What's going on with this Nima??"

The sound from the 011 fighter startled the people in the ground command center.

Li Feng is one of the most elite pilots of the Qilin Military Region, how could he be so gaffe?

"What happened?"

Commander Wang Guowei hurriedly asked, and in his heart, an ominous premonition arose.

It has just been reported that the missile is about to hit the mysterious fighter, and if the missile hits the target normally, the fighter pilot will not be so excited.

Above the sky, where they can't see, something must have happened to me!


On the driver's seat of the 011 fighter, Li Feng had a ghostly expression on his face.

"Grass, I'm not mistaken!"

The picture in front of him made him wonder if something was wrong with his eyes.

Li Feng wanted to rub his eyes, but the mask of the flight helmet was there, so he had to give up.

"What happened?" came the voice of the commander-in-chief of the Kirin Air Force over the headset.


Taking two deep breaths, Li Feng spoke of the picture he had just seen in a voice that was still trembling.

Just when the four missiles were a hundred meters away from the mysterious fighter and were about to enter the killing range.

The mysterious fighter reacted again.

It's just that the response this time is not the same super maneuver as before.

If the last super-maneuverable dodge action was complex in complexity, then now the action of the mysterious fighter is extremely simple.

Faced with the all-round lock of four RK air-to-air missiles, the mysterious fighter made only one move.


Only acceleration!

Just this one action made the locking of four air-to-air missiles a joke.

In the field of vision of pilot Li Feng.

Originally, the four missiles were about to hit the target, but as soon as the situation turned, the distance between the missile and the mysterious fighter was actually getting farther and farther!

The missile, which has successfully locked and completed the acceleration, naturally does not slow down.

The distance between the two is farther and farther, and there is only one possibility.

That mysterious fighter is accelerating, and its speed has exceeded the limit speed of the missile!

The limit speed of the RK-31 missile is Mach 2.5, and the flight speed of the mysterious fighter must be faster than Mach 2.5.

I didn't catch up at the beginning, and there was even less possibility of catching up with the target later.

The four air-to-air missiles have completely lost their proper role.

"So, that's it. "

"That mysterious fighter is not only a supersonic fighter, but also flies at a speed of more than Mach 2.5 ...

While reporting the situation just now, Li Feng pulled the throttle of the fighter to the highest.

Due to the sudden acceleration of the mysterious fighter, he can no longer observe the location of the mysterious fighter with his eyes.

Even the air-to-air missiles following the mysterious fighter were equally difficult to see.

You can only continue your tracking mission by tracking the flight wake of air-to-air missiles and flashing missile light spots on radar.


Ground command center.

After hearing the report of the 011 driver, everyone, including Wang Guowei, did not say a word.

The command room fell into an eerie silence.

"Superstealth, supermaneuverability, supersonic, 4S standard for fourth-generation fighters, three have already appeared. "

"If you guessed correctly, that mysterious fighter is a fourth-generation fighter of the same generation as the F22. "

Vice Dean Zhang muttered, his tone full of eagerness.

For a technician like him, what he most longs for now is to pull the mysterious fighter into the laboratory and study it well.

The mysterious fighter is simply a mountain of technology.

Stealth technology, engine technology

These are all things that the Dragon Country Air Force desperately needs.

Vice Dean Zhang's words broke the strange silence, and at the same time made Wang Guowei's brows furrow tighter.

Unlike technicians like Vice President Zhang, he is more concerned about what to do with that fighter now.

It was a fourth-generation aircraft, an opponent that the Dragon Air Force had never encountered.


In the 011 fighter, Li Feng is still performing an unsustainable tracking mission.

The ultimate speed of the Su-27 is Mach 2.35.

Even the RK missile with 2.5 times the speed of sound cannot catch up, let alone the mysterious fighter in front.

Less than two minutes have passed since the trail was tracked.

Li Feng saw that in the sky in front of 011, four flashes suddenly burst out.

What he saw was a flash and nothing else, it was the four RK air-to-air missiles launched earlier.

The RK-31 missile is a medium- and close-range combat bomb that carries little fuel and has a short flight range.

After losing the target, he ran out of fuel and self-detonated in the air according to the procedure.

As a result, Li Feng lost even the last hope of tracking.

Li Feng only felt a sense of powerlessness that swept through his whole body.

"The cave has reported that all the missiles have self-detonated. "

"The target enemy aircraft has completely lost its tracks. "

"Tracking mission, failed..."


Li Feng's words clearly echoed in the command room.

"Come back first. "

Wang Guowei spoke.

"Dong Yi received it and is about to return. Li Feng's voice came from the communicator, and there was obviously a depressed emotion in that voice.

Walking to the middle of the command room, Wang Guowei said in a deep voice.

"Guys, everyone already knows the situation. "

"At this very moment, a supersonic stealth fighter is loitering over our capital. "

"And we just completely lost track of it." "

"Now the security of the capital is seriously threatened. "

"I suggest that you immediately and urgently enter a second-level combat readiness state. "

"Raise your hand if you agree. "

Level 2 readiness is a level second only to war, and requires the consent of more than half of the senior personnel.

In the command room, eighty percent of the senior personnel of the Kirin Military Region are here.

After hearing Wang Guowei's suggestion, everyone in the command room, including Vice President Zhang, raised their right hands.

Unanimously passed!

They all have a personal experience of the terrifying and oppressive sense of that mysterious fighter.

Even more terrifying than the sudden appearance of a stealth fighter is that the stealth fighter disappeared!

And it disappeared under their noses!

After looking around, Wang Guowei walked to the command platform.

Lift the protective cover, revealing the red button.

Press the button, and the alarm instantly sounded throughout the barracks.

Kirin Theater, Level 2 Combat Readiness!


ps: Newcomer new book, please support all the big guys ~~

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