Iqbal, the prince of oil, raised his head suddenly.

“What did you say?”

“Is there a fourth-generation aircraft like the F22 in the Dragon Country?”

Iqbal’s tone was full of suspicion.

Today’s F22 performance left an extremely deep impression on Iqbal.

Such a powerful and advanced fighter plane, in Iqbal’s impression, should only be a superpower like the Lighthouse State has a chance to come up with it.

Judging from the current strength of the Dragon Kingdom, how can it be possible to make a fourth-generation aircraft.

If it was said that the woolly bear country did it, Iqbal still believed it a little.

“No, Your Highness the Prince, you have said something wrong. Wang Guowei said.

“What’s the matter?”

Under the puzzled gaze of the oil prince Iqbal, Wang Guowei said slowly.

“The fourth-generation aircraft of our Dragon Country is not like the F22, but far ahead of the F22!”


Hearing this, Iqbal felt even more ridiculous.

The F22 can achieve the super performance standard of 4S, and you say that your fighter is better than the F22.

The fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom in Wang Guowei’s mouth can’t surpass the standard of 4S?

Iqbal was momentarily speechless.

He wanted to open his mouth to question what Wang Guowei said, but when the words came to his lips, looking at Wang Guowei’s sworn and categorical appearance, Iqbal swallowed the words into his stomach again.

What Iqbal has to do now is to verify the truth of Wang Guowei’s words.

Dragon Country, is there really a fourth-generation aircraft?

So the oil prince asked.

“May I ask General Wang, what does the fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom look like?”

If you can’t answer even the simplest question, there’s no need to talk about it later.

“Well, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has seen it today, right in our booth. Wang Guowei replied.

“You mean, the model?”

Iqbal recalls the model of the lark he saw during the day.

Because the shape is more peculiar, Iqbal still has an impression.

“That’s the fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom. ”

“That’s right, that’s a model modeled after the lark one-to-one, and the actual machine is in the Dragon Kingdom. Wang Guowei said, and sent an invitation to the prince of oil: “Do you want His Royal Highness the prince to go and see?”

Iqbal asked with some hesitation.


Regarding the fourth-generation aircraft mentioned by Wang Guowei, Iqbal is now extremely curious.

He couldn’t have imagined that the strangely shaped fighter model was actually the fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom?

But if you want to see the actual machine, you have to fly thousands of kilometers to the dragon country.

So Iqbal was a little tangled.

“Right now, our planes are ready to take off at the airport. Wang Guowei said.


Iqbal was a little surprised.

It can take off at any time, and it seems that the Dragon Kingdom has been prepared for a long time.

Inadvertently, Iqbal saw the F-16U brochure that he had at hand.

If nothing else, the F-16U should be the best fighter that the oil country can buy at this military exhibition.

But, again, that’s the same sentence.

No matter how good the F-16U is in the third generation, it is still a third-generation aircraft.

If before, the F-16U could still arouse Iqbal’s desire to buy.

But Iqbal, who has seen the fourth-generation aircraft, does not look down on the F-16U very much.

What’s more, not so long ago, the F-16 fighter had an accident.

24 The F-16 was completely destroyed, which made Iqbal have a lot of concerns about the safety of the F-16.

After thinking for a moment, the oil prince made up his mind.

“I’ll take a trip with you to the Dragon Kingdom, and I hope your fourth-generation aircraft won’t disappoint me. ”

“Okay, our car is downstairs from the hotel, how long will His Royal Highness the Prince be?” asked Wang Guowei.

“Half an hour, wait until I’m done eating. Iqbal said.

“Okay, I’ll go get ready, and I’ll leave in half an hour. ”

With that, Wang Guowei got up and walked out of the oil prince’s single room.

Iqbal, who was still full of questions, was left behind.

“Dragon Country, where did the fourth-generation aircraft come from?”

After walking out of the room, Wang Guowei came to the downstairs of the hotel and knocked on the door next door.


Like the Oil Nation, the Dragon Nation and the Woolly Bear delegation did not live inside the lighthouse base.

God knows how many bugs they put in the base.

So Wang Guowei and others also stayed at Xia Weiyi Hotel.

It’s just an ordinary room.

Like the 100,000-dollar presidential suite in the oil country, they can’t bear it.

“What’s wrong? Are you going to eat?”

Aselev opened the door and asked confusedly.

“Come with me, I’ll take you to the Dragon Kingdom to see the Skylark Fighter. Wang Guowei invited.

“Now, didn’t you say wait until after the military exhibition?”

Aselev was a little confused.

Why are you suddenly going to the Dragon Kingdom?

“The oil prince is going to see it, so I’m in a hurry, Lao Xie, are you going?” Wang Guowei explained.

“You kidnapped him?”

Hearing the name of the oil country, Aselev was even more surprised.

“What kidnapping, is talking about business. ”

Wang Guowei said angrily

“Okay, I’ll take two clothes and go. Aseryov turned and returned to the room.

Originally, Aselev planned to go to the Dragon Kingdom after the military exhibition, but the oil prince also went, so he changed his mind.

Who wouldn’t want to do business with the oil state?

Although I don’t know how Wang Guowei said that he was the prince of oil, he just followed it.

Maybe they can get a piece of the pie from their business.

Half an hour later, several people packed their bags and got into the special car.

With the logo of the delegation, the special car drove all the way to the HWI airbase.

The transport plane of the Dragon Kingdom was parked on the airfield of the base.

According to the regulations of the military exhibition, planes from various countries can take off and leave at any time, as long as they report to the tower before leaving.

After the group got on the plane, the transport plane quickly took off and headed straight for the Dragon Kingdom.

In the officers’ cafeteria at the HWI base, Brigadier General Charles heard the news.

“The Dragons are gone, and the Prince of Oil with them?” Charles asked, confused.

“Yes, and the representatives of the Woolly Bear Country. The adjutant added.

“What are they going to do?”

Charles’s head was full of question marks.

Originally, he planned to talk to the oil prince tomorrow and sign the F-16U order.

As a result, the master ran away with the representative of the Dragon Kingdom.

What is this called?

“What about the rest of the Petrostats’ delegation?” Charles asked.

“It’s all still there, only Prince Iqbal is on the plane. The adjutant replied.

“That’s fine. ”

Charles breathed a sigh of relief

In addition to Iqbal, there was also a prince in the Petrostats’ delegation, who was also a member of the royal family.

You can also continue to talk about business with the prince.

“You go check again, and it’s better to ask when the oil prince will be back. Charles commanded.

“Good. ”

After the adjutant left, Charles himself couldn’t help but mutter.

“What are you going to do in the Dragon Country? Are you going to sell missiles to the oil country again?”

In Charles’s mind, he never thought that the Dragon would grab his own fighter orders.

After all, how could those fighters in the Dragon Country get into the eyes of those local tyrants and oil guys?

When the lighthouse country sells arms to the oil country, it has to be sold at a higher price, otherwise those oil guys will not be willing to buy it.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter, as long as it doesn’t affect the order for the F-16U. ”

Shaking his head, Charles continued to eat.

After a flight across the ocean, the transport plane carrying Wang Guowei and his party arrived in the Dragon Kingdom.

The plane landed at the first airfield of the White Tiger Military Region.

That is where the Skylark fighter plane was engaged in actual combat exercises.

In order to show the power of the Skylark fighter more intuitively, it is also to be able to pull more orders

Wang Guowei plans to recreate the previous actual combat exercise of the Skylark fighter

After getting off the plane, Wang Guowei saw an unexpected person.

“Jiang Guoshi, why are you here?”

“I’m here to test the results of the new research, and when I hear you’re back, I’m going to take a look. Jiang Yuanzhou said, “Are these two customers?”

Behind Wang Guowei, Asseryov and the oil prince were also getting off the plane from the transport plane

“That’s right, my main target is the one in white, the prince of the oil country. Wang Guowei said in a low voice.

(If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Yuanzhou was also a little surprised, Wang Guowei actually brought back the biggest big family in Blue Star.

“Well done, General Wang. ”

Jiang Yuanzhou gave a thumbs up

“Hey, hey. Wang Guowei laughed “honestly”.

“I’m going to take them to see the lark’s actual combat exercises, Jiang Guoshi, will you go too?”

“Go ahead, I’ll be fine anyway. Jiang Yuanzhou replied.

Under the leadership of the staff of the White Tiger Military Region, the group came to the temporary command center set up by the White Tiger Military Region.

The temporary command center was built on the basis of a hangar.

It is equipped with basic functions such as radar display and communication station

Two Skylark fighters were docked in the hangar.

“This is the fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom?”

Looking at the Skylark fighter in front of him, Prince Iqbal asked curiously.

It is different from the model seen at the military exhibition.

The real Skylark fighter exudes a sharp light around the fuselage, and the whole fighter looks like an inexplicable sense of oppression.

“That’s right, this is the fourth-generation aircraft of our Dragon Country, called Skylark. Wang Guowei introduced.


Aselev wondered if there was something wrong with his ears, otherwise how could he have heard the name of the fourth-generation aircraft?

“Wang, are you saying that this fighter is a fourth-generation aircraft? The prototype of the model you brought over is a fourth-generation aircraft?”

Aselev asked incredulously.

“Yes. Wang Guowei nodded, “Haven’t you always wondered why the Dragon Kingdom wanted to abandon the production line of the SU-27?”

That’s the answer. ”

Wang Guowei’s finger pointed to the Skylark fighter in the center of the hangar.


Aselev still did not relent.

There was only one question on his mind.

Where did the fourth-generation aircraft of the Dragon Kingdom come from?

The oil prince on the side is also a stomach problem.

For example, how maneuverable is the Skylark fighter and what is the maximum speed.

Looking at the two with question marks on their faces, Wang Guowei spoke.

“The Skylark fighter is about to conduct an actual combat exercise, I wonder if the two of you are interested?”


“Of course!”

Aselev and the oil prince spoke in unison.

They flew thousands of kilometers to come to the Dragon Country, just to see the Skylark Fighter?

Now they can still see actual combat exercises, and they can’t ask for it.

“Good. ”

Wang Guowei picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the other end.

“The exercise began. ”


The sound of fighter planes taking off constantly sounded on the airfield.

Through the glass window, Ashelev and the others could see outside the window that on the airport, fighter planes were taking off one after another.

Among them are many models of fighters that Ashelev is intimately familiar with.

Su-27 fighter.

Counted, there were 22 in total.

“You guys took out all the Su-27s?”

Asseryov asked in surprise.

At the beginning, Mao Xiongguo sold a total of 24 Su-27s to the Dragon Kingdom, two of which were training aircraft.

The 22 Su-27s that could fight all took off right now under the nose of Asserov.

“Yes, it doesn’t have to be wasted now. Wang Guowei replied.

Put it before, these more than two dozen imported Su-27s are naturally the treasure of the Air Force baby.

But now with Skylark and Canglong, the Su-27, a third-generation aircraft, has been completely eliminated by the Dragon Air Force.

It can be used as a sparring partner, and it can also give full play to the last residual heat.

After all the fighters on the red side took off, Wang Guowei on the blue side also activated the Skylark fighters.

The hangar door opened, and the first Skylark slowly glided outward.

Looking at the moving lark, Aseryov suddenly realized a problem.

“Wait, you’re going to use this fighter to fight against the 48 over there?”

Aselev asked in a skeptical tone.

“One is enough. ”

Wang Guowei said lightly.

I saw that the Skylark fighter plane stopped in place after sliding out of the hangar.

“Aren’t you going to get on the runway?” asked Aselev.

His voice had just fallen.

I saw that the Skylark fighter opened the hatch in the lower belly of the fuselage, revealing the lift engine below.

Then the front and rear engines start at the same time.

The Skylark was suspended in the air, and its altitude was slowly rising.


Aselev exclaimed.

“You’re using VTOL?”

It’s not that Aseryov has never seen VTOL technology.

The Yak-141, a carrier-based aircraft with vertical take-off and landing, is a product of the Soviet Union.

It is precisely because of the understanding of vertical take-off and landing that Aselev is so surprised.

He never imagined that vertical take-off and landing could be so stable and so fast.

How exactly did this fighter do it?

Listening to Ashelev’s exclamation, Wang Guowei looked indifferent.

“This is where it is, there is still something to come, and there is no hurry to be surprised later. ”

As he spoke, Wang Guowei took out two binoculars and handed them to the two of them.

And also?

After taking the binoculars, the oil prince’s face was full of anticipation, and he now wanted to see what other surprises the Skylark fighter could bring him in the back.

“It’s the right time. ”

Prince Iqbal secretly said in his heart (good get).

As the height of the lark climbed, several people also looked up and looked at the skylark fighter in the air.

After climbing to a height of 50m, the Skylark fighter soared into the sky.

This is followed by a series of dazzling maneuvers.

The super maneuverable maneuver that the F22 did yesterday was all done by the Skylark fighter at the moment.

And it also did a forward roll and a U-turn that the F22 would never do.

Only a Skylark fighter with a flying wing layout can do such an action.

Holding the binoculars and looking at the skylark fighter plane flying nimbly, Prince Iqbal muttered.

“Super maneuverability, an S too. ”

The S he said is the super-maneuverable performance of the fourth-generation aircraft 4S.

“Two, don’t forget to look at the radar. Wang Guowei reminded.

Hearing Wang Guowei’s words, Iqbal and Aseryov put down their binoculars.

I looked at the radar display.

At this moment, the radar’s detection antenna is facing the sky where the Skylark fighter is located.

However, the radar interface was empty.

Looking up again, Iqbal could still see the Skylark fighters in the sky.

You can see it with your eyes, but you can’t see it with your radar.

Iqbal instantly realized what was going on.

This fighter of the Dragon Kingdom is a stealth fighter!

“Super stealth performance, another S. Iqbal counted silently in his mind.

After completing the performance of the super-maneuverable maneuver, the Skylark fighter suddenly accelerated and disappeared from the field of view of several people.

All that was left was a sonic boom from too fast acceleration.

“It’s supersound!

Iqbal, the prince of oil, is heartbeat.

The Skylark fighter is still one over-the-horizon strike away, and it will be able to make up the performance of 4 S!

And the Skylark fighter did not disappoint him, and soon showed the ability to strike beyond the visual line-of-sight!


Prince Iqbal shouted in his heart!

The Skylark fighter is an out-and-out fourth-generation fighter!

After thinking about this, the oil prince walked up to the lark that didn’t take off, pointed to the fighter, and said in an excited tone.

“I’m going to buy this!”.

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