Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 4 Chapter 393: I will fulfill my responsibility until I die (Part 1)

2 days ago.

October 19, 290, the Imperial Calendar of the Britannia Empire.

The Britannia Empire, Pendragon, Jacob's residence.


In Jacob's room, there is a large floor-to-ceiling window.

When Jacob was in a bad mood, or thinking about something, Jacob would pour a cup of black tea and stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling boat, looking at the scenery outside the window.

At this moment, Jacob was holding a cup of brewed black tea, standing in front of the huge French window in front of his room, silently looking at the scenery outside.

Although the security in the imperial capital is almost exaggerated due to the upcoming roundtable meeting, many citizens are afraid to take to the streets because they are afraid of the patrol team on the street, but there are still people on the streets of the imperial capital. Toward, busy.

Jacob stared at the scenery outside the window blankly, unable to tell from Jacob's unsentimental face what he was thinking at this time.

At this moment--

"Master, Mr. Su Cheng has arrived."

——Behind the door of the room, I heard the voice of my old housekeeper.

"Yeah." Jacob let out a soft "Yeah".

For some reason, Jacob's "hmm" was accompanied by some vibrato.

"...Take him in."


It didn't take long for the door to open behind Jacob.

"Mr. Cheng, my master is inside."

"um. Thank you."

——Not long after the opening of the door sounded, the voices of the old housekeeper and Su Cheng sounded.

"You're welcome, then—I'll leave."


As the old butler's words fell, behind him came the sound of closing the door.

It wasn't until the sound of the door closed behind him that Jacob finally turned around.

After turning around, the first thing that caught Jacob's eyes was Su Cheng's young face.

Looking at Su Cheng's young face, Jacob couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

It occurred to Jacob at this moment that he and Su Cheng seemed to have known each other for more than a year.

He met Su Cheng in the summer of last year.

So fast... it's only a year... In this more than a year, Mr. Cheng seems to have not changed much... The only change is that his temperament has become more mature...

——Jacob looked at Su Cheng in a daze, while thinking like this in his heart.

"That... Mr. Jacob?"

Since he entered Jacob's room, Jacob has not spoken, but has been looking at him blankly. This makes Su Cheng feel a little strange, so he can't help but ask Jacob aloud.

This sentence of Su Cheng awakened Jacob and made Jacob escape from the state of emotion.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'm a little absent-minded, please forgive me." Jacob smiled and apologized, and made a "please" motion toward a small round table set aside.

"Come on, sit down, Mr. Cheng."

This small round table is placed next to the huge French window, and there are two opposite chairs around the round table.

Jacob and Su Cheng sat facing each other around this small round table.

Jacob very skillfully made a cup of black tea for Su Cheng, who was sitting across from him.

"Come on, Mr. Cheng. Please drink."

"Ah, thank you. It's a pretty good tea."

After Jacob and Su Cheng exchanged a few simple words, Jacob said to Su Cheng in a sighing tone:

"By the way, Mr. Cheng, I asked you to become an imperial knight in the same way a year ago."


After hearing what Jacob said, Su Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then looked around: "Mr. Jacob, after hearing what you said, I found out that it was indeed here a year ago, Ya Mr. You are asking me to become an imperial knight."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng chuckled a few times: "To be honest, when you told me last year, Mr. Jacob, that you wish I could become an imperial knight, you really surprised me."


Jacob was silent.

After a short while, Jacob sighed lightly: "Mr. Cheng, I'll just go straight to the subject."

"I asked you to come to my mansion today because I have something to tell you."

Su Cheng seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and immediately said seriously, "Mr. Jacob, please speak."

"...Su Cheng." Jacob said solemnly, "The round table meeting that will officially begin tomorrow has a very important topic, and that is the election of the new head of the Michael Knights."

"I've already—"

Speaking of this, Jacob paused, and then took a deep breath: "Added you to the candidate list for the captain of the Michael Knights."


After listening to Jacob's words, Su Cheng was silent for several seconds before looking at Jacob with an expression of "Did I hear me wrong?"

And Jacob continued at this time: "I hope you can become the new Michael Knights and the new highest person in charge of the Northern Front. I believe you will be able to lead the Michael Knights to become our empire again. The strongest knights, so I sincerely hope that you can be successfully elected in this upcoming round table meeting. At the meeting, I will do my best to win the support of others for you."

Speaking of this, Jacob paused, his face showed an expression as if he was thinking of something, and then continued:

"When I met you in a sorbet shop this summer, I asked you if you would like to become the new commander of the Michael Knights. I heard it clearly, but deliberately pretended not to hear it, but it didn’t matter. At that time I was not sure whether to recommend you to the top position, but since you made great contributions in the'Xia Feng' offensive, I am now sure. The head of the Michael Knights—you must be. I will definitely do my best to support you on top."

"Wait, wait! Mr. Jacob!" As soon as Jacob's words fell, Su Cheng said in a panic, "This, this... Excuse me, what you said just is joking with me. Right?"

"...Mr. Cheng. Do you think I would be the kind of person who specifically called you over and then joked with you?"

"How come... I'll be the new head of the Michael Knights... this..."

Su Cheng lowered his head slightly, his waist that had been straight before, was also slightly bent at this time, astonished and surprised.

Looking at Su Cheng's appearance, Jacob expressed his understanding.

Suddenly, he was told that he had been added to the ranks of candidates for the head of the Michael Knights and the highest person in charge of the Northern Front. Whoever he was, the reaction should be the same as Su Cheng.

"If at the meeting, you are successfully selected to be the new head of the Michael Knights." Jacob continued at this time, "then you will go to the north immediately and take over the now only 70,000 people left. If the Michael Knights and the Northern Front depart after the roundtable, you will probably be able to reach the northern border around December."

These words of Jacob made Su Cheng's face white.

"If I become the new head of the Michael Knights, shall I immediately set off to the north?" Su Cheng's tone was a little out of control.

Although Jacob was a little surprised why Su Cheng had such a big reaction, he nodded and said:

"Yes, if you are selected to be the new head of the Michael Knights, you must immediately set off to the north without any delay. After all, the country is urgent and you must arrive as quickly as possible. In the North, take over the Michael Knights and become familiar with the management of the Knights. The earlier you can become familiar with the management of the Knights, the sooner you can rebuild the Michael Knights."

These words of Jacob made Su Cheng, who was already pale, his complexion even more pale and ugly.

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