"

   Kailor straightened his hands, grabbed twice in the direction of Su Cheng, and then dropped his arms weakly.

   "Ahhh...it seems to be drunk." Su Cheng rubbed his forehead helplessly.

   This afternoon, after Su Cheng's three troops returned smoothly, they went straight to the restaurant where Kylor worked.

After arriving in the kitchen, he returned the bracelet that Kylor gave him before the expedition. Kylor suddenly threw off the kitchen knife in his hand, ignoring the oil in his hand, and squeezed Su Cheng’s The face was scratched and rubbed, making Su Cheng's face all oily.

   "Are you guys injured? Nowhere are you injured? Is the food okay..."

   Various questions blasted out of Kylor’s beautiful mouth like a cascade.

   After learning that Su Cheng's three people were safe, no one was injured, and that they had returned from a big victory, Kylor happily proposed to come to the cocktail party to celebrate tonight.

   And now, to Su Cheng's surprise, Kylor drunk smoothly after drinking half a bottle of Songlang.

But this time is much better than before. The drunk Kylor used to be like a few-year-old girl, doing a lot of very funny things, and this time, Su Cheng snatched the bottle, Kylor slightly After struggling with the ground, he fell quietly on the bed and fell asleep.

   Alan, who was sitting next to Kylor, smiled and stroked Kylor's smooth aqua-blue hair like a cat.

Alan looked at Su Cheng, and found that Su Cheng’s attention was not on her and Kylor now, Alan fell down, reached Kylor’s ear, and whispered: “Kelor, you give it to I have successfully completed my task."

   Kylor, with blushing cheeks and closed eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a charming smile, and muttered:

   "Um... Alan... Thank you..."

   "Alan, come and continue the banquet."

   Su Cheng beckoned to Alan.

   "Leave Kylor alone, let her sleep quietly, let's continue the banquet. Alas, before the expedition, I really didn't expect that I could come back alive and have a celebration banquet."

   "Hmm, here it is."

   Alan arranged Kylor's position on the bed and covered her with a quilt, and then continued to join the celebration party.

   Although there are only 3 people left, the celebration banquet is still very happy. All 3 people are drinking and eating happily. ,

   Soon, Deng Jiaer, who was not drinking well, also fell, leaving only Alan and Su Cheng.

   "Ah, Alan, only me and you are left..."

  Su Cheng's drink volume has always been okay. Several bottles of Songlang have been consumed, but his cheeks are red, and he is still far from being drunk.

   Alan also took a sip of soft drink.

   Then, Alan said to Su Cheng:

   "Brother, didn't you tell us before that you have nothing you are good at doing, and there is nothing you like to do at the same time?"

   As soon as Alan's voice fell, Su Cheng immediately replied with a wry smile:

   "Yeah, I don't have anything that I'm good at doing, what I can do, and I don't have any things I like to do. The only thing I like to do is probably reading a book."

   A light smile appeared on Alan's face after hearing Su Cheng say this, and said:

   "But, in this battle, I seem to have found what you are good at and what you like to do."

"After going around the fortress built by Abbott, after you said that you found a way to break the fortress, you smiled very happily... In the past three years, I have rarely seen my brother smile so happily. "

   Alan raised his head and looked into Su Cheng's eyes, and continued:

   "Brother, you should understand what I mean? You are not a useless person!"

   Su Cheng lowered his head slightly, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

   At this moment, Deng Jiaer, who should have been lying on the ground with his face covered in red, suddenly sat up and shouted:

   "Drink again!"

   "Deng Jiaer," Alan said unexpectedly, "Are you not drunk yet?"

   "Of course." Deng Jiaer looked a little silly and smiled, "I'm not so easily drunk."

   "Don't drink it!" Su Cheng frowned, "Don't forget that you are only 14 years old and underage. Don't drink too much."


   Alan looked at Deng Jia'er, who was fighting for reason with Su Cheng, blinked his eyes twice, and said quietly:

   "Deng Jiaer, you have been in the past twenty days, do you have any questions for me?"


   Alan was puzzled.

   "Do I have any questions for you?"

   "For example—"

   Alan’s tone was somewhat self-deprecating.

   "For example, why do I kill people without blinking my eyes, and I am not afraid of killing people at all."

   After listening to Alan's words, Su Cheng's expression changed.

   "This, this..."

   Deng Jiaer scratched his right cheek, was silent for a while, and then said:

"Although I was a little puzzled at first and was also a little scared, but then I gradually figured it out. I think there are all kinds of people in this world. Some have never led soldiers, but the first A god-man who can still command freely with troops at a time. There are also powerful masters who never resist killing and seeing blood. I don't think it's so strange."

"Ah, there's more." Deng Jiaer continued, "I have asked my husband this question before, but my husband didn't tell me. He said that you don't want too many people to know what happened to you before, and he said to wait until later. When the opportunity comes, it will naturally tell me."

   After hearing Deng Jiaer's words, Alan was taken aback, and then let out a series of silver bells of laughter.

   "Deng Jiaer, I may have a natural supernatural power and an extraordinary talent for martial arts, but I am not a natural person who is not afraid of killing and seeing blood. I am just used to it before."

   "Study, used to it?"

   Deng Jiaer looked at Alan with a bit of amazement.

   Alan took another sip of wine.

"However, my brother is right. I really don’t want too many people to know what happened to me before, so sorry, Deng Jiaer. I don’t want to tell you what happened before. I will wait until the opportunity comes. I will tell you naturally."

   Alan suddenly showed a bit of loss, and then continued:

   "I just hope that when Deng Jiaer knows what happened to me, don't despise me."

"It's just... I won't despise you!" Deng Jiaer said with a big smile, "Although I have not been with you for a long time, but after getting along with you for a while, I also slowly I like Alan, Kylor, and sir. I have regarded the three of you as my most important friends, so no matter what, I will not dislike or hate my most important friend!"

   After that, Deng Jiaer held up the wine bottle in his hand.

   "Come on! Let's continue drinking! Alan, let's play! See which of us gets drunk first!"


   Alan's eyes burst into a strong sense of war.

   "Although I don't have a lot of alcohol, if you deal with Deng Jiaer, I don't think I will lose!"

   Alan also raised the wine bottle in his hand.

   "Compared! See if you are better at Deng Jiaer, or I am better!"


   After they drank and didn't know how many bottles of wine, they finally decided the winner.

   is Alan’s victory.

   Deng Jiaer was already on the floor unconscious.

   Although Alan won, after drinking so much alcohol, she also felt that her head had become groggy a lot.

   At this moment, Alan suddenly felt that his right shoulder seemed to be held by someone.

  —It's Su Cheng. Just now, Su Cheng, who was on Alan's left, suddenly stretched out his right hand, passed Alan's back, and quietly embraced Alan's small right shoulder.

   "Brother, what's wrong?" Alan asked.

   "It's nothing." Su Cheng said with a smile, "I just wanted to hug my sister suddenly."

   "Brother, you feel so sick to say that."

  Although her mouth was disgusting, Alan moved her lower body silently, bringing her body closer to Su Cheng's arms.

   The two of them just hugged and hugged silently.

   After a while, Alan suddenly said:



   "If Deng Jiaer told me about my past, would she dislike me or be afraid of me. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

   "No way."

   Su Cheng smiled.

   "At that time, you also told Kylor about your past, did Kylor express disgust and fear for you?"

   Alan was silent.

   Then, Alan moved some of his body again, causing almost all of his small body to shrink into Su Cheng's arms, and his small head leaned against Su Cheng's left shoulder.

   And Su Cheng also raised his left hand along the way, matched his right hand, and hugged Alan together.



   "It feels... I haven't been hugged by you like this for a long time."

   "...it seems to be yeah, I almost forget when we last hugged each other so intimately."

   Speaking of this, Su Cheng paused for a while and then smiled:

   "Ah, it feels so good to hold a beautiful girl. I want to hold it like this forever."

   "What are you doing? Are you thinking of your sister?" Alan grinned badly.

   "But." Alan suddenly turned, "Hold it if you want."

   Alan also raised his hand and held Su Cheng's waist.

   "...No matter how long it takes in the future, both of us will embrace this way."

   Su Cheng was taken aback, then smiled softly.

   "Well, don't worry, even if we both become grandfathers and grandmothers in the future, I will hold you like this."

   "After all," Su Cheng added, "Are we brothers and sisters-brothers and sisters who depend on each other in this world."

   After hearing Su Cheng say this, Alan smiled happily, nodded vigorously, and then increased the strength of the hand holding Su Cheng's waist a little bit, and hugged Su Cheng tightly.

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