Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 134 Who is still sitting on the big G, he must choose a tank! 【Subscription】

The window of the G63 rolled down, and a bald man with sunglasses looked like a big brother in society.

"Hey, buddy, how can you think about spending more than 1 million to buy a domestic car?"

When saying this,

The bald man looked at the Thunder Tank, which was even more imposing than the G63.

Very disdainful.

What's the use of looking good.

Not a broken country.


Regarding the provocative words of the bald man, Yu Yijia said a direct word, and let the bald man grit his teeth straight.

"I spend more than 1 million yuan to buy domestic products, which is better than some swindlers. It is better to spend more than 3 million yuan to be leeks. In two months, my brother will become the biggest leeks king of the year.

"You were cut so hard by Mercedes-Benz, and you still look down on China with your big face?

After the Mercedes-Benz G series was made in China, almost all big G car owners now, no matter what model you buy.

G350, G500, G63.

By the time,

All leeks.

A single knife will give you a minimum of 1.5 million.

It is simply the most fashionable leek king.

Worse than Tesla back then.

"Fuck you, I'm rich, I'm happy, it's better than opening a broken country for you!"

The bald-headed man who was told by Yu Yijia about the central matter suddenly became angry and furious.

This is the latest G63 he just mentioned.

Landed 3.4 million.

As a result, just a few days after I picked up the car,

Mercedes-Benz announced that the big G was domestically produced, and he became a ruthless leek.

Even the root will be cut off.

Can the bald man be angry?

But now it was said by a person who opened a lightning tank, how could he accept it with contempt.

I drive a Mercedes Benz.

The century-old car company Mercedes-Benz Big G.

You are a thunderbolt tank, what qualifications do you have to beep with me.

"A broken domestic car, I will be a leek, I am happy, it is better than you, a poor man who can't afford a big G, buy a domestic car.

"Believe it or not, as long as Lao Tzu waved his hand, many women immediately wanted to get in my car and follow me.

The bald man snorted coldly, still fighting back tenaciously.

He is the kind of person who looks down on the domestic people.

Even a toothbrush and a toothpick.

All imported.

In his cognition, only imported ones are the best.

Especially cars.

The Thunder Tank has recently become popular all over the country, but the bald man is dismissive of this car.

A mere Wuling can build a good car.

Dare to sell more than 100 million.

Anyone who buys this car is crazy.

If you want to pretend, you still have to rely on Big G.

The bald man finished speaking, as if to confirm his words to Yu Yijia.

At this time, on the sidewalk next to it, two girls walked by.

One of them was a tall, thin, long-legged, innocent-looking woman.

When the bald man saw her, he couldn't leave his eyes.

"Damn, this woman is too pure, darling..."

The bald man swore that he had grown so big and had never seen such a pure woman.

Her appearance may not be the top, but that pure temperament.

The provocative bald man's heart beat faster.

It's like seeing your first love.

"Boy, look at it, how did brother use big G to pick up girls!

Bald Nian raised his middle finger at Yu Yijia, and then proudly said that he wanted to let him see how he used G63 to pick up girls.

Buying a big G is not used to pick up girls.

What big G to buy?

Yu Yijia shook his head, looking at the innocent girl, his expression froze.

this woman,

to be frank,

Exactly his favorite.

And most importantly,

This woman he knew and was very familiar with.

That woman was his first love when he was in college, and he was also the girlfriend he had been talking to for the longest time.

At first, the two had talked about getting married, but Yu Yijia took the initiative to break up because of poverty and the obstruction of the other party's parents.

Not wanting to marry.

rather than marrying.

For fear that marrying her will make her suffer with him.

This is the saddest thing for a man.

When you were the poorest, you met the woman who wanted to take care of your whole life.

4 years.

I didn't expect to see her again in this way.

Looking at the woman walking over from the road, arm-in-arm with a good friend, chatting and laughing, Yu Yijia was stunned for a while.

"Hey, beauty, where are you going, I can take you there, today's new G63, nothing else.

"I just like to make friends, you look fierce, but I'm definitely not a bad person.


The bald man looked eagerly at Han Xiaolu, the innocent girl.

As for the one beside him, he was automatically ignored.

General-looking, not interested.

"Wow, look Lulu, the latest Mercedes-Benz G63 costs more than 3.4 million to land.

Han Xiaolu's best friend is not interested in chatting up with bald men at all.

Relying on their own wealth, they think that all women in the world are women who worship money.

She has seen a lot.

In fact, the girlfriends are not bad, but they are higher in appearance than Han Xiaolu.

But the pure temperament of Han Xiaolu is too attractive.

"Indeed, look at Wei Wei, isn't the one next to it a Thunder Tank? It's so handsome!

Who says women don't have much research on cars.

At least,

Han Xiaolu and Xu Weiwei are women who like cars.


I am even more obsessed with the recent domestic explosion of Thunder Tanks.

It's just that the two are just ordinary office workers, working hard in the city, and the conditions at home are not very good.

So I can only be envious.

"Wow, Thunder Tank, my favorite, Mercedes-Benz garbage truck, someone still buys it."

Xu Weiwei looked up, isn't it?

Next to the Mercedes-Benz G63, the black lightning-fast tank looks like a few streets away from the G63.

He glanced at G63 disdainfully and said.

The two directly skipped G63, came to the side of the Thunder Tank, and picked up their mobile phones to take pictures.

As for the bald man.

It was directly ignored by the two of them.

"Hmph... stinky girls, you don't know how to praise. 99

The bald man who was ignored felt very ashamed, and his new G63 was despised by two women.

But what made him even more embarrassed came.

When the two women came to the Thunder Tank.

Yu Yijia in the car,

Suddenly he stuck out the car window and said something to the two women.

"Beauty, do you want to go have some coffee together, this is my new tank, there is an exclusive happy mode when you get in the car!"

Yu Yijia's eyes were always looking at Han Xiaolu.

When Han Xiaolu saw him, her eyes widened immediately, very surprised.

The eyes touched, and a section of memories flooded into the hearts of the two of them.

at this time,

Han Xiaolu suddenly felt very aggrieved.

It was this stinky man in front of him who had to break up with him in the first place.

She said it all, she doesn't care how poor he is, and she has to endure hardship with him.

But this man is still so determined.

....... ask for flowers 0

After breaking up,

For four years, Han Xiaolu has never been in love again.

I thought I was going to forget it.

But seeing him today, she found that she couldn't forget him at all.

"Okay, invite me to dinner at night, I'll go home with you, and we'll have a good chat!

See your first love here.

Han Xiaolu's eyes were a little red.

The words he said not only shocked his girlfriend.

The bald man in the G63 car next to him.

Also stunned.

"Damn, why, I can't attract you with my G63, you want to go home with someone who drives a lightning tank? 35

"Has the world changed? Big G can't pick up girls anymore?

The bald man doesn't know the details.

He simply thought that his big G could not attract women anymore.

I thought times had changed.



The bald man scolded and left.

And Han Xiaolu also took her best friend and got into Yu Yijia's car.

Get in the car.

The two girls sighed at the luxury and sophistication in the car.

"It's so handsome, and the interior design is so beautiful. 39

The best friend exclaimed, and then told Yu Yijia a little embarrassed.


"Little brother, can you turn on the happy mode, I really want to experience it."

She is sitting in the back row.

Han Xiaolu did not sit in the co-pilot, but also in the back row.

Since she got in the car, she has been silently watching Yu Yijia who was driving.

Nothing was said.

Yu Yijia didn't know where he got the courage to greet his first love and invited her to get on the bus.

It was only after he got into the car that he regretted it.

So embarrassing.

Don't know how to speak at all.

He also didn't know if Han Xiaolu was still single or had a boyfriend.


From what she said just now, you invite me to dinner, I'll go home with you at night, let's have a good chat.

This sentence,

Yu Yijia guessed that Han Xiaolu should still be single.

This made the hope in his heart rekindle.

At his most difficult time, he couldn't give Han Xiaolu a good life.

So leave her.

Now that I have the ability, I thought that there would be no intersection with her in the future.

did not expect,

Fate is so wonderful.

saw her again.

This time,

Yu Yijia didn't want to give up again, this woman who made him always care about and never forget.

"Okay. 35

Hearing his best friend's words, Yu Yijia turned on the happy mode.


The two women in the car stared wide-eyed.

Sitting in the car, shaking up and down regularly, not only is not uncomfortable, but also very comfortable.


"Lulu, something is wrong with you today, why are you pulling me into someone's car and talking to this little brother. 99

Girlfriend seems to be a big nervous person.

Not reacting until now.

Secretly whispering to Han Xiaolu.

Because she knows good sisters, she is definitely not the kind of sassy woman.

The best friend knows that Han Xiaolu has only had one boyfriend so far. Although she broke up, she has never forgotten him.

"He's my ex-boyfriend."

Han Xiaolu said a word.

Make your girlfriends stunned.

"What, you are the scumbag who made Lulu sad for four years!!! Yu Yijia!!!"

After the initial shock,

The girlfriend exploded immediately.

Just like a machine gun, it shot up at Yu Yijia.

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