“So all the warships of this country have retreated back to the harbor?”

The highest conference room of the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at the information about Benzi’s navy, several people laughed out loud.

The words of the diplomat of the Dragon Kingdom could scare Xiaobenzi to this point.

“Yes, he was probably scared of being beaten.”Someone said.

Several other people also nodded and agreed with him.

After all, they had also read the Longwei’s maiden voyage report.

It was said to be a maiden voyage report, but judging from the content, it was completely for the Navy. A battle report

“On his first voyage, he wiped out half of the country’s naval fleet. Only Jiang Guoshi could do such a thing.”

“Yes, the last time Canglong flew for the first time, it was also a big deal. Unexpectedly, Jiang Guoshi was even more ruthless this time.”

“In any case, our navy soldiers are back, and this is the best result.” said the man at the end of the conference table, and then brought the topic back to the right track.

“Don’t worry about the little book anymore, let’s take a look at Jiang Guoshi’s new project.”

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the conference room became serious.

Compared with the project Jiang Guoshi just submitted, the small book is really not worth mentioning.

Several people have read the project.

Compared with the previous overview of nuclear fusion Different, this time Jiang Guoshi gave a specific project plan.

Jiang Yuanzhou’s plan is called Zhuri. According to the description in the plan, the Zhuri plan will establish a very large power transmission network with a fusion power station as the core.

Plan The papers are piled together, there are hundreds of pages.

And these are just simple construction templates

“Jiang Guoshi plans to officially launch Dragon Kingdom’s controllable nuclear fusion plan. What do you think?”

The voice just fell on 30, and someone was the first to express support.

“I support Jiang Guoshi’s plan”

“Me too. Jiang Guoshi has come up with specific plans, which means that Jiang Guoshi has sufficient confidence.”

“I also support Jiang Guoshi.”

In just two minutes, Yuan’s daily plan won the support of everyone.

“Okay, then I announce that Dragon Kingdom will officially start the controllable nuclear fusion power generation project”

“Project code name, Zhuri”

“It is planned day by day and included in the country’s highest level engineering projects.”

The person at the end of the meeting announced.

The highest-level project will receive full support from everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

In the second half of the meeting, the discussion changed to how to support the daily plan.

To complete the same project, there are two things Things are indispensable.

People and things.

In other words, people and money.

Money is not a big problem. With Skylark fighter jets harvesting foreign exchange all over the world, the financial pressure of Dragon Kingdom is much less.

So the biggest problem is It depends on people.

To build such a magnificent super engineering project, the manpower required is naturally indispensable. There is no shortage of ordinary skilled workers in the Dragon Kingdom.

But this project is not an ordinary project. In the field of controllable nuclear fusion, for professional The requirements are extremely high.

Just relying on Jiang Yuanzhou and the group of assistants he trained before building the Longwei is simply not enough.

So when Jiang Yuanzhou submitted the project, he also put forward his own requirements.

The important people must also be in the field of nuclear fusion expert.

Looking at Jiang Yuanzhou’s request, someone said helplessly

“Jiang Guoshi really posed a big problem for us.”

“Yes, we don’t have many experts in the field of nuclear fusion in our country.”

“Don’t forget, we still have people abroad.”Someone reminded me.

Not to mention the Dragon Kingdom, even the Lighthouse cannot handle such a cutting-edge project as controllable nuclear fusion.

Therefore, a multinational joint scientific research organization has emerged.

Many countries have concentrated manpower and material resources to study controllable nuclear fusion together.” Nuclear fusion.

Dragon Kingdom has participated in many such organizations.

Therefore, most of Dragon Kingdom’s nuclear fusion experts are abroad and represent Dragon Kingdom in multinational joint nuclear fusion projects.

“Inform them to return home”

“Compared with Jiang Guoshi’s plan, those foreign projects are a complete waste of time. said the man at the end of the meeting.

“However, will this attract the attention of the lighthouse? I am afraid that they will use tricks to prevent our scientists from returning to the country.”Some people expressed their concerns

“Um.”The man at the end of the meeting nodded, his tone still very firm.

“Notify the Security Bureau and ask them to use all available energy to ensure that our scientists return home safely.”

“Ensure that the daily plan can be carried out smoothly.”

After that, he stood up directly

“Everyone, the Dragon Kingdom is reviving and prospering in Zhuri!”

Lighthouse Country.

Office of the Secretary of State.

At this time, the Secretary of State is studying various information about the Dragon Kingdom.

The task of suppressing the Dragon Kingdom arranged by the commander-in-chief has now become the Secretary of State’s top priority.

Boom! Boom!

The room in the office The door was knocked


The knock on the door also attracted the attention of the Secretary of State. He looked up from the documents and looked at the door.

The Secretary of State saw an old acquaintance, Director of the Lighthouse CIA, Smith.

“Director Smith, what’s the matter?”

Looking at the person coming, the Secretary of State asked.

Director Smith, with excitement on his face, said to the Secretary of State

“Mr. Secretary, that’s good news.”

“The Dragon Kingdom really took the bait.”

“Take the bait?”

After hearing Smith’s words, the Secretary of State was a little confused for a moment.

Looking at the Secretary of State’s

expression, Smith quickly handed a piece of intelligence to the Secretary of State.

At the same time, he explained

“Mr. Secretary, you will know just by looking at this intelligence.”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing this, the Secretary of State opened the intelligence.

The information came from the International Atomic Energy Society and the Global Nuclear Fusion Development Association.

Director Smith was also explaining to the Secretary of State next to him.

“In large nuclear fusion organizations such as the International Nuclear Federation, scientists from the Dragon Kingdom have recently requested leave and resignation from the organization.”

“After investigation by our CIA agents, we found that they were recruited by Dragon Kingdom officials.”

“oh? so what? Secretary of State Beacon asked. He still could not understand what Director Smith meant.

Smith could only continue to explain.

“These Dragon Kingdom experts all have one characteristic, they are all experts in the field of nuclear fusion!”

Hearing this, Secretary Beacon became a little more serious and began to read the information about Dragon Kingdom scientists in the intelligence. It was just as Director Smith said.

The scientists recruited by Dragon Kingdom officials to return to the country have all made achievements in nuclear fusion and related fields. scientists

“Why did they call these scientists back?”

Looking at the text on the intelligence, the Secretary of State asked with some confusion.

If only one or two Dragon Kingdom scientists returned, it would be normal.

But the intelligence showed that almost all Dragon Kingdom nuclear fusion experts have returned to China. Intend

“We haven’t found out the specific reason yet, but it’s my guess.”Smith said, confidently expressing his inference.

“The Dragon Kingdom planned to develop its own controllable nuclear fusion, so it summoned all the scientists back.”

Hearing Smith’s guess, the Secretary of State became even more confused.

“Call all the nuclear fusion experts back and develop your own controlled nuclear fusion?”[]

“Are the Longguo people crazy?”

The Secretary of State’s tone was filled with deep incomprehension.

After years of efforts by several major international nuclear fusion research organizations, the progress of controllable nuclear fusion has not been promoted much.

Now Long Guo plans to go it alone?

What if Long Guo doesn’t want to There is only one possibility to give up the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion.

The people of Longguo are crazy.

Hearing this, Director Smith shook his head and said somewhat mysteriously

“Secretary of State, have you forgotten the strategic fraud we committed before?”

“Strategic fraud?”

After Director Smith’s reminder, the Secretary of State also remembered the information he received from the CIA a few days ago.

The content of that carefully fabricated information was exactly about controllable nuclear fusion!

“Are you talking about the information on the global nuclear fusion power transmission network?”

That information was too professional, and the Secretary of State only remembered vague names.

“Yes, that’s it!”

Director Smith’s tone became excited.

“Mr. Secretary, look at the time”

“After our CIA’s false information was spread, only a few days later, the Dragon Kingdom issued a call for nuclear fusion scientists.”

“This is definitely no coincidence!”

Smith said decisively.

“Director Smith, are you saying that after seeing our information, 227 Dragon Nation chose to engage in controlled nuclear fusion on its own?”

The Secretary of State looked at the time displayed on the intelligence and said with some disbelief.

“Yes, Mr. Secretary, judging from the intelligence we have, that is indeed the case.”Smith said with a proud smile on his face.

Hearing this, the Secretary of State nodded unconsciously.

Just as the CIA director said.

Judging from the existing intelligence, Long Guo went to China because of a false information. The probability of independent controllable nuclear fusion is very high.

After thinking about this, the Secretary of State couldn’t help but take a breath.

He never thought that the strategic fraud carried out by the CIA could be so useful?

Urgently call all foreign countries from the Dragon Kingdom From the nuclear physicist’s point of view, Long Guo was planning to play a trick.

A piece of information created by the CIA, Long Guo actually took it all seriously?

Although the Secretary of State did not believe it, the information given by Smith was placed in front of him.

The evidence is right in front of us, but the Secretary of State cannot help but not believe it.

“Mr. Secretary, what should we do? Smith asked again.

This time he came to the Secretary of State. In addition to asking for credit, he also wanted to get advice from the Secretary of State on how to handle the matter.

“What to do?”

At this time, the Secretary of State is still paying attention to the intelligence of Longguo scientists.

“I mean, what should we do with those nuclear fusion scientists from the Dragon Kingdom? They want to return to China. Should we intercept them? Smith asked.

International organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Society and the Global Nuclear Fusion Development Association generally have loose organizational structures.

According to the organization’s regulations, the personal freedom of scientists participating in the project will not be restricted.

But the regulations It’s a rule. The Lighthouse Country never cares about rules when doing things.

As long as they want to stop it, if the CIA takes action, then they have a hundred ways to intercept these scientists.

After hearing Smith’s question, Secretary of State Lighthouse thought for a moment and gave his own answer.

“No need to stop”

“Not only do we not have to stop them, if those scientists from the Dragon Kingdom want to go back, we have to help them.”

The Secretary of State had a strategizing smile on his face.

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