The 600,000 Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army was scattered in the Far East, and the sheer number did not give the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army the upper hand in this region.

The Far Eastern Front of the Black Bear Country and the Beifu Army of the Great New Country were only slightly inferior to the number of troops sent from the Ubang Peninsula.

At present, the 600,000 Yubang Peninsula Dispatch Army is surrounded by the Far Eastern Front Army of the Black Bear Country and the Beifu Army of the Great New Country.

"The herald orders the remaining legions on the Ubang Peninsula to reinforce our army as soon as possible and open up a passage to the Far East. "

Once the reinforcements are in time, I will send 800,000 troops and 200,000 servant troops

to the Ubang Peninsula of Sakura Dao Country!" "I can completely turn the situation around, and even take the Far East region in one fell swoop

!" "Defeat the Far Eastern Front Army and the Beifu Army of the Black Bear Country!" The

commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, the general of the Sakura Dao Country Army, Matsui Toko, who was in a stable mood, issued an order.

The 600,000 Yubang Peninsula Dispatch Army was firmly pinned down by the Beifu Army and the Far East Front Army of the Black Bear Country.

At the moment, he can only hope that the troops left behind in the Ubang Peninsula can open the passage, and there will be a way to break the situation.

As a last resort, the commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, General Matsui Toko of the Sakura Sword Country, was really unwilling to bow to the Navy of the Sakura Sword Country.

The Far East is extremely close to the ocean, and if the Ubona Peninsula dispatch can board the naval fleet of Sakurato in time, it may be able to avoid the end of the total annihilation.

However, the commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, the general of the Sakura Dao Country Army, Matsui Toko, did not want the navy to see the fiasco of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, and he did not want the Sakura Dao country navy to laugh unbridledly.

Of course, at the moment, the naval fleet of Sakurato Country does not have the qualifications to send troops from the Ubang Peninsula.

After all, after being attacked repeatedly by the Beifu Navy Fleet and strategic bombers, the strength of the Sakura Daogong Navy Fleet is already much worse than before.

Even now, the Sakurato Navy has not found an effective solution to the U-XXI submarine that is lurking at the bottom of the sea and looks like a ghost in the deep sea.

As a result, the naval fleet of the Sakura Sword Country did not even dare to sail on the surface of the sea blatantly, and since the U-XXI submarines were born, the number of U-XXI submarines owned by the Beifu military has also increased and increased.

Almost every day, you can hear the news of the sinking of a merchant ship heading to Sakurato Country, just by virtue of the asymmetrical advantage of the U-XXI submarine.

Sakura, a country that is extremely dependent on foreign resources, has a near-collapse economy.

However, the commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, the general of the Sakura Sword Country Army, Matsui Toko, had heard a piece of news.

I heard that the White Eagle Country has developed a radar that can detect the situation under the sea and in the air, and this weapon and equipment will be installed in the naval fleet.

Then the power of the U-XXI submarine will be greatly reduced.

In the current situation, of course.

As the commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, the general of the Sakura Sword Country Army, Matsui Toko, did not dare to gamble.

Who knows how many U-XXI submarines are hidden in the sea, and how many are deployed in the waters of the Far East.

If the Navy fleet ships leave the Far East at this juncture, it will not only herald the defeat of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army.

It is even more likely that the torpedo of the U-XXI submarine will be fired into the soul and directly take away the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army.

Therefore, in the case of being able to take the land route, the commander-in-chief of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, the general of the Sakura Sword Country Army, Matsui Toko, will still choose to take the land route.

If you can turn defeat into victory and defeat the Beifu Army and the Black Bear Country Army in one fell swoop.

Matsui is also willing to give it a try!


"Hatoyama-kun, can we break the encirclement of the Beifu Army and the Far Eastern Front of the Black Bear Country on this trip?"

At the moment, the entire Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army was panicked, after all, even though the number of Uta Peninsula Dispatch Army was as high as 600,000.

However, the Ubang Peninsula sent troops to the Far East, which was a deep battle into the enemy's territory.

And once you go deep into the enemy's territory to fight, the most dangerous thing is the problem of logistical support.

Once the Beifu Army and the Far Eastern Front of the Black Bear Country cut off the logistics support of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army, it would undoubtedly be a great disaster for the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army.

Such disasters are even more serious than defeats on the battlefield.

That's why this person would ask such a question!"

"The decision of the Yubang Peninsula Dispatch Army Command this time is really too hasty, I have already said that Lin Changxin and his Beifu Army are definitely not easy to deal with.

"But those fools from the Ubang

Peninsula Dispatch Command, how do they know this?" "They only know that they have hundreds of thousands, millions of troops in their hands, where are they willing to put other people, other armies in their own eyes?"

Hatoyama Sazaburo smiled coldly, he did not hide his contempt for those people in the Uma Peninsula Dispatch Command.

"But don't worry, even if the 600,000-strong army of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army is defeated, I have a way to bring you all back!" Hearing

Hatoyama Sazaburo say this, his subordinates' eyes lit up.

From Hatoyama Saburo's words, he heard a different meaning.

After the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Force decided to launch an attack on the Far East of the Black Bear Country, Hatoyama Sazaburo, who strongly opposed the operation, asked to be transferred from the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Force Headquarters and served as the commander of a mixed brigade under the command of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army.

This brigade is a strengthened brigade, and its strength is on par with a division in Sakuradao Country.

Hatoyama Sazaburo has a very deep background in the Sakurato Army, and it is said that he also had a close relationship with a major general of the Sakurago Navy.

It can be said that Hatoyama Sazaburo is one of the few in Sakurato Country who can eat all the generals in the navy and army.

At first, the man was a little strange that Hatoyama Sasaburo did not go to the good combat staff and had to be delegated to the brigade as a brigade commander.

After all, it is much safer to sit in the command staff than to direct a battle in a front-line combat unit.

But now, this person understands a little!

Hatoyama Sasaburo is not optimistic about this operation at all, and the reason why he led an army to participate in the battle alone.

That's because Hatoyama Sazaburo may have been ready to run away.

Don't go to death with these 600,000 Ubang Peninsula dispatch troops.

Thinking of this, the man looked at Hatoyama Sasaburo and asked, "Hatoyama-kun!" "Then what do we do next?"

Although this person is Hatoyama Sasaburo's confidant, he still has some confusion about Hatoyama Sasaburo's


"The next thing we have to do is to take Curs City, which is short from the Northern Sea

!" "Once the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Force collapses, our army will be able to withdraw to the port direction as quickly as possible!" "

I have some relations with the navy, among which Sasaki-kun and I have drunk and studied in the White Eagle Country, so we are very good friends!"

As long as I communicate with the navy, you and I will definitely be able to get out of this melee!"

Hatoyama Sazaburo did not hide his thoughts, after all, if he wants to implement his own plan in the future, he still needs the cooperation of his own henchmen.

For his henchman betraying himself, Hatoyama Sasaburo is not worried.

In the upper echelons of Sakurato Country, the officers' will to fight is not as crazy as the brainwashed lower echelons.

Even for some of the high-ranking officers of the Sakura Sword Country, making money in the middle of the war is the way to go.

So for Hatoyama Sasaburo's thoughts, others will only open one eye and close one eye.

After all, at the moment, Hatoyama Sazaburo is still faithfully carrying out orders.

"Hatoyama-kun, what do you mean?" the henchman asked.

"Always prepare to take the Black Bear Country's Kurs City, although the current situation of our army is very unfavorable, but for my Sakura Sword Imperial Army, for our mixed brigade, even if Curs City is a hard bone, we must take this city

!" "This is the only way for us to escape

!" "Presumably, you don't want to fall into the hands of the Beifu Army of the Great New Country and become a prisoner of the Beifu Army or the Far Eastern Front of the Black Bear Country!"

And once we take Curles City, open a passage

!" "In the future, our army will have one more way to escape, 600,000 Yubang Peninsula dispatch troops, even if we only bring out tens of thousands of troops, it will be enough for us to be rewarded by His Majesty the Holy Lord, and our road to promotion will be smoother!"

After all, with Hatoyama Zuozaburo's understanding of Lin Changxin, Lin Changxin would never let go of such a big piece of fat.

He didn't want to perish here with these beasts, so Hatoyama Sazaburo had to prepare a retreat in advance.

On the side of the Beifu army, he was reluctant to turn his guns on his compatriots.

In this way, there are not many options left for Hatoyama Sazaburo.

On the side of the Beifu Army, as long as Hatoyama Sazaburo and Lin Changxin get in touch.

Then the Beifu army will definitely release water on him, so Hatoyama Sasaburo only needs to defeat the Far Eastern Front of the Black Bear Country.

Hatoyama Sasaburo is young and in a high position.

This is not something that nepotism can fully explain, before lurking in the high-level of the Sakurato Army, Hatoyama Sazaburo and Hayashi Changxin had a good relationship.

As a result, Hatoyama Sasaburo's command ability is extremely strong.

Therefore, taking Coors City is not an impossible thing to do.

And it was not enough to escape with his brigade, not enough for Hatoyama Sazaburo to gain political capital for promotion.

If he can fight a beautiful victory in the situation where the Uma Peninsula Dispatch Army is completely annihilated.

In the end, he was even able to withdraw with tens of thousands of troops, and Hatoyama Saburo relied on his excellent "performance".

It's hard to get promoted if you don't want to.


!" "Next, what we have to do is to stand still and wait for the time to come

!" "Once the destruction of the Ubang Peninsula Dispatch Army is irreversible, then we can completely ignore the orders of the headquarters!" "

Take Curs City as quickly as possible, understand?"

Hearing Hatoyama Sazaburo's explanation, his henchman finally understood.

Advance can be attacked, retreat can be defended

! It is really fortunate to follow such a leader!

At this moment, Honda Yaha admires Hatoyama Sasaburo to the extreme.


!" "High

!" "It's really high!"

Honda Yaha looked at Hatoyama Sazaburo with a look of admiration, if he knew that the Hatoyama Sazaburo he admired was a spy "vulture" cultivated by Lin Changxin, he didn't know what kind of expression Honda Yaha would have.


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