Looking at the live broadcast of the Spring Festival in the Dragon Kingdom, the Grand Commander prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the second program of the Dragon Kingdom people could be made a little smaller.

It's also good to give the lighthouse country some respite.

"The leader of the reunification, we contacted the pilot of the reconnaissance plane."

On the phone of the Pentagon, which had not been hung up, the voice of the person in charge over there came.

Pilots who parachuted out were equipped with communicators.

After the Canglong flew away, the communicator was able to reconnect with the base.

"Okay, I see, you organize the rescue."

The Grand Commander said, hanging up the phone with the Pentagon.

From the Pentagon's side, there is little useful intelligence.

In the live broadcast of the Spring Festival in the Dragon Kingdom.

After the host said that he was about to start the second program, he paused the news.

The camera also began to pan down gradually from the Kunpeng at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The dragon kingdom didn't explain the second program, which was a big deal for the Lighthouse Commander who was watching the live broadcast.

The Grand Commander couldn't wait to find out what the so-called second program was going to show for a two-hour special program that allowed Long Guochun to set aside for the Spring Evening.

Driven by curiosity, the Grand Commander picked up the phone again.

This time he was not going to call the useless Pentagon, but the number one intelligence agency of the Lighthouse State.

After the call went out, it didn't go through for several seconds.

This made the Grand Commander quite puzzled.

This is a presidential line, and no matter what the organization is, it must be connected immediately.

Why doesn't the lighthouse country's most important intelligence agency answer its own calls?

What the Beacon Commander doesn't know is that the current CIA Chief Smith is even more anxious than the Commander-in-Chief I don't know how many times.

In the office of the director of the CIA.

As the number one leader of the CIA, Director Smith is naturally very concerned about the Spring Festival of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Secretary of State's envoy to the Dragon Kingdom and the information on the Spring Festival of the Dragon Kingdom was sent to the CIA desk as soon as possible.

And among the entourage who followed the Secretary of State to the Dragon Country, there were also CIA people.

But these people didn't make a difference.

After entering the Dragon Country, the CIA people lost contact before they had time to pass on the information.

It's clear that this is the intelligence department of the Dragon Country.

After all, it is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and no matter how much the CIA agents have ideas, they can only be arranged by the Dragon Kingdom clearly.

Therefore, as for the situation on the side of the Dragon Kingdom, Smith, as the chief of the CIA, is like everyone else, and can only understand the current situation of the Dragon Kingdom by watching the live broadcast released by the official Dragon Kingdom.

In the Lighthouse Country, there are not a few people who watch the live broadcast of the Spring Evening of the Dragon Kingdom.

But if there is anyone who has been most shocked, it is CIA Director Smith.

When the Kunpeng appeared on the live feed, the CIA's eyes never took off the television.

Because he has seen and seen this high-secret space carrier of the Dragon Country.

Or rather, Smith was one of the first people to see what a helicarrier would look like!

"This, how can this be so similar?"

Smith held a document in his hand, his eyes constantly bouncing back and forth between the Kunpeng on TV and the document in his hand.

The latest secret weapon displayed by the Dragon Kingdom, the Kunpeng, an aerospace carrier that can deter the world, is actually very similar to the information in his hand.

It can't be said to be similar, it's just exactly the same!

It's as if the Dragon Country's aerospace carrier was made by watching the CIA data!

However, the CIA data is completely fabricated!

This is a point that is completely unacceptable to Director Smith.

The information I made up by myself was directly created in the hands of the Dragon Kingdom??

Although these false information are not completely false, the rationale behind them is in line with basic common sense.

But this is still fake information!

Smith's plan for the space carrier in his hand is only a few dozen pages.

You know, the design drawings of a car cost tens of thousands of pages, not to mention a super giant device like the Kunpeng.

With just these dozens of pages of sketchy plans, the Dragon Kingdom can build a space carrier?

This kind of thing sounds like reading the table of contents of a book and completely understanding the whole set of books.

No, it's an exaggeration to say that it is a catalog.

The title is right!

One glance at the title reveals a complete set of books.

This made CIA Chief Smith wonder if he had done something wrong.

Maybe there shouldn't have been any strategic fraud in the first place?

What is this about, the Dragon Kingdom has created all the fabricated weapons in those strategic frauds, what is this called?

Putting down the information, Director Smith finally recovered from the shock in his heart, only to find that the phone next to him was ringing.

Looking at the striking red color on the phone, Director Smith quickly picked up the phone.

"Don't you have anything to do?"

This red phone is only connected to one place, that is, the White House, and the person on the other side can only be the general of the Lighthouse State, Smith's immediate boss.

"I've been on the phone for a long time, why don't you answer the phone?"

The Grand Commander said dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Smith hurriedly saved.

"I'm sorry for the unification leader, I was just checking the information."

The Grand Commander did not pursue it, but stated the purpose of his call.

"What kind of second show is the Spring Night of the Dragon Kingdom, do you have any clue?"

The Grand Commander asked curiously.

"Uh,,, this."

Hearing this, Director Smith was in a dilemma for a moment.

The second show in Dragon Kingdom, how could I possibly have a clue?

The CIA did not receive much information about the Kunpeng's first flight before, let alone something that had not yet been seen.

But the Commander on the other end of the line, and if he said the wrong thing, Smith would be in big trouble.

After racking his brains, Director Smith replied. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Archon, do you remember the dragon country's superconducting power transmission plan?"

"Maybe it has something to do with that."

"Superconducting power transmission?"

The Grand Commander repeated.

After such a reminder, the Grand Commander also remembered the matter of superconducting power transmission.

The fact that the people of the Dragon Kingdom used superconducting materials as power transmission wires is still remembered very well by the Grand Commander.

Before, the Grand Commander was still wondering when the Dragon Kingdom would put the superconducting transmission network into use, but now I think it is...

After thinking about this, the Grand Commander complimented.

"Director Smith did a good job, much better than that bunch of garbage at the Pentagon."

With that, the Grand Commander hung up the phone.

Sending away the great god of the Great Commander, Smith finally breathed a sigh of relief.

comes to the praise of the commander, and it is full of gold at all times.

But now Smith doesn't care about any of these things.

Smith's biggest concern now is his own safety.

The latest weapons in the Dragon Nation that surpass the world level are all the result of the CIA's strategic fraud scheme. []

The Skylark Fighter, the Longwei Battleship, the Kunpeng Aerospace Helicarrier, and the mysterious fighter that just showed its face in the live broadcast, Smith looked very familiar.

Brief information on these weapons is in the CIA archives.

Once discovered, Smith, who is also the director of the bureau and the head of the strategic fraud program, will not be able to escape the involvement.

The new weapon of the Dragon Kingdom is exactly the same as the information you Smith made, so how should Smith explain it?

But all the weapons of the Dragon Kingdom are from Smith's strategic fraud plan, which is a suspicion that Smith can't clear.

Looking at the Kunpeng on TV, Smith only felt that his future was bleak.

No, at this time, what future is still being considered.

There are a lot of people involved in this information, and many CIA members have read it.

It's only a matter of time before it's discovered.

Once discovered, the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy will definitely not be avoided, and it may even be charged with treason.

CIA means Smith is naturally incomparably clear.

Smith didn't want to be tortured.

"Fake, how did the Dragons come up with these things?"

Smith looked at the strategic fraud information in his hand and muttered to himself in incomprehension.

"Oh, there's that!"

Speaking of strategic fraud, Smith remembered that there was also a strategic fraud material!

That information was a fraud scheme that Smith had hoped for.

Smith 2.3 got up and dug through the drawer for the strategic fraud document.

The name is written on the cover of the document.

Planetary-scale global power generation network with nuclear fusion reactors at its core

Looking at this information, Smith frowned.

An outrageous thought welled up in his mind.

The rest of the strategic deception has been realized by the Dragon Kingdom, and this should not be...

When Smith was suspicious, the Dragon Kingdom used practical actions to help Smith verify his idea.

I saw that the live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom started from the Kunpeng and went all the way down, and after the live broadcast of the Spring Festival stabilized again, the audience was also able to see the protagonist of the second special program of the Dragon Country Spring Night.

The camera focuses on a building complex that looks unremarkable.


The host's voice sounded again, introducing the global audience to what they were most concerned about, the specific content of program No. 2.

"What you see now is the protagonist of the second special tonight."

"Jinwu Substation!"

"In the next live broadcast, we will bring you the whole process of Jinwu fusion substation from ignition to power generation!"

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