"A million?"

Hearing Zhao Xuemin's words, Wang Guowei was a little skeptical of his ears.

It's not that it's a million expensive, it's too cheap!

A million a fighter?

Surely this is not a free gift?

When 24 Su-27 Flanker fighters were introduced from the Mao Bear, a full three billion were spent!

Calculated down, one is more than 100 million!

Although the Su-27 can be ranked among the top in the world, the Su-27 is only a third-generation fighter.

And the Skylark fighter, which costs only more than one million and less than two million, is already a real fourth-generation aircraft.

Or an unmanned fighter that does not need to train pilots anymore!

The difference in combat effectiveness between the two can be seen from the air battle in which the 011 fighter failed miserably before.

The introduction of a Su-27 fighter can build dozens, if not hundreds, of Skylark fighters!

Hundreds of fourth-generation UAVs

Then introduce a hairy fighter!

After seeing the amazing combat effectiveness and terrifyingly low cost of the lark fighter, Wang Guowei had an urgent plan.

When you go back, quickly return the introduction treaty with the Mao Bear Country.

Aren't the funds for the introduction of lark fighters fragrant


However, if you want to build Skylark fighters in batches, there is another condition.

The relevant technology of the lark fighter is still in the hands of the inventor Jiang Yuanzhou.

Thinking of this, Wang Guowei coughed lightly, slowly walked to the side of the lark fighter, and said to Jiang Yuanzhou, who was inspecting.

"Classmate Jiang, there is a sentence I don't know if I should say or not. "

"Please speak. "

After organizing the language, Wang Guowei spoke.

"What I want to say about the Skylark fighter, for the Dragon Air Force, the lark fighter has great strategic significance. At present, we have only 24 third-generation aircraft Su-27s in our five major theaters, and their high-end combat power is seriously insufficient. "

"Therefore, on behalf of the Dragon Air Force, I would like to submit to you a request for the acquisition of the technology of the Skylark fighter. "

Speaking of technical issues, Wang Guowei's tone became extremely serious.

"This, yes, the manufacturing drawings are in the data cabinet, and General Wang can take it himself." Jiang Yuanzhou replied, and the movement of checking his hand did not stop at all.

"Ah? Good, okay!"

Jiang Yuanzhou's answer caught Wang Guowei off guard.

This..... Is it so casual?

I feel that here in Jiang Yuanzhou, the lark fighter information that can make the Dragon Air Force reborn and replaced is like a street magazine, and you can take it if you want?

A moment later, Wang Guowei reacted from his stunned.

He spoke again with great seriousness.

"If you have any requirements, please mention it, the Dragon Kingdom Air Force will definitely fight for you. "

Although Jiang Yuanzhou's attitude towards the Skylark fighter information is more casual, this does not change the value of that information.

What should be done, Wang Guowei will not do less.

The Dragon Kingdom will not treat anyone who has contributed badly.


Hearing this, Jiang Yuanzhou suspended the work at hand.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yuanzhou spoke.

"I don't ask much, just two points. "

"The first is the follow-up experiment of the Skylark fighter. This time I have only completed the test flight, and I plan to do actual combat experiments for a while. "

As soon as he finished saying the first request, Wang Guowei hurriedly spoke.

"Okay, I'll make preparations when I go back, and the Air Force will definitely fully cooperate with the actual battle." Wang Guowei assured as he patted his chest.

"You're in trouble. Jiang Yuanzhou then said the second request, "Also, I want to see more information." "


Wang Guowei didn't understand something, so he asked.

"What kind of information are you talking about? As long as you want to see it, the database of the Dragon Kingdom can be read. Even if you don't have it in the database, our intelligence services will find a way for you. "

"What I want to see is the high-tech weapons materials of the beautiful country. Jiang Yuanzhou said.

"Okay, I'll sort out a copy and send it when I go back, the most advanced information at present is F22, Tomahawk missiles, Ford aircraft carriers, what do you want?"

Wang Guowei listed several of the most advanced weapons of the beautiful country.

Although these things are not physical, through the efforts of the intelligence department, the military of the Dragon Kingdom also has a lot of relevant information.


Hearing Wang Guowei's example, Jiang Yuanzhou knew that he had misunderstood his meaning.

"General Wang, you misunderstood, what I want to see is the kind of more advanced information, it doesn't matter if it's not complete. "

Although the F22 and Ford-class aircraft carriers are indeed the world's top level, they are not at the same level compared to the lark fighter.

With Zhuyu in front, Jiang Yuanzhou naturally can't look at the "backward" product of F22.

"More advanced?" Wang Guowei wondered.

The F22 is the only fourth-generation aircraft in the world, isn't that advanced enough?

Oh yes, after the advent of the Skylark fighter, it is not the only fourth-generation aircraft.

"Can you give an example?" asked Wang Guowei.

He really couldn't think of any more advanced weapon.

"For example, the material that Professor Zhao showed in class before. Jiang Yuanzhou replied.

As soon as the words came out.

The eyes of everyone in the laboratory were focused on Zhao Xuemin, more advanced than F22, how could they not know?

And the party Zhao Xuemin himself was even more confused.

It wasn't until Jiang Yuanzhou's reminder that Zhao Xuemin remembered.

Back in the office, Zhao Xuemin took back the incomplete information of the intelligent unmanned fighter and placed it on the laboratory table for everyone to see.

It is said to be incomplete, but in fact there is very little content in this information.

Only a blurry photo and a small number of parameters.

The photo shows a silhouette of a fighter plane.

Several of the main capabilities of the fighter are written on the parameters, and nothing else.

In fact, most of the high-level officials present had seen this information, but they were all unimpressed.

After all, there is too little information on it, and the parameters are too exaggerated, and there is almost no reference value, so most people have read it and forgotten it.

Looking at the silhouette of the fighter in the photo, Wang Guowei felt more and more familiar.

Turn your head and look at the actual fighter behind you, and then look at the photo silhouette.

Wang Guowei couldn't help but ask a question.

"The fighter in this photo, how did it look so much like a lark fighter??"

After his reminder, others also began to notice the connection between the two.

It can't be said to be very similar, only exactly the same.

Faced with the questions of several people, Jiang Yuanzhou explained.

"The lark fighter was developed based on this information. "

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou's words, several people present simultaneously raised questions from their souls.



PS: Thank you all for your support~

Everyone's flowers and evaluation votes are the motivation of the author's mycocode words~

Readers who want to urge more, please smash me with flowers~



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