Just as Li Feng was about to report as before, out of the corner of his eye, through the cockpit glass, he saw a black shadow flashing on the lower left side of the fighter.

So Li Feng couldn't speak, and immediately turned the fighter plane.

Finally, he saw the true face of that black shadow.

It was a strangely shaped fighter, with a flat fuselage and wings that occupied most of the fuselage, and the whole was gray.

There is no identification on the body.

"What kind of fighter is this?"

The first thing that flashed in Li Feng's mind was this idea.

Immediately afterwards, he heard a call in the communication channel.

"Dong Yi, you have deviated from the intended course, please report the situation!"

"Dong Yi, you have deviated from the intended course, please report the situation!!"

The tower side was obviously in a hurry, and directly repeated the instruction twice.

Ground radar showed that the 011 suddenly changed its flight attitude and also changed its flight direction.

If nothing had happened, the 011 would never have made such a move.

"Cave Man report, found an unknown aircraft!

Surprised, Li Feng did not forget his duties and hurriedly reported to the ground.

"Tower received, please report your relative distance from the unknown aircraft. "

Hearing the reply from the ground, Li Feng was a little puzzled.

An aircraft that you can see with your own eyes, but you can't see it from an array radar station on the ground

With this doubt, Li Feng glanced at the display screen of the airborne radar.

Then his eyes widened.

The monitor is empty!

According to the electromagnetic scanning results of the radar, the front of the 011 fighter piloted by Li Feng should be empty.

But that's impossible.

The unknown fighter flew steadily in the air and existed in Li Feng's field of vision.

But the radar scanned nothing.

This can only say one thing

"The airborne radar was unable to scan the aircraft. "

"Judging by the eye, the distance between our plane and the unknown fighter is about three hundred meters. "

Hearing Li Feng's answer, the staff on the ground were a little puzzled.

Can you judge visually?

How is this possible?

Ground radar clearly shows that there are no reflection sources within a radius of three kilometers around the 011 fighter.

Where does visual judgment come from?


"Dong Yi reported that the unknown fighter is a stealth fighter!"

Stealth fighter!

Hearing Li Feng's report, the ground staff instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

This is not a simple yaw condition.

You know, among the current active fighters of the Dragon Kingdom, there is not a single stealth fighter!

The ground personnel immediately got up and pressed the button that represented the emergency.

"Keep coming, keep tracking! Please report the shape of that fighter. "

"Dong Yi received!"

"The mysterious fighter is gray-black..."

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Li Feng piloted the 011 fighter and followed behind the mysterious fighter step by step.

The distance between the two is not more than 500 meters.

For fighters, this distance is already quite close, and close-range combat missiles can directly lock on enemy aircraft, and it is only one step away from ultra-close dog fighting.

Such a tracking task is extremely dangerous.

But there's no way around it.

The radar could not detect the mysterious fighter, and if you wanted to keep tracking, you could only rely on Li Feng's eyes.

Beyond this distance, the human eye can lose its target at any time.

While Li Feng was nervously chasing the mysterious fighter.

The ground command center of the Air Force in the Kirin Theater has become a mess.

According to Li Feng's description, the staff drew a rough drawing of the appearance of the fighter.

The liaison officers called the major military research and development institutions according to the drawings.

The first thing they have to figure out now is to distinguish friend from foe.

Wang Guowei, head of the Air Force of the Qilin Theater, was standing in the hall of the command center, anxiously waiting for the reply of the major military industrial institutions.

As things stand, there are two possibilities.

One is what Wang Guowei wants to see:

That mysterious fighter is a secret weapon newly developed by a domestic institution and is undergoing flight experiments.

It's friendly forces.

The other is the worst-case scenario, the mysterious fighter is not developed by domestic institutions, but from abroad...

"Vice President Zhang, what do you think?"

Wang Guowei asked.

A gray-haired, glasses-wearing fighter next to him pushed his glasses and said his opinion.

"I know about the fighters that have been made public in the world, as well as the fighters to be developed by the intelligence agencies, but I can't recognize this one." "

"I can only be sure of one thing. "

"This fighter is deeply hidden. "

Nodding, Wang Guowei said, "I understand. "

Vice President Zhang is the best fighter expert in the military region, and he said this, which can only mean that the fighter is some kind of secret weapon, or a test machine.

Wang Guowei now only hopes that the fighter is a test machine for domestic institutions.

Holding the drawing, Vice President Zhang stared at the mysterious fighter above, and he had a strange feeling in his heart.

"This plane, how does it look a little familiar..."



It didn't take long for the major domestic military industry agencies to give answers.

"Report, Fengfei replied, no fighter test flight. "

According to the report, Sichuan Flight replied that there was no test flight plan this month. "



The liaisons reported one by one, which made Wang Guowei's heart sink to the bottom.

Domestic agencies have denied any connection to the plane, so the answer can only be the second case.

Mysterious stealth fighter, from abroad....

"The hole reported that the third attempt to call failed and the other party did not answer. "

Li Feng's report added another shadow to Wang Guowei's heart.

The mysterious fighter does not belong to the military and cannot communicate.

As the head of the air force of the Kirin Theater, Wang Guowei needs to quickly make a judgment on how to deal with the mysterious fighter of unknown origin.

A moment later.

Wang Guowei opened his eyes.

Taking the communicator, Wang Guowei spoke.

"Dong Yi, I am Wang Guowei. "

"Dong Yi received, please instruct. "

In the No. 011 fighter, Li Feng's nervousness was raised one more point.

That was General Wang Guowei, his top boss.

In the tense atmosphere in the sky on the ground, Wang Guowei said in a deep voice.

"In the name of the commander-in-chief of the air force of the Kirin Military Region, I order that unknown fighter ...

"Wipe it out on the spot!"


ps: Newcomer new book, please support all the big guys ~~

Flowers, evaluations, monthly passes ~~ are all recognition of everyone's recognition of me~

10 flowers plus 1 more ~

5 chapter evaluation votes plus 1 more ~~

Monthly pass tips and the like, if there is more~

Thank you guys for your support~


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