Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 133 The whole world is confused, how could it be done?


Muhu really regarded Zhao Guoqing as a god.

100 kilometers of active guidance.

Zhao Guoqing just wanted to say: "I can't do it!"

The most advanced AIM120 in the United States can only achieve active guidance of 30 kilometers.

The reason is very simple. The head of the missile is too small to be equipped with a large-diameter radar. Coupled with the power supply of the radar, the total weight of the medium-range air-to-air missile is only 150 to 200 kilograms. It can hold a hundred kilograms of radar plus fifty kilograms. Batteries?

Coupled with the horrific cost, it is not cost-effective no matter how you calculate it.

Zhao Guoqing said: "Mr. Mu, I have a more feasible plan. Do you want to hear it?"

Mr. Mu instantly became interested and said, "You tell me!"

Zhao Guoqing took out a piece of paper and drew two circles on it, a pillar that looked like a missile.

One circle draws the beam, the radar wave is reflected by another circle, and the reflected beam is received by the antenna on the missile head.

Zhao Guoqing explained while drawing, saying: "With semi-active radar guidance, the aircraft can also use a data link to transmit the target position to the radar, and use lidar guidance within the last 8 kilometers!"

Muhu asked: "Lidar guidance?"

The concept of lidar seems relatively new now.

Zhao Guoqing said: "It is similar to microwave radar, except that it emits a high-frequency laser beam. It uses lens imaging to detect the laser impact point and emit light to guide it. Compared with infrared guidance, the advantage is that it does not require a tail-biting attack, and it can strike as soon as it is discovered. And its anti-interference ability is extremely strong.”

Teacher Xiao Zhao’s yttrium aluminum garnet YAG yellow phosphor has finally come into use again. The yttrium aluminum garnet YAG crystal of the Institute of Materials Science and Technology has grown to 30 centimeters. Research on YAG lasers has been ongoing, and semiconductor sensors for detecting lasers , also has strong technical reserves.

Coupled with the 1-micron chip manufacturing process, the processor can perform millions of calculations per second. The same processor can be used for front-end and back-end guidance, and dual-signal verification can be performed at the end. There are no technical problems.

Of course, lidar is not without its shortcomings. It cannot be used in heavy rain and fog, and it cannot hit the target even if it hides in the clouds. It is also very effective if the enemy plane releases smoke grenades on the laser path. But how do the enemy planes know about these shortcomings? ?

"Mr. Mu, if you install a radar on a missile, it costs at least 10 million for each one. But with my plan, the price will be reduced by ten times. What do you think?"


This is an embarrassing question. Ten million coins are worth it. It is estimated that the General Staff would not be willing to equip them on a large scale. Even if it is reduced by ten times, it can be installed ten times more.

The key is that the reliability of the radar has not changed much. The biggest disadvantage is that fighter aircraft need to continuously illuminate the target for guidance.

Zhao Guoqing added: "Mr. Mu, we can design a combat vehicle at the same time to scan and guide targets on the ground. Even in the future, when we have an early warning aircraft, we can use synthetic aperture radar to send the target's position to the missile through a data link. guide……"

"Early warning aircraft? Vehicle-mounted radar? Commander Zhao, can this be done? And the synthetic aperture radar you mentioned, what kind of new radar is this!"

Zhao Guoqing yawned and said with a tired look: "Mr. Mu, please inspect our testing site tomorrow. Let's rest today!"

"...Can you sleep? Chief Master Zhao, why don't we go take a look now?"



The J-7 defeated a Mirage 2000 and a MiG-29 in the first battle. This record blinded Ba Tie.

The air force was originally at a comprehensive disadvantage, but they suddenly became energetic.

There is an F16 squadron at the Lullari Airport of Pakistan Railways, and ten second-hand F16-A fighters just bought from the United States are located at this airport.

Most of the mountain next to the airport has been hollowed out to accommodate these precious little things.

Lulali Airport is relatively far from the border. During this conflict, the F16 had already taken off, but unexpectedly, it received news that the air battle was over before it entered the battlefield.

Colonel George, an American consultant, was curious when he heard about this achievement. He asked the Pakistani personnel to see the aircraft in the air battle, but he was refused. The Pakistani security personnel used a jeep to take him to the location of the wreckage of the fighter plane.

The two fighters had been burned down to their skeletons, but they could still be identified as Mirage 2000 and MiG-29 fighters.

George shook his head and kept saying: "How did you do it? God, this is really a miracle."

He knew the weapon system of Pakistan Railway well. The air-to-air missiles used were those equipped by Mao Xiong 20 years ago. The K-5 short-range air-to-air missiles could not catch up with the Mirage 2000, let alone the MiG-29.

Speaking of maneuverability, the MiG-21 is far inferior to these two models.

"Did you use multiple fighter planes and cannons to attack you? God, this is impossible..."

It seems that George's doubts will not be solved in a short time.

The ground radar unit of Pakistan Railways reported that the Indian Air Force is now much more honest and did not make any move at the airport. Even if Pakistan Railways' MiG-21s flew to the Indian-controlled Kashmir area and bombed two ground radar stations, they did not dare to send aircraft. expulsion.

Pakistan Tie also gave up when things got better, and the two sides took the initiative to disengage.

But there is clearly an undercurrent on both sides.

The General Staff received an invitation from Pakistan to use new radars from Eastern countries to help them modify MiG-21 fighters, and also requested to purchase Thunderbolt 8 air-to-air missiles.

The General Staff is in trouble here.

There is nothing wrong with modifying the radar. Just like the United States, it will dispatch consultants to monitor the use of modified fighter jets, and stipulate in the contract that it cannot cross the border, so there is no need to worry about technology proliferation.

But the Thunderbolt air-to-air missile is difficult. The indium antimonide sensing component has not been able to achieve breakthroughs and cannot be domestically produced. The Thunderbolt missiles currently used still use components imported from the United States.

Localization is not achieved overnight. China's method is very simple, which is to survey and map first. After the parts can be produced in-house, they can be replaced on the original missiles.

If it can be used, keep it. If it cannot be used, continue to modify it until it is all localized.

"Would you like to get a hundred sets of components first to satisfy Brother Bati?"

It won't work for the time being, Ah San started to go crazy.

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Judah dismissed Foreign Minister Asan with just one word.

"The MiG-21 can't launch the three-air-to-air missile of the strange snake at all!"

"It's definitely not the MiG-21. The result of our investigation is the Chinese J-7 fighter!"

Good guy, I couldn’t hide it anymore, so Asan placed the photo in front of the Jewish ambassador.

Who would have thought that Ah San’s brain circuit was so strange. They put the camera on the fighter plane, or maybe they wanted to capture the scene of the MiG-21 exploding in the sky!

It's a pity.

The fighter plane that ran away happened to capture a momentary photo of the J-7 launching a missile.

"Dear Minister Bharat, do you see this missile and our three strange snakes?"

Ambassador Kanov took out a photo of the three strange snakes from under the table.

With a wide tail fin, a small triangular duck wing on the warhead, and a slender missile body, the appearance of the Monster Snake III missile is easy to identify.

The missile has obviously changed a lot in the photo. It adopts a double canard layout, and the missile body is also much longer. At first glance, it does not look like the Monster Snake III missile.

Kanov looked at the layout of the missile's double canards and pondered. "Minister Bharat, we also want to know the information about this missile and look forward to your investigation results."

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