Where did the missile attack come from?

The captain of the second squadron was shocked.

When the second squadron was attacked, he had been counting the number of his fighters that had been hit by missiles.

No more, no less, exactly eight, corresponding to eight missiles of enemy fourth-generation aircraft.

So where did this missile that attacked the first squadron come from?

It was not only the second captain who was shocked, but also the ground command center of the red side, which was also in an uproar.

For this missile attack, which was unexpected by everyone, several fighter experts in the command center were discussing fiercely.

"Could it be that the blue square is more than one fourth-generation machine?"

"Or that fourth-generation aircraft can carry more than eight missiles?"

Several experts suspected that the intelligence was wrong.

"The intelligence is correct, the enemy has only one fighter, and the ammunition carrying is only eight, this cannot be wrong."

Commander-in-Chief Liu Guodong shook his head and denied the speculation that the intelligence was wrong.

The purpose of this exercise is to find out the real combat power of the lark fighter, and this kind of information cannot be fake.

The experts glanced at each other and then gave the guess closest to the truth.

"Since the intelligence is correct, then the battle situation in the sky can only be a possibility."

"The fourth-generation aircraft on the blue side, after attacking the second squadron, returned home to load the missiles, and then re-entered the battlefield and began to attack the first squadron."

Listening to the experts' speculation, Liu Guodong frowned.

A glance at the time.

Only twenty minutes passed from the last attack of the second squadron to the attack of the first squadron.

In twenty minutes, you can return to reload, and then go to the battlefield again ??

Liu Guodong suddenly felt that his concept of air combat seemed to be a little backward.

Although it was a little difficult to digest, now that the battle was still going on, Liu Guodong could only quickly accept this fact.

Immediately Liu Guodong suddenly remembered something, grabbed the intercom, and Liu Guodong shouted to the first squadron.

"The first squadron has all of them, ready to be attacked!"

"The enemy aircraft has completed missile reloading!"

"Re-execute the predetermined tactics!"


Hearing the news from the ground, the pilots of the first squadron felt a little incredulous.

How long has it been since the attack resumed?

It is better to say that there is a second fourth-generation aircraft, which sounds a little more reliable.

Although there were doubts in his heart, the pilot did not raise them all, but immediately carried out Liu Guodong's order.

If the enemy aircraft launches another missile attack, the eight-for-one tactic can be activated again.

Although the Second Squadron used this tactic to no avail, it was the only thing they could do for the First Squadron, which was under attack.

If you don't chase the flashing spot of light on the radar, it's no different than waiting for death.

"Wanwan was attacked and couldn't fly!"

"Gangdong San was attacked..."

In the communication channel of the first squadron, the news of the downing of fighters was constantly sounded.

The pilot who had just asked his teammates what it was like to be shot down now experienced the despair that the Second Squadron had suffered.

"Wandong has been attacked and cannot fight, please continue to track."

Fighter No. 107 was the eighth of the 12 fighters of the First Squadron to be hit.

That is, the missiles of the enemy's fourth-generation aircraft are once again exhausted.

If the eight-for-one tactic is effective, the remaining four Y-8 fighters in the First Squadron should be engaged with the enemy fourth-generation aircraft.

But that was when tactics worked.

The reality is that the four surviving fighters of the first squadron not only did not fight, but even the shadow of the enemy fourth-generation aircraft was not seen.

The tactic at the expense of eight fighters was exchanged for an empty airspace.

By the time they managed to catch up and reach the spot where the radar flashed, the fourth-generation aircraft was already far away.

The eight-for-one tactic completely declared failure.

For a while, there was silence in the communication channel.

The fighter pilots above the sky, as well as the command center on the ground, no one spoke again, and the atmosphere seemed a little depressed.

They worked hard and sacrificed enormously, but they didn't even get a chance to fight.

No one is willing to accept this result.

But the facts are in front of them, and the results are also in front of them.

Sixteen to zero.

The red side lost sixteen fighters, but the blue side of the fourth generation aircraft was unharmed.

Such a battle loss ratio can be called tragic.


ps: Newcomer new book, please all the big guys to support ~~

Flowers, evaluations, monthly passes ~~ are all recognition of everyone's recognition of me~

10 flowers plus 1 more ~

5 chapter evaluation votes plus 1 more ~~

Monthly pass tips and the like, if there is more~

Thank you guys for your support~


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