Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 209 Leviathan is the best in the world! 【Subscription】

Leviathan is significantly larger than Wuling Hongguang,

On the huge body, rough lines are used to interpret the brutal design language.

Ferocious front, with a huge bumper.

The tooth-like air intake grille occupies most of the front face.

The design of the headlights refers to the saber-toothed tiger, which can be described in one word.


Just standing in front of the car and glancing inadvertently,

You can feel the strong impact brought by Leviathan, like a beast.

Viewed from the side,

In order to enhance the sense of domineering, while increasing the grip.

Leviathan uses special large-sized tires, wrapped under the wheel arches, like the monster's huge claws.

The body is covered with blood-colored flame patterns, adding to its ferocity.

The cooling pipes on the rear flanks of the front of the car are like wings in the sky, making people unforgettable at a glance.

There is one big difference from ordinary pickups,

Also a special interest from Ye Qiu,

Although the Leviathan is large and has four seats, it is only designed with double doors.

Ye Qiu pressed the car key switch,

The scissor doors on both sides of the Leviathan were raised like blades, and the people on the scene were dumbfounded.

"Am I blinded, this is the scissor door?

"I pinched myself, ah, it hurts, I'm not dreaming. 35

That's right,

The Leviathan adopts the scissor doors that are generally only used in luxury cars.

I don't know when it started,

Ye Qiu always likes to add a little fun to his new car.

happy mode of red flag tank,

Red Rabbit SUV's shock-absorbing method,

And saber-toothed tiger ps5 game console,

until now,

Leviathan's unique scissor door design.

Ye Qiu brings unexpected surprises every time,

most of the time,

Sure enough, only men know men best.

Located on the rear edge of the beehive, there is an open-air area, about the size of three "zero three three" football fields.

It's called the trial ground.

The proving ground is adjacent to a small lake, which is specially used to test various machines.

it's here,

Through the machine simulation of various environments, test the performance of the new car.

Pressure, speed, vibration, resistance...

Ye Qiu drove the Leviathan slowly, and the engineers followed.

Everyone was whispering in the back.

"I heard that this is also a car designed by our President Ye, and our President Ye is really talented."

"It's more than that, Mr. Ye is also considered to be doing everything by himself, and we are really happy to follow such a boss.

"Who said it wasn't?"

"This car is designed by a certain palace-level master, I believe it.""

"Domineering, ferocious, and pompous, it's my dream car.

"The last time the saber-toothed tiger came out, you said the same thing. Men are really big hooves."

"Aren't you a man?"

"So, me too. I admit that after Leviathan came out, I moved away."

"Nima, I am speechless."

"Don't worry, the days to come are still long, our Wuling's most powerful car will always be the next one. 35

"I don't believe it in any other company, only Wuling, because there is President Ye, I will always believe him.

"Hey, Mr. Ye is handsome and rich, and his business ability is so strong. I traded 20 years of life. I wonder if I can get a man like this to spend the rest of my life together?"

"Wake up, a genius like President Ye must be a rare occurrence in a thousand years."

"As soon as Apple's Qiao gang leader soared away, Wuling's President Ye was born out of nowhere. I'm afraid there is no spiritual connection between the two. 99

"It's hard to say, it's the kind that both gods and gods are jealous of.


"Such a good man, I don't know which mushroom will be cheaper in the end. 35

"Does that need to be said? It must be Lin Xiuxiu, the energetic and beautiful girl in the second laboratory. As long as she smiles at me, I can suffocate."5

"I prefer the Queen's Royal Sister Lin Xueruo, ah, I really want to see her holding a small leather whip.

"You think Mr. Ye is a dead man just like you.

"I stand for Director Qin and Director Yan. I heard that the two are sisters. President Ye is definitely not at a loss."

"Are you here to speculate on stocks?"

A group of self-aware people,

Straight men and straight women who are only interested in science and engineering, do not chase stars, do not watch and focus on entertainment.

But he recognized Ye Qiu as an idol,

Concerned about Ye Qiu's life and emotional progress all day,

He also formed a cp fan without permission.


This group of high-IQ people is still very rational.

Usually gossip about the four beauties of the group, see who is more intimate with Ye Qiu, and let's "speculate" together


It is one of the rare common hobbies after a meal.

Once it works,

They will immediately return to a serious state, the typical combination of work and rest.

"Lin Xueruo will always drop God! 39

"Qin Mengyao will win Mr. Ye!"

"Yan Ran is the destiny's choice!

"Lin Xiuxiu rush! 99


Funny comparison, regardless of men and women, but also do not care about the image.

to the proving ground,

Ye Qiu first drove the Leviathan for a lap around the track, and the ride was very smooth.

Shift, accelerate, charge...

Even drift.


Only Ye Qiu can do this kind of high-end skill.

The monster turned sideways, the tires drawing sharp dents on the ground like claws.

"Fuck, I read it right, did Mr. Ye drift just now?"

Some people rubbed their eyes as if they couldn't believe it.

"This is the first time I've seen this thing drifting, how much talent does Mr. Ye have?

"Long experience, it's a pity that Mr. Ye doesn't participate in the competition because of his driving skills.

A bunch of people were making a fuss there.

Only Yan Ran and Qin Mengyao watched with incomparable calm, and from time to time, past events came to mind.

What is a pickup truck,

Miss Ben has also seen Ye Qiu drift with Wuling Hongguang.

The most amazing thing is,

At that time, Miss Ben was sitting in Wuling Hongguang,

that moment,

Feel how precious life is.

As long as you are infinitely close to death,

To have such a feeling, I almost thought I was dead.

Ye Qiu finished walking,

The Leviathan was then driven into the wind tunnel.

There you can measure the power of the new car, as well as the pressure resistance and so on.

There is a wide track in the wind tunnel that simulates normal driving.

at the same time,

The storm is blown out from the inside, which can be adjusted step by step to simulate strong winds.

in strong winds,

Due to the wind, the stability of the car will be significantly reduced.


Ordinary cars can withstand up to 5 strong winds.

If it exceeds level 5, or even reaches level 6,

Cars can easily be overturned.


Many people have a misunderstanding,

It is believed that as long as the car is heavier, its stability will be higher.

at this point,

Obviously wrong.


The weight of the car can indeed bring some stability to the car, but it is not absolute.

According to the principle of aerodynamics,

moving car,

The air pressure up and down the car body is different, which will have a great impact on the stability of the car.

This is why F1 cars are designed to be very flat,

In addition to lowering the height of the center of gravity,

It is also to reduce the influence of air pressure.

Leviathan in design,

Lin Xueruo and the others punished the chassis and lowered the height of the center of gravity.

at the same time,

Enhanced shock absorbers to resist crosswind interference.

by design,

Also refer to aerodynamics to ensure the appearance while minimizing the impact of wind pressure.


Ye Qiu took out the walkie-talkie.

"Turn the wind down to level 6.

The wind increased by one level, and Ye Qiu felt that the wind resistance increased significantly.

But Leviathan is still easy, as usual.

Not moving like a mountain.

"No pressure." Ye Qiu shifted gears to accelerate.

Leviathan remains unaffected.

"Turn the wind to level 7." He ordered again.

At this time,

A worried voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Mr. Ye, is the 7th-level wind a bit too big? 35

"We usually drive, and when we encounter strong winds of level 4, we won't go out.

"Level 7 wind is even more unlikely, I'm worried..."

His worries are normal.

so far,

There is really no car that can survive the strong wind of level 7, unless it is a tank.

in addition,

He was also worried that the wind pressure was too high and Ye Qiu had an accident in the wind tunnel.

I don't know how to make a decision,

He sent the walkie-talkie to Yan Ran and explained the situation.

"Ye Qiu, are you crazy?" Yan Ran frowned, "Level 7 wind, I'm afraid it didn't even blow you away."9

"Level 7?" Qin Mengyao was also surprised, "Why, are you in a hurry to take off?

The engineers next to me listened,

I also thought that Ye Qiu had taken some risks.

Leviathan can move freely in the 6th wind, which is enough to overturn other cars.

No need to test force 7 winds anymore?

Besides, Mr. Ye was still sitting in the car.

"It's okay, you just need to adjust to level 7, I know it."

Ye Qiu looked calm.

"I won't stop until I find out the limits of Leviathan myself.


no one has experienced it firsthand,

Even if more values ​​are simulated, they are only theoretical values.

theory and practice,

There are often big differences.

"I see."

Since Ye Qiu insisted, Yan Ran had no choice but to agree.


She asked the staff to prepare, and in case of any accident in the wind tunnel, they hurried forward for treatment.

stronger wind,

There was a whistling sound in the wind tunnel.

at first,

Ye Qiu reduced the speed, and the Leviathan was driving normally.

But when he accelerated,

The body finally began to shake and became less stable.

It's not very serious,

Ye Qiu found that if the driving skills were good, the Leviathan could still drive at this wind speed.

After ten minutes of testing,

Leviathan finally withstood the test and withstood the pressure of the seventh-level gale.

During the test, the whole process is recorded......

Seeing Ye Qiu's calm expression, Yan Ran finally let go of her dangling heart.

The engineers on the side also high-five each other excitedly.

There's nothing more exciting than a car you've designed to withstand disaster.

As they celebrated,

Ye Qiu picked up the walkie-talkie again, his expression still calm.

"Turn the wind down to level 8, right now.


A group of people froze in place, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Is Mr. Ye crazy today?

the test is over,

Ye Qiu came out of the wind tunnel, Yan Ran rushed up first and slapped him on the shoulder.

"You want to scare me to death, don't be so willful next time.""

can see,

Yan Ran was really worried.

Together with Qin Mengyao, Lin Xiuxiu, and Lin Xueruo who came,

Everyone's face was almost pale, and it was difficult to recover slowly.

"To die, why don't I blow you away. 39 Qin Mengyao pouted.

"Boss, people are worried about you. Lin Xiuxiu held Ye Qiu.

"You are amazing, Darling."

Only Lin Xueruo pretended to be okay, but she was the one who was most worried in her heart.

"Okay, I'm fine, little problem."

Ye Qiu patted everyone on the head, "This also indirectly proves that the Leviathan pickup is number one in the world.

With that said, everyone was excited again.

after that,

Or as usual, hand over the new car to those greedy engineers.

They can play as they like.

Just remember the statistics.


Today's work is almost complete.

It's rare that everyone is here and there is extra time.

Qin Mengyao suggested: "Come on, sisters are gathering tonight, Ye Qiu treats you.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Ye Qiu readily agreed.


Ye Qiu drove the car and brought four girls with him.

Not forgetting to call Chen Mengyao, a group of people went straight to the resort.


Six people have a bonfire party together.

Beer, BBQ, name it.

"Cheers! 99

The handsome men and women raised their glasses and drank the whole glass of draft beer.


Yan Ran's face started to turn red.

have eaten.

"Let's play games together." Qin Mengyao suggested.


After these few days of harmonious coexistence,

Several beauties already know the bottom line, and tacit understanding.

Since they have chosen Ye Qiu, the scumbag,

Then they will be sisters.

The game is very simple, called "The King's Game".

It was learned by Chen Mengna from abroad, and the interaction is very strong.

The rules are also very simple,

There are a few people involved, so prepare a few cards.

On the cards were written "King" and "Civilian".

Games start,

Everyone draws cards together.

first round,

Chen Mengna drew the trump card.

The person with the trump card can issue an order to any civilian, and the civilian needs to do it unconditionally.

Of course

Since it is a game, everyone will have a good time, and will not overdo it.

Chen Mengna glanced at 0.8 Lin Xiuxiu, and Xiuxiu secretly compared her with a "yeah"

Xiuxiu is the No. 2 civilian.

Chen Mengna received the message.

After a long time together in Africa, Chen Mengna and Lin Xiuxiu have established a deep friendship.

In addition, Lin Xiuxiu is a very obedient girl, and Chen Mengna likes her very much.

Before the game, the two colluded to cheat.


It was requested by Chen Mengna.

"This time, Ye Qiu must be embarrassed." Chen Mengna smiled.

"I'm sorry, boss." Lin Xiuxiu stuck out her tongue.

the game continues,

Chen Mengna looked at everyone and accidentally glanced at Ye Qiu's card.

The exposed corner is a hook.

If there is a hook, Xiuxiu's is 2, then Ye Qiu's must be 3.

Chen Mengna said fiercely and confidently: "I ordered the civilian No. 3 to stand up and offer a kiss to the king with the most elegant gesture.

"Huh?!" The girls were stunned.

Hey, I didn't think so.

The old lady is the one who wants to be the eldest sister,

At this time, of course, the oath of sovereignty... Chen Mengna was secretly delighted.

There is even a little hope...

Don't know how my dear will kiss me?

Is it the princess hug? Or is it my chin?


Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it.

Chen Mengna was excited, her calf twisted unconsciously, and her beautiful toes jumped up and down like chicken blood.

Several women eagerly, you look at me, I look at you.


I understand.


They looked at Ye Qiu together and asked him if he was civilian No. 3.


Ye Qiu shrugged, expressing that I was innocent.

Immediately after,

Lin Xueruo put her card on the table,

On the card it was written,

Civilian No. 3.

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