[Deep Sea Liquid Injection Completed, Overload Mode Unlocked]

In the position of the main pilot and co-pilot, the status of the fighter is the same.

When he saw this light curtain, Lin Changkong had a bad premonition in his heart.

Although I don’t know what this so-called overload mode is, decades of pilot experience make Lin Changkong intuitively feel that this is not a simple mode.

As Jiang Yuanzhou pulled the joystick, the Canglong fighter also made a move.

The nose of the Canglong fighter was also raised high, showing an angle almost perpendicular to the sky.

At the same time, the fuselage of the Canglong fighter is also constantly changing.

In its initial state, the forward-swept wing, which is suitable for low-altitude and low-speed use, begins to retract until the wing and fuselage are attached.

In this state, the appearance of the Canglong fighter ~ has changed significantly.

The whole fighter looks like a shuttle, presenting a streamlined body that is perfect and beautiful

The technology of wing deformation of fighters was once applied in the F-14 third-generation aircraft

However, due to the strength of the material, the technology of wing deformation was soon abandoned.

The material problem is not a problem for Jiang Yuanzhou.

When developing the seventh-generation aircraft, Jiang Yuanzhou first solved the material problem.

With the blessing of new materials, the Canglong fighter can not only achieve wing deformation, but also realize the deformation of the whole aircraft!

【Transformation Completed】

[Current form, suborbital space combat form]

Suborbital space?

Lin Changkong looked at the light curtain, full of confusion.

He knew each of the words on it, but when they were put together, he couldn’t understand it.

In theory classes, I have long studied suborbital space.

That’s the second largest atmospheric space after space orbit.

The height is between 20,000 and 100,000 meters.

It is a forbidden flight zone for fighters.

But the Canglong fighter actually has a special suborbital combat form?

Could it be that the Canglong machine is fighting in suborbital?

Soon, Lin Changkong will understand what the seventh-generation Canglong pan-space machine and the pan-space inside mean.

[Reactor energy output is normal]

[Electric propulsion engine power 99%]

Reactor electric thrust?

What was displayed on the light curtain of the Canglong fighter’s status, Lin Changkong still couldn’t understand it.

However, there is one thing he can still understand, and that is the dashboard of the Canglong fighter.

On the speed dashboard, Lin Changkong watched the speed above soar from a subsonic state of 100m/s to 400m/s in an instant!

Supersonic in a second!

Silently calculating the overload, Lin Chang’s hollow heart shook violently.

Accelerate from 100m/s to 400m/s in one second, and the fighter and the pilot inside will be subjected to an instantaneous 30G overload pressure!

30G, which is equivalent to the pressure of jumping down from the roof of a building and then falling on the concrete floor.

But Lin Changkong didn’t have any special feelings at this time.

If he hadn’t seen the speed data on the dashboard, he wouldn’t even have realized that the fighter was accelerating.

It turns out that this is the overload mode, which is worthy of the deep-sea liquid that can resist 50G overload.

Glancing at the sky under the panoramic view, Lin Changkong thought silently.

Waiting for Lin Changkong to return his gaze to the speed dashboard, the data displayed on it made Lin Changkong exclaim directly.

“1,700 meters per second! Mach 5! How is that possible?”

On the dashboard, the current speed of the Canglong fighter is clearly displayed, 1700m/s.

Just now, while Lin Changkong turned his head to look away, the Canglong fighter plane was also speeding up!

In today’s world, the fastest fighter is the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, which can reach a maximum speed of Mach 3.

Just now, this world record for fighter speed was easily broken by the Canglong fighter.

And the most important thing is that the Canglong fighter is in a vertical upward state at the moment!

When flying vertically upwards, the engine has to overcome gravity to do work in addition to providing power.

The Canglong fighter is far from reaching its ultimate speed!

“If it is in a level flight state, how fast can the Canglong fighter fly?”

Lin Changkong secretly said in his heart, he was extremely curious about the extreme speed of the Canglong fighter.

“By the way, flight altitude! How did I forget this stubble!”

Realizing that he had missed an important piece of data, Lin Changkong hurriedly looked at the altimeter.

The process of accelerating the Canglong fighter is also a process of constantly climbing in height.

This altitude is close to the tropospheric limit.

“You can’t fly any further, the engine will have problems. ”

Lin Changkong hurriedly stopped him.

Further up, beyond the troposphere, there is the stratosphere.

Entering the stratosphere, the atmospheric environment changes drastically.

A single change in air density is a fatal problem for fighters.

Jet engines need to draw in air to work.

As the air density changes, the operating condition of the engine can be seriously affected and may even damage the mechanical structure.

The engine is the heart of the fighter, the core of power, and for the fighter, the engine must not have an accident.

Therefore, 20,000 meters is the flight altitude limit of traditional fighters.

Hearing Lin Changkong’s dissuasion, Jiang Yuanzhou said unhurriedly.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Lin, I’m measured. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou’s voice fell, and Lin Changkong also closed his mouth.

What made him shut up was not Jiang Yuanzhou’s words, but the facts in front of him.

Just when the two of them were talking, the Canglong fighter was still climbing upward.

In front of Lin Changkong, the number of altimeters is also growing rapidly.

Just a few seconds.

The height of the Canglong fighter has come to 32,211 meters.

30,000 meters!

This is an altitude that no plane has ever set foot in, and it is also an altitude that Lin Changkong has never imagined.

But now, the Canglong fighter has easily come to this height.

The Canglong fighter proved with actual performance how redundant Lin Changkong’s worries were.

The so-called atmospheric environment problem does not exist at all in front of the Canglong fighter using electric propulsion engines.

The so-called forbidden area for fighters is like a backyard for Canglong fighters.

[The predetermined altitude has been reached, and the deceleration is about to begin]

When the Canglong fighter climbed the preset altitude of Jiang Yuanzhou, the output power of the engine gradually decreased, and the speed slowly decreased to a subsonic state.

Subsequently, the Canglong fighter adjusted its flight attitude, from the vertical upward during the climb to the level flight state.

Lin Changkong, who had been staring at the altimeter, rubbed his eyes, trying to make sure that he was not mistaken.

But he looked left and right, and the number displayed on the height still did not change.

“100,000 meters, it’s already 100,000 meters,” Lin Changkong muttered.

Lin Changkong’s whole person had an extremely unreal feeling at this time.

Looking away from the altimeter, Lin Changkong looked around.

Through the panoramic vision, Lin Changkong saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The land has long since become blurry and illegible.

At such an altitude, without the barrier of 100,000 meters of atmosphere, Lin Changkong can directly see the stars in space when he looks up, which is extremely clear.

Looking into the distance, Lin Changkong even saw the morning and dusk line that separated day and night.

At an altitude of 100,000 meters, the atmosphere has become extremely thin, and the environment is almost vacuum.

If the definition is broader, 100,000 meters is already space.

And the Canglong fighter plane was flying quietly in this almost vacuum environment.

With such a beautiful scenery, if a poet is here, he will definitely be full of poetry and chant a poem.

Lin Changkong didn’t have that literary talent, but just sighed.

“I’m just a dream come true. Lin Changkong, the co-pilot, sighed.

“Realize your dream?” Jiang Yuanzhou asked suspiciously, “Can this still help you realize your dream?”

Now that the Canglong fighter is flying smoothly, the two of them also have the leisure to chat.

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou ask about his dream, Lin Changkong began to talk endlessly.

“You know Yuri Gagarin, right? The first astronaut to go into space, he was selected from among the pilots. ”

“When I was in the Air Force, I always thought that when our country also engaged in manned spaceflight, I would be the first to sign up to be an astronaut. ”

“It’s a pity that I didn’t wait until I retired. ”

Speaking of this, Lin Changkong’s tone was full of pity.

“But today, my regrets have been fulfilled. ”

“I really didn’t expect that I didn’t wait for the opportunity to go to space in the army at the beginning, and I retired and came up instead. ”

Lin Changkong said with a smile, sweeping away the haze in his heart for many years.

“It’s all thanks to you, Xiao Jiang. Thank you very much. ”

When it came to thanks, Lin Changkong’s tone became very serious. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You’re welcome. Jiang Yuanzhou responded.

“Speaking of which, in addition to not being able to go to space, I have another regret. ”

Recalling the past, Lin Changkong’s words couldn’t be stopped.

Jiang Yuanzhou also praised at the right time: “Oh? What a pity.” ”

Li Changkong narrowed his eyes and talked about the past.

“You know the aid war, when I was a teenager and was doing flight training in the training team. ”

“At that time, our fighters were inferior to theirs, and the seniors of the training team, who went to the front line, did not come back. ”

“By the time I finished my flight training, I was already 54, just after the end of the war. ”

“My biggest regret is that I couldn’t fight against the fighters of the beautiful country. ”

As he spoke, Lin Changkong waved a punch emptily.

It’s like attacking some unseen enemy.

Only Lin Changkong himself knew that his punch was against himself who failed to go to the battlefield back then and watched his predecessors sacrifice.

“There will be a chance. Jiang Yuanzhou comforted.

“I hope so. ”

Lin Changkong said softly.

He also knew that his regret was going to be brought to the coffin.

When the grade is older, he is very satisfied to be able to go to space once.

As for fighting with the beautiful country fighters, Lin Changkong only dared to think about it.

“What are we going to do next?”

Lin Changkong asked.

For the test flight, Lin Changkong is looking forward to it.

At this moment, the task that Zhou Wenwu had given before had been thrown out of the clouds by Lin Changkong.

Lin Changkong now just wants to see where the limit of the Canglong fighter is.

As soon as the words fell.

An alarm sounded in the communication channel of the Canglong fighter.

With the special communication code given by General Wang Guowei, the Canglong fighter has already been connected to the communication network of the Dragon Air Force.


Jiang Yuanzhou looked at the curtain suspiciously, and then turned on the communication receiving module.

Although the Canglong fighter was connected to the communication channel of the Dragon Air Force, the receiver was actually semi-closed.

Those low-level communications are automatically filtered.

The alarm that is sounding now is one of the highest priority signals, the distress signal.

With the opening of the communication receiving module.

An anxious cry for help echoed in the cockpit of the Canglong fighter.

“The No. 9 fighter plane encountered an unexpected situation! The vertical tail was shattered! The flight attitude of the fighter plane was out of control. ”

“Request for support!”

“Request for support!”

While the Canglong fighter continued to climb in altitude and march towards suborbital space.

The two Zhan-8 fighters that took off from the Xuanwu Military Region have also arrived at the target location in the mission.

The unidentified plane was not a stealth plane, and the light spots in the radar interface were extremely clear.

Following the radar’s instructions, Wang Wei soon saw the unknown fighter.

“It’s the EP-3 electronic reconnaissance plane, it’s this guy again. ”

After seeing the plane, Wang Wei couldn’t help frowning.

The EP3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft is a strategic reconnaissance aircraft from the beautiful country Loma Company.

In addition to the optical photography of traditional reconnaissance aircraft, the biggest feature of the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft is its LINK11 data link system.

Through the electronic information interception system on the fuselage, the EP-3 can listen to and record electronic communication signals within a radius of 740 km.

Modern wireless communication relies on electromagnetic waves to transmit information.

By analyzing the electronic signals recorded by the EP-3, the military of the beautiful country can obtain information from it and understand what the other side is talking about.

It can be said that the EP-3 electronic reconnaissance plane is an ear, the ear that listens to the communications of the Dragon Kingdom.

This ear, Wang Wei is not the first time to see it.

When performing similar missions, eight out of ten were EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft.

According to the regulations, civil aircraft can pass over the sea area of the Dragon Country.

But the EP-3 is a military aircraft and is an absolute target to be driven away.

“According to the report, an unknown fighter has been sighted, and the fighter model is an EP-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft, and it is currently heading 240. ”

Open the communication channel, Wang Wei reported.

“The tower has received that the aircraft is flying in the direction of our South Island, please intercept and drive the aircraft away. ”

“Ninety-two received!”

“Ninety-four received!”

Wang Wei, who received the order to drive away, piloted the No. 192 fighter and approached the EP-3 reconnaissance plane.

This EP-3, Wang Wei is not the first time he has seen it, and the expulsion mission is also not a one-time execution.

The No. 192 fighter piloted by Wang Wei and the long plane No. 194, one on the left and one on the right, clamped the EP-3 reconnaissance plane from both sides.

While approaching the EP-3, Wang Wei also turned on the fighter’s communicator and switched to the public channel.

“Your plane has entered the exclusive sea area of the Dragon Kingdom, please leave immediately!”

The EP-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft is a large aircraft capable of carrying a total crew of five.

On this reconnaissance plane, the five crew members of the beautiful country were leisurely drinking coffee.

As long as you fly forward for a while, you can collect enough electronic communication signals from the Dragon Kingdom, and then you can complete the mission.

“Phew, why is my coffee sour?”

Richard, the captain of the EP-3, just took a sip of coffee and immediately spit it out.

The whole person’s expression was wrinkled with acid.

“Hahaha, Happy April Fool’s Day!”

“Today’s fool has appeared!”

The other four groups of personnel laughed around Captain Richard.

Picking up mineral water and rinsing his mouth, Richard said angrily.

“Damn, whose idea was this, and what the hell did you put in it?”

The sour smell was too strong, and in the sourness, there was a hint of stench.


Thinking of the smell of coffee just now, Richard couldn’t help but retch.

Seeing this, several crew members laughed louder, and no one paid attention to the captain’s question.

Their laughter, the anger in Captain Richard’s heart was even worse.

“When I find out who it is, I’m going to kick him in the ass with my boots. ”

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, interrupting the laughter on the EP-3.

“Alert, there are enemy planes approaching!”

“Alert, there are enemy planes approaching!”

Hearing the alarm, the crew on the EP-3 quickly returned to their stations.

“Radar has detected a two-plane formation approaching us!” shouted one of the crew members.

“Be quiet, I’m not blind. Richard said with a disgruntled face.

There is no need to rely on radar, at this time, through the portholes on the fuselage, Richard can clearly see the two fighters approaching.

After seeing the model of the fighter clearly, Richard spat and scolded.

“Fake, it’s these damn dragons again, and this mission is in trouble again. ”

“These dragons are really annoying, and they have to fly these old and broken planes every time to interfere with our work. ”

“Honestly, can’t we go after collecting the electronic signals?”

ps: 10,000 words update sent to ~

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