“The No. 9 fighter plane was hit, and its flight attitude was out of control. ”

“Request for support!”

100,000 meters in suborbital space. ,

After hearing the news of the accident of the plane in the second day, Jiang Yuanzhou, who was in the main pilot position, immediately reacted.

His fingers were operating the light curtain to connect the dots quickly, and Jiang Yuanzhou issued a series of instructions to the Canglong fighter.

At the same time, in order to get more accurate coordinates, Jiang Yuanzhou asked Canglong to connect to the command channel of the Xuanwu Military Region.

Jiang Yuanzhou didn’t speak, just silently listened to the conversation in the command channel of the Xuanwu Military Region.

Through the words in the channel of the Xuanwu Military Region, Jiang Yuanzhou already knew the general situation of the situation.

“These ghosts are really brutes!

“Obviously, they broke into someone else’s house, and they dared to hit our fighter plane!”

Lin Changkong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also heard what happened.

His anger was unspeakable.


Lin Changkong clenched his fists and slammed them on his thighs.

In addition to being angry, Lin Changkong was most worried about the pilot on the plane of the Second World War.

“Xiao Jiang, can we rush over to save people?”

Lin Changkong asked, his tone was extremely anxious, and there was a glint of hope in his eyes.

He knew that his request was a bit excessive.

After all, the Canglong fighter is now at an altitude of 100,000 meters, and it is in the sky above the Qilin Military Region.

The Qilin Military Region and the Xuanwu Military Region are separated by thousands of kilometers.

A rescue 4,000 kilometers apart is impossible to think about, unless a miracle happens.

But Lin Changkong still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If it were other fighters, it would definitely be too late.

However, this is the Canglong fighter, a super fighter that can fly in suborbital space!

If a miracle can happen, the only one who can create a miracle is this Canglong fighter.

Jiang Yuanzhou also empathized with Lin Changkong’s mood.

“Of course I want to go. Jiang Yuanzhou said, “Uncle Lin, there may be a little bump in the future, be mentally prepared.” ”

After receiving the call for help, Jiang Yuanzhou was already preparing to set off for rescue.

Now, the Canglong fighter is ready to set off again.

“Canglong fighter, let’s go!”

The voice fell, and under Jiang Yuanzhou’s operation, the shape and structure of the Canglong fighter changed again.

Originally, in order to adapt to the ultra-high-altitude environment, the Canglong fighter was a suborbital space combat mode.

Now to get back into the lower atmosphere, suborbital mode 24 is not very adaptable.

On top of that, in the suborbital combat mode, the Sorryan fighter could not reach the ultimate speed.

Time is of the essence, and the wrecked pilot is falling, and he can’t wait a second longer.

[Switching Mode: Rush Mode]

【The fuselage is being transformed】

I saw that the wings of the Canglong fighter were re-deployed, and then folded forward, tightly connected to the mechanical mechanism of the nose.

At the same time, the position of the fuselage changed in many places, and the entire Canglong fighter completely changed its appearance in three seconds.

The transformed Canglong fighter looks like an arrow.

Showing an unstoppable edge!

While the whole aircraft is deformed, the flight attitude of the Canglong fighter is also constantly adjusted.

The nose of the Canglong fighter continued to go down, aiming at the target location, the Xuanwu Sea.

Then, the power of the electric propulsion engine of the Canglong fighter was directly pulled to 150%!

From the outset, the electric propulsion engine was designed to leave room for overload.

However, the overload cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will affect the service life of the electric propulsion engine.

So the engine is overloaded and can only be used when it is critical.

Now, it’s time to use overload!

The Canglong fighter plane at an altitude of 100,000 meters swooped down towards the target!

In the mode of Rush Forward.

Everything on the Canglong fighter is in the service of speed.


Accelerate again!

One Mach!

Mach five!

Mach ten!

The fastest intra-atmosphere vehicle is the X-43 test aircraft developed by NASA.

The X-43 tested machine had a top speed of Mach 9.8, an insurmountable world record.

And this record, just now, was easily broken by the Canglong fighter.

And that’s not all.

Because the Canglong fighter is still accelerating.

The gravity that previously limited the climb of the Canglong fighter, under the attitude of high-speed dive, became a big help for the acceleration of the Canglong fighter!

Under 150% overpower overload operation of the electric propulsion engine.

It only took thirty seconds for the Canglong fighter to reach its own extreme speed.

Mach 20!

Twenty times the speed of sound!

That’s 6.8 kilometers per second!

The Canglong fighter flew at extreme speed.

Lin Changkong, who was in the co-pilot, was anxious.

I can’t wait to fly to the Xuanwu Sea immediately to help the fighter plane that had an accident.

But when the Canglong fighter really arrived, Lin Changkong was dumbfounded.

Looking at the sea that was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Changkong rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“This is there?”

“It’s only been less than ten minutes, hasn’t it?”

After glancing at the time, Lin Changkong was a little skeptical that his eyes were spent.

Otherwise, how could it be that it only took ten minutes to cross more than 4,000 kilometers and reach the Xuanwu Sea?

At this time, the Canglong fighter had already arrived in the sea area where the accident occurred, and the speed of the fighter had also dropped to subsonic speed.

Through the panoramic vision, Lin Changkong saw the ninety-two fighter planes on the sea in the distance.

The ninety-two war planes in the field of vision are falling towards the sea in an irregular movement posture.

This is also the result of the pilot Wang Wei’s all-out rescue.

If it weren’t for Wang Wei’s superb driving skills, Yu Jiuer would have sunk into the sea long ago.

“There’s no one there!

Lin Changkong was excited, and the question just now was pressed in his heart

Saving people is the most important thing now!

Although it is urgent to save people, a very real problem is placed in front of Lin Changkong

How to save people?

The hatch of the 192 fighter was deformed and could not be opened to allow the pilot to parachute.

So if you want to save people, you must save them together with the fighters.

Looking at the slowly falling plane, Lin Changkong was stunned in his seat for a while.

He was just thinking about flying to save people.

But when he flew to the place, he found that he could only watch the ninety-two fall, but there was nothing he could do.

“I’m sorry son, Dad can’t grow up with you, he should have taken you to the zoo last month. ”

In the communication channel, the deep voice of pilot Wang Wei came.

“There are some things that are better said by myself. Jiang Yuanzhou responded

On the way here, Jiang Yuanzhou came up with a way to rescue Jiuer.

When the plane is accelerating, the sudden change in the speed of the fuselage will put extreme pressure on the air around the fuselage.

When pressurized, the gas around the fuselage forms a circle of air around the fuselage in an outward direction.

The more you accelerate, the stronger the air flow.

Ordinary fighters, the strength of the airflow on the fuselage can also shatter glass and blow trees.

And the range of influence of this air flow is very small, it can only affect the range of ten meters of the fuselage.

In order to use the airflow, the fighter must be brought close to the target to a distance of ten meters, and then accelerate at that distance in order to affect the target.

Because it is not very strong and it is very dangerous to use, no one thinks about taking advantage of this air flow.

But now, Jiang Yuanzhou plans to use the airflow of the fuselage of the Canglong fighter to rescue the ninety-two war planes!

This method can only be figured out by Jiang Yuanzhou, who is extremely familiar with the performance of the Canglong fighter.

And what can complete this operation is only one second of supersonic speed, and at the same time can maintain high-performance maneuverability!

Pushing the joystick, Jiang Yuanzhou controlled the Canglong fighter and flew towards the unitary ninety-two fighters.

Prior to this, when he was 30,000 meters away from the sea, Jiang Yuanzhou turned on the optical stealth of the Canglong fighter.

Under multiple stealth, no one noticed that a heavy fighter was approaching the ninety-two.

I saw that the Canglong fighter plane was flying straight towards the ninety-two, and the distance between the two was shrinking.

Until it was dozens of meters away from the unitary plane, the Canglong fighter still had no intention of turning.

Seeing that the two planes were about to collide, Jiang Yuanzhou lightly pressed the operating stick, and the flight trajectory of the Canglong fighter instantly became lower.

Then the Canglong fighter flew under the ninety-two.

At the moment when he swept under the unitary plane, Jiang Yuanzhou pulled the throttle sharply, and the Canglong fighter accelerated sharply. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The air around Canglong’s fuselage was dispersed by the pressure generated by the acceleration, forming an air flow.

This air flow rushed towards the No. 92 fighter that was slowly falling.

From the outside, it gave the No. 92 fighter a force.

Piloting the Canglong fighter, Jiang Yuanzhou repeated this operation many times.

The power of the ninety-two is still there, the wings are also intact, and it still has the ability to continue flying.

The biggest problem is that there is no vertical tail, and the attitude cannot be corrected, and the fuselage can only fly around.

What Jiang Yuanzhou wants to do is to pull the 921.

And Jiu’er did not disappoint Jiang Yuanzhou.

After the Canglong fighter had many times and multi-angle airflow impacts, the ninety-two fighters finally adjusted their flight attitude.

Seeing that the ninety-two was already unharmed, the Canglong fighter plane that had successfully retired also retreated to the side, hovering quietly over the surrounding sea.

There is a camouflage of optical stealth, and no one can detect that there is a super heavy fighter parked on the surface of the sea.

“Luckily, it caught up. ”

“Ninety-two, welcome back. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou, who had completed the rescue, said softly.

Subsequently, Jiang Yuanzhou looked at the culprit EP-3 reconnaissance plane in the distance.

“Is that you?”

Pulling the operating lever, the Canglong fighter started again, but this time the goal was not to save people.

It’s revenge!

EP-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft.

Captain Richard was struggling to control the direction of the plane, still swearing.

“Fack, why is the propeller so sturdy, it shatters when you touch it, and it breaks the engine. ”

Of the four engines of the EP-3, after the collision, only three remained.

Although I can continue to fly, I want to fly back to the military base of the beautiful country, and there is no play.

Now Richard can only find an airfield to make a forced landing.

The nearest airport is on Xuanwu Island in the Dragon Kingdom.

That is, the EP-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft was to make a forced landing on the airfield of the Dragon Kingdom.

Once the forced landing, there will definitely be a reaction from the Dragon Country’s side.

Turning his head, Richard asked, looking at his teammates.

“How much data has been destroyed?”

“It’s almost halfway. ”

A crew member responded that he was holding a wad of paper and stuffing it into the shredder.

“Hurry up, before you make a forced landing at the airport of the Dragon Kingdom, you must destroy all the information!”

“And the hard drive, don’t forget the hard drive!”

On EP-3, the communication information of the Dragon Kingdom that they have collected is stored, as well as orders from the base.

Once these things fall into the hands of the Dragon Kingdom, it will be evidence that is not good for the Pretty Country.

What they have to do now is destroy the evidence.

Glancing at the radar, Richard reported to the base.

“Report to the base, there are still forty kilometers from the Xuanwu Island airport, and we can still hold on. ”

“The base received, and the third filing was activated. Don’t shoot to avoid angering the Dragons. After a while, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will bring you back. ”

“Also, after landing, the EP-3 will self-destruct, and this reconnaissance aircraft cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Dragon Country. ”


Richard replied.

Lip Service agreed, but Richard didn’t actually intend to carry out the base’s orders.

Self-destructing the plane, that is to be done by Captain Richard himself.

Richard didn’t want to, because he lost his life.

So he planned to lock the door of the plane after the plane made a forced landing, and block it for as long as he could.

It is better to drag them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and bring them back to the beautiful country directly.

There are 400 overseas military bases around the world.

Something like theirs today, has not happened before.

The soldiers of beautiful countries who have friction with other countries and caused accidents are generally not punished.

Instead, go straight back to your home country and enjoy paid holidays.

Richard has begun to fantasize about lying on the beach in California when he returns home, sunbathing while watching beautiful women.

This experience of his own can also be used as a talking point for his sister.

Thinking of the dragon fighter plane that was hit, Richard didn’t feel the slightest guilt.

“If you want to blame it, blame it for April Fool’s Day. Richard muttered quietly.


The EP-3 reconnaissance plane, which had been flying 433 and was stable, began to shake around.

“What’s going on?” asked Richard.

“The engine on our right is broken!” the co-pilot reported.

Richard hurriedly looked towards the porthole on the right.

Then he saw that the propeller of the second engine on the right was spinning at a slower rate.

Until it comes to a standstill.

“Why did it suddenly break!”

Richard was puzzled.

“It’s turbulence!”

The co-pilot gave an explanation.

When flying in the air, sometimes you will encounter some irregular air currents, which are turbulence.

There is no regularity in turbulence, and when encountered, you can only admit it.

“Mom mess with Fake, why are you so unlucky. ”

“But it’s okay, there is still one left on the left and right, and it can still fly. Richard said with a sigh of relief.

Turbulence is rare, and as long as you pass through this turbulence, you will be safe behind.

Richard thought.

But it was clear that he was thinking too much.

Immediately afterwards, the first right and second left engines also stopped.

In addition to the left one that was damaged before, all four engines were damaged!

Under Richard’s horrified eyes, the EP-3, which had lost power, began to roll in the air.

For large aircraft, this tumbling is a death tumbling!

After only half a turn, the wing of the EP-3 broke off from the middle.

The fuselage is also deformed, making a tooth-aching sound of metal rubbing.

Before falling, Richard only had time to report to the base.

“Request support! Request support!”

“We encountered turbulence….”

Before he could finish speaking, EP-3 disintegrated in the air.

Richard’s voice dissipated over the Xuanwu Sea.

Together with the fragments of the EP-3, several crew members of the beautiful country crashed into the Xuanwu sea area of the Dragon Country.

Not far away, Jiang Yuanzhou, who was piloting the Canglong fighter, showed a happy smile on his face after seeing the splash of the EP-3 falling into the sea.

The turbulence encountered by EP-3 is not a naturally occurring turbulence.

Rather, it is the fighter made by the Canglong fighter to accelerate the airflow.

The airflow that saved the Dragon Nation fighter became a talisman for the EP-3.

After solving the EP-3, Jiang Yuanzhou plans to go home and end this test flight.

This test flight tested the ceiling of the Canglong fighter, as well as the ultimate speed.

However, what made Jiang Yuanzhou a little regrettable was that he was not able to test the combat function of the Canglong fighter.

The EP-3 was nothing more than a propeller reconnaissance plane, and the Canglong fighter easily solved it with just a few aircurrents from the fuselage.

Killing chickens with a knife, EP-3 is not even qualified to be a sparring partner.

[Warning! There are unknown fighters approaching our plane]

Hearing the warning, Jiang Yuanzhou looked at the radar interface.

On the radar interface, it is displayed that 700 kilometers away, there are 24 points of light, which are flying towards the position of the Canglong fighter.

Those points of light, if nothing else, were the 24 beautiful country fighters that took off from the base of the beautiful country to support the EP-3.

Looking at those points of light, the smile on Jiang Yuanzhou’s face was even worse.

Sparring, isn’t this coming?.

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