Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 191 Land robbers, the ultimate dream of men! 【Subscription】

These news articles basically have a bluffing title.

Used to attract people to click in and talk a lot at length.

The content is ambiguous and the meaning is unclear.

To sum up,

The reason why Tesla lost control at the Hangzhou Auto Show all came from the Chitu SUV.

"After the auto show, after day and night inspections by Tesla engineers, it was found that there was no problem with the Tesla in the showroom. 99

"But the Terras lost control because engineers checked radar data and showed that the Terras had no fault at all when it started.

"However, just when Truss was about to approach the Red Rabbit Trailblazers, the radar data became chaotic."

"Tras' radar received external data, which led to a calculation error and a loss of control..."

After that, there is a lot of repeated explanations, which by the way stimulate the reader's emotions.

The fault was identified as the Chitu Trailblazer's radar jamming Terras, which led to a series of accidents.

Then there are all kinds of conspiracy theories, and the means of business competition are usually not clean.


There are also articles that directly affirm that Chitu should apologize for this matter.

At least a reasonable explanation should be given.

When Li Guangyi saw these reports, his temper immediately came up.

He cursed and looked for Ye Qiu.

As a result, Ye Qiu didn't care about this kind of thing at all, and just threw him a sentence: "The defeated general, what should you explain to him?

this kind of thing,

The more you explain, the more people will feel that you are guilty.

All you have to do is ignore it.

The group is so busy now, there is no time for Musk's jumping clown.


Li Guangyi, as the Minister of Propaganda, always maintains the name of the group.

In such a case, he naturally would not sit idly by.

Ye Qiu said that he didn't care, but he didn't really care.

Learn to read the boss's words.

Since it is not convenient for the group to speak, let the netizens say it.


Li Guangyi simply found a batch of trumpets.

Netizens who don't know the truth just lack a fuse...

"This matter, I stand in Wuling, and it is also a radar, why can't you stand up to Tesla?

"That is, if you are out of control, how can people move away safely?"

"I've never seen someone throwing the pot like this before, let's find a professional to wash the floor. Who would believe such a broken reason?"

"This is the first time I heard that my own radar was interfered with by someone else's radar. Why don't you say that the satellite instructions are out of control?"5

"Before, don't talk nonsense, maybe Truss really says it's a satellite problem later.


Netizens didn't believe it at first, but the news was so vivid.

There will always be people who will be led astray.

"At this time, I just need a little guidance..." Li Guangyi said with a smile to his servants.

"The boss is awesome, or the boss, you have a way." The subordinates flattered.

"That is, don't even look at the propaganda department of our Wuling, that is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, Crouching

"Okay, don't lie down and go to work quickly.

Li Guangyi was happy in his heart, but he still had to be serious on the surface.


After Li Guangyi's guidance, the public also knew what kind of thing Truss was.

Those who were skeptical in the first place, when they saw someone speaking, naturally also stood up.

The current Wuling is proud of the famous family, and cannot tolerate others' slander.

You can throw the pot, but you can't deduct Wuling from this shit pot.

Truss steals chickens without losing rice.

The fishing reels were not led astray by them, and they attacked them in turn.

"Oh, Shet, when did Xia Guo become so smart?

"Sheet, Shet, my plans are going to fail again.""

Seeing that I can't get over it,

Musk hurried to find someone to discuss the second solution.

that afternoon,

Tesla's official website issued a statement claiming that none of the previous reports were true.

Various media directly question mark face.

Isn't that what you told us to say?

Why did he stand up and say that our report was untrue at this time.

How can anyone kill a donkey like this?

The media felt the pain of being stabbed in the back by Truss, but they were helpless.

He could only curse Musk fiercely in secret.

Musk naturally doesn't care about this either. What he's thinking now is to quickly restore Tesla's reputation.

"Regarding the incident of Tesla's newly remodeled Edamame 3 losing control of its automatic driving at the Hangzhou Auto Show, the Tesla headquarters has conducted a detailed and multi-directional investigation of the incident vehicle, and reached the final conclusion."5

"At that time, there was no accident in Terras, just because the radar it was equipped with was too sensitive, it intercepted signals from other radars while receiving its own signals.

"This led to a deviation in the signal processing of Edamame 3 at that time, and the two signals were canceled, causing Edamame 3 to mistakenly think that there was no vehicle ahead, so there was a misjudgment.

"Please rest assured, consumers, that Tesla's new Edamame 3 is equipped with L8-level autonomous driving, as well as the latest LiDAR newly developed by Tesla, and there is absolutely no problem in performance."

"In view of the radar problem, Tesla has officially lowered the sensitivity to the normal level, and consumers can buy with confidence..."

As soon as Truss's official speech came out, netizens discussed it more happily.

With the previous lesson,


The eyes of everyone looking at the problem are also a lot more vicious.

"Is there any liberal arts representative who can translate for the translator, what does this mean"?"

"I'm here, I'm here, I have good Chinese grades since I was a child, I'll tell you."

"As far as Tesla's official statement is concerned, in general, the car is out of control, not because the performance is too weak, but because the performance is too strong, too sensitive, and the wind blows one inch."

"What did this lead to? As a result, the Edamame 3 at that time was swayed by the radar of the Red Rabbit Pioneer at that time, and its size was too small. Then, in the time of the sage, it was impossible to find the north.

"This wave, this wave is intended to clarify that there is no problem with Chitu, but also to be too high-handed."

"Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway. 39

"Brother, you are not the representative of the Chinese class, you are the representative of the old driver class, this is a perfect metaphor."

"I actually understood, my brother deserves to be a class representative.

"In the next life, I hope that the second knowledge can be used in mathematics."

"To be honest, Truss did a really good job. First let the media come out to be a villain, then pretend to be a good person to clean up himself, and by the way, he also boasted a wave. If it wasn't for the sharp eyes of the crowd, I would have been deceived. .

"I don't believe that the sudden media is spontaneous. Those people are definitely Tras's thugs. I can recognize it clearly. These foreign companies do not have the so-called conscience of the industry at all."

"Businessmen pursue profits, and there are no profiteers. It's normal. Everyone should pay more attention in the future. Not all enterprises are like Wuling, so let's support them more. 99

"Pity those idiots in the media, who were used as gunmen and stomped on them when they used up. 35

"Poor shit, that's what it deserves, seeing this bunch of cerebral palsy talking nonsense gives me a headache.

"So, if you let the bullet fly for a while, everything will come out. We have to believe in Wuling.

"Wuling's eternal god! 35

The two announcements failed to gain popular support.


Musk has no face,

Truss is completely unable to stay in the Xiaguo market.

Time flies, and soon another half a month passed.

Ye Qiu was really thinking about how to enter the American market in the office, but was interrupted by Yan Ran who pushed in.

"Honey, let's go and watch the car." Yan Ran was out of breath, apparently running all the way.

She picked up the teacup she had already drank on Ye Qiu's table and drank it.

"That's what I drank." Ye Qiu reminded.

"I know, why, do you despise me?"

Yan Ran stared at him with wide eyes... This girl doesn't despise you.

"How dare you, I can't ask for an indirect kiss with a beautiful beauty." Ye Qiu said with a smile.

Yan Ranqiao blushed, squinted at him, and said angrily, "It's just you being slick.


She added, "Come on, the beta version of the saber-toothed tiger off-road vehicle has been assembled, waiting for you to inspect it.


Yan Ran didn't care that Ye Qiu was far away, grabbed him and ran to the field.

"Go, go."

Yan Ran led Ye Qiu towards an open space.

A new office building is being built there, but only the foundations have been laid, and construction has not yet begun.

The ground was dug with potholes and puddles.

Such terrain, just used to test the new saber-toothed tiger.

When the two arrived, Qin Mengyao and the R&D team were already waiting there.

Watching Yan Ran come holding Ye Qiu's hand.

Qin Mengyao felt a little uncomfortable, as if her beloved bear doll was taken away by someone.

Damn Ye Qiu, and Yan Ran, flirted in front of the old lady.


Qin Mengyao was very good at hiding her emotions, and quickly used her work to cover up her thoughts.

"Why so slow? I've been waiting for you for a long time.

When Ye Qiu came to her,

She also ignored the eyes of outsiders and dragged Ye Qiu to the middle of the crowd.

Happiness is to be fought for by yourself... She learned this sentence from her eldest sister Chen Mengna.

the crowd dispersed,

Ye Qiu walked in,

Introduced to the eye, is a huge black off-road behemoth.

Off-road armored vehicle, saber-toothed tiger.

As requested by Ye Qiu,

The saber-toothed tiger is based on the knight XV of Ye Qiu's previous life.

But in the details, a lot of changes have been made.

It makes the edges and corners of the whole car more rude, clear and more aggressive.

The logo adopts a pair of crossed fangs, which is full of wildness.


The saber-toothed tiger is even more exaggerated, far surpassing the fifteenth generation of knights.

The length of the whole vehicle exceeds 6.50 meters,

The width reaches 2.50 meters,

The height of the vehicle is as high as 2.72 meters.

In front of it, an ordinary car is as docile as a kitten.

The wheelbase of the whole vehicle exceeds 3.60 meters,

The chassis refers to the Meriken Ford Raptor series, but it is more generous in the use of materials.

The shock resistance and stiffness are significantly improved.


More than 70% of the whole car is made of Wuling's most advanced aviation-grade alloy memory metal.

Even the headlights are shrouded in alloy mesh.

In this configuration, the curb weight of the body has reached nearly 7 tons.

What is this concept?

The weight of a car is usually only between 1.1 to 1.4 tons.

That is,

The quality of this saber-toothed tiger is lower than that of more than five sedans.

In order to support such a large weight, the tires are equipped with even more giants.

Saber-toothed tiger with tires on,

The height of the light above the ground is more than 45 cm.

In the group, Qin Mengyao, who claims to have all legs except his neck, stood in front of the saber-toothed tiger,

It feels like squatting down and you can pass under the saber-toothed tiger.

"Not only can it carry the entire vehicle, but also people or material weapons with a weight of at least 5 tons.""

Yan Ran said proudly.

Such large tires are not available in the market.

It can only be customized by Michelin company, and the price is naturally expensive.


Ye Qiu didn't need to worry about this, he would just ask for reimbursement at that time.

Ye Qiu walked around the saber-toothed tiger, tucking in admiration.

This is the ultimate dream of a man.

If there was a car like this...

It feels like you can go straight to conquering the world.

This car is only a test version and has not been painted yet.

At that time,

It will be uniformly painted in accordance with the requirements of the Western Military Region.

This is not in Ye Qiu's design.

Ye Qiu snapped his fingers, and someone handed him the car keys.

The car key of the saber-toothed tiger is an ordinary key, and it will not be as fancy as the red rabbit.

The military buddies rely on it to defend the frontier, not to go on a blind date.

There is no need to be blingbling.

open the door,

Ye Qiu flipped up and entered the driver's seat.

The seats are leather stitched and manually adjustable fore and aft.

In order to reduce the low failure rate of saber-toothed tigers, most of the mechanical parts are used in accordance with Ye Qiu's requirements.

Even the instrument panel is pointer, and most of the electric equipment has been outlawed.

All the equipment inside is made by hand.

Qin Mengyao also playfully signed her and Ye Qiu's names on a certain important metal flap.

The word art is used, which is difficult for ordinary people to recognize.

Ye Qiu strolled around in the car.

That's right,

Because the space in the car is too large, he just strolled around.

There are six seats in the car, including the driver's seat and the driver's seat.

The four seats in the rear are face-to-face.

There is still a big gap in the middle, and people can even lie down.

"It's a pity not to take advantage of such a position.

Ye Qiu thought for a while, then nodded slyly.

A nice crooked idea sprouted in his mind.


Ye Qiu returned to the main driver, opened the car window, and motioned for the two beauties to run a lap together.

I remember the last time I was on the mountain road,

Ye Qiu's Wuling Hongguang ran like an F1 car.

Qin Mengyao and Yan Ran's expressions froze, they shook their heads quickly, and took a few steps back while holding each other.

Wuling Hongguang can play like that,

This saber-toothed tiger, can't he drive it into a tank?

Besides, the pedals of this car are too high, and the two beauties are both wearing skirts, which is also inconvenient.

"""Alright then." Ye Qiu stepped back regretfully.

In the envious gaze of others, start the saber-toothed tiger.

Huge tires, like claws on the ground,

Every time you drive forward, you leave deep tire marks on the ground.

Ye Qiu drove the saber-toothed tiger to the front of the water pool and rushed down without hesitation.


The saber-toothed tiger actually straddled the entire water pool, as if walking on the ground.


Again, gravel, mud pits, and even small hills.

Saber-toothed tigers are stress-free, as easy as visiting their own back garden.

Sure enough, this big toy is a man's romance.

have fun,

Ye Qiu simply drove the saber-toothed tiger around Wuling's factory.

The workers at work looked over curiously when they heard the voice, and immediately opened their mouths in shock.

"Fuck, look, what is that, such a big car. 35

"You don't know this, right? I heard that it is a new car developed by the engineering department, an off-road vehicle."

"This is an off-road vehicle? It's too exaggerated. In front of the Hongqi tank, I feel like I have to bow my head.

"This is simply a land-based bandit. Just driving on the street with this car has to be frightened to death?"

"Scared to death, I don't know, but handsome is really handsome.

"Our President Ye is so powerful that we can even design this kind of car. I really admire it."

"I don't know when this car will go on sale?"

"Listed? You think beautifully, I heard that this car is for the military region and is used for war, how can it be listed. 39

"Well, no wonder it's designed like an armored tank.

After a round tour of the factory,

Ye Qiu drove the car back to the starting point again.

After getting off the bus,

The colleagues in the research lab who had been watching for a long time were all eager to try, with undisguised anticipation in their eyes.

"Go. 39 Ye Qiu nodded.

With permission, a group of people swarmed up.

"I'm here first, let me go first."

"I am your superior, of course, let me go first, and let me go.

"I'm a girl, you all should let me. 99

"Go, go, little girl, go away, it's a man's toy."


The youngest of these people is almost thirty years old.

The light IQ is much higher than that of ordinary people, and in front of the saber-toothed tiger, it looks like an ape.

Ye Qiu doesn't care about them,

As long as they work, the IQ of these people is online.

"Aren't you going to play?" Ye Qiu walked up to the two of them and teased.

"No, let them play.

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"How, how do you feel?" Yan Ran asked.

"It's okay, some data may need to be adjusted, and I will give you a summary later.

Ye Qiu paused and said, "I will try to adjust it within three days, and add a batch of modified Red Flag tanks to be shipped to Kyoto with me."

"This time, I'm going to deliver it myself."

"Yeah." Yan Ran and Qin Mengyao nodded at the same time.

After testing the saber-toothed tiger, Ye Qiu returned to the office.

As soon as he sat down, he called Lao Qin.

I will explain the matter of sending the car to Kyoto.

"It just so happens that the boss is also looking for you here, so you can come to Kyoto by chance.

Lao Qin said on the phone, "It is said that there is something to get rid of you, I don't think it is a big deal."

"Also, we haven't seen each other for a long time, so have a good drink then. 35

"OK." 5

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qiu went to prepare for the trip to Kyoto.


It also spread to the army.

Western Military Region,

Inside a tent for field operations.

Two dark-skinned, straight-faced men were talking.

"Lao Fan, the top will give us some new equipment. I heard that it is the latest off-road armored vehicle. It's a big one."

The man who spoke was in high spirits and looked a little impatient.

Lao Fan was indifferent and poured a basin of cold water on him in front of him.

"Look at what you said, I'm not afraid that the wind will flicker your tongue, and you're too old.

"You don't believe it, do you?"

"No matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the warriors and warriors we have already equipped? Those people above like to exaggerate, I don't like..."

"Lao Fan, you can't talk nonsense." The man hurriedly interrupted him.

"Anyway, if I don't believe it, don't fool me. I'm busy. Don't be idle, go and pull out those recruits for training." Lao Fan looked impatient.

"I don't like you like this, always self-righteous, you don't believe it, then let's make a bet, dare you?" The man provoked him.

"What do you dare not, what do you want to bet on, you say..."

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