Zhao Guoqing sat on the sofa for a long time without saying a word.

Yang Qing brought a cup of coffee. It was coffee beans bought from Hong Kong Island and freshly ground at home.

"What's wrong? You haven't been energetic all day!"

Zhao Guoqing took a sip and wondered why he hadn't noticed it before, why it was so bitter. He frowned and put the coffee cup on the table.

Yang Qing said: "Would you like to add some sugar?"

For a time, Yang Qing thought that drinking coffee was Zhao Guoqing's petty bourgeoisie, but later he discovered that Comrade Oak just regarded coffee as water.

Zhao Guoqing shook his head, he was very worried!

According to the Gregorian calendar, it is only 1988, and the industrial transfer in the West has just begun.

He knows very well that it would be terrible if the United States regarded you as a competitor, especially when you haven't grown up yet.

The media around the world will say you are wrong, and everyone will ostracize you.

Because international public opinion is in their hands, you have no chance to speak out.

They'll block you like a furry bear.

And it will provoke neighboring countries to confront you, and even provoke proxy wars. Although we are not afraid, a peaceful international environment is too important to our country.

This is why Zhao Guoqing will never touch two areas at this time, one is CPU and the other is operating system.

This will be a symbol of America's leadership in semiconductors.

Semiconductors are considered taboo by the United States. Anyone who touches their enemies will become their enemy.

In the current international environment, the bear is heading west, and the United States is invincible.

"You can't be the one who stands out!"

Selling EDA software to the West is actually a superficial attitude. Our technology is just like this, and we are willing to share technological progress with the West.

In fact, Zhao Guoqing also plans to let Xintu EDA Software Company receive investment from Wall Street, even list it in the United States, open a research center in the United States, and cooperate with Americans to develop...

Was he wrong?

Teacher Xiao Zhao shook his head.

Yang Qing walked to Zhao Guoqing and said, "Winter vacation is about to begin. Do you want to go see my mother?"

Zhao Guoqing nodded and said: "Okay, I was going to go half a year ago, but it has been delayed for another half a year. Yang Qing, what does your mother like? Tomorrow we will go to the street to buy some New Year's goods or something!"


The next day, Zhao Guoqing came to Institute 101 early in the morning and prepared to check various projects before taking time to do some personal matters in the afternoon.

When he arrived at the office, Zhou Li took out today's newspaper and placed it on Zhao Guoqing's desk.

Teacher Xiao Zhao briefly browsed through it, and a piece of news caught his attention.

"The national optical fiber and cable industrial test project successfully passed the acceptance!"

"Wuyou Research Institute introduced the Philips optical fiber production line, and the first batch of single-mode optical fibers has been put into production!"

"The capacity of Wuhan Telephone trunking optical cable system has been expanded to 34mb/s, and the system has been running stably for two years."

what's the situation? Is the country's optical fiber communications already so advanced?

Looking at the introduction in the newspaper again, Teacher Xiao Zhao fell silent.

The country's fiber optic communication started as early as 1969. In 1971, the 10-kilometer laser atmospheric communication test was successfully conducted. In 1972, the glass fiber and quartz fiber communication test was completed. In 1973, the MCVD chemical deposition method was used to create ultra-pure quartz. Silk single mode fiber. In 1976, practical communication optical fiber was manufactured.

"How much else does he not know?"

With such accumulation of technology, we are fully qualified to build a national backbone digital network.

Zhao Guoqing said to Zhou Li: "Please call Zhong Ji just to come to my place!"

"Okay!" As soon as Assistant Zhou reached the door, he was stopped by Zhao Guoqing.

"I'd better go find him!"

The optoelectronics project is a key laboratory of Institute 101. The research projects include semiconductor lasers, grating filtering, light receiving components and detector chips.

When General Engineer Zhong heard that Director Zhao was coming to inspect, he took seventeen of his generals and waited at the door.

"There is no need to wait at the door from now on, you can do whatever you want!"


Coming to the work area, Zhao Guoqing asked: "How is the progress of the LD chip?"

LD laser diode is currently the most commonly used semiconductor emitting device in optical modules. It is the main component of the TOSA (Transmitting Optical Sub-Assembley) optical transmitter module and mainly completes the conversion of electrical signals into optical signals.

The LD chip and other components are packaged in a compact structure (TO coaxial package or butterfly package), and then form a TOSA light transmitter module.

"The threshold current (Ith) is reduced by 30% and the slope efficiency (S) is increased by 50%!"

Teacher Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "What is the progress of Avalanche Photodiode (APD)?"

APD is a highly sensitive photodetector that uses the avalanche multiplication effect to increase photocurrent.

The weak signal current generated by the photodetector is converted into a signal voltage of sufficient size by the preamplifier TIA (Trans-Impedance Amplifier) ​​and then output. TIA is actually a V converter that converts electro-optical flow into voltage.

This is the main component of the light receiving component ROSA and directly affects its performance.

Zhong Jigang said: "With doubled photocurrent, the sensitivity of our APD receiver can be increased by 610dB compared to PIN photodiodes."

Zhao Guoqing conducted data transmission tests on site. The optical fiber used was the nationally certified g.652b single-mode optical fiber standard.

Connect the optical modules at both ends and test with 1310 nm and 1550 nm light waves respectively.

"1310nm: 0.4dB/km 1550nm: 0.35dB/km 1625nm: 0.4dB/km."

"1gbit/s, 2gbit/s, 3.5gbit/s, 4gbit/s..."

Until 8.7gbit/s, the errors in the data have exceeded the redundant space.

The fiber tested was only one thousand meters long, but the transmission distance limit can be easily calculated based on the loss.

"The maximum transmission distance reaches 58km, and the maximum transmission speed reaches 8.7gbit/s"

The current g.652 fiber has poor resistance to complex wave interference. When better g.655 fiber comes out, the transmission distance can be increased three times, and the speed can be increased dozens of times.

Although the current test data is quite different from Teacher Xiao Zhao's expectations, the products of 101 Institute can be said to be far ahead of this era.

He read in the newspaper that the optical fiber transmission light source currently used by Wuyou Research Institute is LED light-emitting semiconductor. Their transmission speed is only 80mbit/s, and the transmission distance is only 10 kilometers.

Zhao Guoqing said to Zhou Li: "Assistant Zhou, please coordinate with the Lucheng Evening News and say that Institute 101 has completed 58 kilometers of single-mode g.652 optical fiber transmission with a speed of 8.7gbit/s. Our optical module has been commercialized for three months. Then it can be put into the market.”

"Director Zhao, we can only publish it in tomorrow's newspaper!"


Zhao Guoqing saw the darkness on the window glass and felt hungry in his stomach. When he looked at his watch, it was already past nine o'clock.


"Why is it so late and you didn't even remind me!"


"You guys need to take care of your own meals. I have to leave beforehand!"

Teacher Xiao Zhao hurried back to the 101 staff building and saw Yang Qing at the door climbing the stairs carrying a big bag.

"I'll come, I'll come!"

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