what’s the situation?

When did we attack your fighter planes?

The Secretary of State of the Lighthouse Country looked confused.

The Secretary of State is aware of the fact that the ant countries are going to carry out fishing operations.

After all, the person who signed the permission for the use of the three Electronic Growlers was the Secretary of State.

According to the original agreement, after the Ant Nation obtained the three EA-18G Electronic Growlers, it could only use them with the consent of the Lighthouse Nation.

Fishing operations refer to publicly stating that they will bomb Gaza to draw out Pan-Arab coalition fighter jets, and then defeat them with electronic superiority.

Originally, the Secretary of State was waiting for good news from other countries.

As a result, the news from the ant kingdom came, but it was met with overwhelming condemnation?

Do you think our lighthouse country is crazy?

The Secretary of State said, I think you are crazy.

The Secretary of State of the Lighthouse Country wanted to get angry, but he sensed something very wrong from the words of the Minister of Defense.

“Wait a minute, don’t talk yet.”

The Secretary of State of the Lighthouse Nation raised his hand to signal the Minister of Defense of the Ant Nation to shut up.

Then the Minister of Defense of the Ant Nation, who was angry just now, instantly became silent.

This is the majesty of the Secretary of State of the Lighthouse Nation.

In the Lighthouse system, the Secretary of State is second only to the Commander-in-Chief. The second-ranking figure.

Especially the power of Beacon’s external relations is in the hands of the Secretary of State. That’s why the defense ministers of all countries withered so quickly.

“Let me ask you, you just said that our lighthouse attacked your fighter planes. What on earth is going on?”

The Secretary of State frowned and asked, and at the same time he put down his hand.

This meant that the Minister of Defense of the Ant Countries could speak.

So the Minister of Defense of the Ant Countries told what happened.

At this time, the Minister of Defense of the Ant Countries had calmed down and looked at The Secretary of State’s reaction seemed to be truly uninformed.

“Wait a minute!”

Secretary of State Lighthouse interrupted Minister Jutai.

“You said it was a stealth fighter that attacked you?”

The Secretary of State’s tone was filled with suspicion.

“Yes, absolutely true! Our pilots saw the attacking fighter planes, and the ground staff also witnessed the fighter planes launching missiles, and even took photos! But there was nothing on the radar!” said the defense minister of the ant countries, he also raised his hand and swore

“I swear in the name of God, what I just said is true.”

Listening to the description of the Minister of Defense, Lighthouse Secretary did not speak, but thought silently. Judging from the description, it can be seen visually but cannot be displayed on the radar. This is indeed a characteristic of a stealth fighter. And it is also a supersonic stealth fighter.!

It has several major characteristics of the fourth-generation aircraft.

When the F22 was tested before, the Secretary of State also went to see the test flight. The situation was just as the Minister of Defense said.

“Send me the photos you took and I’ll check them out.”The Secretary of State ordered

“Yes, it will be sent immediately.”

The Minister of Defense of the Ant Kingdoms said quickly.

The Minister of Defense who calmed down no longer looked as aggressive as before.

“I will contact you when the matter is cleared up. All I can say is that this matter was not done by us.”

The Secretary of State said calmly, and then hung up the phone without even a single extra explanation. There was only one question in his mind right now.

Which country developed that mysterious stealth fighter?

Why was there no news at all before?

A moment ago. Finally, information from the Ant Kingdom was sent.

Looking at the photo of the mysterious fighter plane printed by the assistant, the Secretary of State was certain that this fighter plane definitely did not belong to the lighthouse.

“Where did this fighter plane come from? How come I’ve never heard of it?”

Holding the photo, the Secretary of State said to himself.

According to common sense, the development of fourth-generation aircraft is a long-term high-tech project.

For example, the lighthouse country’s own F22 fighter took more than ten years to develop before it was finished.

This one How could there be any rumors or relevant information about this mysterious fourth-generation machine?

It seems like it suddenly grew out of the ground?

“Falk, what is the CIA doing all day?”

“Are they all a bunch of stupid pigs? Their fourth-generation machines have been used directly in actual combat, but I don’t know anything!”

The Secretary of State cursed and took the photo to go to the CIA director.

The coalition headquarters of the Pan-Arab League.

The discussion about the stealth fighter plane that attacked the Ant Nation is still going on.

The senior leaders of the coalition have brought together several major countries in the world. I have listed them all, but I have not found a suspect country.

Many countries may have developed stealth fighters, but they are all the same as the Lighthouse Country. They have no motive for committing crimes. They directly destroyed all the fighter jets of the Ant Countries. This How much hatred and resentment is there?

Looking at the entire Blue Star, and the desert countries here, there is a deep hatred and hatred with the ant countries.

During the high-level discussion of the coalition forces, Iqbal, the prince of the oil country, did not participate in their discussion. He lowered his head and silently fiddled with the communicator in his hand.

The communicator was directly connected to the command center of the oil country. Iqbal could indirectly control the actions of the Skylark fighter by sending messages to the command center.

Input commands into the communicator. Finally, Prince Iqbal silently put down the communicator.

Then Iqbal stood up, walked to the door of the command center, and looked towards the sky.

This command center was temporarily built, so it occupied a small area. Big.

The senior coalition officials sitting at the conference table could clearly see Prince Iqbal’s movements.

“what is he doing.?”

“Is it because I said a few words that you are unhappy?”

The coalition commander noticed Iqbal’s actions and thought to himself

“His Royal Highness Prince.”

The coalition commander stood up. Just as he was about to comfort Prince Iqbal, he was interrupted by a loud noise!

And this loud noise came from above their heads!

“what happened?”

“Is an enemy attack coming?”

“How could the Ant Kingdom come so quickly?”

The sudden loud noise shocked the top leaders of the coalition forces.

It was the commander who stabilized the morale of the troops.

“Don’t panic, it’s a sonic boom!”

“It’s just a supersonic fighter plane!”

The commander said loudly, stabilizing the situation.

Everyone was relieved when they heard that it was just a sonic boom from the fighter plane. In this case, it should be a friendly fighter plane.

If it were a fighter plane from the Ant Kingdom, it would have been killed at such a close distance. The bomb was thrown on the head of the headquarters.

Then the commander quickly walked out of the command room, like Iqbal, and looked up at the sky.

He wanted to see who was so bold and dared to play in the sky above the coalition headquarters. Sonic boom?

“What kind of fighter plane is that? ?”

However, when the commander raised his head, he found that it was a fighter plane he had never seen before, hovering in the sky.

And the altitude was still falling.

I thought, the fighter plane that had just made the sonic boom was this one. He hadn’t waited yet. The commander reacted from the mysterious fighter plane and heard someone calling him

“Commander-in-Chief, come and look at the radar!”

Someone shouted in the command center.

After hearing this, the coalition commander returned to the room and looked at the radar.

When he saw the radar, he knew why they had to call him back.

Because it showed the command The interface of the airspace radar within the center was blank!

But the roar of fighter planes coming from outside actually told the commander that there was indeed a fighter plane above their heads.

Looking at the radar interface, the coalition commander silently He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He suddenly realized something.

The stealth fighter that the coalition leaders had been discussing, attacking the Ant Nation, was right outside!

Not only that, judging from the sonic boom just now, that stealth fighter It can also achieve supersonic speed!

Supersonic stealth fighter, isn’t this

the most advanced fourth-generation fighter in the world?

At the same time, the buzz of the fighter plane was getting closer and closer.

The commander rushed outside and looked up Toward the mysterious fourth-generation fighter jet hovering in the air.

In the eyes of the coalition’s top brass, the Skylark fighter completed a beautiful vertical landing.

It landed in front of a group of coalition top brass.

Before anyone had time to react, Yilanque fighter jet Kebal walked to the mysterious fighter plane and continued the introduction he interrupted before.

“This fighter plane is the fighter plane used by our oil country to carry out anti-air attack operations.”

“Named Skylark.”

Hearing the introduction from the prince of the oil country, the coalition commander felt something in his heart was broken.

When did the oil countries use fourth-generation stealth fighters?

Aren’t we brother countries of the Pan-Arab Alliance in the desert? (It’s so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why is your oil country so prominent?

The coalition commander remembered what happened just now and interrupted Iqbal himself.

At that time, Prince Iqbal seemed to want to say this The matter of setting up a stealth fighter!

“Your Highness, it was my fault just now. I should not have interrupted your speech.”

The commander took a step forward and apologized sincerely.[]

“Um.”Iqbal nodded slightly, indicating that he accepted the apology.

His purpose was to improve the reputation of the oil country.

After such a toss, the reputation actually improved even more.

After all, if you say it directly, how can there be any difference in this situation? The display was wonderful.

Looking at the shocked expressions on the faces of the coalition forces, Iqbal’s mouth was almost uncontrollable at this time.

“Hey, everyone, please go in first, I’ll show you something.”

Iqbal said.

But the top leaders of the coalition did not move much.

Their eyes were all focused on the Skylark fighter.

Seeing the appearance of the top leaders of the coalition, Iqbal understood it very well.

After all, it was the first time he saw the Skylark. When fighting against the enemy, his reaction was not much calmer than theirs.

“What I want to show you is the combat video of the Skylark fighter jet.”Iqbal added.

When they heard that it was a battle video, the coalition leaders reacted instantly and followed Iqbal to the command center.

The video was recorded by the high-definition camera on the Skylark fighter jet.

In the video, the coalition executives Seeing the scene of the Skylark fighter jets chasing the Ant Lie Kingdom fighter jets, everyone clapped their hands and applauded.

Especially when the Skylark fighter jets directly pursued the Ant Lie Kingdom airport and blew up a row of bombers on the airport, the atmosphere in the command center was even more extreme. reached the peak

“good! well played! We need to give these Utahns some color!”

The coalition commander said excitedly.

In this battle, the Skylark fighter planes achieved more results than in all the previous air battles against the ant countries.

The senior leaders of the coalition forces were all excited.

“What a beautiful job you did!”A coalition officer said to Iqbal with conviction.

Faintly, Iqbal seemed to have become the core of many national representatives.

“Your Highness, I have a question for you. Where did you buy the Skylark fighter jet?” asked the commander after watching the video.

This is also a question that representatives from other countries want to ask.

The Skylark fighter is so powerful, it must not be a fighter developed by the oil country itself, it can only be imported from a certain country.

After seeing the super power of the Skylark fighter After the battle, who can not be moved?

Hearing this question, Iqbal did not want to hide it.

After this battle, the name of Skylark will definitely be resounding all over the world.

So Iqbal glanced at everyone and slowly said

“The country that developed the Skylark fighter is,”

“Dragon Kingdom.”

Office of the Ministry of National Defense of the Mao Xiong Country.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the Minister of Defense of the Mao Xiong could not help but ask a question.

“120% battle loss ratio? Are you sure there are no statistical errors?”

“Report, there is nothing wrong, this is what happened.”

The KGB intelligence officer on the other end of the phone explained what happened.

Listening to the Skylark fighter jets destroying all the fighter jets from all over the world, they also wiped out many bombers parked at the airport. Minister Mao Xiong’s expression became more and more serious.

“I understand, you continue to collect information.”

Hang up the phone, Minister Mao Xiong gently rubbed his chin, thinking constantly in his mind.

According to the intelligence brought by the KGB branch, the actual combat effectiveness of the Skylark fighter is much higher than Minister Mao Xiong imagined.

From the battle Judging from the process, those F-16s from all over the world had almost no ability to resist, and could only be massacred by Skylark fighters!

Aserev, who had been waiting in the office, heard the conversation between Minister Mao Xiong and the KGB.

Now Aserev’s face had an expression that was just as I expected.

After thinking for a moment, Minister Mao Xiong made up his mind!


The actual combat performance of the Skylark fighter jet dispelled his last doubt about the Skylark fighter jet.

Since If you absolutely want to buy it, then you have to consider buying a few.

At this time, Aserev said

“Minister, I think we should buy more units”

“We now have a preferential price of 50 million US dollars, so of course the more you buy, the more you earn.”


Minister Mao Xiong did not refute Aserev’s words and just nodded.

As a pragmatist, he was also deeply moved by the Skylark with its powerful fighter jets.

“Then just buy five units. Minister Mao Xiong said,”No, let’s go to Batai.””

One unit costs 250 million, and eight units equals 2 billion US dollars.

Hearing this, Aserev’s face showed an expression of surprise.

He originally thought that it would be good to buy three or four Skylarks, but he actually bought it directly Eight stations!

“Great, sir, how much is the deposit? I will go to Dragon Kingdom to sign an agreement with them!”Aselev said excitedly.

When he heard the word deposit, Minister Mao Xiong’s expression froze. It’s a big order of two billion U.S. dollars.

The deposit must be two hundred million U.S. dollars, right?

But Mao Xiong’s Ministry of National Defense It’s really hard to come up with these 200 million for a while.

“By the way, there’s this.”

The Minister of Defense of Mao Xiong suddenly remembered something and took out an agreement from the filing cabinet.

Opening the agreement and seeing the contents of the treaty inside, the Minister of Defense breathed a sigh of relief.

With this, the tightness of the defense budget can be alleviated. Young Master.

Holding the agreement in one hand, Minister Mao Xiong picked up the phone and called Long Guo.

“Commander Zheng, hello.”

“Hello, Mr. Minister, what’s the matter?”

On the other end of the phone came the voice of Zheng Qingshan, commander of the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

“It’s like this. Among the orders for modern-class destroyers, two modern-class warships are almost ready to be launched.”

“But our Mao Xiong navy suddenly said that it wants those two modern-class ships, so…..”

Minister Mao Xiong did not say the following words.

What he meant was that the two modern-class ships were currently in high demand, so he wanted Long Guo to increase the price.

But what Minister Mao Xiong didn’t expect was that Zheng Qingshan said directly

“Oh, that, we in the Dragon Kingdom don’t want it anymore.”

Hearing this, Mao Xiong was stunned for a moment.

Aren’t you Dragon Kingdom urging us to meet the construction deadline every day?

Why is it that now that we have finally built it, you don’t want it?

Doesn’t Dragon Kingdom want to develop a navy?

“By the way, Mr. Minister.”

On the other end of the phone, Zheng Qingshan continued:

“I think your country wants to buy Skylark fighter jets, right?”

“Yes only.”

Minister Mao Xiong nodded.

Unknowingly, the initiative in the conversation has fallen to Long Guo.

“We in the Dragon Kingdom also deeply understand your country’s difficulties.”Zheng Qingshan said.

Hearing this, Minister Mao Xiong was overjoyed. Is it possible that Longguo is going to cut prices again?

I only heard Zheng Qingshan, the naval commander of Longguo, say slowly and authentically.

“I have a suggestion, we can settle the bill without using US dollars”

“How about replacing it with a shipyard in your country?” ps: flag completed! Hahaha, no need to call me daddy.

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