Britannia Empire, East, Eastern Front (Rhine Front).

Ithel is in a good mood today.

Some days ago, Issel submitted an application to the central government for a one-and-a-half month holiday.

Today, the central government's reply has arrived.

The central government’s response was very brief—approved.

The reply was short, but it was enough to make Issel feel happy.

Issel hadn't taken a vacation for a long time, either sitting in the imperial capital or sitting on the Rhine Front in the east, frightening the Frankish Empire.

Perhaps the Central Committee considered that Issel had not taken a vacation for a long time, and the Frank Empire had been very peaceful in recent years, so it approved Issel's one and a half months holiday.

It is very troublesome to apply for a long vacation to a knight of the rank of Ithel.

Not only need to write down how long you want your vacation.

Also write down where you plan to go and what you do during this holiday.

Whether to go to the imperial capital to find an old friend for tea, or to go back to the hometown to find relatives in the hometown to reunite, all have to be stated one by one.

Then the officials of the central government will decide whether or not to approve your vacation based on the length of the vacation you applied for, where you went, what you did, and the current national situation.

And even if you are approved for a vacation, if there is an emergency and your strength is needed, your vacation will be terminated immediately.

This is also one of the purposes for you to specify where you are going during the holidays, because it is convenient for you to quickly find your location in the event of an emergency, and then pull you back to the front line.

It is relatively easy for ordinary knights to apply for a long vacation, but it is difficult for a national pillar like Issel to apply for a vacation.

So when he got the approval of the central government, Issel himself was surprised, but he didn't expect it to be successful.

While Ithel was packing up, an old guard who had followed him for many years said to Ithel with a smile:

"It's really great, Your Excellency Iser, the holiday application is finally approved."

"Yes." Issel also sighed, "Such a long vacation is really long gone, I almost forget when was the last time I had such a long vacation."

"You have to thank the Frank Empire for such a long vacation," the old guard continued. "Thanks to the Frank Empire, which has been very peaceful in recent years, you can get a long vacation so easily by Your Excellency Issel. "

"Well, yes. Thanks to the Frank Empire."

Having said that, Issel raised his head and looked out the window, to the east.

To the east from here is the Rhine, the largest and most famous river on the mainland.

And to the east of the Rhine, it has maintained a state of war with the Britannia Empire for hundreds of years, the mortal enemy of the Britannia Empire-the Frank Empire.

The Britannia Empire and the Frankish Empire used this Rhine River to demarcate their borders.

To the east of the Rhine is the land of the Frankish Empire.

West of the Rhine is the territory of the Britannia Empire.

Because the front line of the Britannia Empire against the Frank Empire was constructed according to the direction of the Rhine, the Britannia people always referred to the Eastern Front as the Rhine Front.

But after all, the Rhine Front is just what people usually call it. The official name of this front is the Eastern Front, not the Rhine Front.

The Britannia Empire has fought the Frankish Empire for hundreds of years and maintained a state of war for hundreds of years. The people of the two countries have called this long war the "Hundred Years War."

Everyone hopes to defeat the enemy as soon as possible to end this long war.

But because the Britannia and the Frankish empires are similar in size, no one can do anything about it. The two countries are in a stalemate on the east and west banks of the Rhine.

Over the years, for some reason, the Frankish Empire has been surprisingly quiet.

Unlike the Britannia Empire in these years, there are big moves every year. The Frank Empire in these years has been quietly like a shy teenager who came to "a happy place where boys can grow into men overnight" for the first time to have fun.

In the Frank Empire over the years, except for the dispatch of Allen and 4000 armored Paladins to assist the Carolingian Kingdom 3 years ago (this battle supported by the Frank Empire is Su Cheng’s fame battle-the Lund Kingdom Rescue Battle ), there will be no other big moves.

The banks of the Rhine have been quiet and peaceful for many years.

Thanks to the peace of the Frankish Empire over the years, the Britannia empire felt that even without Issel's seat on the front line, there would be no problems, and only then boldly approved Issel's long holiday.

It is precisely because of the security of the Frank Empire over the years that Issel dared to apply for a long vacation from the central government.

Since the rescue battle of the Lund Kingdom 3 years ago, after the death of Nicholas, the deputy commander of his Gabriel Knights, the deputy commander of the Gabriel Knights has been replaced by another veteran of the Hundred Wars-Siyu Knight Edwin Poblain.

Edwin was originally a member of the Rachel Knights. Not long after Nicholas's death, he was transferred to the Gabriel Knights and became the new deputy commander of the Gabriel Knights.

Edwin is also a very powerful veteran. During Issel's long vacation, the Rhine Front was guarded by him.

With Edwin’s presence, coupled with the Rhine front that he has run for many years and has long been inexhaustible, the Frank Empire took advantage of his time off to attack the Rhine front, and Issel could not break the Rhine front. Be confident.

After retracting his gaze from the window, Ithel continued to pack his luggage.

And his old guard asked again:

"Your Excellency Iser, where are you going to take advantage of this holiday? Are you going back to your hometown in the west?"

"No, I won't go back to my hometown in the west." Ithel smiled, "I plan to go to the north, to the fortress of Avalon, and meet my daughter who I haven't seen for a long time."

"By the way, I also went to check this girl's tone to see when she really wanted to get married. Really, at such an old age, she can't find a good man to marry soon. I really don't know what she is thinking. ."

"Miss Alyssa... Your Excellency Iser, indeed, you haven't seen Miss Alyssa for a long time."

"It's been a long time since I saw you." Issel corrected. "I don't know what happened to the war in the of the delayed message transmission, the Rhine Front still did not receive the "Great Northern Victory". "The battle report.

"I plan to go to Avalon Fortress quietly this time."

Issel's old face showed a naughty smile like a child.

"Don't tell Eliza in advance—I'm going to Avalon fortress to find her about this matter."

"Well, not bad. I have already imagined the surprised expression Alyssa had when she met me at the Avalon fortress."



At this moment-

The Britannia Empire, the northern border, Avalon Fortress, Su Cheng's home.

Just at home, Alyssa, who was playing with Kylor with Teresa, suddenly sneezed.

"What's the matter?" Kylor asked Alisha, "have you caught a cold?"

"...I don't think so." Alisha rubbed her nose, "I don't know why, there is a sudden bad feeling in her heart."

Military genius came to another world with Zizhi Tongjian

Military genius came to another world with Zizhi Tongjian https://

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