In the entire university hall of the Great New Kingdom, Lin Changxin, who surrendered with a sword in one hand, became the object of the most admiration in the minds of all students.

"Xue'er, this Young Marshal Lin is too powerful!"

"Look at it, look at it!" A cute-looking girl spread out the newspaper and put it in front of another girl with an extremely beautiful appearance.

"It's too handsome!" The cute-looking girl looked at Lin Changxin, who was holding a sword in one hand, and became a nymphomaniac.

"My father

said he was a warlord!" "No matter how powerful he is, he is only a warlord!" said the woman with a beautiful face.

"Yan Ruoxue, you are stupid to study in a foreign country

!" "And your father, what an old stubborn

!" "Warlord, what's wrong with the warlord, that thing that Young Marshal Lin did was not for our Daxinguo!" The cute-looking girl was instantly dissatisfied.

As for the girl named Yan Ruoxue, she didn't explain, she rubbed the hair of the cute girl, "Don't talk about my father, if you know who he is

!" "You will definitely regret it!" Yan Mengxue smiled lightly.

The cute-looking girl instantly became interested, "Ruoxue, everyone knows that you follow your mother's surname!"

"Why?" "

Who is your father, tell me about it!" The cute-looking girl said coquettishly.

"My dad is ......" Yan Ruoxue knocked on this cute girl, she said quite mischievously, "It's confidential

!" "Hmph, stingy bag!" The cute-looking girl pushed Yan Ruoxue away.

But she wasn't angry, since she became friends with Yan Ruoxue, she found that Yan Mengxue's identity was definitely not simple.

Not telling others about her father's identity is also to protect herself.

Although the cute girl is coquettish, she is not stupid.

"Okay, okay, Yingying, don't be angry!"

"I took this newspaper, I'll take it when I go back to the dormitory!" Yan Ruoxue said with a smile.

"That's pretty much

it!" "Ruoxue, I slept too late yesterday, I'll lie down for a while, the teacher came and called me!" After

speaking, a little girl named Yingying fell asleep on the table.

Yan Ruoxue put away the newspaper and watched her best friend fall asleep.

She gently unfolded the newspaper and stole a glance

! Then, another stole look!

and another look!


Just as the entire Great New Kingdom rejoiced over the water war in the Great River Basin, an even greater victory was quietly approaching.

Four thousand Bren light machine guns and millions of rounds of ammunition heading south from Mingcheng were rapidly moving towards the vicinity of the Great River Valley.

Two hours after the end of the water battle, large quantities of Bren light machine guns began to be distributed and equipped in various army units.

Before the Bren light machine gun was equipped, the armies of the three northern provinces were equipped with equipment that had been eliminated during the Great War of Baiyangzhou.

Its shortcomings of poor accuracy and high failure rate make it not particularly easy for soldiers to use.

The Bren light machine gun, which was now heading south, was immediately equipped, and its simplicity and ease of use made the soldiers quite excited.

"This is the light machine gun of our army in the three northern provinces, damn it, it's so fucking

light!" "The fight is smooth, the firepower is fierce, and the chain is not dropped!" The

light machine gunner held the Bren light machine gun in his hand, and his hands were trembling with excitement.

With a full 4,000 light machine guns, almost every squad can get a Bren light machine gun with superior performance.

This is almost visible to the naked eye for the improvement of the military firepower of the three northern provinces.

"Hahaha, you guy

!" "Hold this thing, baby like a woman!"

"Show me Lao Tzu!" One of the veteran laughed and joked at the light machine gunner.

"Go, go

, give me a side!" "This thing is much more expensive than a woman's, another day Lao Tzu will use this light machine gun to capture the girls of the Sakura Dao country alive and give one to you as a daughter-in-law!" "

What do you think?" The

light machine gunner couldn't put it down and touched the Bren-style light machine gun in his hand, as if someone was talking to him about touching this light machine gun, just like who was in a hurry.

The arrival of the Bren light machine gun made all the soldiers extremely excited.

The morale of the army, which was already extremely high, was now eager to immediately raise its light machine guns and slaughter into the enemy's formation, and it would be refreshing to make a sudden attack on the enemy.

However, just now, they received an

order! Stand still!

Although they did not understand the order from above, the military discipline of the three northern provinces was strict.

Of course, these soldiers made it their duty to obey military orders.

Soon, however, the soldiers understood why they had been left unmoved.

Because the artillery units, which had just finished the water war, were quickly pulled to the front.

Three hundred and fifty K18 170-mm cannons were being prepared, and the armies of the three northern provinces tried to surprise the forces of the Three Kingdoms with a big surprise.

Xu Changming, Chen Mingzhen, and Zuo Liaoquan, under the leadership of Adjutant Zhang, looked at the direction of the army positions of the Golden Lion Country and the Iron Tower Country.

As for Guan Yuanzheng, Song Dynasty Jiang, and Zhou Hushi, they couldn't wait to immediately lead the army under their command to kill in the direction of the Sakura Sword Army.

Time passed bit by bit

! Everyone was waiting!

As for the enemy's position, they were extremely puzzled as to why the armies of the three northern provinces of Daxin suddenly stopped attacking.

Soon, though, they were no longer confused.

Because the whistling shells gave them the answer.


Boom, boom, boom!" "Boom, boom!!"

With the power of a great victory, the cannon bombarded the enemy's position indiscriminately.

These days, there is still quite a lot of shells left in the artillery units.

This moment was all poured into the enemy's artillery positions.

With the sound of heavy artillery fire, the sky was dyed red.

Affected by this sudden burst of shelling, the army positions of the Golden Lion Country and the Iron Tower Country were in shambles.

As for the army position of the Sakura Sword Country, there were bursts of ghost crying wolf howls.

The artillery fire lowered the height of the enemy's position by several centimeters, and the enemy suffered extremely heavy casualties.

Such a heavy artillery fire turned out to be from the hands of the army of the Great New Kingdom, which had to be put in the past.

It is impossible for anyone to believe this

! But this is the case at the moment!

Even the warships were hit by the artillery fire of the Great New Kingdom and had no power to fight back, not to mention their flesh and blood?

The morale of the allied forces of the Golden Lion Country and the Iron Tower State, which was already extremely low, collapsed in an instant.

Just when the sound of artillery stopped, Lin Changxin's newly restructured new army blew a charge horn.

"Doot, doo, doo, doo......" The rapid but blood-pumping bugle sounded.

The morale of the soldiers was extremely high, and they jumped from the trenches armed with medium rifles, box guns, and Bren light machine guns.

"Comrades, destroy the invaders and defend the country

!" "Fight for the Great New Country and kill all the invaders

!" "Long live the Great New Country, long live the army of the three northern provinces!" "Rush with me, win this battle, divide the land and daughters-in-law, for the sake of the Great New Country, for the good life of our brothers in the future!"



Like a tiger descending from a mountain, the three northern provinces, whose morale had risen to the extreme, swept towards the army positions of the Golden Lion Country and the Iron Tower Country on the opposite side with the infantry charge tactics of the three-three system, which were not particularly proficient.

The overwhelming array of soldiers,

the overwhelming momentum, and the overwhelming momentum that swept in the face made all the enemy soldiers almost suffocate!

Some of these soldiers of the Golden Lion Country and the Iron Tower Country had participated in the war in Baixiangzhou.

But even in the war that took place in Baiyangzhou, their opponent, the Hans army, did not have a strong sense of oppression brought to them by this army now.

How can the will to fight for the careerist be more resolute in fighting for the country, for the nation, for his family, and for his future life, and to regard death as if he were at home!

Faced with the wolf-like soldiers of the three northern provinces, they were afraid.


of the Empire!" "That's true!" "I didn't expect the army of the Great New Kingdom to be so formidable

!" "They are really a lion of tigers and wolves!" a commander of

the joint command couldn't

help but exclaim.


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