In the command center of the red side, the attention of the commander-in-chief Liu Guodong was all attracted by the battle situation in the sky, and he did not notice the person behind him for the first time.

The person who came was none other than Jiang Yuanzhou from the blue square, and the experts of the Z-10 project team who followed Jiang Yuanzhou.

As soon as they arrived at the Red Command Center, Jiang Yuanzhou and several people went straight to the radar.

The situation of air combat is being shown on the radar.

Although the radar cannot detect the stealthy lark fighter, the fighter in the red room can be clearly displayed on the radar.

Through the situation of the red fighter, the approximate outcome of the battle can be inferred.

"What happened in the sky?"

Looking at the picture displayed in the radar, Qian Yongqiang opened his mouth wide.

I saw the points of light representing the red square, turning gray one by one, and then these gray points of light fell from the sky.

As an extremely senior fighter expert, Qian Yongqiang certainly knows what it means for the point of light to turn gray.

That represented a fighter plane being shot down.

"This is gone?? All knocked down ?? "

Qian Yongqiang couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

From the time he saw the radar interface to the time the light spot turned gray, only a few minutes passed.

This also means that in these few minutes, the lark fighter crashed all the red side fighters.

A whole 32 fighters!

Hearing Qian Yongqiang's exclamation, the commander-in-chief Liu Guodong finally found the guest behind him.

Getting up from the chair, Liu Guodong turned around and said with a wry smile.

"Jiang Guoshi, you are too ruthless."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuanzhou smiled and responded.

"The test is to use all your strength, so that you can test the extreme performance of the fighter, otherwise it will be late on the real battlefield."

"You're right."

Liu Guodong sighed, "I opened my eyes today, it turns out that this is the real combat power of the fourth-generation aircraft." "

"Originally, I thought that I could rely on numerical superiority, and with certain tactics, I could make two moves with the fourth-generation aircraft."

"Looking at it now, I was really naïve."

Saying that, Liu Guodong cast his gaze out the window of the command center.

Outside is the No. 1 airport of the White Tiger Military Region.

At the airfield, those blue fighters who were "shot down" are landing one by one.

Because there were too many shots down at once, the runway was not enough, and half of the fighters were still hovering in the sky, lining up for landing.

After the fighter landed, the pilots who came out of it were all dejected.

This is not to blame them, the exercise just now was abused like that, it is strange that the pilots can still be happy.

After fixing his mind, Liu Guodong turned his gaze back to Jiang Yuanzhou.

"By the way, Jiang Guoshi, what happened to the lark fighter? Was there any damage? "

The battle situation has been decided, there is time after the resumption of the battle, and now Liu Guodong is most concerned about the lark fighter.

The super fighter that crashed 48 fighters from the blue square with the power of one plane.

"I don't know."

Jiang Yuanzhou shook his head truthfully.

In order to remain stealthy, the Skylark fighter only receives signals during flight, not messages.

Therefore, after the lark fighter landed, Jiang Yuanzhou could learn about the situation of the lark fighter.

Looking at the time, Jiang Yuanzhou said.

"It's time for the lark fighter to land, does General Liu want to go and see it together?"

"Okay, I'll do it."

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou's invitation, Liu Guodong decisively agreed.

As the commander-in-chief of the blue side, in order to ensure the authenticity of the exercise, Liu Guodong did not actually see the lark fighter with his own eyes.

Now that he has the opportunity, Liu Guodong naturally wants to meet this "murderer" who defeated him.

The group walked out of the command center and returned to the hangar of the lark fighter.

The journey between the two command centers passes through the White Tiger No. 1 Airport.

When the group was walking next to the airport, Jiang Yuanzhou noticed a group of people not far away.

Those people were still wearing flight suits that they had not had time to take off, and they were the pilots who had just turned blue.

Liu Guodong also saw them.

"Jiang Guoshi, they seem to have something to say, let's wait a minute." Liu Guodong said.

So the group stopped.

When the pilots walked up, they first saluted, and then the pilots at the head reported loudly.

"Report! Li Feng, the pilot of the 401 fighter, asked for a report on something. "

"What's going on?" Liu Guodong asked suspiciously.

Looking at the pilots around him, pilot Li Feng seemed to have made up his mind.

I saw that his expression was firm, but his tone was very aggrieved.

"Chief, this exercise is too fair for us."

"Unfair? How is it an unfair law? Liu Guodong asked again.

"That's right."

Li Feng said why he felt unfair.

"In hand-to-hand combat, I was just swept by a beam of light and was judged to have fallen."

"That beam is supposed to represent a cannon, but how can a cannon shoot down 32 of our fighters?"

"To shoot us all down, it will cost at least a thousand shells."

"Although that fourth-generation aircraft is very advanced, it can't hold thousands of shells."

Li Feng said his problem in a row.

This is also a problem for other pilots who have been downed.

In their opinion, the lark fighter is an external hang-up, an add-on for unlimited cannon shells.

Otherwise, with a huge number of 32 fighters, it may not be impossible to fight against the Skylark fighter.

Faced with the pilots' questions, Liu Guodong did not answer, but turned his head to look at Jiang Yuanzhou.

"Jiang Guoshi, what do you think?"

The only person present who could answer this question was Jiang Yuanzhou.

Jiang Yuanzhou did not immediately explain, but spoke.

"Come with me, the lark fighter will tell you the answer right away."


ps: Newcomer new book, please all the big guys to support ~~

Flowers, evaluations, monthly passes ~~ are all recognition of everyone's recognition of me~

10 flowers plus 1 more ~

5 chapter evaluation votes plus 1 more ~~

Monthly pass tips and the like, if there is more~

Thank you guys for your support~


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