Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 167 Rest assured, you are different from them! 【Subscription】

Wuling upgraded to a group company?

Red Rabbit car is going to market?

The valuation of Chitu directly reached 150 billion US dollars?

This terrifying valuation has made the capital circle around the world boil. ,

When Wuling and Sequoia announced the news at the same time, all capital circles at home and abroad were shocked.

It's not that Chitu's valuation is too high.

on the contrary,

Everyone feels that Chitu's valuation is a bit low.

Because the automotive technology of Chitu Automobile itself, even the plasma battery, can make the valuation of a company exceed 200 billion US dollars.

Don't feel high.

this is normal.

Plasma battery that subverts the era of technology.

It is equivalent to bringing an innovation to the battery industry and opening a new era.

Musk's development of a semi-liquid battery can send Tesla's stock price soaring.

Not to mention the era-leading plasma batteries.

Before the capital, they all wanted to find Wuling and wanted to send money to Wuling.


Ye Qiu rejected everyone with disdain.

Wuling is not short of money.

This has disappointed many capital companies.

There is no way to enter it in the development stage of Wuling.

But now is the chance.

Red Rabbit is coming out.

At that time, it is not unacceptable to be a minority shareholder by buying a large amount of Chitu's stock.

With Tras in front,

Almost all capitals believe that after the listing of Chitu, the future market value, even if it cannot surpass Truss, will definitely not be much worse.

So the news of Chitu's listing came out.

In an instant, countless organizations found Ye Qiu.

I want to ask him where he is going to be listed.

Domestic or foreign.

Or is it,

Listed at home and abroad.

If you go public, you need an IPO, and you need institutions to issue stocks for you and support you.

Anyone who can get the qualification of Chitu IPO is equivalent to grabbing huge profits.


In the two days after the announcement of the listing, Ye Qiu received numerous calls.

All of them were asked by acquaintances.

But these are not what Ye Qiu is waiting for.

What he was waiting for was the point from above.


Ye Qiu just had lunch at noon.

Qin Wan called him.

"Brother Ye, congratulations on your company going public. With this valuation, you are going to become the richest man in the country, haha".

Qin Wan has been in high spirits since he was promoted.

As for the relationship with Ye Qiu, that's nothing to say.

The two were tied to a boat.

"Brother Qin, don't make fun of me, after the listing, it's nothing more than an increase in the value of a bunch of numbers, what's the use.

"What does it say above?"

Ye Qiu had called Qin Wan before and told him that Chitu was going to be listed.

And Ye Qiu also said it.

Prepare yourself for a NASDAQ listing.

Ask the above for your opinion on this.

Not Ye Qiu be careful.

But now, it is necessary to actively communicate with the above.

Especially going to NASDAQ.

It also requires the consent of the state.

I won’t say anything about beeps. The lessons learned are still under review, and it is estimated that it is not far from the forced delisting.

It was only listed a few days ago, and it was censored before it even started to celebrate.

Will be delisted soon.

ask for it.

Ali's ant finance is also a foreshadowing.

Jack Ma used the original capital of 3 billion, using leverage and unlimited arbitrage, and leveraged the capital of 2 trillion.

Prepare to go public on Ant Financial.

And open up all the channels.

Listing review procedures, all companies need several months to complete.

However, Ant Financial completed all the audits in less than a month.

The green light all the way is exaggerated.

Simply a rocket all the way.

I want to forcibly list Ant Financial when the country fails to respond.

create a given fact.

Is this possible?


The state directly stopped you, then started censorship and interviews.

If you want to use a little capital to leverage the interests of the country, that is impossible.

It doesn't matter who's behind your Jack Horse to give you ideas.

The country doesn't care about you.

Press it directly to the person behind you.

Then slowly clean up you.

When capital tries to control national interests in vain, then this capital is not far from death.

Jack Ma doesn't dare to be arrogant now.


The group of capitalists who played with Jack Ma were all unlucky.

Even the entertainment industry,

They are all implicated by this wave, and the phenomenon of direct political and entertainment capital influx.

The arrogant little Swallow, mixed with Jack Ma, harvested countless leeks, more than once arrogant, violated the national interests, and did those arrogant things.

If not now, I will do it if I say it.


play in the country.

To know how to play.

Ye Qiu understands very well that no matter how you play, you have to be a good baby on the surface.

If the bosses said they would not let him harvest Meriken's leeks, then Ye Qiu would go directly to Hong Kong Island to go public.

"" "Don't worry, your situation is different from theirs. The bosses have said that you can list where you want to be listed.

"And the boss said that after the listing, the state will escort you to ensure that you have no worries, and you can earn dollars back as much as you like."

Qin Wan laughed and gave Ye Qiu something to reassure him.


There is this saying,

Ye Qiu was relieved.

What are you waiting for.

Go straight to Wall Street.

Earning money from Chinese people is nothing, to harvest it, it must be harvesting the leeks of Laomei.

Ye Qiu hung up the phone and immediately contacted Shen Nanfeng.

"Mr. Shen, I'm going to ring the bell on Wall Street."5

"Okay! Give me three months and you'll take care of everything.""

Shen Nanfeng was also very excited when he heard the news.

Ring the bell on Wall Street listings.

There is a huge benefit.

That is, the capitalists of Wall Street are more optimistic about Chitu's stock price.

Why do Internet and technology companies like to list on Wall Street?

Because after the listing, the market value will generally be 20% higher than that in China.

People on Wall Street like technology companies the most.

As a red rabbit car that beat Terras helplessly.

After the news of a Wall Street listing came out.

All financial institutions on Wall Street are boiling.


Some people are boiling, some people are excited.

Then someone must be upset.

When Musk heard that Chitu was going to be listed on Wall Street, his face darkened.

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