As the counselor of Automation Class 3, Yang Jianguo had enough reasons to doubt Zhao Guoqing's mental state.

"Are you sure you want to give up the opportunity to go abroad?"

You must know that the opportunities for government-sponsored students to study abroad at this time are not a big deal. The country only has a few hundred people a year. Every student selected is undoubtedly the best of this era. It takes five hurdles and six generals to win the place. Xidian only has dozens of places.

Zhao Guoqing nodded firmly.

"Counsellor Yang, I have thought carefully about it. I am applying to the most remote and difficult place to contribute my own strength to the country!"

"Hey! In fact, going abroad to learn knowledge is also a contribution to the country. I don't need to explain this truth!"

Yang Jianguo frowned slightly. He was good at doing ideological work for students. In fact, some time ago, Zhao Guoqing had a strong desire to study abroad, but after getting the place, he gave up the place.

He looked at Zhao Guoqing, a young man who was full of energy and enviable, but what he saw in Zhao Guoqing's eyes made him doubtful. It was a calm and rock-like calmness that did not belong to a young man. This was something he had never seen before.

What's wrong? What happened?

Zhao Guoqing's deep eyes made Yang Jianguo temporarily absent-minded. He shook his head and muttered in his heart that the young man in front of him was a bit confusing to him.

"You should go back first and think about it later!"

Zhao Guoqing then said: "Coach Yang, don't send a telegram to my parents, and don't need them to persuade me, okay!"


what's the situation? Yang Jianguo almost dropped the tea cup in his hand. Is this kid a roundworm in his stomach? This was what he was thinking about just now.

"National Day, go back and think about it first. This is a major event that affects your future. Listen to me and think about it again!"

Zhao Guoqing nodded helplessly. The matter of assigning work was still stuck in the counselor's hands. There was nothing he could do about it.

After Yang Jianguo finished speaking, he took out a few food stamps from the drawer and handed them to Zhao Guoqing.

"Starting from this month, the school's subsidy will be gone. You should keep these tickets first."

In this era, going to college is free, and you can get 30 kilograms of food stamps, 15 kilograms of vegetable stamps, and a stipend of 15 yuan a month.

Of course, almost everyone has these bursaries, and there is only one reason why they cannot get them: they failed the exam. In Zhao Guoqing's impression, in the past four years of college, he did not remember anyone who failed the exam.

"I was just thinking about what to do these days. Thank you, Teacher Yang!"

Zhao Guoqing accepted it calmly. Of course he knew how valuable these tickets were. No one was rich these days!

As for work, Zhao Guoqing is not panic at all. You must know that in 1984, as a serious college student, even if you delay for another two or three months, the units that need you across the country will be lined up from the east gate to the west gate, government agencies, institutions, and state-owned enterprises. Take your pick.

Yes, it’s so popular!


Xidian's canteen was also built in the 1960s. There are more than a hundred tables in the middle of the lobby, with eight people per table.

Thirty kilograms of food stamps a month are definitely not enough for a young man. He also needs support from his family. These days, there is no oil or water in the dishes. He just eats and he is hungry before noon. It is about eleven o'clock. The familiar hunger Feelings came.

Zhao Guoqing took out the enamel jar and went to the canteen, queuing up for meals.

"National Day, how are you studying English?"

"I'm so envious. MIT is the best in the world!"

"You're not bad either!"

Most of the classmates have settled on their units, and there is laughter and joy in the cafeteria, with everyone looking forward to the future.

Zhao Guoqing knew that most of these people had gone to important positions and served as the backbone of the rejuvenation of the Republic.

"Liangdong, I've been assigned to AVIC!"

"Yeah, not as good as you. By the way, it's National Day, when are you leaving?"

"In the mountains?"

He Liangdong shook his head and said with a smile: "You can't talk about discipline!"

Zhao Guoqing patted He Liangdong on the shoulder and smiled. This guy went to the 51667 factory and emerged in the 1990s. Two thousand years later, it was the existence of a domestic leader who dominated the radar design of the J-16.

The honeymoon period between China and the United States soon began. Two years later, the country reached an agreement with the American Grumman military industry to cooperate in the modification of modern avionics for the J-8. The young He Liangdong participated in the J-8 as a member of the Chinese expert team. 8 modified projects.

At that time, Zhao Guoqing was still studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. In the Boston metropolitan area of ​​Massachusetts, Zhao Guoqing and He Liangdong met briefly and spent five dollars to have a ruthless meal at KFC.

When the enemy saw it, he was extremely jealous.

"You have to treat me to dinner today!"

"Why, on National Day, you haven't treated us to a meal when you went abroad. America can't use meal tickets, and it's useless for you to save them!"

"One code equals one code, you owe me!"

"When did I owe you!"


"Don't... don't say no. I'm not as scoundrel as you. I'll beg you. Isn't it okay if I beg you?"

In this era, men and women are very guarded. Even in college, they are not allowed to fall in love. Of course, it may be done secretly, but it is definitely not allowed to happen publicly...

He Liangdong angrily ordered four white-flour steamed buns and one portion of green vegetables and tofu.

"It's not that I'm afraid of you, and it's not that you have no control over me!" He said and glanced at a girl who was walking in.

"Okay... okay!" Zhao Guoqing said with a smile, and ordered a meat dish at the window, fried vegetables with oil residue, full of meat and oil, and his mouth watered just looking at it.

"Can you add some meat dishes?"

Putting the dishes on the table, Zhao Guoqing followed the girl who came in with his eyes.

The girl wears pigtails, her body is not visible in the large military uniform, her face is smooth, her face is delicate, her eyes are flashing and she is very energetic. This kind of clothing is in line with the aesthetics of this era.

Yang Qing glanced over, then walked to the window where the meal was served, and skillfully made three steamed buns and a portion of radish.

Thirty kilograms of food stamps are certainly not enough for young men, but they are a bit much for girls, so most of the time, girls will make one or two extra buns and put them on the table to help the boys.

Of course, what's more, many people will save food stamps and scholarships and send them back home to support their families.

For example, Zhao Guoqing always saves fifty yuan a year and sends it home, which makes it impossible for him to enjoy the contributions of others with peace of mind.

This day goes by like this, hungry and happy.

"Youzhi, life is getting better now!"

"Ha ha!"

"National Day, you can't just send us away with just a piece of oil residue!"

Zhao Guoqing glanced at the group of classmates and said with a smile: "What do you think, Zhu Zhonghua, if you don't want to eat, I won't force you!"

"Haha, eat, eat!"


Yang Qing's eyes were a little evasive, and Zhao Guoqing's eyes were a little aggressive today.

At the table for eight people, Liu Mancang, the last person, threw his rice bowl on the table. With one sentence, everyone was shocked on the outside and tender on the inside.

"National Day, are you okay with your brain? You don't want a good opportunity to study abroad!"


"not going!"


Even Yang Qing looked at Zhao Guoqing with a puzzled look.

Zhu Zhonghua hesitantly put down the oil residue that he bit into his mouth!

"On National Day, I don't have to eat this oil residue!"


Society is dead!

Everyone at the table looked at Zhao Guoqing, even the people at the next table.

In this era, the college entrance examination admission rate is extremely low. Only one or two people will be admitted to a hundred people, while the proportion of publicly funded study abroad is even lower. Only a few people will be admitted to a thousand people. This hard-won opportunity comes from a prestigious school like MIT. All No one could figure out what kind of hysteria Zhao Guoqing was suffering from.

"National Day, is it true?"

Yang Qing looked at Zhao Guoqing with burning eyes and asked.

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