Xuanwu Sea.

In the cockpit of the Canglong fighter, Jiang Yuanzhou’s voice sounded.

“I’m going to help you with this regret today. ”

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s words, Lin Changkong felt a little uncertain for a while.

How did you realize the regret?

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuanzhou’s next operation made Lin Changkong even more confused.

In the face of the 24 beautiful country fighters that attacked, Jiang Yuanzhou did not choose to flee immediately, but drove the Canglong fighter to turn around.

Actually rushed towards that squadron of fighters!

Thinking of what Jiang Yuanzhou had just said, Lin Changkong had an extremely bold guess in his heart.

In order to verify his guess, Lin Changkong spoke.

“Xiao Jiang, are we going to fight with them?”

The people in Lin Changkong’s mouth were the beautiful national fighter squadron that was attacking the Canglong fighter in the radar display.

Lin Changkong’s tone was full of uncertainty.

One or two fighters will do, but that’s 24!

A whole squadron of beautiful national fighters!

Soon, Jiang Yuanzhou’s reply proved that Lin Changkong’s guess was right.

“That’s right, hasn’t Uncle Lin always wanted to fight with the beautiful country fighters? Jiang Yuanzhou replied.

“Twenty-four fighters should be enough for you. ”

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s answer, Lin Changkong’s heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

His intellect told him that he shouldn’t mess with that squadron of beautiful fighters.

But in the bottom of Lin Changkong’s heart, the long-standing desire to fight with the beautiful fighter plane, was burning.

Jiang Yuanzhou was right, Lin Changkong’s opportunity to realize his long-cherished wish was right in front of him.

Taking a deep breath and looking at the F16 squadron that was getting closer and closer to him, Lin Changkong made up his mind.

“No matter what, it’s all this age, and if you don’t go crazy, you won’t have time!!”

“Xiao Jiang, when you fight with them for a while, can you let me intervene?”

“Absolutely. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou replied briskly.

Lin Changkong wanted to fulfill his wish, and Jiang Yuanzhou planned to use those fighters as whetstones to test the combat ability of Canglong fighters.

The purpose of the two reached an agreement at this moment.

Smash those beautiful F-16 fighters!

Under the strong power of the electric propulsion engine, the Canglong fighter soon came into contact with the F-16 fighter squadron of the beautiful country.

The Canglong fighter, which turned on optical stealth, quietly followed behind the fighter formation.

And the entire 24 F16 was unaware of the Canglong fighter behind him!

“This technique is really exaggerated, in front of the Canglong fighters, these fighters are no different from blind people. Lin Changkong on the co-pilot was secretly surprised in his heart.

Looking at the unconscious group of F16s, Lin Changkong’s eyes were greedy.

“413 Xiaojiang, when are we going to do it?”

Lin Changkong asked with some expectation.

In the operation of fighters, it is an extremely dangerous thing to be bitten tail.

Because of the limitation of the attack angle of the fighter, the fighter in the rear has a great advantage over the fighter in front.

As soon as the fire control radar in the rear is locked, the fighters in front can only be beaten passively.

And now, the Canglong fighter has bitten the tail of all the F-16s in front!

Those F-16 fighters are all defenseless.

It’s a living target!

In Lin Changkong’s decades of flight training, his favorite is to hit the fighter plane that has been bitten by the tail.

Now looking at the tails of those F-16 fighters, Lin Changkong remembered again the happy time of “spanking” when he flew a fighter.

“Wait a minute. Jiang Yuanzhou said, “Listen to my command in a while, Uncle Lin, you will open fire.” ”

As he spoke, Jiang Yuanzhou, who was the main pilot, operated the light curtain and handed over the firing authority of the Canglong fighter to Lin Changkong.

【Fire Clearance Unlocked】

Seeing the words on the light curtain in front of him, Lin Changkong was pleasantly surprised.

On a two-seater fighter, the main pilot is generally responsible for controlling the fighter, and the co-pilot fires.

Now, Lin Changkong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also got the permission to fire.

The control system of the Canglong fighter is highly intelligent and integrated.

The pilot doesn’t need to do any elaborate maneuvers, he just needs to enter the commands.

The specific operation is carried out by the Canglong fighter itself.

Therefore, Jiang Yuanzhou, an amateur who had never been trained, was able to directly drive the Canglong fighter into suborbital space.

The same is true for Lin Changkong.

Although I have never seen the operation of the Canglong fighter, a hint has been given on the light curtain.

Learning from Jiang Yuanzhou, Lin Changkong clicked on the arsenal of the Canglong fighter according to the prompts.

After opening the arsenal, Lin Changkong was suddenly a little disappointed.

Among the options in the arsenal, there are three columns for onboard weapons.


Laser cannons.

Airborne missile arsenal.

Electronic warhead.

The two cannons and missiles in front of Lin Changkong are recognized.

Although I don’t know what a laser cannon is, since it’s called a cannon, it should be very different from the operation.

However, to Lin Changkong’s disappointment, there was an entry behind the laser cannon and airborne missile arsenal.

【Laser Cannon: Unloaded】

[Airborne Missile Hangar: Not Loaded]

And the last one, the electronic warhead that Lin Changkong couldn’t understand, although it was loaded, it was in an unusable state.

[Electronic Warhead: In Use]

Without weapons, how can Lin Changkong still fire?

“Xiao Jiang, look at this arsenal….”

Lin Changkong’s tone was quite helpless.

Hearing Lin Changkong’s words, Jiang Yuanzhou also glanced at the arsenal, and then explained.

“The Canglong fighter has just been built, and this is the first test flight, so there are no weapons on it. ”

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s explanation, Lin Changkong felt that his sky was gray.

finally had the opportunity to hit the Eagle Sauce plane with his own hands, but there were no bullets.

Immediately, Lin Changkong thought of a crucial question.

Without weapons, how can the Canglong fighter solve these 24 F-16s?

Is it possible to use the accelerated airflow of the fuselage as before?

Shaking his head, Lin Changkong quickly denied his idea.

EP-3 That’s a large reconnaissance aircraft, the propellers of the engines are directly exposed.

Therefore, the Canglong fighter can destroy the propeller with air flow, and then destroy the engine of the EP-3.

But the F-16 is a jet fighter with engines inside the fuselage and is not so susceptible to airflow.

Lin Changkong just wanted to open his mouth and ask what to do next, when he heard Jiang Yuanzhou say.

“Uncle Lin don’t worry, the missile you want will be available in a while. ”

While speaking, Jiang Yuanzhou switched the optical stealth of the Canglong fighter to the optical mimicry mode.

The principle of optical stealth is that the whole machine actively emits light, using the light emitted by the fuselage instead of the reflected light.

And then to achieve the effect of stealth.

Since you can be invisible, you can also transform.

By adjusting the frequency of the active light of the fuselage, the optical shape of the Canglong fighter can also be changed.

After the mimicry was completed, the Canglong fighter was transformed into an F-16 fighter that was exactly the same as that of the beautiful country.

Numbered A25.

Then, the “A25” fighter joined the formation of Squadron A from the rear of the group.

In fact, even if he does not mimic and maintains optical stealth, Jiang Yuanzhou can achieve his goal.

The reason why he had to disguise himself as an A25 and blend into the group was because Jiang Yuanzhou remembered today’s date.

April 1st, April Fool’s Day in the West.

Since it’s April Fool’s Day, why don’t you give them a good holiday?

There will be missiles in a while?

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s words, Lin Changkong’s doubts increased instead of decreasing.

Now in the high altitude, where can I get missiles to use?

However, although Lin Changkong was puzzled, he did not speak again.

Just hold the co-pilot’s joystick tightly, and put your thumb on the fire button on the joystick, ready to fire at any time.

In Lin Changkong’s heart, Jiang Yuanzhou has turned the impossible into reality several times.

So this time, Lin Changkong still chose to believe in Jiang Yuanzhou and the Canglong fighter.

As a co-pilot, you just have to wait for the fire to be fired.

Jiang Yuanzhou, who was in the main pilot’s seat, was engrossed in operating the only weapon carried by the Canglong fighter, the electronic warhead.

An electronic warhead, as the name implies, is a device for conducting electronic warfare.

The electronic warhead on the Canglong fighter can intercept electronic signals, simulate communications, invade enemy electronic systems, and even directly control enemy aircraft!

What Jiang Yuanzhou is doing is to use the electronic warhead to hack the operating system of the four F-16s next to him!

[The communication channel has been cracked]

[The electronic control system is invading… Progress: 90%】

An F-25 with the number A16 suddenly appeared in the formation, and sooner or later the pilots of the beautiful country would find out.

No, in the right rear of the Canglong fighter, Jackson, the captain of Team A, discovered the A25 that was wrong.

But by the time he tried to inform his teammates, it was already night.

Because the entire squadron’s communication channel is controlled by the Canglong fighter.

[Electronic Control System (CEEH) System Invasion Progress: 100%] (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[Invasion complete!]

After the Canglong fighter successfully invaded the operating system of the A01 fighter, a three-dimensional model of the fighter appeared on the light curtain of the Canglong fighter.

It was that F-01, codenamed A16!

At this moment, the control of the A01 fighter has completely come into the hands of Jiang Yuanzhou!

Fingers connected dots on the light curtain, and Jiang Yuanzhou turned on the missile safety on the A01 fighter.

Then, Jiang Yuanzhou said to the co-pilot who had been waiting.

“Uncle Lin, the missile you want is here, let’s fire. ”

At the same time that Jiang Yuanzhou said that the missiles were coming.

On the co-pilot, the light curtain in front of Lin Changkong also changed.

The column of missiles that originally displayed [Unloaded] has also become:

[Missiles: AIM-7 Sparrow×6

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s words, Lin Changkong decisively pressed the fire button.

The six AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles carried by the A01 fighter were all launched.

And the target of the missile is none other F-16 fighters of Team A!

Looking at the missiles that were launched, Jiang Yuanzhou connected to Team A’s communication channel and sent them his most heartfelt holiday wishes.


Happy April Fool’s Day!


A flash of fire lit up in front of the right side of the Canglong fighter.

It was an F-03 fighter with the designation A16, the flash of fire that exploded after being hit by a Sparrow missile.

Looking at the dazzling firelight, Lin Changkong’s mood was already so excited that he couldn’t be more excited.

Personally take out the fighter jets of the beautiful country, he really did it!

The scene that he had dreamed of for many years happened in front of his eyes like this, which made Lin Changkong how could he not be excited!

In addition to the refreshment of killing the enemy plane with his own hands, there was another thing that made Lin Changkong so excited.

That’s the missile he used, which was actually on other fighters.

Although Lin Changkong knew that Jiang Yuanzhou would not promise casually, he promised that there would be missiles that could be used.

But Lin Changkong couldn’t have imagined it.

The missile that Jiang Yuanzhou said could be used was actually the missile on the F-16 next to him!!

The fire reappeared, this time directly in front of the Canglong fighter.

Another F16 was hit!

The F-16 fighter, codenamed A01, can carry a total of six AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles.

These six missiles hit a total of four F-16 fighters in the formation!

24 F-16 fighters, four have crashed!

And after Lin Changkong finished shooting these six sparrow missiles in one go, the matter was not over.

On the light curtain, in the column where the missiles are displayed, there are suddenly three more lines of missile information!

[Missiles: AIM-7 Sparrow×6

[Missiles: AIM-7 Sparrow×6

[Available Missile: AIM-120 Amram×6]

The F-16 fighters invaded and controlled by the Canglong fighter were not only A01, but a whole four!

The missiles carried by the four F-16s were all used by the Canglong fighters.

Looking at the missile in front of him, Lin Changkong was not polite.

Don’t miss the opportunity, and never miss it.

The flight formation of Team A was relatively dense, and the distance between the fighters was less than 500 meters.

At this distance, air-to-air missiles can be locked on with great ease.

Once the other fighters are allowed to react, the missile will not be easy to hit.

Lin Changkong’s thumb kept pressing the fire button, and all the available missiles were launched on the other F-16s in the formation.

Four fighters, a total of 24 air-to-air missiles.

These 24, which were originally air-to-air missiles intended for the fighters of the Dragon Kingdom, were all poured on their allies, and 14 F-16 fighters were hit!

The attack came so suddenly and unexpectedly that the fighter pilot, who was hit, did not have time to parachute, and crashed into the sea with the fighter.

The A Aviation Squadron, which originally had 24 fighters, has only 10 left.

Among them, 4 are still puppet fighters controlled by Jiang Yuanzhou.

In Team A’s communication channel, the surviving pilots were roaring wildly.

“Captain, what are you doing? Did you defect!!”

“Donald! Why are you attacking your teammates!”

“Fake, are you all crazy?!!”

“What the hell is going on? What are you thinking???

Captain Jackson, who was wildly cursed by his teammates, was the most desperate person at this time.

He could hear his teammates shouting, but he couldn’t get his voice out.

Jackson clutched the joystick tightly, trying to wrest control of the A01.

But no matter how he operates, it will be useless.

I could only watch as the missiles of my own fighter were launched, and then hit the fighters of my teammates.

“What the hell is going on??”

“Also, who said Happy April Fool’s Day!”

Jackson looked painedly at his teammates in the distance, his mind full of questions.

Unfortunately, his questions are left to God’s answers.

Without Jackson’s control, the A01 fighter suddenly reversed the direction of flight.

Lunge towards one of the surviving F-16 fighters.

“Jackson, what are you going to do!”

Amid the frightened shouts of their teammates, the two F-16s collided and burst into brilliant flames in the air!

In the Canglong fighter, Jiang Yuanzhou looked at the firelight not far away and said softly.

“If you like collisions so much, I’ll give you an ending of crashing. ”

“April Fool’s Day gifts, please check. ”

The upper limit of the number of fighters that the Canglong fighter can control is ten.

That’s exactly how many fighters Team A has left.

In the missile air battle just now, the Canglong fighter did not stop the electronic invasion.

When the missile attack ended, the remaining ten fighters were all under Jiang Yuanzhou’s control.

With a finger tapping the light curtain, the remaining F-16s collided in pairs under Jiang Yuanzhou’s control.

In the firelight in the sky, Team A’s fighters were all extinguished!

Only one “F-25” fighter with the designation A16 remained, proudly independent in the air.

Lin Changkong was just about to say something, when he heard an emergency contact notice suddenly appear in the cockpit, in the communication channel of the Canglong fighter.

After connecting it, General Wang Guowei’s anxious voice sounded in the cockpit.

“Jiang Guoshi, where are you now?”

“Something happened in the Xuanwu Sea! There is an F-16 squadron, which is attacking us!”

“Please come back right away!”.

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