Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 101 Teacher Xiao Zhao broke out and confronted Director Liu

The success of the Hawkeye project, along with the completion of the Monster 3 project, coupled with the ADC chip and data bus, the oldest J-5 can also be equipped with Monster 3 missiles, but it cannot be used for radar positioning and can only be used in close combat. Infrared is coming.

The installation of the Hawkeye radar went very smoothly. The original design was to fully demonstrate the power supply of the J-7 fighter's engine and the size of the air inlet, and the radar was fixed directly on the aircraft structure.

Chengfei has a very clear understanding of the structure of the J-7 fighter. It only added 200 kilograms of weight, and the center of the entire fighter has changed. This problem was quickly solved by rearward-positioning the cockpit layout.

Because of the detailed information and basic test data, it only took Chief Engineer Lu Zhen two months to complete the final assembly of the machine.

The entire testing work is also placed in the test field of the empty finger.

At the airport, a silver-white fighter plane rose from the ground.

"Radar is on!"

"The radar started successfully!"

"It's 10,000 meters into the air, the radar is working normally, and the aircraft is in normal condition!"

"Radar air and ground scanning is normal!"

"The target was found, with an azimuth of 23.2 degrees south, an altitude of 1,364 meters, and a straight-line distance of 126 kilometers..."

"Discover the target..."

"Successfully locked targets No. 1, No. 2... and No. 5!"

"Fire control is on, you can attack at any time..."

"Report the air finger, all test items are completed, the radar is working normally, please give instructions!"

The half-hour flight touched everyone's hearts until all test items were completed and the plane landed safely.

There were enthusiastic cheers on the field.

Mu Hu walked up to Zhao Guoqing for the first time and said excitedly: "Commander Zhao, we succeeded. On behalf of the Air Force, I thank you!"

"Mr. Mu, this is what every military worker should do!"

Meng Fanxing, director of the Science and Technology Commission, also came over.

"General Master Zhao, I formally inform you that the Eagle Eye project has successfully passed the acceptance inspection by the Science and Technology Commission. Congratulations!"

Zhao Guoqing nodded, took out his work permit from his arms, handed it to Meng Fanxing, took a long breath and said, "Thank you for your honor, Director Meng, now I can do my job!"

"Commander Zhao, people from Grumman are coming next month, how are you going to deal with them!"

Zhao Guoqing waved his hand and said, "Professor Ji has already made arrangements. Just listen to Professor Ji for any inspection!"

The radar is still the same radar, but the circuit has been changed a lot, and the antenna has been changed to an ordinary antenna, with a lot of useless circuits added. It looks similar to Mao Xiong's silly, big, black and thick radar, and the weight has been increased to 800 kilograms.

What we need is to let Grumman know that we also have a phased array radar, but it seems to be a little bit behind yours, just a little bit.

Zhao Guoqing wanted to clear his mind and return to the new battlefield with ease.

Director Liu Qing of the General Staff also made a special trip to find Zhao Guoqing.

"National Day, light-emitting semiconductors have now risen to the national level, so don't get angry!"

"Getting angry!" Zhao Guoqing shook his head, Director Liu, haven't you realized it yet?

"I said that I will never interfere in the matter of light-emitting semiconductors. Director Liu, am I not clear enough?"

Teacher Xiao Zhao also has a temper, and he is not someone who can be manipulated easily.

Strangely enough, Liu Qing couldn't even get angry when he saw Zhao Guoqing like this.

"It was you who suggested participating in the Japan World Expo. We are about to participate in the exhibition. You can't just ignore it!"

"You have the light-emitting semiconductor technology, and you have also taken away the phosphor materials. How do you want me to take care of it?"


Director Liu Qing let out a long sigh, walked up to Zhao Guoqing and said, "Guoqing, I know this is a bit disrespectful to you. I myself, and on behalf of the General Staff, apologize to you, and please put the overall situation first!"

After speaking, Director Liu Qing straightened up and gave Zhao Guoqing a military salute.


Teacher Xiao Zhao is not the kind of person who doesn't care about the overall situation. Director Liu has already stepped down, so he must take care of him. He opened the drawer of his desk, took out a piece of paper from it, and handed it to Director Liu Qing.

"This is?"

"Equipment for manufacturing yttrium aluminum garnet YAG phosphor."

"Can't the Microelectronics Research Center of Tsinghua University do it? And didn't Tsinghua University give you the equipment last time, can the 14th Institute also do it?"

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and said, "Director Liu, you'd better take a look first. You can do it only when the equipment is complete. I, Zhao Guoqing, don't think it can be done elsewhere. If it can be done, find someone else to do it!"

"...National Day..."

Liu Qing looked at the list. Good guy Qingda GK-001 photolithography machine was on the list, as well as various high-precision measuring instruments and various materials. The order of magnitude was measured in kilograms. Liu Qing had experienced many projects. We still know the value of these, including equipment and materials, it is no less than 8 million.

"National Day, you are taking advantage of the situation!"

Good guy, one mouth is worth eight million, but Teacher Xiao Zhao thinks that eight million is not enough.

"Director Liu, the equipment has been shipped to the laboratory of Lucheng University of Science and Technology first. Our laboratory has not been repaired yet. The equipment has arrived and we are making materials. By the way, I heard that even the Beijing Glass Factory can't do something as simple as painting phosphor. I think This shabby unit should have been closed long ago. Institute 14 can help with the painting. One thousand yuan for sporadic painting of a light bulb, five yuan for a batch of light bulbs, and one hundred thousand light bulbs. Director Liu, you may not know that the family members of our 14th Institute Many of them have no jobs, and the General Staff also needs to consider our difficulties!"

"National Day, you..."

Liu Qing was a little angry, but as he spoke, he suddenly realized that he didn't even dare to say harsh words.

He looked at Zhao Guoqing and asked, "Good guy, is this guy born in the year of the eagle?" He felt that if he said these reprimands, Zhao Guoqing would not give him any face, and their relationship would end at this moment.

National Day has grown too fast. Gallium nitride light-emitting semiconductors and phased array radars. Just these two items, they are indeed proud of themselves. But can you imagine, this is still his starting point, and his starting point is far higher than most. A lifetime achievement.

The instruments and equipment he needs are just what he requested just now, a laboratory where he can display his talents.

"On National Day, I can promise you about the laboratory equipment. It was originally planned, but you were too impatient. What does it mean to pay for light bulbs?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Guoqing became angry.

"The people in Institute 14 are starving to death. I am the chief designer of a national key project, and I am also from Institute 14. Now I am getting honors here, and the people in Institute 14 are hungry. Director Liu, tell me, there are Does this make sense?

Even if Hawkeye Radar is given a circuit board to our 14th Institute for production, it will not be like this. Director Liu, I am just trying to get what we deserve from our 14th Institute. If you think I have gone too far, you can remove me from my position. , I have no objection! "

While Zhao Guoqing was arguing with Director Liu, outside the door of Zhao Guoqing's office, a man in his forties was seen, tears streaming down his face...

There are some plots, please give me a little patience. I feel aggrieved just for the final explosion. This plot is a bit advanced, so I don’t dare to foreshadow it. Many actors are talking about it, and I am also reflecting on how to keep the pace.

(By the way, there is another chapter)

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