A new air battle begins!

After spotting the Skylark fighter, a fleet of 32 fighters reacted quickly.

"All fighters, scatter! Prevent accidental damage in close combat! "

"Guys, it's time for us to perform."

After seeing the lark fighter take the initiative to appear, the pilots were not only frightened, but also a little more excited in their hearts.

Finally a chance to fight!

The previous missile attack made all the pilots feel very powerless.

They are not afraid of fighting, but in the face of four generations of stealth fighters, there is no battle at all.

Missiles coming from the over-the-horizon range allow them to be passively beaten.

Not even the shadow of the enemy is visible.

For these elite pilots, the previous air combat is just two words.

Hold back.

Watching their teammates being knocked down one by one, but they couldn't do anything useful, they all held a fire in their hearts.

Now, this fire finally has a chance to be released.

Limited by the performance of the fighter, they are powerless in the face of over-the-horizon combat.

But in the close-up dog fight, whose hand the deer died is unknown.

The Skylark fighter was killed from the right rear of the group, and the rear was the dead end of the fighter's attack.

The 32 fighters in the fleet quickly turned and scattered to deal with the Skylark fighters from the rear.

But it's too late.

The J-8 fighter is a high-altitude and high-speed fighter, which is not very maneuverable.

In a high-speed flight state, the war-8 takes time to adjust the mechanical structure.

And it was in this short time of two seconds that the lark fighter had already rushed into the group of aircraft that had not yet had time to disperse.

"Enemy planes are in!"

"The three-hole mandarin was hit!"

"Four holes were hit!"

The Skylark fighter's top speed is Mach 3, which is much faster than all fighters.

In this raid, the Skylark fighter was inserted directly from the right rear of the group and then pierced out of the group.

In one interspersion, all the fighters along the way were destroyed.

"The three units were hit and could not continue flying!"

"The second hole was hit!"

One after another, reports of being hit resounded throughout the communication channel.

Ground command center on the red side.

Looking at the eight light spots that suddenly turned gray on the radar, Liu Guodong was shocked for a while.

"What's going on? Why were eight fighters shot down in an instant? "

On the radar display, 32 fighters are 32 points of light.

These 32 points of light form an array of points of light.

Just now, in a matter of seconds, a string suddenly went black in the array.

Not a piece, but a string.

Those gray points of light are all in a straight line.

It was as if someone had taken an eraser and wiped out all the fighters on that line.

In the sky, what kind of battle happened?

Liu Guodong was puzzled, and the pilot who was shot down in the sky was also at a loss.

The battle happened so quickly that they saw a strangely shaped fighter fly past them, and then their own fighter was judged to be down.

The expected situation of two fighters fighting dogfights did not appear at all.

The lark fighter came and went again.

Then he was knocked down.

This is how the Battle 8 pilot feels.

Even the sparks of the cannon firing were not seen.

These downed pilots, with a full of dazedness, lowered the height of the fighter and withdrew from the battle.

High in the air, the battle continues.

This raid by the Skylark fighters killed a total of eight fighters.

Of these, 7 are Y-8 fighters and 1 Su27.

These are fighters that did not have time to turn and were destroyed from behind.

The Su-27 is a third-generation fighter with an excellent aerodynamic shape, giving the Su-27 far ahead of maneuverability.

As the Z-8 struggled to adjust its stance, most of the Su-27s were steered to dodge attacks from behind.

The 401 fighter piloted by Li Feng is one of them.

After completing the turn, Li Feng did not flee, but turned again and chased behind the lark fighter!

He wants to drive the Su-27 and treat his human body with his human ways!


ps: Newcomer new book, please all the big guys to support ~~

Flowers, evaluations, monthly passes ~~ are all recognition of everyone's recognition of me~

10 flowers plus 1 more ~

5 chapter evaluation votes plus 1 more ~~

Monthly pass tips and the like, if there is more~

Thank you guys for your support~


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