Kirin Military District, the first military airfield.

Next to the idle B02 runway, a middle-aged man in a military uniform stood.

It was Wang Guowei, commander-in-chief of the Air Force of the Qilin Military Region, who was waiting for Jiang Yuanzhou to return.

“General Wang, don’t come unharmed. ”

Behind Wang Guowei, a hearty voice came.

Turning around, Wang Guowei saw an old acquaintance.

Director of the Longguo Security Bureau, Zhou Wenwu.

“Director Zhou, you’re here. Wang Guowei replied.

“Yes, when I came out of Jiang Guoshi’s laboratory, I rushed here. ”

Zhou Wenwu said, standing by Wang Guowei’s side by the way.

Lin Xiaoyun, who came with him, stood silently not far from them.

The two bigwigs talked, it’s better to stay away.

“How long has General Wang waited?” Zhou Wenwu asked.

“About ten minutes. Glancing at his watch, Wang Guowei replied, “I don’t know where Jiang Guoshi is playing now, I hope he will come back soon.” ”

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Zhou Wenwu’s face.

“Jiang Guoshi, put us all together. ”

“yes. ”

Wang Guowei nodded, and he also felt the same way.

In order to personally complete the first flight of the new fighter, Jiang Guoshi actually hid it from everyone.

When he first heard the news of Jiang Yuanzhou’s personal test flight, Wang Guowei was so frightened that he couldn’t sit down.

Wang Guowei looked at the sky and said.

“Director Zhou, you know everything about the Xuanwu Sea, right?”

“Yes. Zhou Wenwu nodded and said, “I really didn’t expect that the beautiful country actually dispatched a squadron of F-16 fighters, I don’t know what happened to those fighters now?”

As the head of the Security Bureau, Zhou Wenwu is also in charge of the intelligence system of the Dragon Kingdom.

The news of the dispatch of the F-16 at the KLK airbase was leaked by the eyes of the Security Service in the country of Phisho.

The military base of the beautiful country is not easy to penetrate, but it is much easier on the side of the Feijiao country.

“Judging from the radar, it should not be…”

“Five, eight, seven” Wang Guowei was halfway through when he was interrupted by the adjutant’s report.

“The report said that after receiving information from the Xuanwu Military Region, the pilot had observed the wreckage of the fighter plane, and preliminarily determined that all the fighter formations of the beautiful country had crashed, and the cause of the crash was unknown, and it was suspected to be a missile. ”

Wang Guowei and Zhou Weiguo, who heard the news, glanced at each other.

From each other’s eyes, they both saw what each other meant.

Something is wrong!

One formation, 24 fighters, all crashed, or crashed by a missile attack.

What is this concept?

You know, the 24 third-generation aircraft F-16 has surpassed the air power of 95% of the world’s countries.

An F-16 fighter, if nothing else, costs as much as $50 million alone.

Twenty-four, that’s $1.2 billion.

Coupled with the missiles carried on it, as well as the incomparably expensive pilots, the loss of the beautiful country this time has exceeded two billion dollars!

With such a big loss, the beautiful country, which is known for its domineering and hooliganism, will definitely not give up.

“By the way, where is the sea where the accident occurred, is it within our borders?”

Zhou Wenwu asked a crucial question.

“The report, no, the specific location of the wreck, a hundred nautical miles from the boundary of China’s territorial waters, is still in the waters of the country. The adjutant reported.

“That’s good. ”

Zhou Wenwu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn’t happen in the sea area of the Dragon Kingdom, then the things that follow will be much easier.

The fighter plane of your beautiful country, what does the problem in the territory of the Feijiao country have to do with my dragon country?

“Director Zhou, you say, who did this?”

Wang Guowei frowned and asked puzzled.

“I don’t know. ”

Zhou Wenwu shook his head and said truthfully.

“Of all the intelligence sources, there is not a single piece of useful information. ”

“But in my opinion, the probability of the beautiful country doing it itself is greater, and the hairy bear can’t get involved in that sea area. ”

“Is there infighting?”

Hearing Zhou Wenwu’s speculation, Wang Guowei had more doubts in his heart.

“No matter, let’s wait for the news, and bring Jiang Guoshi back first. ”

Shaking his head, Wang Guowei looked at the sky again.

Looking forward to seeing Jiang Yuanzhou’s car on it.

There was a sound of breaking the air, attracting the attention of several people.

Everyone who heard the sound raised their heads and looked into the air.

“Where’s the fighter? Wasn’t that the sound of the fighter just now?”

Looking at the cloudless and empty sky, Wang Guowei said suspiciously.

I only heard his voice, but I didn’t see anyone.

While the people were wondering.

On the B02 runway in front of them, a strangely shaped fighter suddenly appeared.

That’s right, it’s prominence.

Rubbing his eyes, Wang Guowei suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Otherwise, how could a fighter plane “jump” out of the air?

Moreover, can this shape be called a fighter?

The fighter, as a whole, looked like a sharp arrow.

completely subverted Wang Guowei’s inherent impression of fighters.

Even Zhou Wenwu, who watched Canglong take off, was stunned.

“Is this Jiang Guoshi’s newly developed Canglong fighter?”

Wang Guowei asked in a low voice, he had never seen the physical object of the Canglong fighter.

“From the outside, it doesn’t look like it’s. Zhou Wenwu replied, “The fighter driven by Jiang Guoshi is a forward-swept wing, and this fighter does not even have a wing. ”

So where did this fighter come from?

In the bewildered gaze of everyone, the cockpit canopy of the mysterious fighter plane opened

A face they had been waiting for was revealed

“Hey, everyone’s here?”

Jiang Yuanzhou waved his hand.


Seeing Jiang Yuanzhou in the cockpit, the most surprised people were Zhou Wenwu and Lin Xiaoyun, who witnessed the take-off of the Canglong fighter.

They clearly remembered that the fighter that Jiang Yuanzhou drove away was a fighter plane with a forward-swept wing

Why did you come back and become like this again?

It wasn’t until Jiang Yuanzhou jumped down from the Canglong fighter and walked up to them that Zhou Wenwu reacted.

“Jiang Guoshi, you are finally back. Zhou Wenwu said in a complicated tone.

“I’ve only been flying for less than two hours. Jiang Yuanzhou responded.

“You don’t know how much has happened in just two hours. ”

Zhou Wenwu said with some emotion, and then Zhou Wenwu asked again.

“Jiang Guoshi, I remember that the fighter plane you drove out of the laboratory didn’t look like this?”

Zhou Wenwu’s gaze fell on the arrow-shaped fighter.

“The Canglong fighter can be deformed in its entirety, and the forward-swept wing shape you saw before is a low-speed and low-altitude maneuver mode. Jiang Yuanzhou explained.

“Then just now, why did the fighter plane suddenly come out of the air?”

General Wang Guowei on the side didn’t hold back, and also asked.

“The Canglong fighter can carry out optical stealth, and I just came into contact with stealth, so I have that effect. Jiang Yuanzhou patiently explained.

Is that ,,, so?

Zhou Wenwu and Wang Guowei nodded blankly.

What Jiang Yuanzhou said, they can probably understand.

It’s deformation and optical stealth.

However, as easy as it gets, there are countless technical difficulties involved in implementing these two functions.

For example, the deformation of the fuselage.

The deformation of the whole fuselage requires how many mechanical mechanisms, and the material strength requirements for the connection parts are also extremely high.

At present, are there any materials in the world that can support the mechanical strain caused by the deformation of the whole machine?

Optical stealth is even more of a black technology.

Simple stealth effect, but behind it is an incomprehensible technical principle.

“Jiang Guoshi, you get in the car first. ”

Wang Guowei said that those technologies will not be clear for a while, and it is better to complete the current things first.

Following Wang Guowei’s fingers, Jiang Yuanzhou saw the car parked on the side of the road.

A military ambulance.

“Ambulance?” Jiang Yuanzhou asked suspiciously.

What does it mean to get into an ambulance as soon as you get off the plane?

“That’s right, Jiang Guoshi. Wang Guowei explained.

“Pilots who fly fighter planes for the first time have to do a comprehensive physical examination after they get down. ”

“This is your first time driving, right? And Jiang Guoshi, you are still an ordinary person who has not been trained, and you have to do it. ”

“Sometimes there is something wrong with the body, and I can’t feel it, and I can only know if I have a physical examination. ”

“Okay. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou accepted Wang Guowei’s proposal, got into an ambulance, and was then pulled to the nearest military hospital.

As for the Canglong fighter, it was parked in a confidential hangar by itself according to the predetermined procedure left by Jiang Yuanzhou.

In the field hospital, Jiang Yuanzhou sat on the hospital bed tired after dozens of physical examinations.

He now regrets coming to the hospital a little.

A set of inspections is more tiring than driving a fighter jet. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Next, just wait for the results of the blood sample to come out, and then you can leave.

Next door to Jiang Yuanzhou’s hospital bed, Lin Changkong followed him all the way.

Like Jiang Yuanzhou, Lin Changkong also did a complete set of physical examinations.

At the bedside, Director Zhou Wenwu said to his old comrade-in-arms Lin Changkong.

“Changkong, this mission has been completed well, I will reward you with a box of Moutai, old vintage, come back to my house to get it.” ”

Zhou Wenwu said with a smile.

When the Canglong fighter had just taken off, he gave Lin Changkong a task.

The task is to let Lin Changkong take a good look at Jiang Guoshi, don’t mess around, and then bring Jiang Guoshi back well.

Judging from the results, Lin Changkong completed this task perfectly.

That’s why Zhou Wenwu was so happy.

On the other hand, Lin Changkong is here.

Lin Changkong, who was praised by the old squad leader, felt uncomfortable.

It’s true that the people in the mission are back, so don’t mess around.

Thinking of the F-16 exploding beside him, the more Lin Changkong thought about it, the more he felt that he was sorry for Zhou Wenwu’s praise.

obviously said that he couldn’t mess around, but the one who had the most fun was Lin Changkong himself.

Facing the praise of the old squad leader Zhou Wenwu, Lin Changkong was embarrassed to look at him, so he had to turn his head to look out the window, making a fugue appearance.

Although Lin Changkong’s performance was a little strange, Zhou Wenwu didn’t take it to heart, just thinking that he was flying stupidly.

After all, after so many years, it was not easy to fly once, and it was normal for Lin Changkong to be like this.

Turning his head, Zhou Wenwu looked at Jiang Yuanzhou and said.

“Jiang Guoshi, I found the technical information you asked for before. ”

As he spoke, Jiang Yuanzhou took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Jiang Yuanzhou.

Technical information?

Hearing Lin Changkong’s words, Jiang Yuanzhou’s eyes lit up…

After receiving the information, Jiang Yuanzhou saw the title of the homepage.

The Ultimate Form of Heavy Firepower – Design Scheme of Super Heavy Electromagnetic Naval Gun

This title is very bluffing at first glance.

While Jiang Yuanzhou was flipping through the information.

Zhou Wenwu also introduced the origin of this technical information.

This information comes from thirty years ago, when the two poles of Blue Star were still competing for hegemony.

In the era of bipolar hegemony, all kinds of crazy technological ideas have been put forward on both sides.

The one in Jiang Yuanzhou’s hand was a technical idea of the beautiful country back then.

Hearing Zhou Wenwu’s introduction, Jiang Yuanzhou looked forward to it even more.

After all, the eagle sauce must be a high-quality product.

The ward where Jiang Yuanzhou temporarily lived was the highest standard ward in the Qilin Field Hospital.

In addition to the bed room, there is a living room, a master living room, a bedroom, and a separate bathroom.

in the living room.

General Wang Guowei was flipping through the materials faxed from the Xuanwu Military Region.

The information is a report on a series of events that have taken place in the Xuanwu Sea.

In the report, the most important and valuable thing is the personal narration of the two drivers of the parties, the 92nd and the 94th.

The previous one was about tracking the process of driving away the EP-3.

When he saw that the EP-3 suddenly turned around and crashed into the plane of the ninety-two war, Wang Guowei, who was elegant and easy-going, couldn’t help but curse.

“Son of a bitch’s lighthouse. ”

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Wang Guowei continued to read.

Then he saw an unconscionable record.

According to the report, Wang Wei, the pilot of Unit 92, heard an unfamiliar voice when he was about to give up before the fighter plane was about to crash into the sea.

“It sounds young, but it’s calm and has a sense of trust. ”

Pilot Wang Wei described the voice like this.

Looking at the description of the mysterious voice, Wang Guowei secretly said in his heart.

“How do you feel, as if you’ve heard something like that?”

For a while, Wang Guowei didn’t remember whose voice was like that, so he could only continue to check the information and look for clues.

Turn a page.

In the report, Wang Wei claimed that after hearing the unfamiliar voice, the state of the plane suddenly changed for the better.

Originally, the flight status of the ninety-two could no longer be restored.

As a result, a force suddenly came, and he forcibly helped Jiu Er up again.

That force is obviously coming from the outside.

However, neither Wang Wei nor the 94 pilots who were present at the time found anyone else.

It’s like stealth!

Seeing the word stealth written on the report, Wang Guowei’s eyes suddenly widened.

Speaking of stealth, he had just seen it on a fighter plane.

The stealth fighter is the Canglong fighter equipped with optical stealth!

Linked to the report mentioned on the previous page, I got a mysterious voice that sounded very young.

Wang Guoweizhi felt a “buzz” in his brain, and a name was about to come out in his mind.

The mysterious man who saved the plane was none other than that.

It was Jiang Guoshi who was piloting the Canglong fighter!

Wait a minute!

Wang Guowei suddenly realized something.

If the person who rescued the plane of the Second World War was Jiang Guoshi, who flew the Canglong fighter for a test flight.

Doesn’t that mean that when the incident occurred, 5.5 Jiang Guoshi was in the Xuanwu Sea?

Previously, because of the distance of 4,000 kilometers between the Xuanwu Sea and the capital, Wang Guowei always believed that Jiang Yuanzhou would not appear in the Xuanwu Sea.

But now, all kinds of evidence point to Jiang Guoshi and his Canglong fighter, proving that after the collision, Jiang Guoshi came to the Xuanwu Sea and saved the pilot of the ninety-two!

Think about it a little deeper, since Jiang Guoshi can save the ninety-two war planes.

So, immediately after the impact incident, is the disintegration of the EP-3 also related to Jiang Guoshi?

Thinking of this, Wang Guowei hurriedly looked through the time record.

According to the report.

From the rescue of the plane to the disintegration of the EP-3, there was only a three-minute gap between it.

Moreover, it was the first 92 to be rescued, and the EP-3 to disintegrate later.

Could it be that the disintegration of the EP-3 was also done by Jiang Guoshi?

The ideas in Wang Guowei’s mind became more and more complicated, and his speculations became more and more daring.

He took out a piece of paper, on which the kingdom wrote the sequence of events that took place in the Xuanwu Sea.

From the take-off of the Canglong fighter, to the impact incident, and then the ninety-second battle aircraft was rescued, the EP-3 disintegrated and fell into the sea, and finally the F-16 fighter squadron was completely destroyed.

These major events, from the perspective of time, can just be threaded into a line.

With the timeline cleared, General Wang Guowei gradually revealed a corner of the truth of the matter.

A thunderbolt exploded in General Wang Guowei’s mind.

Wang Guowei finally realized.

The person who eliminated the F-16 squadron of the beautiful country was not the woolly bear country he guessed, or the internal personnel of the beautiful country.

It’s Jiang Guoshi, who he has always frightened him and likes to mess around!

Wang Guowei, who had figured it out, turned his head mechanically and looked at Jiang Yuanzhou on the hospital bed.

But Jiang Yuanzhou didn’t notice Wang Guowei’s eyes, because his attention at this time was all on the information in front of him.

[Watch the design blueprint of the electromagnetic cannon and comprehend the full set of electromagnetic naval gun technology!].

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