Military Industry of Great Powers: Build the Strongest Flanker

Chapter 145 The results of r530 modification

It was not until late November that the r530 modification project was finally approved. The first batch of allocations was 30 million yuan, which is a scientific research funding compared to the Thunderbolt 5. The entire project spent more than 1 billion yuan in research and development funds.

Muhu came to No. 101 with great interest and found Zhao Guoqing.

Zhao Guoqing complained: "This project is too slow to be established!"


Mu Hu said: "It's already fast enough. It's only been three months. Do you know how many stamps are required to apply for the project approval document?"

All right!

Zhao Guoqing shook his head and said: "Mr. Mu, I have no other intentions. If you are a little later, the project will be completed..."


"You mean the r530 modification has been completed?"

Zhao Guoqing said nothing and took Mr. Mu to the workshop where r530 was modified. The workshop was in the 14th factory, and there were more than a dozen engineers including Chief Engineer Chen Qiurong and Chief Engineer Shi Peigen of Factory 317.

101 received Chen Guangzhen, Shi Wenxiu and others, as well as Chief Engineer Sun Yinsong and Chief Engineer Zhu Canhui from 14th Institute.

In the center of the workshop are three R530 modified missiles, which were moved from the warehouse of the 317 Factory.

Chen Qiurong said: "The No. 1 missile has not yet been installed with fuel and warhead, but the guidance system has been installed."

"...It's so fast. The lidar is ready so quickly. How is its performance?"

Zhao Guoqing said to Chen Guangzhen: "Take Mr. Mu to find out."

"Okay, Mr. Mu, please come with me!"

Mu Hu looked at Zhao Guoqing with some doubts, and followed Chen Guangzhen to a closed room.

On the table in the room was a device the size of a radio, with the front image of a camera lens.

Chen Guangzhen brought a metal plate and motioned to Mr. Mu, saying, Mr. Mu, try it...


Mr. Mu held the metal plate like a caller. Chen Guangzhen adjusted the machine. Within a few minutes, he heard Chen Guangzhen say: "Okay!"

"What's better?"

Mr. Mu is very nervous!

Chen Guangzhen said: "Mr. Mu, look at the metal plate on your hand!"


What is this? A red dot falls on a metal plate. The center of the plate is the brightest and most concentrated. There are also many red dots on the left...

"Mr. Mu, let me introduce to you. The lidar uses a YAG crystal red laser. The reason why red light is chosen is because red light has superior penetrating performance in the air. A prism is used to change the direction..."

How can I understand this stuff? Let’s get some genuine stuff!

"Mr. Mu, try moving the metal plate!"

Muhu moved the metal plate.


He found that when the metal plate moved, the laser radar lens also moved with the metal plate.

"Mr. Mu, the laser can emit 300 laser beams per second. The direction of the emission is all controlled by the computer. We can predict the location of the enemy aircraft and emit the laser beam based on the distance to the target!"

Muhu turned in one direction and wondered: "Why didn't he follow me when I turned around?"

Chen Guangzhen smiled and said: "Mr. Mu, the program used by the computer is to track the fighter jet. Because of the existence of inertia, the plane cannot complete a U-turn within one second, so this possibility has been ruled out by the computer!"

Muhu nodded and said: "...I understand inertia, General Master Chen, I have a question, what will happen if the laser radar loses track of the target?"

Chen Guangzhen: "We have considered this situation in the program. If the target is lost, the computer on the missile will compare it with the radar data as soon as possible to determine the target position, and the lidar will immediately compare the ring 30 Fire a high-frequency laser beam within a certain range until the target is re-locked!"


Muhu felt very strong and looked forward to it. When he returned to the workshop, he heard Zhao Guoqing and Chen Qiurong discussing technical issues.

"The aerodynamic shape of the R530 still needs to be modified. After the computer simulation exceeds Mach 2, the resistance of the front wing will increase explosively, and the vibration caused by the vortex will still have a lot of impact on the body structure!"

"We have also launched, and there are problems with the measurement tools. There are many structural problems. We don't have good observation methods. We can only infer them based on the wreckage after the launch."

Zhao Guoqing nodded and said: "I have the same opinion as Factory 317. Let's try firing a few rounds first. The prototype missile is equipped with sensors on the structure and a black box to collect data. The weight of these external components must be taken into consideration!"

Chen Qiurong nodded.

Zhao Guoqing added: "For the power supply of missiles, Institute 101 is working on a new type of silver-zinc molten salt battery. Compared with the current silver-zinc electrolyte battery, the electric density can be increased by 60% with the same weight, and the weight can be reduced by half with the same electric density. This Half the weight and I want to add a capacitor bank for power!”

"That's great! There is a capacitor bank for power supply. When the missile is energized in the future, if it does not launch, there is no need to return to the field to replace the battery, which saves a lot of trouble!"

Zhao Guoqing nodded. High-density batteries on missiles have always been a scientific and technological problem. Thanks to the Strange Snake III project, the country has mastered the technology of silver-zinc electrolyte batteries, but there is a problem. Silver-zinc electrolyte batteries are disposable.

When not in use, the electrolyte is wrapped by a layer of polymer film. When used, the film is pierced, the dielectric flows out, and the battery works. This process is irreversible.

As for the molten salt battery mentioned by Zhao Guoqing, it uses molten salt as the electrolyte and requires the application of a high temperature of about 600 degrees. This process is completed with thermite gunpowder and is also one-time.

But the high-density capacitor bank is different. After being discharged, it can be recharged directly. It can be maintained for a few minutes for detection. The missile will be launched using a pneumatic zinc-silver battery. It does not matter if it is not launched.

"Is this battery very advanced?"

Zhao Guoqing doesn't quite understand Mr. Mu. No matter what, he has to ask first before making any progress.

Zinc-silver molten salt batteries are definitely advanced, at least the United States has not used them yet!

Teacher Xiao Zhao's breakthroughs along the way give people the illusion that the originally unattainable technology is nothing more than this.

If Director Liu Qing knew Mr. Mu's thoughts on this point, he would definitely criticize him.

Light-emitting semiconductors and phosphors are all ready, but there is only one phosphor coating. The Beijing Glass Factory has been working on it for three months, but it has not been completed yet. It has to invest several million more to buy advanced instruments and equipment.

At that time, Director Liu understood that Teacher Xiao Zhao had no bottom, and the trivial things he said would require others to pay a huge price to break through!

Zhao Guoqing said: "Mr. Mu, we plan to test-fire three missiles, but none of them will be equipped with warheads. Parachutes will be installed on the warheads, and the target will be set. When the computer determines the detonation, the parachute will open. We need to actually detect some actual The data!"

Muhu smiled and said: "You are experts, I will listen to you, but does a test launch require an airplane?"


"No, Mr. Mu, the R530 has been modified to have multiple guidance and multi-base launch. It can also be launched from the ground, and it can even be guided by vehicle-mounted radar!"

True air-launched air guidance, ground-launched air guidance, air-launched ground guidance, and even satellites can complete front-end navigation through data links.

Teacher Xiao Zhao couldn't help but think, if I give a few of these to Big Ivan, let's see how the old American can resist!

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