“The fourth-generation aircraft of our Dragon Country should also make its debut in the world. ”

Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s words, Wang Guowei was a little stunned for a while.

“Jiang Guoshi, do you want us to take the lark to the exhibition?”

Wang Guowei didn’t expect that he just asked casually, but he didn’t expect Jiang Guoshi to directly let the lark participate in the exhibition.

Generally speaking, such as the lark, leading and newly developed weapons and equipment, must be kept secret for a period of time as the hole card of the troops.

During the actual combat exercise, the performance of the Skylark fighter in a single 48 really impressed Wang Guowei.

In his opinion, such a powerful stealth fourth-generation aircraft as the Skylark fighter should be hidden in his hands.

In the event of a war in the future, the Skylark can be played as a surprise card.

In the case that the enemy does not know that the Dragon Kingdom has a fourth-generation aircraft, the Dragon Kingdom suddenly sends a fourth-generation aircraft Skylark, which can achieve a surprisingly ~ winning effect.

Wang Guowei’s idea is also the idea of most people.

With good equipment, – hide first, of course

Only stupid big families will show their good things to the outside.

“That’s right. Jiang Yuanzhou nodded and said, “If you can, it’s best to sell a few Skylark fighters outside.” ”


Hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s thoughts, Wang Guowei opened his mouth even wider.

Jiang Guoshi not only wants to exhibit it, but also plans to sell the Skylark fighter outside?

“If customers buy more larks, you can also give them some discounts, such as free maintenance services or something. Jiang Yuanzhou added.

Wang Guowei and the others regarded the lark fighter plane as a treasure, and in Jiang Yuanzhou’s mouth, it seemed to be like a commodity on the shelf.

Seeing that Jiang Guoshi’s attitude didn’t look like he was joking, Wang Guowei hurriedly spoke.

“Jiang Guoshi, the Skylark fighter can’t be sold. ”

“Oh? Why?”

Jiang Yuanzhou asked.

He didn’t expect Wang Guowei to have such a big reaction.

Wang Guowei spoke again, explaining why he couldn’t sell the Skylark fighter.

“Jiang Guoshi, now the Skylark fighter is still our hole card, if it is sold, the parameters and performance data of the Skylark will be exposed. ”

“In this way, won’t our hole cards be seen by the enemy?”

“So in my opinion, the Skylark fighter must not be sold, and it cannot even be exhibited. ”

General Wang Guowei said his true thoughts in one breath.

If he said these words outside, from the military of the Dragon Kingdom, Wang Guowei would definitely gain a lot of approval.

In the traditional concept, when the troops have new equipment, they must first cover it for a period of time.

But in front of Wang Guowei was Jiang Yuanzhou.

As the developer of the Skylark fighter and a young man in his early 20s, Jiang Yuanzhou’s thinking is very different from that of an old man like Wang Guowei.

Jiang Yuanzhou said.

“General Wang, I want to ask. ”

“What is the position of the Skylark fighter in the Air Force units?”

In the Air Force units, there are often several models of fighters equipped.

Different models of fighters have different performance focuses.

For example, some are good at air combat, that is, air superiority fighters.

Some fighters are good at quick reaction and kill with one hit, and that is the interceptor.

There are also good at ground attacks, and in the Dragon Air Force, this is called a strong attack aircraft.

Originally, there were many types of fighters, each with its own duties, each with their own exclusive mission.

But now, the Skylark fighter is coming.

Under the performance parameters of the crushing level of the Skylark Fighter, the previous classification boundary of the fighter’s use was directly violently broken by the Skylark.

What other fighters can do, Skylark fighters can do.

What other fighters can’t do, Skylark fighters can do too.

By carrying different equipment, the Skylark fighter can easily achieve multi-purpose operations.

After hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s question, General Wang Guowei replied without thinking.

“The Skylark fighter, of course, is used as the main general-purpose fighter to perform a variety of tasks. ”

This is the result of a collective discussion before the lark was mass-produced.

The performance of the Skylark is extremely good, and the potential for modification and refitting is huge.

Naturally, Skylark fighters will be used in various missions.

Hearing Wang Guowei’s answer, Jiang Yuanzhou continued.

“If it is the main fighter, the Skylark will perform a large number of missions. ”

“The amount of work is large, and the contact between the lark and the outside world increases. ”

“Under the high-intensity use of the Air Force, how long can the parameters of the Skylark fighter be kept secret?”

Hearing this, Wang Guowei was stunned for a moment, and then discovered the problems in his previous thoughts.

Wang Guowei not only wants to keep the Skylark fighter secret, but also wants to use the Skylark fighter as the main force to use it with high intensity.

But there is a conflict between high-intensity use and performance secrecy.

You let the lark fly outside every day, and it’s no wonder that the parameters can be kept secret.

“I understand Jiang Guoshi, you are right. ”

“I was too obsessed with secrecy before. ”

Wang Guowei said convincingly.

However, although Wang Guowei has changed his previous concept of secrecy, Wang Guowei still has some concerns when it comes to selling Lark fighters.

“Jiang Guoshi, it’s okay to exhibit, but it’s still not good to sell Skylark fighters to the outside world. ”

Wang Guowei said, talking about his biggest concern.

“What if those people buy our Skylark and in turn hit us with Skylark?”

What Wang Guowei is worried about has not happened.

When the Yue War broke out, the Dragon Kingdom gave Yue a lot of weapons and equipment.

As a result, the group of monkeys in turn used the weapons of the dragon kingdom against the dragon kingdom.

Wang Guowei felt disgusted when he thought about it.

Hearing Wang Guowei’s concerns, Jiang Yuanzhou said.

“General Wang, don’t forget, the Skylark fighter is an unmanned fighter, and it is operated by an automated program. ”

Unmanned fighters?

So what?

Wang Guowei didn’t understand what Jiang Yuanzhou meant for a while.

So Jiang Yuanzhou added.

“I wrote the automatic combat program of the Skylark fighter. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou’s voice fell, and Wang Guowei instantly understood what he meant.

Since it’s a program, there’s bound to be a backdoor left by the developer!

In other words, on every Skylark fighter, Jiang Yuanzhou’s backhand is used!

“Jiang Guoshi, how far can you go?”

After knowing that the Skylark Fighter had a back door, Wang Guowei was eager to know how much impact the back door could have on the Skylark Fighter.

Regarding the influence of the back door, Jiang Yuanzhou said.

“How far can I go? ”

“As long as I want to, any lark will obey my command. ”

Any one?

Wang Guowei captured the keyword.

Any lark, of course, includes the enemy’s lark.

In other words, if the two sides fight, the enemy’s Skylark fighter will directly turn against each other and become a fighter of the Dragon Kingdom.

After passing the program, you can directly turn enemies into friends.

Actually, can it be done to this point?

Wang Guowei sighed silently in his heart.

The more larks the enemy has, the greater the advantage on the side of the dragon kingdom.

“One more thing, General Wang. ”

“Our real hole cards are here. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou said, pointing in one direction of the laboratory.

Following the direction of Jiang Yuanzhou’s finger, Wang Guowei saw the seventh-generation machine Canglong lying quietly in the center of the laboratory.

The strength of the Canglong fighter is very powerful, and Wang Guowei has a personal feeling.

As Jiang Yuanzhou said, compared with the Skylark Fighter, Canglong is more suitable as the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

Regarding the proposal to sell the Skylark fighter, Wang Guowei no longer had any worries, only one question left.

Wang Guowei asked with some curiosity.

“By the way, Jiang Guoshi, why did you suddenly think that you want to sell larks to the outside world?”

“My idea is simple. Jiang Yuanzhou raised a finger and said.

“One word, money. ”

“The Lighthouse Nation sells a lot of military equipment every year. ”

“The equipment sold by arms is mainly those advanced weapons that cannot be produced by other countries. ”

“Last year, the lighthouse nation’s foreign arms sales were $15 billion. ”

“This money, the lighthouse country can earn it, but our dragon country can’t earn it?”

Hearing this, Wang Guowei’s eyes lit up.

Earn money, where do you need so many reasons.

The Beacon State’s foreign arms sales in ’97 were $15 billion.

And the military expenditure of the Dragon Kingdom last year was only about 90 billion, which is still RMB.

According to the current US dollar exchange rate of 1:8.2, the annual military sales of the Lighthouse Country are one-third higher than the military expenditure of the entire army of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the final analysis, it is still a poor word.

Now that an opportunity to make money is in front of you, who will not be impressed when you see it?

With such a sure-as-you-can-lose business and no risk, where can you find it if you miss it?

“I see!”

Wang Guowei got up and said goodbye to Jiang Yuanzhou.

“Jiang Guoshi, I’ll go first, I’ll go to prepare for the Lighthouse Military Exhibition, and I’ll come back to you if I have any questions. ”

“Goodbye. ”

After Wang Guowei left, Jiang Yuanzhou sat alone for a while, and then took out an unopened envelope from the drawer. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The envelope is from the Dragon Kingdom Conference.

Open the envelope.

The first is a commendation order.

In order to commend Jiang Yuanzhou’s contribution to the research and development of the seventh-generation aircraft Canglong, Jiang Yuanzhou was rewarded with 100 million yuan.

Regarding Jiang Yuanzhou’s personal treatment, the commendation order did not say it.

After all, Guoshi is already the highest level of treatment, and if you want to raise the salary, there is no room for improvement.

In addition to these, there is also a special post appointment order.

Special Consultant of the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

Special consultant, the same level as the vice president of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, the position is second only to the president of the Academy of Dragon Sciences.

Moreover, the special consultant does not need to engage in any management affairs, nor does he need to care about the constitution of the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

It can be said that there are only benefits, no obligations.

With the appointment order, Jiang Yuanzhou can join the Academy of Sciences at any time and become a top figure in the Academy of Dragons.

Putting down the commendation order and the letter of appointment, Jiang Yuanzhou took out a handwritten letter from the envelope.

In addition to thanking Jiang Yuanzhou for his contribution, the letter mainly mentioned the matter of controlled nuclear fusion.

According to the letter, as long as Jiang Yuanzhou is willing to engage in controlled nuclear fusion power generation, then the Dragon Kingdom official will fully support it.

There is no upper limit on the funds provided!

Looking at the handwriting on the back of the letter, Jiang Yuanzhou felt the determination of the letter writer.

The uncapped funding means that the dragon kingdom will devote all its resources to building a power station with controlled nuclear fusion.

The four words of no cap made Jiang Yuanzhou, who had always been indifferent, feel a little pressure.

The controllable nuclear fusion power station is a world-class super engineering project.

To build a controllable nuclear fusion power station and the corresponding supporting facilities, a lot of manpower and material resources need to be invested.

For the current Dragon Kingdom, these investments are undoubtedly a heavy burden.

Although Jiang Yuanzhou also wants to build a controllable nuclear fusion power generation, he also does not want to drag down the finances of the Dragon Kingdom because of this.

The sale of the Skylark fighter to the outside world was not a whim of Jiang Yuanzhou.

It’s something he’d thought about a long time ago.

The foreign exchange in exchange for the arms sale of Skylark fighters can just be used to subsidize the construction of controllable nuclear fusion power stations.

Don’t ask for too much, as long as you can reach half of the Beacon Nation’s arms sales.

The annual net income of eight billion US dollars is also a considerable amount, which can greatly alleviate the pressure on the Dragon Kingdom’s finances.

“I hope General Wang Guowei can get more orders. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou muttered to himself.

Then put everything back in the envelope and put it in the safe.

Jiang Yuanzhou started a new round of his research work.

The content of the new work is the core technology of superconducting electromagnetic guns.

Room-temperature superconducting materials.

Materials that can maintain superconducting properties at room temperature, in addition to being used in electromagnetic guns, are also a key technology for controlled nuclear fusion power generation!

While developing superconducting electromagnetic guns, Jiang Yuanzhou also opened a new chapter in the controlled nuclear fusion of the Dragon Kingdom.

Two months after the F-16 incident, the World Air Force Equipment Exhibition hosted by the lighthouse country was held as scheduled.

The location of the military exhibition is not the lighthouse itself, but an enclave of the lighthouse, a famous tourist attraction.

Shavi Island.

On the island, there are also overseas military bases with lighthouses.

The specific venue of the lighthouse military exhibition is the HWI Air Base on the island of Xavi.

HWI is an abbreviation for Shavi Island.

HWI base, airfield No. 1.

Brigadier General Charles, his lieutenant and a group of men were on the edge of the runway at the airport, waiting for the arrival of delegations from various countries to participate in the military exhibition.

Brigadier General Charles is the top officer of the HWI base and is also in charge of various matters of the military exhibition.

“How long?” Charles asked, turning to the lieutenant beside him.

“The first one landed three minutes later. The adjutant replied.

Straightening the collar of his uniform, Charles sat down to prepare for the delegation.

This military exhibition of the lighthouse country is not only to show its strength and show off the strength of the lighthouse.

There is also an important purpose, that is, to sell arms, specifically all kinds of fighters and equipment for the Air Force.

The amount of arms sales agreements signed at this military exhibition is also part of Charles’s achievements.

That’s why Charles is so attentive and came to greet delegations from various countries.

There was a whistling sound in the sky, and the first plane landed not far from Charles and the others.

With a group of men, Charles walked quickly to the plane.

When the hatch opened and he saw the people inside, Charles was instantly disappointed.

“Why are they from the Dragon Kingdom, why are they here to participate in the military exhibition?”

Charles muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

Still, he walked up and greeted him with a smile.

“Welcome, friends from afar. ”

“Hello, General Charles. ”

Wang Guowei kindly stretched out his right hand.

But Charles did not respond to Wang Guowei’s handshake, but turned and passed past the Dragon Kingdom delegation and walked towards another newly landed plane.

Half of the fuselage of the newly landed plane was painted green.

It was the delegation of the oil countries from the desert.

“It seems that they don’t seem to welcome us much at this military exhibition?”

In the delegation of the Dragon Kingdom, a fighter expert said with a frown.

In this regard, Wang Guowei said that he was used to it.

“Normal, the Lighthouse Country is an arms embargo on our Dragon Country, and we can’t make any money from us, so naturally we won’t be very enthusiastic. ”

Wang Guowei waved his hand absently.

The attitude of the lighthouse country does not matter at all.

He didn’t come to the military exhibition this time for friendly exchanges with the lighthouse country.

“Ready to unload. Wang Guowei commanded.

The voice fell, and under the control of the crew, the tail compartment of the transport plane they were on opened.

The “cargo” inside, with the help of engineering vehicles, was slowly unloaded to the ground.

The cargo was tightly wrapped in a tarpaulin, but judging from the outline, you could still see the appearance of the fighter.

The cargo in the transport plane is the Skylark fighter!

Of course, this is a full-scale model.

Wang Guowei would not be stupid enough to drive the Skylark fighter to the airbase of the Lighthouse Country.

Just as the delegation of the Kingdom Peacekeeper and the Dragon Kingdom was about to transport the Skylark fighter into the hangar, a rough voice came from behind them.

“Hey, you stop!”

Wang Guowei, who was called, turned around and saw a familiar face that he hadn’t seen in a long time.

The face was typical of Slavs, with two motifs on the upper lip.

“You come and explain to me, why suddenly cancel the order for the Su-27 production line?”

“Don’t you Dragon Kingdom want a third-generation machine?”

After catching up with the delegation of the Dragon Country, General Asseryov of the Mao Bear Country asked angrily.

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