Twenty minutes ago.

In the special car of the director of the Long Defense Science and Technology University just from the Security Bureau.

Zhou Wenwu took out a document and handed it to Lin Changkong.

"Changkong, before going to see Xiaoyun, sign this first."

Taking the document and seeing the four big characters of the confidentiality agreement above, Lin Changkong was a little confused for a while.

"I'll just look at my daughter, I still have to sign a non-disclosure agreement?" Or a first-level non-disclosure agreement? "

"Rules of the Security Agency." Zhou Wenwu did not explain much.


Two strokes.

Lin Changkong signed his name and continued.

"Old squad leader, can you tell me what kind of work Xiaoyun does now?"

Seeing that the confidentiality agreement had been signed, Zhou Wenwu talked about Lin Xiaoyun's work.

When it was said that Lin Xiaoyun was performing a close guard mission, Lin Changkong interrupted Zhou Wenwu.

"Is the target of the guard mission, male or female, and how old is it?"

Lin Changkong's old father's intuition told him that there was something wrong with that person!


Zhou Wenwu did not answer directly, but said.

"Xiao Yun is so big, as long as she likes it and is an elder, she can't say anything more, right? And now it's not all about free love. "

Lin Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhou Wenwu's words had confirmed his guess.

That person is the "culprit" who abducted his precious girl!


The special car galloped all the way to Longfang University of Science and Technology.

After the car stopped, the two got out of the car.

With Zhou Wenwu, the director, the two successfully passed through the layers of light and dark posts of the Security Bureau.

Coming to the door of the laboratory, Lin Changkong finally saw the baby girl he had in mind.

Lin Xiaoyun, who heard the movement, turned his head and just happened to see Bureau Chief Zhou Wenwu, and someone she would never expect.

"Dad, why are you here?" Lin Xiaoyun was surprised.

"I'll take a look at you."

Lin Changkong said with a smile, finally seeing his daughter, he was in a good mood at this time.

"I brought him." Zhou Wenwu added.

Only now did Lin Xiaoyun know about the invincible relationship between Father Lin and Zhou Wenwu.

Hearing that Director Zhou personally brought Lin Changkong here, Lin Xiaoyun breathed a sigh of relief.

She had never told her family about her work before, for fear of affecting them.

As a result, who would have thought that Dad would actually come directly to him?

Without saying a few words to Lin Changkong, Lin Xiaoyun talked about work.

"By the way, Director Zhou, about the security upgrade, I would like to report it to you in person."

"Security upgrades?"

When Zhou Wenwu heard this, his expression also became serious.

"Tell me more about it."

This was not the place to talk about problems, so the two left for the temporary stronghold of the Security Bureau, intending to talk about security details in detail.

Only Lin Changkong was left alone at the door of the laboratory.

At this time, Lin Changkong was at a loss.

The laboratory building was full of security bureau guards, and Lin Changkong did not dare to walk around alone.

Looking at the laboratory door in front of him, there was nowhere to go, Lin Changkong stretched out his hand and knocked lightly three times.

"Please come in."


After the door opens.

Although he got the permission of the owner of the laboratory, Lin Changkong did not walk in directly, but scanned the circle first.

The lab is big, but there's only one person in it.

In the middle of the laboratory, there is a huge "model" of the fighter.

There is only one researcher, and it is still a model, and this laboratory is not expected to be an important laboratory.

After making sure that there was no important research in the laboratory, Lin Changkong took a step into the laboratory.

As for why Lin Changkong thought that the fighter was a model.

The reason is simple.

Lin Changkong has been driving fighter jets for half his life, and he has long known the basic structure of fighters.

That fighter "model" did not even have an air intake.

Without air intakes, jet engines that rely on compressed air to work cannot operate.

Without even the most basic take-off structure, this fighter will definitely not fly, it is just a model.

Lin Changkong thought so.


"You are?"

Jiang Yuanzhou looked at this stranger with some doubt, and from Lin Changkong's face line, Jiang Yuanzhou could see a familiar feeling.

"My name is Lin Changkong, and I came to see my daughter."

Lin Changkong introduced himself and stretched out his right hand at the same time.

See your daughter?

The surname is Lin, and he came to see his daughter, and Jiang Yuanzhou instantly guessed Lin Changkong's identity.

The daughter he said was his personal guard, Lin Xiaoyun.

Holding Lin Changkong's hand, Jiang Yuanzhou said.

"My name is Jiang Yuanzhou, I am a researcher here, just call me Xiaojiang."

"Hello Comrade Xiaojiang, luck will be lucky."

While shaking hands, Lin Changkong was also looking at the young man in front of him.

Lin Changkong had already guessed that this was the person he was looking for.

It was he who abducted his precious daughter.

Looking at Jiang Yuanzhou, Lin Changkong said secretly.

"This kid is good-looking, and he has a bookish air on him."

"I still engage in scientific research, and I like the type of son-in-law."


Lin Changkong quickly put away this idea of his own.

What son-in-law, he has not officially admitted yet, how can he be a son-in-law!

If you want to be the son-in-law of the Lin family, you must at least pass my Lin Changkong level first!

ps: It's about to be on the shelves, please order it first~

Thank you all for your support

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