Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 104 The First Battle of Institute 101

"Dad, I will definitely make arrangements for your work. Don't worry, our work unit will also allocate houses. Our house has three bedrooms, which is enough for us!"

"That won't work. The land we just divided is no longer vacant. We still have a household registration. You now have a national household registration. You moved out. Your mother and I have the household registration here. Every year, there are still labor, agricultural taxes and so on. After one year, That’s a lot!”

His mother also said: "If you don't have food to hand over, it will cost a lot of money to find someone to work as a laborer. It will cost several hundred dollars. How much salary can you get just after graduation? Your father and I won't join in the fun!"

Zhao Guoqing opened his backpack, opened a cloth bag from inside, and took out a large stack of money, more than two thousand yuan, all in ten yuan and ten yuan. In this era, households with ten thousand yuan are rare, and more than two thousand yuan is still Very impactful.

For their three tile-roofed houses, they only spent more than a thousand dollars on yellow sand, gravel, cement bricks, etc.

"Where did you get so much money on National Day? You sent me a thousand yuan last time. You won't do anything illegal, right?"

"Dad, how could it be? It's legitimate income!"

Dad, you don’t know how awesome your son is now. Even in another time and space, he would have taken you to the United States to enjoy the blessings, with white maids waiting on you, why would you have to do anything!

"The total is almost 4,000. It's National Day. I don't know which company has such a high salary!"

"It's not a salary."

He hasn't received his salary from the 14th institute yet, he has been outside.

"There are national awards and unit awards. Your son has completed a major national project and served as the chief designer. How about it?"

"Chief designer? As a newly graduated chief designer, no matter what project you can get a reward of 4,000 yuan!"

"Dad, I won't tell you what the project is. You and I have to go in!" Zhao Guoqing put the money in his mother's hand and said, "Mom, you save this money first."

"On National Day, we are not short of money, and you have your own expenses..."

Zhao Guoqing waved his hand and said: "Mom, take it, I'm not short of money. You have to listen to me on this matter. Don't go to work in the future. Use money to pay for it. If you really don't want to go with me this time In the city, that’s fine too, but next time you have to come with me!”


"Mom, you are my only son, and I have no brothers or sisters. We are a happy family together!"

"I'm just afraid of causing trouble to you..."

"Mom, you don't know what we eat in our workplace. It's so delicious that I can't even eat it. I'm hungry every day. Look..."

When Zhao Changtai heard what Zhao Guoqing said, he turned around and looked at him. Can the state unit not have enough to eat? Only your mother will believe you...

Isn't that right? Zhen Xiufang sounded extremely rare. The more she looked at Zhao Guoqing, the more she felt thinner...


The 14th Office sent a telegram asking Zhao Guoqing if he had arrived home and would call back when he had time.

The General Staff, the Air Force, the Science and Technology Commission, and even the academic ministries and commissions all sent telegrams asking for safety.

Finally, Hui Province also sent a telegram!

No one at the Air Finger Base thought anything of Zhao Guoqing. Now that he has left, it is like entering a vacuum, with no news at all.

The bosses were all nervous.

Mu Hu was busy testing the radar and would often talk to Zhao Guoqing on the phone. Now he disappeared all of a sudden, which was amazing.

He made a call to the office of Director Liu of the General Staff.

"Old Liu, I heard you once said that Qian Lao is worth three American divisions, and Xiao Zhao is worth one and a half. I think it should be worth two and a half divisions now!"

Director Liu didn't understand what he said. Is there any need to talk about Zhao Guoqing's value?

"Such an important person travels thousands of kilometers back and forth. What if? Your General Staff won't send a guard? If your General Staff is reluctant to part with it, we will assign him for nothing!"

Liu Qing nodded. Zhao Guoqing's level was not high enough to send guards, but he was worthy enough to send guards.

"He is a national treasure of our Air Force!"

On Zhao Guoqing's fourth day in his hometown, someone came to visit. Although he was not wearing a military uniform, he stood upright and walked with great power. At first glance, he was a soldier.

He handed the letter of introduction to Zhao Guoqing. Zhao Guoqing looked at it and said, "Li Taibao of the xxx army."

The visitor performed a military salute and called the leader.

Only then did Zhao Changtai know that his son was extraordinary. Look at the units that send telegrams, and then look at the guards sent there, this kind of treatment...

There are three tile-roofed houses in total. The west room is divided into two parts, which is usually a barn. The other half has a bed, which is where Zhao Guoqing sleeps. In the middle is the middle hall and a dining area. The bedroom is also in the east room, which is his parents' room. .

The new arrival didn't even have a place to stay, so when he finally had to sleep, he set up a bunk in the middle hall.

Come on, you have to go even if you don’t want to...


The newly established research institute under the Huizhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission did not escape the fate of numerical naming. Zhao Guoqing chose the 101 binary name.

When pointing in the air, Zhao Guoqing planned to use the program-controlled chip, which was relatively easy to use for practice, to start the first shot.

When Du Chuming heard about this plan, he took it very seriously and came to HKUST to find Zhao Guoqing.

"General Zhao, let me explain a situation. Last year, the Hui Provincial Traffic Management Bureau and Shanghai Bell Company signed a contract for 10,000 program-controlled switches!"

Zhao Guoqing has information about Shanghai Bell Company. If he wants to enter this industry, he must understand the development of this industry in China.

Nowadays, domestic program-controlled switches are probably in the era of great powers. NEC, Siemens, Panasonic, and Alcatel all have offices in China to carry out business. Fucheng launched Japan's F1.5 million gate program-controlled switches as early as two years ago.

As for domestically produced products, Shanghai Bell can barely count as one.

This is a joint venture between the Chinese side, the Belgian Bell Company, and the Kingdom of Belgium Foundation. It was only established on New Year's Day last year.

Like Volkswagen, parts are currently imported for assembly. Some of the circuit boards that can be manufactured domestically are domestically produced, while program-controlled chips are completely imported.

"Shanghai Bell has been solving the problem of chip localization. Now the supply of chips is insufficient and the output is also very low. On National Day, if we help solve the problem of program-controlled chips, we will be the first research institute in China to successfully localize chips. ”

This first is of great significance.

"Has the s1240 equipment been delivered now? Does the Traffic Management Bureau have any technical information?"

Du Chuming nodded and said: "Tomorrow I will ask Director Huang of the Traffic Management Bureau to give you the information. By the way, the first batch of goods was installed and debugged three months ago and should be put into use soon!"

"It has been debugged for three months and it still can't be used? It shouldn't be!"

Speaking of the s1240, Du Chuming was filled with bitterness. Not to mention that it often broke down and it still couldn't be used, but the price was too expensive.

"The international average is fifty US dollars per door, but this batch of treasures we introduced is US$200 per door. This batch of contracts is only two million US dollars!"


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