“The warships of this country are everywhere on the sea.”

Hearing what the Pentagon said, the Secretary of State’s eyes widened. He picked up the photo again and looked at it carefully.

Only then did he realize that the garbage at sea he thought in the photo was actually the wreckage of a warship!

There was even a piece of wreckage that could be seen Battleship name written in Japanese!

“what is happening? ? ?”

The Secretary of State was horrified and blurted out

“As you can see, Mr. Secretary, the 88 Fleet you are looking for was completely destroyed, leaving only these wrecks.”

The person in charge of the Pentagon replied.

Secretary Beacon is completely confused now.

He simply cannot accept that Matsumoto Jiro, who was in contact with him an hour ago, together with Fleet 88, have turned into garbage floating on the sea!

Previously, Jiro Matsumoto had sworn to the Secretary of State that he would be able to capture the submarine in the Dragon Kingdom.

But the Secretary of State held a meeting by himself, and after the meeting, Jiro Matsumoto was gone?!

“Are you sure these are the 88 fleet? ?”

The Secretary of State asked again in disbelief.

“Yes, Mr. Secretary, I pulled up the satellite surveillance, and that’s true.”The Pentagon chief responded.

“I see.”

The Secretary of State took a deep breath and forced himself to accept this fact.

Now he finally knew why the voice of the head of the Pentagon sounded a little trembling just now.

The Secretary of State’s current voice, like him, was also not very good. Stable.

After hanging up the phone, the Secretary of State did not recover.

Looking at those photos, the Secretary of State asked himself

“Fleet 88, what happened? How can he become like this?”

“Mr. Secretary, the satellite data has been transferred!”

A voice came from far and near. The owner of the voice was the secretary of the Secretary of State who went to retrieve satellite data.

“The information is on the floppy disk.”The secretary said breathlessly.

“Give it to me quickly.”

The Secretary of State took the floppy disk directly from the secretary’s hand and was about to stuff it into the player when he heard the ringtone of the emergency communication.

This communication can only come from one place, and that is the President’s Office.

Regardless of reading the information, The Secretary of State still had to deal with the emergency communication first.

Although he had not picked up the call yet, the Secretary of State also guessed the reason why the Commander-in-Chief was looking for him.

As expected, as the Secretary of State expected, on the phone, the Commander-in-Chief was talking about the fleet of his country.

“Okay, I’ll be there right away.”

Putting down the phone, the Secretary of State sighed, and rushed to the Commander-in-Chief’s office with the floppy disk of satellite data.

Three minutes later, the Commander-in-Chief’s office.

The Secretary of State saw the frowning Commander-in-Chief Lighthouse.

On the Commander-in-Chief’s desk, There is a stack of photos, which are the same photos that the Secretary of State saw just now.

If such a big 960 incident occurs, the Pentagon will naturally report it to the commander-in-chief as soon as possible.

“Commander, here I come.”The Secretary of State said.

Hearing the Secretary of State’s voice, the Commander-in-Chief raised his eyes from the photo and asked

“Well, do you have any idea about this fleet?”

“16 warships were beaten like this, shouldn’t it be? Didn’t both Aegis systems protect them?”

“I was confused too, and an hour ago, I was still in contact with this fleet.” replied the Secretary of State

“Why are you contacting them?”

The commander-in-chief asked with some confusion.

Why did the Secretary of State of Lighthouse contact the fleet of Benzi country and then disappear after contacting Benzi country’s fleet?

“Is such that.”

The Secretary of State explained the matter to the Commander-in-Chief.

“I see.”

After listening to the Secretary of State’s words, the Commander-in-Chief nodded.

From the Secretary of State’s story, the Commander-in-Chief did not get any useful information.

It was nothing more than 16 Japanese warships besieging a Dragon Kingdom submarine.

Similar things, as a Blue Star gangster I don’t know how many times the Lighthouse Kingdom has done this, so the commander-in-chief didn’t take this kind of thing to heart.

“I have satellite surveillance of the sea area where the accident occurred.”

The Secretary of State said and handed the floppy disk containing the information to the Lighthouse Commander.

Hearing this, the Lighthouse Commander’s eyes lit up.

The secretary on the side took the floppy disk with a wink and stuffed it into the player.

The display screen Lights up.

In the picture, the background is the blue sea.

The quality of the satellite photography is not very good, but you can still recognize the warships on the sea.

No more, no less, exactly 16 ships, which are the two 88 fleets in the small book.

This is the time period before anything happens to them.

The commander looked at the calm scene and said

“fast forward.”

The secretary quickly pressed the fast-forward button.

During the fast-forward process, Xiaobenzi’s warship barely moved its position.

The secretary of state knew that this was because they were in a stalemate with the Dragon Kingdom submarine.


Looking at the picture, the Secretary of State hurriedly said.

Because the originally calm picture suddenly became abnormal.

A small battleship suddenly burst into flames!

The flames broke out so fast that neither of the two lighthouse figures See what happened clearly.

So the secretary moved the screen back a little, and then played it at normal speed.

But still nothing was seen. It wasn’t until he adjusted the screen to the slowest speed and played it frame by frame.

The commander-in-chief and the secretary of state only slightly I can see a little more clearly.

In the picture, a blurry black figure is rushing towards the warship of Benzi country.

Then the next frame is the picture of the warship exploding.

“what is that?”The commander asked in confusion.

He zoomed in on the black shadow, but still couldn’t tell what the black shadow was.

Obviously, no one could answer this question for him.

“Can it be any clearer?”The commander asked again.

After hearing this, the secretary explained helplessly

“This has been magnified to the maximum, and Datong leads the students.”

If you want to photograph objects with speeds up to Mach 20, you need a professional high-speed camera.

Spy satellites that shoot outside the atmosphere naturally do not have such conditions.

Being able to capture a rough picture is already what current satellite cameras can do. It’s the limit.

The commander and the secretary of state watched the scenes of the explosion of 16 battleships for a long time, but they still couldn’t see the reason.

Except for a few similar black figures, they found nothing.

It felt like , Benzi’s warship exploded.

The commander closed his tired eyes, rubbed his brows, and said

“Why is it like this again? It’s an accident that the attacker can’t be found.”

At the same time, a question arose in the commander’s mind.

Strange, why did I say”again”?

After thinking for a moment, the commander finally remembered where the sense of déjà vu came from. The

F-16 fighter incident half a year ago was also Similar situation!

An entire squadron, 24 F-16 fighter jets were wiped out.

Moreover, communications were also interrupted, and there were no survivors.

The most important thing is that these two incidents are related to the Dragon Kingdom!

F-On the 16th, it was the lighthouse’s reconnaissance plane that collided with the Dragon Kingdom’s fighter plane and disintegrated, which triggered the subsequent total destruction of the F-16 flight.

Although the damage report to the fuselage shows that it was the F-16’s own missile that attacked itself.

But after investigating for so long, no clues were found, and the matter has become an unsolved case.

The cause of this incident was that the Benzi Kingdom’s fleet besieged the Dragon Kingdom’s submarine.

Then there was the same ending of the group being wiped out, with the same no surviving witnesses!

“Why is it the Dragon Kingdom again?”

The commander-in-chief asked very puzzledly.

“Longguo also previously released the fourth-generation drone fighter Skylark.”The Secretary of State added next to

“right! And Skylark!”

The commander of the lighthouse opened his eyes and picked up the globe on the table.

Turning the globe to the position of Asia, the commander looked at the Dragon Kingdom above, his brows gradually furrowed.

In the eyes of the commander, the Dragon Kingdom and the surrounding areas of the

Dragon Kingdom The area seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog

“What are these people from the Dragon Kingdom doing all day long?”

“Datong is the first student, we should take some measures.”The Secretary of State said from the side.

After hearing this, the commander nodded.

Although he didn’t know what the Dragon Kingdom was doing, one thing was certain.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom were quietly developing technology, and they were making rapid progress!

The fourth-generation Skylark, It is proof of the development achievements of the Dragon Kingdom!

For the Lighthouse Country, a rising Dragon Country is not a good Dragon Country.

It took decades for the Lighthouse Country to defeat the Red Soviet Union.

If this allowed the Dragon Country to develop into what it was originally How can Lighthouse cope with the scale of the Soviet Union? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The commander-in-chief does not want another wave of Cold War.

“I’ll leave it to you to suppress the Dragon Kingdom. In addition to directly using force, any other method will do.”The Commander-in-Chief of Lighthouse ordered the Secretary of State.

Hearing this, the Secretary of State felt a little excited.

This was a direct assignment from the Commander-in-Chief, and it was much better than arranging for the lackeys to create obstacles for the Dragon Kingdom.

“Don’t worry, Commander, I will definitely suppress the Dragon Kingdom to the end.”

The Secretary of State said with confidence.

After leaving the Commander-in-Chief’s office, the Secretary of State’s mind (dabh) was constantly thinking about the tasks given by the Commander-in-Chief.

There are many methods that can be used to suppress the Dragon Kingdom, such as technical blockade, economic sanctions, Diplomatic pressure.

The Secretary of State could not think of a specific implementation plan for a while.

So the Secretary of State did not return to his office, but took a car to the CIA headquarters.

I hope that this beacon and the largest intelligence department can give me some inspiration.

The CIA director who walked in In Smith’s office, the Secretary of State asked directly

“Director Smith, if you want to deal with the Dragon Kingdom, what method should you use?”


Before the CIA director could react to the sudden visit from the Secretary of State, he was surprised by his question.

“Are we going to deal with the Dragon Kingdom?”

Smith asked tentatively

“Yes, this is what the commander-in-chief means. The Dragon Kingdom is likely to become our strong opponent. We must suppress the Dragon Kingdom before it rises.”

��The Secretary explained[]

Hearing this, CIA Director Smith’s brain was working rapidly.

He knew that this might be a good opportunity to make a contribution.

After searching in his mind for a moment, Smith said

“Mr. Secretary, the strategic fraud currently being carried out by the CIA is a means to deal with the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Strategic fraud?”

The Secretary of State repeated, not quite understanding what Smith meant.

“Yes, strategic fraud.”

Smith began to explain to the Secretary of State what strategic fraud was.

“Strategic fraud is to mislead the Dragon Kingdom’s technological development direction by fabricating unachievable scientific and technological achievements, thus affecting their technological development.”

After listening to Smith’s introduction with a frown, the Secretary of State seemed to have thought of something and said

“Star Wars?”

“You are right, Mr. Secretary, we could use the Star Wars plan to bring down the Soviet Union back then, and now we can use it to bring down the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Don’t the people of Longguo like to develop high technology? Then we will lead them astray!”

Smith said with confidence.

Of course, Smith did not tell anything about the Skylark fighter.

In his opinion, it was just an accident.

The technological level of the fourth-generation unmanned stealth aircraft is too low, so Long Guo was able to build it..As for the new strategic fraud, Smith is confident that the people of the Dragon Kingdom will never be able to do it!

Listening to Smith’s introduction, the Secretary of State nodded.

The Star Wars plan during the Cold War did put a lot of pressure on the Soviet Union.

Use fake technology in exchange for the enemy’s real resource investment. This is a sure-profit deal.

“Okay, this is a good plan, how do we proceed?”

The Secretary of State asked. He was asking about specific operational methods.

After hearing the Secretary of State’s question, Director Smith took out a piece of information as if he were offering a treasure.

“Mr. Secretary of State, you see, I have actually been working on the strategic fraud plan for a long time, and this is a result.”

After receiving the information, the Secretary of State flipped through a few pages at will, and his attention was attracted by the big title above.

《Blueprint for the Construction of Ultra-Large Nuclear Fusion Power Generation Network”

Seeing the above content, the Secretary of State felt a little dazzled.

The information is full of various professional terms and drawings of multiple engineering equipment.

To a layman like the Secretary of State, this information seems to be true!

Noticing the Secretary of State’s expression, Smith said as if he was taking credit.

“Mr. Secretary of State, we asked nuclear fusion experts from the Beacon Academy of Sciences to compile this information.”

“The technical means inside are all in line with scientific theories.”

After hearing Smith’s explanation, the Secretary of State said:”It would be great if we could deceive the scientific community of Dragon Kingdom.”

After closing this document, the Secretary of State added another sentence.

“By the way, Dragon Kingdom wouldn’t really create this thing, would it?”

The Secretary of State pointed to the nuclear fusion power transmission network in the document.

“Absolutely not, these are things that only exist in theory and have no practical feasibility at all.”Director Smith assured

“Controlled nuclear fusion technology has been around for many years, and there is no hope of realizing it, let alone this kind of power transmission network.”

Hearing this, the Secretary of State nodded.

“That’s good, let’s publish this information.”

“Also, in addition to this kind of technical fraud in super projects, there is also strategic fraud in the military industry.”

“Director Smith, you have done a good job and you will continue to work hard in the future.”

Hearing the Secretary of State’s praise, Director Smith felt very happy.

“Mr. Secretary of State, in fact, this information was”leaked” in various forms the day before.”Smith said.

His tone was quite proud, with a lot of taking credit.


Security Bureau.

In the director’s office, Zhou Wenwu was sorting out intelligence from all over the world.

This is what he must do as the director. Work.

Of course, Director Zhou Wenwu does not need to read every piece of information in detail. He can only browse it. Only useful information will be read specifically.

Among the numerous intelligence directories, a piece of intelligence from the lighthouse attracted Zhou Wenwu Director’s attention

“Nuclear fusion? Transmission network?”

After seeing the name of the directory, Zhou Wenwu took out the information and spread it out in front of him.

If it were before, Zhou Wenwu would not have even looked at this information.

Because it involves a difficult problem in the scientific community such as controllable nuclear fusion. , which is basically useless information.

Although Zhou Wenwu is not an expert, he has heard a little about the eternal 50-year curse in the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

But it is different now.

The young Jiang Guoshi, just I just prefer this kind of information.

After turning over the information, Zhou Wenwu read a few pages and quickly realized.

This is what Jiang Guoshi has always wanted!

Zhou Wenwu still clearly remembers Jiang Guoshi’s request.

The first is the information It must be advanced enough and cannot be something that already exists.

The second information cannot be pure fabrication, it must be reasonable.

And this”Super Large Nuclear Fusion Power Generation Network Construction Project Blueprint” from the Lighthouse Country is in line with Jiang Guoshi request.

So Zhou Wenwu decisively dialed Jiang Guoshi’s phone number

“Jiang Guoshi, I have what you want.”

“You guessed it, like before, this information comes from the lighthouse.” ps: Dear adoptive fathers, I am here to apologize.

I ate expired spicy sticks today and sat on the toilet for a whole night. I almost lost my life. There is only one update today. I will make up for everyone tomorrow.


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