Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 195 Extreme lottery, concept factory! 【Subscription】

To be able to make Kuroga say such a thing, it shows that Meriken has already produced fear.

all along,

The trend of science and technology in the world is controlled by the United States.

without any exaggeration,

In a super-strong situation,

America's technology is at least a hundred years ahead of ordinary developed countries.

at the same time,

They also create technical barriers that other countries are not allowed to cross.


There is a rare technology that is not under the control of Mei Lijian, and the former overlord has begun to play rogue tactics again.

Sanctions can only be compared, this is the consistent style of Laomei.

But this time,

The old beauty couldn't do that.

You can sanction a company, but can you sanction a country?

"The development of science and technology should be the common progress of human beings, not the secret means to block the way forward for the world."

In terms of the Black Palace, it is said that it is high-sounding.

Make yourself like a victim, single-mindedly for the prosperity of the world, but the result is not liked by others.

What is rare is that,

There are still many small countries who stand up and support the Black Palace's statement.

As for what kind of goods are supported,

Of course you don't have to think about it.

A hill of raccoon dogs,

They all expressed that for the better development of the world and the achievement of permanent peace,

Xia Guo should disclose technology to promote common prosperity.

As soon as the remarks come out,

Those foreign car companies are naturally full of joy.

Chitu's stunning appearance this time,

In the eyes of all parties, it can indeed bring a watch to the near future to a certain extent.

The combination of screen and glass has long been the research direction of many technology companies.


There are too many barriers to overcome for this technology.

In addition to strengthening hardness and toughness, intelligent voice delivery is not to mention.

After the light is transparent,

How to display black is a big technical problem.

Except for Wuling, no one has breached it so far.

Because of Wuling's pixel technology,

has surpassed the current mainstream of the market,

Innovative use of melting point particle technology,

Those car companies that get the Chitu SUV are helpless even if they remove the polarized screen windows of Chitu.

"It's been two weeks since I bought the car, and the dismantling has been completed. Why haven't I seen any useful information?

Daimler Sr. attended corporate meetings in person and lashed out in front of executives.

"Isn't it just a screen? It can make you look embarrassed as if you ate it?"

"I'm surprised that this technology has never been seen before, and we can't get any technical data, so it's difficult to carry out research. Blind calculations will only damage the screen, and it's difficult for my engineers to do it." The engineer leader said aggrieved.

"If one doesn't work, then two yuan, if two yuan doesn't work, then ten yuan... You say, how many yuan do you need to achieve the goal?" Daimler was simply stunned, "A company as big as Mercedes-Benz can't pay for it. For that money? Give me a break." 5

"According to the current progress and the possible damage rate, it is estimated that 13,000 screens may be needed before it is possible to calculate a useful industrial curve and obtain some parameters."

"How much? Thirteen thousand dollars?"

Daimler was suddenly silent.


He calculated the budget in his mind.

A minimum configuration of the Red Rabbit Rover, plus customs and shipping costs, will cost at least $3.6w to be shipped to the country.

It is equivalent to more than 23w of soft sister coins.

Adding a front polarizing screen will add about $8,000.

In this case,

The price of a car has reached 4.4w US dollars.

Even if we negotiate with the country's officials and try to reduce tariffs as much as possible, the price should not be lower than 4w dollars.

Thirteen thousand screens equals thirteen thousand cars.

$520 million.

Daimler took a deep breath and collapsed.

Now Mercedes-Benz is losing the summer market.

The next quarter's turnover, you don't need to look at it, you can see that compared with the previous quarter, there has been a significant decline.

Don't say now,

Even a Mercedes-Benz in its prime.

520 million US dollars, it cannot be said that it can be taken out casually.

not to mention,

Even if the parameters are measured, they may not necessarily be created.

Mercedes can't take that risk.

Not only the Daimler family,

America's Ford, the stick's Hyundai, and the island nation's Honda and Toyota.

even thrath,

have the same conclusion.

Honda also intends to play the island country's unique "bow craftsmanship" and send people to Wuling to bow and negotiate.


Mainly bow.

It is hoped that Wuling can open orders for polarizing screens and allow Honda to order 20,000 polarizing screens.

"Let him get out." Ye Qiu was decisive.

The loss is that Honda will come, and if the stick comes, I'm afraid it won't be on your knees.

Ye Qiu is the most annoying person who disagrees,

If you want to steal technology, don't even think about it without paying a big price.

500 million US dollars can only be regarded as pocket money.


Under the circumstance that the world's major car factories are being pressed, the black palace's speech was made.

The jackal robbed things openly, and they all came to the door.

People's Daily is naturally not used to it.

Simply publish the speeches of the hooligans of the Black Palace directly.

"@Black Palace, peace is not the reason for aggression. If it is true for the development of the world, I am afraid that such words will not be said."

"I remember Mr. Liao Zhai said that wolves: the wolves are also dead, and they are killed in an instant. How much is the deceitful beast? It only increases the laughing ears."

"How much do you know if you don't know the other side of the world?"

Netizens are boiling again.

Seeing that the motherland is so tough, they all expressed their support.

"Haha, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, it turns out that Mei Lijian is also in a hurry.

"This answer is really tough, it's amazing for my country.

"Mei Jian is that stupid jackal, his butt is leaking out, and he has no shame."

"What kind of hooligan act is this? If you don't have it, you will ask others to open up. If others don't, you will try your best to suppress it."

"The point is that there is a group of bulls and horses to agree with this kind of speech that is completely robbers and bandits, and they admire the faces of these people. Is it necessary to be a leader without shame?"5

"Returning technology and peace, do you really think that you are standing on the commanding heights of morality?

"To tell a joke, Obama's predecessor in the Black Palace won the Nobel Peace Prize, but he donated all the prize money to his country's military institutions. What a peaceful approach."

"I originally thought it was just an ordinary technology donation, but I didn't expect it to trigger such a big chain, and Wuling directly conferred the gods in my heart.

"I'm glad that the country has Wuling, the power of example. Years


Not only the People's Daily, but also the CCTV news that night also reported on the matter.

Wuling is finally linked to the hero in the hearts of the people.

A heroic company that inspires the nation.

Regarding the polarizing screen, although it was initiated by the Black Palace.

In the end, Wuling was not involved.

Ye Qiu's good abacus directly transferred the risk.

It also expanded the corporate image and won the hearts and minds of the people.


On the Weibo hot search,

Traffic is approaching stars.

Amid the cheers of the Internet, the matter finally came to an end.

Technology can't be given out, Meriken is willing to be a clown, and people don't mind having a good laugh.

Ye Qiu had no idea about this kind of heat.

It was Li Guangyi from the Propaganda Department,

Seize the opportunity to build a corporate image and complete a wave of cultural output.

Consolidate Wuling's position in people's hearts.

"What foreign car, what high-end car, go to your mother sheep."

"To build momentum for Wuling, buy a car and buy Wuling." Netizens shouted.

time flies.

It has been a month since the Chitu SUV was launched.

Ye Qiu was sitting in the conference room, waiting for everyone to report the sales data for the past month.

The data in this issue is even more gratifying than when Chitu Lightning and Hongqi new cars were released.

The Chitu SUV series alone sold 15w units.

It's just delivered.

And the order ranking has already been ranked after 70w.

The average price of a Chitu SUV is calculated at 30w, and the sales volume alone reaches 45 billion.

For future orders, a deposit of 20,000 yuan is required for each vehicle.

If the car is not delivered, the deposit alone will be 11 billion.

Because Wuling has been frequently on hot searches recently, it has also driven the growth of almost the entire series of sales.

Wuling van 20w, Wuling Hongguang mini sales 25w...

Even Hongqi H9 has 3w units.

The total sales of all models exceeded 800,000.

convert it down,


One month's sales are as high as 160 billion.

On average, the net profit rate without a trolley is about 22 percent.

Net profit reached 35 billion.

The employees who reported, the more they talked, the more excited they became.

"Aba Aba Aba..."

At the end of the story, the mouth is almost full of scoops.

This is only domestic data,

over at Meriken,

Due to the high cost performance of Chitu electric vehicles, it is also gradually eroding the market of Tesla.

last month,

The sales volume of Chitu Lightning reached 1.4w, and Chitu Punk reached 2w.

Total sales of 800 million US dollars.

The stock price of Chitu (America) has risen again.

For such data,

Ye Qiu was calm on the surface, but in fact, he was also excited.

This month's sales can completely catch up with the sum total of many car companies in one year.

Although there are many news blessings,

After all this month,

Wuling is a well-deserved national star.

But to get such good results,

It was something Ye Qiu didn't expect.

With such good data, Ye Qiu naturally wouldn't hide it, and immediately let people publish it.

Not to mention the new publicity, but also to put some pressure on those old car companies.

by the way,

Also beating domestic car companies.

Tell the same or die,

If you want to stand up for yourself,

It is necessary to do a good job in innovation, and don't always think about fooling consumers to live every day.

"We have to have your perverted R&D capabilities, so it's no use playing tricks every day and fooling consumers. Car company bosses are bitter.

After the meeting,

Ye Qiu ushered in the long-lost voice of the system.

"Every time I thought you were dying, you showed up again." Ye Qiu complained.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Wuling's industrial ranking has successfully surpassed Liji Automobile Holdings, reaching the top of the provincial ranking, and rewarding the limit draw once. 】

Ye Qiu glanced at the ranking.

Industrial Ranking: Provincial.

First place: Wuling Group, industrial index: 4.2 million.

Second place: Liji Automobile Holdings, Industrial Index: 3.5 million.

3rd place:

Thanks to the adjustment of the group and the successful listing of Chitu in the United States.

Wuling has successfully left Geely behind in the industrial index.

And this time, the reward turned out to be an extreme lottery that Ye Qiu had never seen before.

"Extreme lottery? Just hearing the name, I feel like a very powerful Yazi. 99

Ye Qiu was excited for a while.

If this doesn't give something good, it's really unreasonable.

"Do you want to start the lottery?" the system asked.

"What are you waiting for?"

Ye Qiu decisively chose to draw a lottery.

It's the familiar disc interface again, but this time it's different...

Ten grids, nine black and one gold.

Black is the highest level reward, followed by gold.

The highest reward Ye Qiu has received so far is only gold.

He has never even seen black.


It even gave nine blacks directly.


Ye Qiu almost didn't jump up.

"If you can't draw black in this special case, then this system doesn't matter, I don't deserve it. 35

The words say so,

But thinking of missing the golden color several times before, Ye Qiu still doubted his luck.

The turntable rolls...

Ye Qiu stared at the pointer and muttered something: "It can't be gold, can it?"

"Can't you?"5

"Do not!


It was as if God had played a joke on him.

Finally, the turntable stopped, and the pointer fell on the gold.

"Your uncle, is this also possible?

Ye Qiu had the heart to kill the system.

What kind of character is this?

Just when he sighed and was ready to accept the reality...

The last bit of spare power on the turntable actually dragged the golden color.

The turntable stops,

The pointer landed on the black without a hitch.

"Mass, startle me.

Ye Qiu's hanging heart finally let go.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a 100-hectare concept factory. 】

[Congratulations to the host, for obtaining a concept engineer. 】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the design drawings of the high-energy particle collider. 】

Ye Qiu took a look.

The first two are fine,

The third one is unnecessary.

Wuling does not engage in nuclear fusion now, which is not very useful at present.

On the other hand, Ye Qiu, the concept engineer, was very interested.

Leave the concept factory alone,

Ye Qiu first harvested the concept engineer.

[Please select the gender of the concept engineer, as well as various attributes. 】

Again, the system directly generates nothingness,

You can also customize attributes like a cute little one.

"Then another top beauty, an angel face, a devil figure..."

Gender: Female


Weight: 98 catties

Measurements: perfect

Ye Qiu thought, since the cutie is gentle, let's be cold and arrogant this time.

Play with the little cutie,


Interesting to think about...

The selection is complete.

A burst of light flashed, and a figure with long hair fluttering and a perfect curve emerged from the light.

"Are you my master?

The woman walked up to Ye Qiu, crossed her hips, and leaned over Ye Qiu's desk.

Her slender hands propped up her perfect chin, frowned, and looked Ye Qiu up and down.

"Well, the appearance is still in the past, it's the type I like.""

The woman's brows stretched out.

"I don't know other abilities, are they strong?"

Ps: If you want to be crooked, go to the wall. They are high-end talents, so they naturally ask about work. hey-hey‥

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