“This is submarine No. 303 of the Xuanwu Military Region. We are trapped by Fleet 88!”

“Request support! Request support!”

In the command room, as soon as Zheng Qingshan came back, he heard this cry for help.

“what happened?”

Hearing that submarine 303 was asking for help, Zheng Qingshan quickly strode to the communicator and asked urgently.

Jiang Yuanzhou, who was standing in front of the porthole, turned around and explained after hearing Zheng Qingshan’s voice.

“This is the distress signal we just received. We tried to contact submarine 303, but the contact was unsuccessful.”

“It should be that they have closed the communication again.”

Jiang Yuanzhou gave his own guess.

The communication window of the submarine is very short, and this was the case with the call for help just now.

Because of the long distance, after the Longwei received the call for help, it did not wait for the Longwei’s signal to be transmitted over there. Communication has been closed

“So what should we do now?”

Zheng Qingshan asked, his tone full of anxiety.

Judging from the distress signal just now, the 303 submarine’s oxygen is about to run out.

For a submarine, when the oxygen is exhausted, the people inside will be suffocated to death.

303 There are hundreds of Dragon Kingdom naval officers and soldiers in the submarine!

“Of course we want to save them, and also see who dares to trap our soldiers. Jiang

Yuanzhou said, and at the same time gave a new order to the command room.

“Change course and head towards the direction of the distress signal at full speed”


The Longwei responded loudly.

While steering the Longwei, the first mate also gave a reminder in accordance with his responsibility.

“Captain Jiang, we have deviated from the planned route.”

“I know.”Jiang Yuanzhou said without any wavering in his tone.

Hearing the first mate’s reminder, Zheng Qingshan also realized the problem.

He just thought about rescuing the No. 303 submarine, but ignored one thing.

If he wanted to rescue the No. 303 aircraft carrier , the Longwei is about to turn.

In the original plan, the Longwei would return to the port after sailing for a circle according to the scheduled route.

Now the sudden change of route to the location of the 303 submarine is an unplanned accident.

Zheng Qingshan didn’t want an accident to happen on the Longwei’s maiden voyage, but he also didn’t want to see the officers and soldiers of the 303 submarine die because of depletion of oxygen.

As the commander of the navy, Zheng Qingshan had a lot to consider.

Therefore, he was entangled.

But someone made the decision for him.

The Longwei’s course was adjusted very quickly.

After the course adjustment was completed, the bow of the Longwei headed directly towards the direction of No. 303’s request for help.

The commander of the Longwei at this time, Honorary ship Chang Jiang Yuanzhou directly ordered:

“Longwei, advance four!”


After hearing Jiang Yuanzhou’s new instructions, Zheng Qingshan reminded him

“Jiang Guoshi, let’s go there right away, we may be in danger.”

Zheng Qingshan’s heart is extremely tangled.

If you continue to move forward 163, you will encounter the small 88 fleet.

For the Longwei, which originally only had to complete its maiden mission, this is an unexpected surprise.

In the mission requirements, when Longwei After the ship encountered an unexpected situation, it needed to return as soon as possible. However, it did encounter an accident now, but the Longwei not only did not return, but rushed towards the accident.

As the commander of the navy, Zheng Qingshan has the obligation to prevent the Longwei from deviating. Navigation.

But what about submarine No. 303?

“Human lives matter.”

Jiang Yuanzhou said with an extremely serious tone.

Zheng Qingshan was startled when he heard the words”human life is at stake”.

After taking a deep breath, Zheng Qingshan said

“Jiang Guoshi, I listen to you.”

Zheng Qingshan knows that an accident will definitely happen to the Longwei later.

But as Jiang Guoshi said, human life is at stake.

In order to cover the Longwei, there are no Dragon Kingdom warships operating in this sea area today.

Because Longwei The Wei is capable of optical stealth, so those other naval warships have become targets that may expose the Long Wei.

Now the only Long Wei warship that can rescue the 303 submarine is the Long Wei.

Human life is at stake, Zheng Qingshan He no longer said anything to stop Jiang Yuanzhou.

Instead, he picked up the communicator and issued an order in the name of the Navy Commander to the Dragon Kingdom warship in the military port.

“All movable warships are set sail to the target location.”

“All navy soldiers, listen up, follow Plan 102 and get ready for battle!”

Plan No. 102 is a tactical plan made by the Dragon Kingdom Navy in order to deal with the small 88 Fleet. The

88 Fleet, with its powerful strength, has always been the first series of imaginary enemies of the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

“Damn Fleet 88, damn little book, what on earth did they do?”

Putting down the communicator, Zheng Qingshan cursed secretly.

“You’ll find out soon. Jiang Yuanzhou said, and then issued a new order.

“Canglong fighter No. 001, No. 002 takes off, No. 003 is on standby.”

“Hangar received! About to take off!”

After Jiang Yuanzhou gave the order, less than three minutes later, the door of the large hangar where the Canglong fighter was parked opened.

What slid out from the middle was the Canglong fighter that had just completed small-scale mass production.

From After coming out of the hangar, the Canglong fighter jet took off vertically. After climbing to a certain height, it soared into the sky.

There was still quite a distance between the Longwei and the 303 submarine, and it would take some time for the warship to get there.

It was the correct choice for the Soryu fighter to collect intelligence and establish communications first.

The Soryu fighter, which could reach a top speed of Mach 20, only took two minutes to reach the sea area where the incident occurred.

At this time, submarine No. 303 Communication was also opened again.

Using the Canglong fighter as a relay station, Longwei and submarine No. 303 finally established contact.

Ten minutes ago, submarine No. 303

“Request support! Request support!”

The deputy captain’s voice echoed in the narrow submarine cabin.

“Anyone reply?”

Zhang Haiyang, the captain of No. 303, asked


The vice-captain shook his head and said as calmly as possible.

“Cut off communications, don’t let them discover our specific location. Captain Zhang Haiyang said


The communication of Submarine 303 was shut down again.

Similar scenes have happened many times in the past two days.

And each time the result was similar to this time.

No one responded.

This result was also what Zhang Haiyang expected..

The current location of the 303 submarine is already deep into the ocean.

Not to mention the coastline of the Dragon Kingdom, even the sea area from the Dragon Kingdom is far away.

Under normal circumstances, the warships of the Dragon Kingdom will not sail to this position at all..

Even if communication is turned on for a long time, it is difficult for 303 to contact the submarine base because it is too far away.

On the contrary, its position will be exposed.

In order to save energy, it is also to hide itself.

303 submarine can only communicate every once in a while. The communication was briefly turned on.

Taking a deep breath, Captain Zhang Haiyang wanted to calm down.

But the turbid air in the cabin made Zhang Haiyang feel even more anxious.

“How much oxygen is left? Zhang Haiyang asked.

The deputy captain glanced at the dashboard and replied

“There is still 5% left, which can last for up to three hours.”

“Lower the oxygen concentration a little further, and hold on for as long as you can. Captain Zhang Haiyang said


The deputy captain received the order and did as he was told.

Lowering the oxygen concentration in the submarine is an absolutely illegal operation and also an operation of last resort. If the oxygen concentration decreases, the crew inside will soon feel uncomfortable.

But this is also There is no way, it is better to feel uncomfortable than to suffocate to death.

Especially above the head, there are two 88 fleets with small books parked.

Looking at the radar and sonar composite picture in front of him, Captain Zhang Haiyang frowned. In th

e sonar interface.

303 There are densely packed small light spots on the front, back, left and right of the submarine.

Zhang Haiyang knows that those seemingly harmless small light spots are actually a weapon specially designed to deal with submarines.

Depth bombs.

Once the submarine enters the explosion range of the depth bombs, The depth charge will explode directly.

A submarine that has to withstand water pressure all the time while sailing underwater cannot withstand the impact of an explosion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If it were in the past, submarines Just avoid it if you encounter depth charges.

After all, depth charges will not move on their own.

But the situation encountered by submarine No. 303 is different.

Those densely packed depth charges directly blocked almost all directions in which submarine 3 moved.

There was only one gap.

But that gap is above the 303 submarine, in the sea area of this country. Above the sonar, there is also a piece of cloth torn from the bed sheet.

On the cloth, there is a line of text written in blood.

“I vow not to compromise with my little book! 303 will never rise!”

Under this line, there are no more, no less, 109 bloody finger prints.

The number of Dragon Kingdom officers and soldiers on the 303 submarine is also 109.

Looking at this bloody letter, Zhang Haiyang fell into a brief memory.

In the two According to the previous patrol route, the Tianqian 303 submarine set off from the Longguo port, sailed out of the Longguo waters, made a circle on the high seas, completed the patrol mission, and then returned.

But when the 303 submarine was cruising on the high seas, something happened.

303 When the submarine came up to replenish oxygen, it encountered a sonar buoy arranged by the lighthouse country, and its position was briefly exposed for a while.

Then, the Little Book 88 fleet in the sea not far away was like a wild dog that smelled.

Chased towards the 303 submarine.

The 303 submarine wanted to escape, but Xiaobenzi directly dispatched two of the four 88 fleets. One 88 fleet was eight battleships.[]

Two teams are a total of 16 battleships.

Under the pursuit and interception of these 16 warships, the 303 Fleet was forced to the edge of the high seas and into Japan’s waters.

Then, the 16 Japan’s warships dropped a large number of depth bombs in this sea area.

All forward routes of the 303 submarine were blocked, leaving only a gap for the 303.

That gap was the Benzi sea area.

After seeing the distribution map of depth charges, Captain Zhang Haiyang understood the meaning of the notebook.

Xiao Benzi is trying to force the 303 submarine to surface and float in Benzi’s waters.

Then you can justifiably attack the 303 submarine.

The 303 submarine, which is about to run out of oxygen, can only become a prisoner of the 88 fleet.

Together with Zhang Haiyang, the 109 officers and soldiers of Submarine No. 303 will never allow that to happen!

They would rather die than become prisoners of a small book!

A Dragon Kingdom warship was captured by Xiao Benzi in Benzi’s waters. If this happened to the world, Dragon Kingdom would become the laughing stock of the whole world.

What is more likely is that Xiaobenzi and the Lighthouse Kingdom behind them will use this to launch various offensives against the Dragon Kingdom!

Therefore, all the submariners of Submarine 303 voted and unanimously decided not to float!

You must not float in their waters according to the book’s ideas!

This blood letter represents the collective will of the soldiers.

In this way, the 303 submarine, alone, and the two fleets of the country were in a stalemate for two days.

The oxygen supplemented by floating up before was about to be exhausted.

After personally taking a look at the bottomed out oxygen reserves, Captain Zhang Haiyang asked.

“Today seems to be the National Day, right?”


The vice-captain glanced at his watch and replied.

Living in a submarine that never sees the light of day, their perception of life has become a little dull.

“I remember that there are three days after the National Day, which is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Captain Zhang

Haiyang said to himself

“During the Mid-Autumn Festival, you should eat moon cakes”

“Xiao Zhao, go open the warehouse, take out the mooncakes and share them with everyone.”Captain Zhang Haiyang said to his adjutant


The adjutant followed the order and ran to the food warehouse of submarine 303.

According to the original mission time, the officers and soldiers of submarine 303 should spend the Mid-Autumn Festival on the submarine.

So before setting sail, the logistics prepared a batch of moon cakes for them.

Let the 303 officers and soldiers in the submarine also have a bite of mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After the adjutant left, the red warning light in the command module began to flash continuously.

This was a warning from the submarine that the oxygen reserve had reached its maximum limit. Dangerous level.

The people in the submarine were warned that they must surface immediately and replenish oxygen.

But in the face of the flashing red alarm, several people in the command module remained unmoved.

“warn! Insufficient oxygen, please come up immediately!”

In addition to the police lights, a siren also echoed in the command cabin.

Zhang Haiyang stretched out his hand and directly cut off the circuit of the alarm horn.

It was much quieter now.

After a while, the adjutant ran back to the captain to command cabin, holding four boxes of mooncakes in his hand

“Captain, all are issued, this is ours.”

There were four people in the command module, including the captain Zhang Haiyang.

After taking the mooncakes, Zhang Haiyang opened the package and stuffed one into each person’s hand.

“Everyone, let’s eat. This is specially made for us by the military canteen. You can’t get it anywhere else.”

Zhang Haiyang said, stuffed the mooncake into his mouth and took a big bite.

The other three people also followed and ate the mooncake.

“It tastes really good. You should eat mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

Zhang Haiyang said with a smile.

“yes.”The adjutant also responded with a smile.

There are still three days until the Mid-Autumn Festival, so if you want to eat moon cakes, you shouldn’t eat them today.

But no one else pointed out the loopholes in Captain Zhang Haiyang’s words.

Because they all were interested in one thing. It was tacitly understood.

If you don’t eat now, you may not have a chance in the future.

Beep! Beep!

The timer made two beeps.

This was a reminder to them that it was time for a new round of communication.


The deputy captain looked at Zhang Haiyang with a hint of inquiry in his tone.

“Come again for the last time.”Captain Zhang Haiyang said.

In the two days of distress communications, he did not receive a reply.

Zhang Haiyang had almost given up the hope of successful rescue, but he was still willing to try again.

The deputy captain opened the communication and said

“Request support!”

“This is Submarine No. 303 of the Xuanwu Military Region!”

“The oxygen reserve is about to be exhausted!”

“Request support! Request support!”

“Our location is at xxx.”

As usual, no one responded to this communication.

“Let me say something.”

Captain Zhang Haiyang took over the communicator and said

“This is the Longguo submarine, numbered 303. I am the captain Zhang Haiyang.”

“Our ship has been forced into a desperate situation by the fleet of our country, but we choose to fight to the end!”

“All officers and soldiers of Submarine 303 will never compromise with the little book!”

“The 109 suicide notes are all in the cabinet on the left side of the cockpit, which is not locked. If you can help me collect the bodies, please don’t forget our suicide notes.”

The communication channel has a recording function. Even if this sentence is not transmitted, it can be recorded by the submarine.

After saying what was almost his last words, Zhang Haiyang put down the communicator in his hand and said

“Turn off the communication channel”


Just when the deputy captain was about to take action and turn off the communication channel, a strange and young voice came from the 303 submarine communication channel that had been silent.

“This is the Longwei. Our ship has received a request for help.”

“Our ship is about to rescue submarine No. 303”

“��Please reply”

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