Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 103 This time, it's our chance! 【Subscription】

Disputes began.

Sun Xing was completely disgusted by the people in the Mercedes-Benz 4S store. It was written in black and white on the contract that if he was not satisfied, he could get a refund at any time.

He is also willing to pay liquidated damages for the refund.

But the 4S shop simply ignored his demands, and also told Sun Xing that he could return the car if he wanted to.

500,000 deposit, non-refundable.

The local court took up the case.

But what made Sun Xing uncomfortable was that the court accepted it and sent a notification letter to the 4S store, but the people in the 4S store simply ignored it.

It even notified the domestic headquarters of Mercedes-Benz Lei Shing Hong.

The people at the headquarters specially sent the most professional lawyers.

to deal with this dispute.

No comment,

Lei Shing Hong has to deal with thousands of such disputes, so it is very skilled.

Just drag.

Procrastinate until you give up.

The legal team of Lei Shing Hong is comparable to the Nanshan Pizza Hut of the Penguin Group.

Never miss a time.

"It's so fucking pissed.

After about half a month, the other party simply ignored Sun Xing and the court's subpoena.

This made Sun Xing almost die of anger.

He posted the incident online.

[Mercedes-Benz, you really do, in China, you can cover the sky with one hand, and treat consumers as mentally disabled and mentally handicapped. 】

Sun Xing posted all the details of his experiences these days to the Internet.

As a consumer, he is really speechless.

Mercedes-Benz, a car company, really disgusted him this time.

"Brilliant, Mercedes-Benz never cheats the poor, that's right.

"It's really cool, the last time that female doctor sat on the hood of a Mercedes-Benz and cried, making a lot of trouble in the city, it's well known all over the country, it's better not to let it go.

"Look, this is Mercedes-Benz, and we treat our domestic consumers as fools. If this is overseas, the government will definitely punish Mercedes-Benz to death.

"It's more than Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, which one is not the ancestor in China."

"A few days ago, the brakes of a Mercedes-Benz S failed directly at the high speed. There was a car accident and no one was there. The inspection agency found out that it was the fault of the Mercedes-Benz vehicle system. The family members asked for compensation. The force suppressed this matter, and it was also said that the owner of the car had stepped on the accelerator as the brake.

"I know about this. It's too bad. The capital behind Mercedes-Benz, but Leixing Group, they are rich, they would rather spend money on public relations than compensate you for the consumers of Xiaguo.""

"Lei Xing Group... a company in Malaysia, is so crazy in the country, doesn't the country care about it?

"The power of capital, you don't understand."

"In the end, it's not that we don't have a car company in China that can compete with Mercedes-Benz. The car is good, it's awesome, and how to treat consumers is all he has the final say. Anyway, if you want to save face, you can only buy Mercedes-Benz.

"Yes, treat you like a dog, you still have to buy a Mercedes-Benz obediently. 99

"Alas... I really hope that one of the domestic car companies can stand up and kill the arrogance of Mercedes-Benz and these foreign luxury brands."

"Now domestic car companies, there is one thing to say, that is Wuling Chitu, which can be regarded as the benchmark for luxury cars.

"Chitu is really awesome. My friend bought a top-end 1.23 million Chitu Lightning. I have ridden it many times, and the car is really fierce.

"Unfortunately, no matter how good Chitu is, it is only a new energy vehicle. Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, it is still a lot worse."

Through the incident of Sun Xing, the people remembered how these luxury car companies, such as Mercedes-Benz, treated their consumers in Xiaguo over the years.

One by one, Xia Guo’s consumers were treated specially, and Xia Guo’s people were taken seriously.

Netizens are very angry.

Mercedes-Benz had a major design flaw in the E-Class that year.

The same Mercedes-Benz 937 E-class in all regions abroad will be recalled, and some countries will even give you a new car directly.


Xia Guo is the only exception.

Defective cars are still not asked or recalled in Xia Guo, and they are not the case.

The same is the Mercedes-Benz,

In that year, a large number of models broke axles, and there was another global recall.

What about Xia Guo?

Still don't care.

This kind of discriminatory treatment is not uncommon in the country.

Not just Benz.

Volkswagen, Toyota, Audi, BMW, Porsche, Honda these car companies.

One counts as one.

Every global vehicle recall.

There is nothing about Xia Guo at all. These foreign car companies treat Xia Guo's consumers as fools.

Because they are very clear.

You Xia people love face, if you want a luxury car, if you want a good car, you can only buy ours.

Later, domestic cars emerged.

Car companies represented by Great Wall, Liji, Changan and GAC.

In the market below 200,000, it has seized most of the market of Volkswagen, Honda, Toyota and other car companies.

at this time,

These joint venture brands realized that they had to do a good job in service, so they began to issue various policies to please Xiaguo's consumers.


Easy to handle, I will recall it to you for repair at the first time, and send you something like a maintenance card.

This is so cool for those who worship foreigners.

Crazy to wash the ground for these car companies on the Internet, what kind of conscience car companies, treat them equally and so on.

As everyone knows.

People are for the market. If there are no car companies such as Great Wall, they will not be bothered to pay attention to your consumers in Xiaguo.

However, what attracts foreign car companies is only the market below 200,000.

more than 200,000.

Still the same.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche, Lexus, etc.

There is no domestic brand that can compete with them.


These car companies treat Xiaguo consumers the same. They treat you as a fool. If you don't accept it, don't buy it.

If you want face, you can only buy our car.

Through this incident of Sun Xingfa,

Many people who have bought a Mercedes-Benz and suffered the same treatment as him, all gritted their teeth, but there was nothing to do.

Regulators don't care about it.

Because the relationship network behind these car companies is too huge, they spend a huge amount of money on public relations, and when something goes wrong, they are suppressed in the first time.

this is not,

After Sun Xing posted his experience on Douyin and Weibo, many netizens reprinted the comments.

Mercedes-Benz's PR shot.

Contact Douyin and Weibo directly.

Ask them to directly delete Sun Xing's information about smearing Mercedes-Benz.

The world of capital is like this, especially the company Sina Weibo, a standard foreign-funded enterprise, an old beautiful dog.

Domestic positive energy reports are never reported on Weibo hot searches.

hot search,

Always entertaining gossip.

Major domestic events, Weibo has never reported once, because he did not dare, and the capital behind it was American.

In Sina's eyes, there is always only interest.

As for patriotism, forget it, their hearts are black, what kind of country do they love.

After receiving a call from Mercedes-Benz's public relations department, Weibo immediately deleted everything Sun Xing posted.

And directly banned Sun Xing's account for one month, on the grounds that he was suspected of deliberately smearing well-known companies.

good guy,

When Sun Xing saw that his Weibo was blocked, he wanted to vomit blood directly.


In Douyin, Mercedes-Benz did not get what it wanted.

Douyin's team, after receiving a request from Mercedes-Benz's PR department to spend money to delete the video, was directly rejected by Douyin officials.

"I'm sorry (cfah), we Douyin is a platform for freedom of speech, and will not delete any user's videos and speeches without any reason, unless it involves remarks that endanger the interests of the country and the public, and are sensitive and factual."

Do you think Douyin is very conscientious?


He dared not.

Douyin is now a software with hundreds of millions of daily active users, and even many units in the country have settled in it.

Douyin didn't dare to kill himself.

If this matter is exposed, it will lead to the dissatisfaction of the relevant departments.

It will be reviewed and checked for you every now and then. It is estimated that the CEO Zhang Yiming will be furious.

He was refused by Douyin to delete Sun Xing and the disseminated remarks that were not good for Mercedes-Benz.

The public relations department at Mercedes-Benz was very dissatisfied.

Directly contact Douyin headquarters Byte Company and found Zhang Yiming.

"Mr. Zhang, the chairman of Mercedes-Benz Lei Shing Hong is looking for you. 35


In the office of the chairman of Byte Company, Zhang Yiming was looking at the documents, and the secretary told him about it.

"The chairman of Lei Shing Hong? Just said I was busy and didn't answer."

Zhang Yiming didn't know why the other party was looking for him, but he was sure that it was definitely not a good thing.

The chairman of Lei Shing Hong, Yan Jiansheng, as a member of the Liu family, one of the ten largest capital families in Malaysia, is in charge of the sales network of Lei Shing Group in China.

He is one of the major shareholders of Mercedes-Benz in Xiaguo.

Such people,

I have never seen anyone who is doing the Internet with myself.

He was looking for himself, there must be something wrong, and it was not a good thing.

"Go check, what's going on.


A person in charge of the Douyin team came to Zhang Yiming's office and talked about the Mercedes-Benz in the past two days.

"I knew... Che, don't pay attention, a Leixing Group always thinks that he is God, and everyone will give you face. 99

Knowing the whole story, Zhang Yiming snorted disdainfully.

If it was left in the past, he might sell face.

but now,

Excuse me,

Dude has more confidence than you.

The reason why he is reluctant to sell the face of Mercedes-Benz is because Zhang Yiming himself has also bought Mercedes-Benz, and unfortunately, his E-Class sedan back then was taken away by the sales of the 4S shop before he opened the 4S shop. When testing the car with other customers, it was directly hit.


Of course Zhang Yiming refused to ask for it, and directly asked to return the car, but in the end, the disgusting attitude of Mercedes-Benz completely made Zhang Yiming see it.

What is a store bully.

At that time, he was still a young entrepreneur.

Wherever you can provoke Mercedes-Benz, the other party just ignores him and directly says, you have to have this car, or you have to have it.

Change car, return car, no door.

Ever since I had this car buying experience.

Zhang Yiming has never bought a Mercedes-Benz for so many years.

Totally disgusting.

"Don't you Yan Jiansheng want to calm down this matter? I just don't want you to be happy, push me, push this matter to the whole country to know, hum, I have to give you back the anger I suffered in the past. 99

I remembered the anger I suffered in Mercedes-Benz when I was a little boy.

Zhang Yiming is on fire.

You're not trying to delete things. Calm this down.


I don't agree, I want to let the people of the whole country know about this.

Not only that,

I want you to run fast and fall into the whirlpool of fishing boats again. Zhang Yiming doesn't believe it. The state will not punish Li Xing.

Even its network of relationships is so huge that it is unimaginable.

"I know President Zhang. 99

The person in charge of Douyin immediately understood that his boss was trying to do something.

Really crappy crappy.

After going back,

He immediately asked people to strongly promote Sun Xing's video. On Douyin, there are too many videos accusing Mercedes-Benz every day.

Just look for one and it will make you mad.

In the past, due to influence, Douyin was also able to suppress the review of these videos.

For fear that the outbreak of fishing reels would affect Douyin itself.

Now the boss has spoken.

What's the scruples then.

Direct push, related videos, as long as they are accusing Mercedes-Benz, then push me, push hard.

It was pushed to the public across the country, opened Douyin, and saw the first ten videos, all of which were like this.


An interesting scene appeared.

this day.

Douyin users across the country are very puzzled. After opening Douyin, at least 7 of the first ten videos are all negative news about Mercedes-Benz.

"I didn't go through the delivery procedures for Mercedes-Benz's new car, and my car was crashed by someone in the 4S shop. Mercedes-Benz didn't ask, and told you if you want it or not, it's really awesome."

"Mercedes-Benz E-Class, just out of the 4S store, a speed bump broke off the shaft, and it has been defending rights for 2 years, but it has not been successful."

"Mercedes-Benz, you are so awesome, the new car leaked oil as soon as it came out of the 4S store."

"There used to be a female doctor helplessly sitting on the hood of a Mercedes-Benz, crying and defending her rights. Now I'm worse than her. I didn't even touch the new car, and it ignited spontaneously. The 4S store said that the car has been sold, and they don't care. A really cool Benz."

in these videos.

All from Mercedes-Benz consumers denounced.

There are various problems with the vehicle, and the new car spontaneously ignites without touching it.

However, the 4S shop of Mercedes-Benz is very tough and powerful.

It is impossible to change the car, and even more impossible to return the car.

One refund for three?

Excuse me.

In our case, no consumer has ever successfully got a refund and a loss of three.

Many car owners are complaining that the process of defending their rights is very difficult.

These videos have aroused the anger of many people.

They have condemned the arrogance of the Mercedes-Benz car company.

And the rampant Mercedes-Benz 4S shop.

"Domestic cars are competitive, let's quickly come out with a brand that can compete with Mercedes-Benz.

"These foreign car companies dare to treat Xiaguo consumers like this, in the final analysis, the market is still monopolized.

"That is, there is no domestic brand that can compete with them, so Chinese people can only buy these cars. 35

"Alas... I really hope that a domestic brand will emerge and beat Mercedes-Benz.

"As a person with a lot of money, I can tell you clearly that rich people don't actually want to buy Mercedes-Benz, but there is no way, domestic cars do not have a brand that can reach our identity.

"Indeed, if there is such a brand in China, it can meet the requirements of luxury cars in all aspects. Who is the fool who does not support domestic production."9

"Hongqi, the only luxury brand in China, is still an unaffordable douchebag.

"Red flag, it's just a joke now. 35

This Sun Xing incident is just an introduction.

Sun Xing himself may not have thought of it.

Sending out one of his own experiences can actually lead to such big consequences.

Driven by Douyin.

The whole country knew what happened to him and expressed sympathy and support for him.

And more consumers who have been disgusted by Mercedes-Benz have all reported their experiences to Douyin.

this time,

The impact is getting bigger and bigger.

It only took three days.

Mercedes-Benz is actually on the hot search on Douyin.

Not because of the brilliance.

But it was once again scolded on the hot search.

Douyin's influence is not covered.

The public relations department of Leixing Group was almost pissed off when it learned of this.

Directly told the matter to Yan Jiansheng, chairman of Lixing.

Yan Jiansheng was also angry to death.

He scolded Zhang Yiming in the office. He called the other party, but the other party shied away and refused to answer.

As a result, the Mercedes-Benz was pushed to the cusp in the blink of an eye.

"Bastard, Yan Jiansheng, you Leixing Group, how much are you going to do to us Daimler Group!!!39

"Now the people of the entire Xia Kingdom are scolding Mercedes-Benz, but these are all caused by your Lixing's sales, but our Mercedes-Benz brand side is responsible for it."

"I will notify Daimler headquarters of this matter, if you don't deal with it quickly, you will be at your own risk!

this day.

Chelsea Daimler, President of Daimler Group Xia Guo, scolded his mother directly after hearing the news.

As President of Mercedes-Benz Asia Pacific.

Chelsea are really embarrassed.

Because of Xia Guo's Mercedes-Benz business, equity is very complicated.

Xia Guo's Mercedes-Benz is composed of Mercedes-Benz, BAIC Group and Lixing Group.


Li Xing Group, relying on the operation of capital, a car sales company, has acquired many shares of Xia Guo Mercedes-Benz Company for so many years, and has become the largest shareholder.

After winning the controlling stake, Leixing Group directly used its status as a major shareholder to place personnel in important positions in Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo Company.

It directly empties the power of the president of Chelsea, the Asia-Pacific region.

All the rights of Mercedes-Benz in Xiaguo are in the hands of Leixing Group.

To this,

Even the headquarters of Daimler had no choice but to hate those shameless shareholders and sold the shares to Leixing as they valued their interests.

The result is the consequence of the Mercedes-Benz brand.

In the Xia Kingdom, he was completely stinked by the Lixing Group.

After taking control of Mercedes-Benz Xiaguo's largest share and right to speak.

Lei Xing Group began to let go of itself completely.

For the sake of profit, simply ignore the reputation of the brand.

As long as the Mercedes-Benz cars sold by Xia Guo are a little better, the price will be increased immediately.

As little as tens of thousands, as much as hundreds of thousands, or even a large G, a car has to be increased by at least 7.8 million before consumers can buy it.

However these markups benefit.

Mercedes-Benz's parent company doesn't get a dime.

All were earned by Leixing Group.

Moreover, the sales network constructed by Lexing and the poor service made Chelsea themselves unbearable.

Not to mention consumers.

But no way.

He, the Asia-Pacific president, can't handle it at all.


Every time Li Xing provokes something, the people of Xia country are angry, and the people's resentment is boiling.

In the end, he came out to apologize, and it was Mercedes-Benz and his Asia-Pacific president who cleaned up his ass.

This kind of humiliation has made Chelsea dissatisfied with Lexing for a long time.

He has always wanted to kick this cancer out of the company.

The capital behind Keli Xing is huge, and Chelsea can't kick the opponent out at all.


Li Xing came up with something again, and went directly to Douyin's hot search. Chelsea usually likes to brush Xia Guo's Douyin.

His Chinese is very good.

But as soon as I opened the software today, I almost swiped a video of scolding Mercedes-Benz.

Brush one, it's one.

Chelsea knew that this was definitely the service attitude of Lei Xing's sales network, which caused trouble again.

He directly and angrily called Yan Jiansheng, the chairman of Lixing, and scolded the other party.


Facing Chelsea's anger, Yan Jiansheng just sneered and said, "Mr. Chelsea, take care of your affairs. You don't need to worry about these matters. When necessary, I will notify you to issue an apology letter."

That arrogance and disdain deeply hurt Chelsea.

"Bastard, what the hell did Uncle Cai Che think in the first place, that he would cooperate with such a company. Our reputation for Mercedes-Benz for a century has been completely ruined by Li Xing."

"Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu, look, Mercedes-Benz has an accident again, haha."

Wuling Motor Corporation.

Ye Qiu just arrived at the company in the morning when he saw Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran discussing something in his office with high spirits.

With them, there is actually Xiuxiu.

At first, the two women did not have a good impression of Xiuxiu.

Because the two knew that the relationship between Xiuxiu and Ye Qiu was unclear.

This made the two of them very jealous.

But recently,

After the contact, the two of them and Xiuxiu became best friends.

Ye Qiu had no choice but to sigh, the friendship of a woman is really unpredictable.

Seeing Ye Qiu come in, Qin Mengyao hurriedly told him something.

"It's not normal for a Mercedes-Benz to have an accident.

For the Mercedes-Benz brand, Ye Qiu actually likes it, but he only likes Mercedes-Benz cars.

He scoffed at Mercedes-Benz's sales attitude in Xiaguo.

The reason why Ye Qiu treats Wuling's 4S stores so harshly is because of the attitude of luxury car companies like Mercedes-Benz towards Xiaguo consumers.

It can be described as disgusting.

Treating domestic and foreign consumers is completely double standard.

"Is there another consumer who was almost mad at Mercedes-Benz's 4S store, which caused the public's anger against Mercedes-Benz?

Ye Qiu can guess it without looking.

Either in the past or in this world.

Mercedes-Benz's service attitude has never let him down.

Always so arrogant and arrogant.

"You guessed it right, you don't know these two days, there are all kinds of swearing at Mercedes-Benz on Douyin..."

Qin Mengyao briefly explained the matter to Ye Qiu, and mentioned what happened to the man named Sun Xing.

It's just so miserable.

"Ye Qiu, I think this is a good time for our Jilei brand to launch!"

Yan Ran suddenly spoke, she was still discussing with Qin Mengyao and Lin Xiuxiu just now.

Now that Mercedes-Benz is on the cusp, it is the best time for Wuling luxury brand, Jilei to launch.

The Thunder Tank has been tested for more than ten days, and all the test results have come out.

And the training work has been completed.

The next thing to do is the publicity work before the listing.

"Look, people all over the country are now looking forward to a domestic car brand that can stand up and compete with luxury car companies like Mercedes-Benz."5

"I think, at this time, we don't have to wait for the Rongcheng Auto Show, we can release the information of the Thunder Tank in advance and test the water.

"Directly tell the public the positioning of the brand, and then announce the specific information of the new car at the auto show in Rongcheng."

"It's definitely a good opportunity. 35

Although Yan Ran does not understand marketing, she knows that this is an opportunity.

How could Ye Qiu not know.

"Good idea, go and inform all executives, go to the office for a meeting, and immediately develop a pre-launch publicity campaign for the Thunder Tank.35

"This time, no matter how much money I spend, I want to let the people of the whole country know that we, Wuling, will start to enter the luxury brand and compete with foreign car companies. 39

Ye Qiu doesn't like spending money on advertising.

But luxury brands have to advertise.

The purpose of advertising is to let the whole country know that Wuling now has a brand new brand.

It's called lightning.

This is a luxury car brand.

A brand dedicated to competing with Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, and Porsche.

After half an hour.

In the Wuling conference room.

Started a discussion on the publicity plan before the launch of the new Thunder Tank.

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