"All fighters are dispatched to intercept enemy aircraft!"

The words fell, and the entire command center instantly boiled.


"Runway One has been emptied!"

"Runway No. 2 has been emptied!"

"Report! The fighter plane requests takeoff!"

"Tower received, allowed to take off!"

After receiving permission from the tower, the number 101 Fighter-8 started the engine.

After a short taxi, the 101 reached takeoff speed and skipped off the runway into the sky.

At the same time as this fighter, eleven Y-8 fighters took to the sky.

They are all fighters belonging to the first combat formation.

After the twelve Y-8s of the first squadron took off, several subsequent combat squadrons also completed takeoff.

In just ten minutes, 48 fighters took off from the White Tiger No. 1 Military Airport.

"All the warplanes that have taken off, please answer when you hear it, answer when you hear it. "

"Dong Wanwan received. "

"Two of the caves received. "

After ensuring that all fighter communication channels were normal, Liu Guodong issued combat instructions for the fighters.

"Mission objective, destroy enemy aircraft. "

"Now the first thing you have to do is find the location of the enemy aircraft. "

"According to intelligence, enemy aircraft will attack from the southeast, all of them, and immediately launch a search for the airspace to the southeast. "


There is a uniformity in the communication channel.

After getting the specific bearing, forty-eight fighters turned in unison and flew in the direction where the lark fighters attacked.

In this exercise, there is a place that is not reasonable, that is, the intelligence of General Commander Liu Guodong.

Under normal circumstances, the intelligence of the stealth fighter's sortie could not reach the hands of the White Tiger Military Region at all.

Not to mention the intelligence with specific directions and time.

But in order for the exercise to continue normally, red as a defender still has to open a small plug.

Otherwise, this battle cannot be fought.

Millions of square kilometers of airspace, if there is not even a direction, to find a small stealth fighter, then is not a needle in a haystack.

Four combat squadrons, from different directions, carried out search missions in the airspace southeast of the Dragon Kingdom.

Since there is no display on the radar, they can only fly while searching by sight.

The J-8 is a two-seater, twin-engine fighter.

The pilot is responsible for piloting the aircraft while paying attention to the airspace ahead.

The co-pilot has to keep an eye on the radar and maintain communication with his teammates.

Even stealth fighters are briefly exposed to radar at the moment of launching a missile.

They seized this fleeting opportunity.

In the communication channel of the second squadron.

"Two holes and one report, no enemy aircraft were seen, and the radar did not show it. "

"Two holes and two reports, no enemy aircraft were seen. "

"Two reports ...

Twenty minutes had passed since they took off.

During these twenty minutes, none of the fighters saw the shadow of the enemy aircraft.

As if enemy aircraft had never appeared.

But none of the fighters on the red side took it lightly.

Not seeing enemy aircraft can bring them more psychological pressure.

God knows where that stealth fighter attacked from.

"Keep searching, keep the course. "

The leader of the second squadron commanded in the communication channel.

"Can't relax..."

Before the command was finished, the captain heard an exclamation from the co-pilot's position behind him.

"The radar is flashing!"

At the same time, reports came from the communication channel.

"Two holes and one report, found the radar flashing!"

"Two holes and two reports, radar flashes for half a second!"


"Two holes report that I have been hit by a missile!


ps: Newcomer new book, please support all the big guys ~~

Flowers, evaluations, monthly passes ~~ are all recognition of everyone's recognition of me~

10 flowers plus 1 more ~

5 chapter evaluation votes plus 1 more ~~

Monthly pass tips and the like, if there is more~

Thank you guys for your support~


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