Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 122 Shock, the annual plan of Institute 101

10% is state-owned, 30% is owned by 14 institutions, and the remaining 60% is collectively owned by 101 institutions.

Both the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the 14th Office have sent accountants. All three companies can audit the accounts and the accounts of their affiliated companies, but the regulations set by Director Zhao are not within the scope of auditing.

Du Chuming brought condolences from the provincial government, and the matter was over.

Zhao Guoqing, on the other hand, focuses more on research and development.

Zhao Guoqing said at an internal meeting of the 101 Institute: "The next step of the 101 Institute is to focus on EDA software. This is also the key work next year. Comrades, the exploration of EDA software has been going on for more than a year. Simulation design, verification, As for physical design, I believe everyone has their own experience. The key computer description language must not be in Chinese, just use Pinyin!"

Yes, you heard me right, it’s just using Pinyin. The college entrance examination four or five years ago didn’t even count English scores. Everyone in the audience was half-baked in English. Many people couldn’t grasp the C language. The reason was that their English level was too poor. .

Although many people read English-Chinese dictionaries all day long, without the language environment, the effect is still average.

Using Pinyin, you can achieve the same effect as the English description in the program.

And even if you can't keep up with demand in a few years, you can still use sentence mapping, which is a perfect fit for using English sentences.

Although the EDA software designed by 101 is currently only for IC design, from the beginning, it has proposed the coordinated design of front-end design and back-end design, which can be regarded as far ahead of the current situation of EDA software in the world. A similar proposal was only proposed in 1993. .

"Xu Guangyuan is the chief designer of front-end logic, including simulation model design, computer-aided hardware description language, simulation logic, static timing, and formal verification."

"Yang Bochao is the chief designer of back-end physical design, including logic circuit library, DFT test circuit, layout planning, clock tree, signal routing, and layout physical verification!"

Xu Guangyuan and Yang Bochao both came from the 607 Institute, and Zhao Guoqing also saw their growth. They have a solid foundation, a gentle personality, and are very prestigious in the team. Zhao Guoqing also gave them the opportunity to operate independently.

The two of them did not refuse, and their eyes were full of eagerness, which was exactly what Zhao Guoqing wanted to see.

"You choose the team yourself, and you choose the deputy yourself. I have no other requirements. Submit the plan to me within a month. Also, Mr. Yang, we have been working on the circuit library for a long time. What needs to be integrated must be integrated." , this time it is written in C language. Let me reiterate, you must be careful when using pointers!"

"Don't worry, Director Zhao, you have reminded me more than once!"

"Okay, you made a mistake, don't blame me and scold you!"

Zhao Guoqing has experienced it. After checking a program over and over again, he couldn't find the bug. In the end, the pointer was still broken.

Institute 101 has 147 scientific researchers, of which 117 are in the EDA project team, 22 are in the semiconductor materials area, and 8 including Jia Pengfei are in the Core Energy chip processing plant.

In addition to the 27 people arranged by 14 institutes to be trained at the Institute of Microelectronics of Tsinghua University, and the 14 operators supported by the Microelectronics Research Center of Tsinghua University, the core team already has 49 people.

The installation of the lithography machine is in full swing. On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the installation of the first machine was completed. Compared with the silly, big, black and thick appearance of the lithography machine at Qingda University, ASML’s PA2000 looks much smaller. The two machines are placed next to each other. At the same time, the difference in body shape is more than twice.

He Zhenhua was also full of joy and looked at it again and again.

Especially this environment, dust-free design, looks very technological.

"Director Zhao, can you give one of these eight machines to our Qingda University?"

Zhao Guoqing looked at He Zhenhua, what was he thinking?

"I'm leaving one to be dismantled. If you want it, you might as well come over!"


"There is no need for manual alignment, automatic focusing, how to achieve the stability of the workbench, and..."

The instruction manual of PA2000 is a tutorial. The intensity of the light corresponds to the exposure time of the photoresist in the world, and the distance required for different mask parameters.

The actual operation is much simpler than the photolithography machine at Qingda University.

You only need to set the photoresist type parameters and mask type parameters on the panel. PA2000 has a timer. When the exposure time is up, it will automatically terminate and move to the next position for exposure until the entire wafer is completed.

Zhao Guoqing said to He Zhenhua: "Do you understand?"

He Zhenhua took a long breath and said: "It's amazing. Look, after the wafer is put on the workbench, this set of automated inspections is amazing. I don't know how they did it. After etching, the wafer is put on the workbench again. It can automatically reset, which is at the micron level.”

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and said: "I want to know too. I plan to invite people from the Shanghai Precision Instrument Factory and the Automation Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences to come over and see what principle is used. If your lithography machine is equipped with This kind of workbench can be regarded as replacing a cannon with a shotgun!"

He Zhenhua said: "You still dislike our Qingdao University's machines. We have now solved the one-micron process, and we are not lagging behind compared to foreign countries!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said: "Come on, let's return the one-micron process. As for the yield rate, if anyone buys your photolithography machine, he will even pawn his pants if he loses. If there is no yield rate of more than 90%, let alone solve it. If you look at how long it takes others to make a wafer, how long it takes you, and the time you spend on calibration, they have already made several wafers!"

One wafer contains hundreds of chips, and this efficiency beats even the largest in China.

This is true, and He Zhenhua has nothing to refute, but in any case, Tsingta Microelectronics can also manufacture chips with a one-micron process, which is very important.

In less than an hour, with everyone's attention, the chip went through multiple processes of gluing, drying, exposure, cleaning, and etching, and was successfully completed. There were also dedicated people recording and formulating operating procedures.

PA2000 comes with its own inspection tools. Each operation will evaluate the effect of the process. Based on the displayed data, you can choose to extend the exposure time or end it early. Therefore, after the wafer is completed, there is no need to observe it with an electron microscope.

However, after cutting it, Zhao Guoqing still left a piece and put it under the microscope for observation. After watching it for a few minutes, Zhao Guoqing called He Zhenhua to come and have a look.

He looked up, looked at the magnification, and said, "Are you using a one-micron process?"

"What do you think?"

He Zhenhua picked up the eyepiece and continued to look. Under the microscope, the structure of the chip was clearly visible.

Regular wiring, etching basically the same width and depth, smooth edges.

"This chip is almost like a work of art!"

Zhao Guoqing took a long breath. This is not the most advanced lithography machine. Japan's Nikon and Canon lithography machines are better. Even so, it has exceeded his expectations and requires too much effort on the basics.

"There is a big difference between this micron and one micron!"

He Zhenhua looked at it for a long time, but he still didn't finish his thoughts and said to Zhao Guoqing: "Director Zhao, do you take what you just said seriously?"

Zhao Guoqing frowned slightly and said, "What did I just say?"

"Tell me, can I stay here? I just thought about it. I want to stay here for a while!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said: "Yes, you can, but you can't come in vain!"

"What, you still want money from me?"

Zhao Guoqing waved, and Jia Pengfei and others came over.

"I'll help educate the students in School 101. Isn't that too much!"


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