Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 118 Director Gao, don’t you know how rich 14 is?

Zhou Li met their big boss Feng Shusen at the headquarters of Dongsheng Shipbuilding Industry in Hong Kong Bay Area.

Feng Shusen is very enthusiastic. In this era, no matter where you are, a business worth 20 million US dollars can be called a big business.

"Mr. Zhou, welcome!"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Feng!"

"Ha ha!"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhou Li went straight to the topic, took out the documents provided by Wison, and said to Feng Shusen: "Mr. Feng, this is the patent text of Jinxin International. Here are the offer documents of major international companies that want to cooperate with us. Even Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs is willing to invest 30 million US dollars in us to develop these patents. If you have doubts about the authenticity of these documents, Manager Liang of Wison International is outside and they guarantee the authenticity... "

Feng Shusen lit a cigar, stared at Assistant Zhou and said, "Stop, Mr. Zhou, what do you want to say?"

Zhou Li handed these documents to Feng Shusen and said, "Mr. Feng, we want to use these patent documents to guarantee US$10 million for one year. What do you think?"

Feng Shusen laughed loudly after hearing this, pushed the patent document to Zhou Li, and said: "Mr. Zhou, we still have great trust in Washington. This matter cannot be brought to the table at all. Mr. Zhou, to be honest, the goods It’s all ready, you just need to say a word when it will be shipped!”


Feng Shusen shook the ash from his cigar in the ashtray and said, "Mr. Zhou, I have cooperated with the Washington government many times. You are very trustworthy. I am very relieved!"

"Thank you so much!"

Feng Shusen waved his hand, showing off his boss style, and continued: "No hurry, Mr. Zhou, you have bought so many lithography machines, and I don't know if you will use them. In March next year, there will be three of them at Texas Instruments Chip People from Bay Island who work in factories have to go back to Bay Island for a three-month vacation. I wonder if you need it?"


This is so thoughtful!

"Mr. Feng, please arrange for them to come over. We'll pay whatever the price is!"

"Haha, I, Mr. Feng, gave this to you for free!"

"Thank you so much!" Zhou Li said: "Director Zhao, there is one more thing we would like to ask Mr. Feng for help with?"

Feng Shusen said curiously: "But it doesn't matter!"

Zhou Li took out an envelope from his arms. The envelope was crumpled and he kept it close to his body for a long time.

"Here is a list. If Mr. Feng comes across something in the list, please help to collect it. No matter how much money Mr. Feng spends, our 101 Institute is willing to add 30% to buy it!"

Feng Shusen nodded, there was no reason not to do door-to-door business.

For example, he made a lot of money this time. He didn't expect that ASML would encounter a financial crisis. For $700,000, they would be willing to sell off the lithography machine that was priced at nearly $2 million last year.

Experts say that this thing is just a matter of comparison. Nikon's lenses and light sources are better than ASML's, and they sell them cheaper than ASML's, so their products cannot be sold.

Of course, if formal procedures were followed, this shipment would cost more than $700,000.

The informal procedure reduces taxes on the one hand, and also eliminates after-sales service. Even if ASML is broken, it doesn't matter. This is the big deal.

Excluding the shipping costs and the money given to the informant, he basically made half of the profit. Feng Shusen was very satisfied.

Of course, Zhao Guoqing is also very satisfied. This money should be earned by others.

When he received the message from Zhou Li, he was overjoyed. He put aside the patent processing and prepared to receive these photolithography machines, precise measuring instruments, and boilers for high-temperature and high-pressure vessel experiments...

Zhou Li said on the phone: "Director Zhao, the ship can leave tomorrow. It will take about five days to unload the goods at Jinling Pukou Terminal. Then we will take the railway to Luzhou! I will follow you the whole way!"

"Thank you, Assistant Zhou! You must be careful when loading and unloading!"

"Don't worry, Director Zhao!"

Calculating the time, we can see him in seven or eight days at most.

"One more thing, Director Zhao, Mr. Feng also sent me three people who can operate the photolithography machine. They will arrive in May next year. They are from Wandao and now work at Texas Instruments. They can guide us for three months! "

Zhao Guoqing was stunned.

The photolithography machine does not represent the process.

For the same EVU lithography machine, some people can only produce the 28-nanometer process, while others can produce the 7-nanometer process.

Having someone who is familiar with the use of photolithography machines to guide you can at least avoid a lot of detours.

"Great, tell Mr. Feng that we thank him. We will definitely receive these people well."

Zhao Guoqing thought for a while and reported to the Science and Technology Commission and the General Staff respectively. After all, people from the Bay Island came in and could not speak clearly for fear of causing misunderstandings.

At the same time, a report was made to the Hui government, requesting Hui province to contact the railway department to coordinate transportation matters.

At this time, it was the twelfth lunar month again.

After a year and a half, all 14 institutions were moved to Lucheng, except for some equipment in the cave that had not been moved.

Zhao Guoqing is still the assistant to the director of Institute 14. He also has his own office in Institute 14, right next to Director Gao's office.

Director Wang had a smile on his face. Every household was assigned a house, even those who were single and unmarried. This made it much easier for them to find wives.

"Assistant Zhao, you also have a house, according to the specifications of the leader, three bedrooms!"

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and said, "I already have a set at Institute 101, so I don't want it anymore!"

Director Gao said: "No, you must have it. Institute 101 is your home, and our Institute 14 is also your home!"

Okay, one more house is fine. Zhao Guoqing thought of bringing his parents over to live in one house, and he would live in another.

Living under the same roof with his parents had many inconveniences, such as his living habits. His father got up very early and went to bed early at night. However, Zhao Guoqing had an irregular life, often staying up late and going to bed late at night. In this regard, at that time His father often told him that besides, he was also afraid of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law after marriage, and there would definitely be conflicts if they lived together.

How nice it is now that the two houses are next to each other. It can reduce conflicts and take care of each other.

Director Wang changed the topic and started complaining: "It's so sad at the end of the year!"

Gao Changming didn't look good either.

Zhao Guoqing asked: "What's wrong?"

Director Gao looked at Director Wang and said, "Go ahead!"

Director Wang picked up the account book and said, "There are still 100,000 yuan left in the account book. It's great to be in the city, but we spend money too fast!"

Is it a matter of money?

Zhao Guoqing looked at Director Gao and said, "Director Gao, you probably don't know how big our 14th hospital is now!"

"What!" Gao Changming was a little confused and said, "When did our 14th Institute become richer?"

Zhao Guoqing was laughing so hard that Director Wang couldn't understand.

"Assistant Zhao, what's going on?"

Zhao Guoqing said: "I asked you to send an accountant to the 101 office, but you didn't send one. If you sent an accountant, you wouldn't know anything!"

Gao Changming said: "What's going on? National Day, please explain more clearly!"

"Hey, Institute 101 is my stepmother, and you don't care about it. This year, it is estimated that 10 million will be divided. Our 14th institute will get the lion's share, and Hui Province State-owned Assets and Lucheng State-owned Assets will each get 5 million!"

"What, ten million!"

Gao Changming and Director Wang were dumbfounded.

After a long time, they came to their senses, and Director Wang began to think casually.

"My dear, I have never seen such money in my life. On National Day, didn't you just say it to make us happy?"

Zhao Guoqing said: "Do I seem to be joking with you? Leader, to be honest, the net profit was 100 million, but data communication and core energy also need to develop, and 101 Institute also needs to build a new electronics laboratory. In addition, now we need to Eat Shanghai Bell Company, deduct these, this is the amount you will get this year!"

That much? That’s 10 million! After hearing Zhao Guoqing's light words, the two of them took a long breath.

The size of this plate is incredible.

Zhao Guoqing said: "Director Gao, these 10 million will be paid into the account years ago. By the second half of next year, I estimate that 10 million will be distributed every month. We 14 have all the money, and we need to consider development!"

Gao Changming nodded and said: "In the past, if we couldn't produce results, we could still complain about the lack of money. Now that we have money, but we can't produce results, it doesn't make sense."

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