Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 2 Chapter 44: Military training and military orders not to be neglected (Part 2)

   "Training? Me?" Su Cheng pointed to himself in surprise.

"Yes." Enli nodded. "There are now 400 recruits recently recruited. We plan to bring these 400 recruits to the rescue operation against the Kingdom of Lund, so we hope that before this These 400 mobs turned into useful soldiers."

   "This way..."

   Su Cheng looked at the 400 recruits below, pondered for a while, and then showed a helpless smile, and said, "I shouldn't be qualified to refuse this task, right?"

   "That's right."


   Su Cheng looked distressed and scratched his hair, then the distressed color on his face gradually disappeared, a confident smile hung on his face, and said:

   "Well, although I have no experience in training soldiers, I will try hard."

   Enli looked at Su Cheng's confident smile, and couldn't help but mockingly said in his heart: Hmph, I can't help but look at your embarrassment when I will make you cry later.

Enli turned his head, and beckoned to the two men standing at the forefront of the 400 recruits. After seeing Enli's summoning of the two of them, the two men stepped onto the stone without hurried steps. Built-up platform.

Su Cheng looked at the two men up and down, and found that the armor worn by these two men was higher than the armor worn by the recruits below, but the two of them wore the armor crookedly, and both of them were the same. The stubborn look of the deputy ruffian looks like two rascals who do nothing every day or unlearned dudes.

   "The two of them are George and Donnie," Enli introduced to Su Cheng, "I hope you can use them as the captain and divide the 400 recruits into two teams for training."

  Su Cheng looked at George and Duny. Although they felt that these two men were very strange, they did not feel like soldiers at all in terms of temperament, but they nodded and said, "Okay, no problem."


   Soon, under Su Cheng's order, the 400 recruits were divided into two neatly organized teams. George was in charge of the recruits on the left, and Duny was in charge of the recruits on the right.

"Now, I am a general, and you two are officers." Su Cheng stood on the podium and preached to George and Duny standing in front of him, "You two pass orders with the recruits below: I will beat the snare drum. , Take the left foot, strike the snare drum again and take the right foot, strike the snare drum again and take the left foot again, and so on, understand?"


  George and Duny nodded with an impatient expression.

   Then, George and Duny carried their spears down to the platform and walked towards the recruits they were in charge of.


   Soon, George and Duny signaled "it's okay" towards Su Cheng on the stage.

   After seeing the gestures of George and Duny, Su Cheng nodded, and then struck the snare drum in his arms heavily.

   The loud drum sound immediately centered on Su Cheng and spread quickly.

However, after hearing the first drum beat, the 400 recruits under the stage did not step forward with their left foot. Some took their left foot, some took their right foot, and many more simply No movement, which caused the originally neat team to be messed up immediately.

   Then, Su Cheng struck the snare drum in his arms again.

After hearing the second drum beat, the 400 recruits under the stage did not step forward with their right feet. Some people stepped their left foot, some people stepped their right foot, and more people just stepped forward. Not moving, this made the already chaotic team even more chaotic.

   After seeing the messy queue of recruits underneath, Su Cheng frowned slightly, and then shouted:

   "Two officers! Please come up!"

   After hearing Su Cheng's summons, George and Duny walked up the stairs unhurriedly.

   "General, do you call us two?" George said with a sloppy expression.

" seems that I didn't make the order clear. After all, the order is harder to remember. This is my responsibility as a general." Su Cheng scratched his hair. "I will repeat the order. When I strike the snare drum, I take my left foot, and when I strike the snare drum again, I take my right foot. When I strike the snare drum again, I take my left foot again, and so on. Do you understand?"


   George and Duny nodded.

   "Well, just understand, please go down and pass the order to the recruits below."

   Standing behind Su Cheng, Enli, who had a panoramic view of the scene in front of him, showed a mocking smile on his face.

   The strategy of "Let Su Cheng train recruits" was suddenly thought of by him last night. The purpose is to see how Su Cheng is embarrassed!

   Although Enli didn't want to admit it, he still had to admit that Su Cheng did have a certain level of military command, otherwise there would be no way to defeat 30,000 with 5,000.

   However, being able to command the army does not mean you can train!

  Enli was just in order to see how embarrassed Su Cheng was that he was busy taking on this troop training task last night.

  Enli had a good idea from the beginning-in the name of the chief, Su Cheng was forced to train these 400 recruits, and then Su Cheng, who was in a mess of training, was embarrassed.

   Enli didn't believe that Su Cheng, who had never joined the army before and directly ascended to become a knight, knew how to train.

   And, in order to increase the difficulty of Su Cheng's training, Enli also called George and Duny.

   Although George and Duny are also soldiers, they are extremely unpopular "young soldiers".

Some nobles in the empire, in order to allow their children to be plated with a layer of gold, they often throw their children into the army. After all, in the Britannia Empire, the soldiers are quite high in status and loved by people. Occupation.

People often call such aristocratic children thrown into the army as "young soldiers" because they came to the army for gilding, not for fighting the enemy and defending the country, and their elders When they were thrown into the army, they had already settled up and down, and they would not let their children in the clan suffer too much in the army, let alone put them on the battlefield.

Therefore, the privileged "young soldiers" usually do not participate in training, let alone obey the orders of the officers. The officers can't and don't want to control them. They just throw the "young soldiers" in the barracks. Let them go to the battlefield and raise them as pigs. As long as they don’t affect other people’s normal training and don’t violate military regulations, the officers won’t bother to care about them, allowing them to be arrogant and self-defeating until Their military service expires until their retirement.

Enli also spotted the arrogant and domineering personality of the "Young Master Soldiers", knowing that they would definitely not listen to Su Cheng's words seriously, so he brought the two "Young Master Soldiers", George and Duny, to "help." Su Cheng trains soldiers so that Su Chenglai can be embarrassed.

What's happening on the training ground now is exactly what Enli expected. George and Donny didn’t pass Su Cheng’s orders to the recruits below. So now Su Cheng’s training can be said to have been well-trained. It's a mess.

   Seeing Su Cheng, who has never been able to make the recruits obey his orders correctly, Enli felt great joy in his heart, and even the corners of his mouth rose wildly, unable to suppress the pressure.


   "Two officers! Please come up!"

   Su Cheng summoned George and Duny again.

   This is the fourth time Su Cheng summoned George and Duny.

The results of the previous 4 times are the same. The recruits are walking in a mess. When the left foot is required, some people use the right foot, and some people do not move. When the right foot is required, some people use the left foot. The person is not moving.

With the passage of time, the recruits underneath became more and more inattentive, walking more and more chaotically, less and less caring, and even a small number of people began to whisper and frolic, but George and Duny did not think about it. Regardless of the meaning of these new recruits who are starting to careless, they still look like they are dangling and impatient.

  Enli, who stands behind Su Cheng, is already a little tired of watching this embarrassing show. The eyes looking at Su Cheng's back were full of disdain, sarcasm, and pride.

   Just as Enli was thinking about how to make this embarrassing drama a perfect and gorgeous ending, George and Donny had already stepped onto the stage and came to Su Cheng.

   "General, you call us two."

   Su Cheng has no expression on his face, and his tone is flat and idiomatic:

   "You two really understand and understand my command as a general, right?"

   "Well, yes." Duny nodded impatiently, "I already understood it."

   "That's it, then I understand."

   As soon as Su Cheng's voice fell, his right hand slowly put on the hilt of the knight's sword hanging on his left waist. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   then quickly squeezed the hilt of the knight sword, and then pulled it out abruptly, and the sharp blade cut across Duny's neck.

With a look of sorrow, Duny touched his neck subconsciously. As soon as his fingers touched his neck, he touched the warm liquid. There was severe pain from the neck. Then he saw a large amount of blood coming from him. Jets out of his neck.

  Doni, who is getting darker and darker, is the last sight in his life with the cold eyes of the "general" he has been despising just now.

   The 400 recruits under the stairs, as well as George, Enli and others, all stared dullly at Su Cheng, who was maintaining the posture of the sword, and Duny, who was lying on the ground, still spurting blood from his neck.

   "Ah ah ah ah!"

   George, who had never seen such a **** condition, let out a scream, then his knees softened and his **** fell to the ground.

   Su Cheng turned around and faced George.

   Just when he was beheading Duny, a part of the blood splashed on Su Cheng's face. Su Cheng did not wipe the blood off his face, which made Su Cheng look even more terrifying.

   Looking at Su Cheng, who looked completely different from the bullying look just now, George felt terrified.

   George, who was sitting slumped on the ground, threw away the spear in his hand, and walked back with his hands and feet on the ground.

   But it didn't work. Su Cheng carried the white knight sword still dripping with blood, and slowly approached George who was paralyzed on the ground.

   At the same time, Su Cheng also whispered: "Orders must be done, those who violate orders—"

   At this time, Enli finally relieved from the shock just now, and shouted: "Su Cheng! What are you going to do? They are..."

   However, before Enli's words were finished, Su Cheng waved the sword in his hand and pierced George's throat.


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