Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 243 The super off-road that has been changed from toy cars! 【Subscription】

"Since it's a gasoline-burning race car, it's reasonable to have a 12-cylinder engine?"

"Although it looks like a supercar, if you want to run an obstacle course, the chassis must be high."

"The tires are Wuling mud tires, right? 99

"In order to prevent insufficient power, add a battery and get a miniature polyelectric transmitter.

"Just to increase the driving force, of course it's a beaver too, right?


“Very reasonable!”

In the hive laboratory,

Ye Qiu found a computer, put on the queen glasses, and had a great time.

A good toy racing car was almost turned into an armored car by him.

With more and more things to add, Ye Qiu gradually forgot his original intention.

The data displayed on the screen is getting stronger and stronger,

If you look at the real car, it is about to reach the impossible situation.

At this time,

Qin Mengyao walked out of the research room and saw Ye Qiu playing alone in front of the screen from a distance.

"What is the genius doing?" Qin Mengyao walked over in confusion.

Just walking to Ye Qiu's side, Qin Mengyao was startled when she saw his "masterpiece".

The car in front of Ye Qiu had the appearance of the Son of Dragon.

Logically speaking,

It already looks like this, so naturally it should be a supercar.

can look down,

This "supercar" has four incomparably huge tires.

The tire height alone has exceeded the body, not to mention some other mess.

What kind of weird configuration is this?

Qin Mengyao had doubts, but did not dare to question Ye Qiu.

From past experience,

Ye Qiu's idea, no matter how wild it was, was successful in the end.

Qin Mengyao felt that she was going to be stupid.

"Genius, your car... it sounds unique. Qin Mengyao asked tentatively.

"That must be a high-end racing car.

Ye Qiu didn't even look back, and easily removed an inappropriate part.


Hearing Ye Qiu's explanation, Qin Mengyao was even more puzzled.

Do you build racing cars like this?

Who has nothing to spare to load off-road tires for racing cars?


Qin Mengyao misunderstood what Ye Qiu meant.

The competition of remote control cars really has to be off-road tires.

Ye Qiu is also the chairman of a group, and he knows no less than the average person about cars.

"What are Darling and Xiao Yaoyao doing?"

Lin Xueruo also came out of the research room and looked at Ye Qiu curiously.

The more she looked, the more curious she became, so she simply followed over to take a look.


There are more and more people around Ye Qiu.

A few beauties with paid paddles came.

Seeing that Ye Qiu was working attentively, they didn't bother.


Quiet to quiet, still can't hide the surprise on his face.

grow so big,

This is the first time I have seen mud tires for a supercar.

Not long after,

Ye Qiu clapped his hands and finally stopped with satisfaction.

He inspected his "masterpiece" in all aspects, thinking to himself, with this configuration, isn't the champion of the club game just a hand?

except himself,

The others watched him play tricks silently, just like watching a fairy.

"Darling, are you an off-road vehicle? So chic.

Lin Xueruo couldn't hold back and asked.

Ye Qiu thought for a while,

The track in the club is the usual road surface, and for a small racing car, it is indeed equivalent to off-road.

It's okay to say that.

"Well, it's very innovative." Ye Qiu nodded.

"The chassis is so high, is it going to run a difficult mountain road? Yan Ran asked again.

at this time,

Several beauties have the same idea in their hearts.

That is,

The design of this car is extremely unreasonable.

But the person in front of him is the one he loves deeply.

With the blessing of the love filter, this unreasonable thing has become a little bit more reasonable.

They didn't want to hit Ye Qiu, so they could only ask Ye Qiu's needs side by side.


Go with the flow and help him revise it and surprise him.

When the time comes, he will be moved to the point of crying... The thoughts of the beauties are surprisingly consistent.

"Well, to run.

Ye Qiu thought about the rough road and answered Yan Ran in the affirmative.

"The shock absorption is so obvious, do you have to go over mountains and mountains often?" Little cute Lin Xiuxiu asked again.

"Well, in order to minimize the risk of rolling over, it is also necessary to prevent the chassis from being damaged due to a high-altitude landing. 35

Ye Qiu thought,

When the kids race, the cars are bound to bump into each other and sometimes fall off a high platform.


He deliberately enlarged the suspension to fully ensure the stability of the body.


The women nodded in unison, "I understand."

After a cross-server chat, they already understood Ye Qiu's needs.

in their imagination,

Ye Qiu's car is not a supercar, but a top off-road vehicle.

This off-road vehicle has to have the ultimate suspension, ideally to be able to drop from a height with the body intact.

It is also necessary to be able to climb over mountains and hills and walk over rough and bumpy roads with ease.

the most important is,

It's fast.

The 12-cylinder engine should make the car even in the Gobi Desert.

It seems that the darling wants to build a high-end off-road... They thought of it together again.

In this case,

That's going to help.

"Darling, I think you have something to revise. 33 Lin Xueruo spoke first.

"Oh?" Ye Qiu stepped aside.

Lin Xueruo walked up and started to operate the racing car designed by Ye Qiu.

It is changing the spring and changing the chassis again, and the whole car looks more and more professional.

Ye Qiu originally wanted to remind,

It's just a toy car, don't take it too seriously.

But before the words could be said, Qin Mengyao pulled him away and moved to Lin Xueruo's side.

"I want it too, I want it too." She hurriedly got started.

"And me." Yan Ran followed.

"I think I can too.

for the first time,

When Ye Qiu saw the gentle and lovely little Lin Xiuxiu, he actually liked to mess around.

It seems to have been damaged by those girls.

"It's not right here, we should use the latest frame, which is more stable.

"The tires are size 4, bigger and more impactful. 35

"The toughness of the body is not enough. If you want to redesign it, you can first replace it with the shell of the Hongqi tank."

"The chassis is not flexible enough, add a few air springs here, add coil springs here, and here..."

"Why no center console? Get the latest panel system, more solid. 35

"Let's choose a 10AT gearbox, it is more comfortable to run on rough roads.

"And...and the adjustment of gears..."


The beauties are swaying, and just looking at the back makes people intoxicated.

The work clothes have a faintly beautiful curve, and I can't help it if I change to someone else.

That's why Ye Qiu was indifferent.

"Well, can you all listen to me?

Ye Qiu asked tentatively.


And no one listened to him.

All these girls are thinking about now is to change Ye Qiu's car to a high-end one.

who has the most power,

That would naturally be able to show off in front of Ye Qiu.

They are not willing to give up this kind of "reward".

"My car is really just a racing car, don't make it too complicated. 39

Ye Qiu said again.

But still no one paid attention to him, but they heard Ye Qiu's words "racing"


racing, right?


Speed ​​up so that it can run at full strength even in the stone forest.

Several people, you and I, cooperated quite harmoniously.

Ye Qiu feels like a clown,

Has been completely isolated by these girls.

Seeing that his "car" was changed beyond recognition, he could no longer stand.

He tried to push away a few graceful bodies and returned to the screen.


He failed, and failed miserably.

I can't think of the "weak women" who can't even unscrew the bottle caps

By this time,

Even a big man like him was helpless.

Are you from Lanruo Temple?

Each one is so good-looking, yet so sturdy, yet so capable of hiding.

Ye Qiu complained in his heart.

It seems that these girls are having fun, and they can't stop it.

Ye Qiu simply let them go, while he found a comfortable position to sit down and poured himself another cup of tea.

"I'll just watch you change and see what you can change.

Ye Qiu drinks tea,

On the other hand, like a grumpy woman, watching his "masterpiece" be changed beyond recognition.

Several women were completely unaware of it, and were still chattering.

I don't know how long it took,

Ye Qiu finished both dozing off.

Looking at these girls again, they finally stopped.

Lin Xueruo put the final parts in and made a finishing touch.


The little girls applauded happily.

Ye Qiu looked at the works on the screen, there was nothing left by him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Good job." Ye Qiu clapped his hands against his will.

"Can anyone tell me what this is?"

he asked again.

When speaking, the tone of voice is yin and yang.

"Your SUV."

Qin Mengyao didn't understand why Ye Qiu asked that.

"Really." Ye Qiu nodded, "Then report its performance. 35

When it comes to performance,

A few nizi who didn't know they got into trouble again got excited, and scrambled to answer.

What advanced suspension, what a 100km/h acceleration of 2.4 seconds, what a disaster-level shock absorber system...

According to their understanding of Ye Qiu's words,

This car, apart from off-road and performance, has nothing else.

The "partial branch" has truly been achieved to the extreme.

"Very good, very good." Ye Qiu clapped his palm again.

The little girls stood proudly, ready to receive Ye Qiu's praise.

The face is full of joy, like a little kid waiting for candy.


Ye Qiu added.

"Then you know I'm a toy car?"

The voice just fell,


Needles could be heard in the lab.

Little beauties, look at me, I look at you.

Big eyes blinked back and forth, with an innocent look on his face.

Is it just a toy car?

No wonder the shape is so exaggerated.

If you think about it in terms of toy cars, the shape is actually quite innovative and pretty.

It turns out that we misunderstood my dear...

Yan Ran bit her lip and lowered her head in shame.

this time,

Ye Qiu just got up and walked towards the screen.

The beauties consciously gave way and quietly stood aside.

Coming to the screen, Ye Qiu simply fiddled with the 3D model of the car in front of him, and then looked at the various values.

··For flowers 0·

don't say,

If he didn't want a toy, but a real car.

This car can literally be called a supercross.

It is not like the Hongqi tank, which has style, appearance, and emphasis on function.

It is very biased, to what extent is it biased?

is a performance monster,

But it looks unremarkable.

Ye Qiu is really fragrant.

Unexpectedly, this group of strange women, just making a fool of themselves,

It was possible to design such a good off-road vehicle in such a short period of time.

Ye Qiu secretly decided that the blueprint of this car was kept.

In the next round of car building plan, it will be built first.


Although the heart is really fragrant, but the mouth can not lose face.

Ye Qiu deliberately slapped his face and tapped on their foreheads one by one.

"I'll go home at night, and I'll teach you a lesson one by one.


Ye Qiu was grabbed and walked away arrogantly.

The four little girls were left standing silently.

Lin Xiuxiu lowered her head and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Qin Mengyao looked left and right, bit her upper lip and bit her lower lip.

Yan Ran put her hands behind her back and drew circles with her toes on the ground.

Lin Xueruo secretly pouted, and her hand buttoned the corner of her shirt unconsciously.

The four are full of cuteness.

Ye Qiu walked around the corner in a fake pattern, and then quickly ran to a polarizing screen.

"Queen Red, help me save all the data of the concept car just now. 35 He ordered.

"Okay, sir," replied the Red Queen.

"Unexpectedly, just get a toy car, and you can get a super off-road.

Ye Qiu was in a good mood and left with a whistle.

"Sure enough, when people are lucky, they drink cold water with cola flavor.


What he doesn't know is,

The reason why Lin Xueruo and the others were able to succeed so quickly was entirely out of their love for him.


And only if you truly love someone, you will give without reservation.

They did their best to help Ye Qiu "improve" the car.

It can be said that the potential is stimulated,

Hence this supercross.

a few days ago,

The opinions of the car friends circle are almost collected.

After sorting out, the design department has come up with a direction for improvement.

Among tens of thousands of useful comments,

The most mentioned is the pink series, which is a must for men.

Followed by the increased trunk space and the addition of hooks for the co-pilot.

The rest, there are things like window decals, automatic seat adjustment, star roof and so on.

The designers sorted them out one by one and extracted useful design requirements.


The improved version of Wuling Hongguang mini came out.

The new Wuling Hongguang mini was only put on the shelves and sold like crazy.

The heat of discussion in the circle of car friends,

The pink Wuling Hongguang mini goes hand in hand with the Dragon Son supercar.

"I don't know what to say, although I can't afford Dragon Son, but I can buy a pink mini. 55

"The starry sky, just looking at it, I feel like driving a luxury car.

"I can only say that it is really fragrant, my girlfriend loves it very much."

"Wuling still loves us. After adding so many things, the price is only 5,000 yuan more, which is crazy.

"Brothers and sisters, Wuling has given you all the respect you want, what reason do you have for blacking Wuling?

"Whoever said we are black with Wuling, those who can speak here are all Wuling fans."

"Yes, those black Wuling people either have brains or are navy soldiers.

"Rebs hasn't been doing much recently. Did he know that he couldn't compare to Wuling, so he avoided talking."

"And Geely, I don't know how you feel when you see Wuling's condensing transmitter?"

"How can I feel, I am ashamed.

"It's ridiculous that the two companies both vowed, 'Oh, I can't make this kind of thing', didn't they just want to win over netizens to ridicule Wuling. Now, Wuling really has it, is it embarrassing?"

"So, a clown can only be a clown, no matter how well it is wrapped."9

"One thing I didn't expect is that Wuling turned the condensing launcher into a propulsion device. 35

"Not only did you not expect it, neither did we. 39

"I have always firmly believed that Wuling is going to build flying cars, but I didn't expect that he was going to build land-based rockets."

"Don't say, if it's a flying car, I think it's more amazing without Son of Dragon."

"That's natural, just look at the international response of the Dragon Son."

"Zero bad reviews, those black technologies of Son of Dragons can be achieved by ordinary foreign sports car manufacturers?"

"The light of domestic products, it lives up to its reputation."


In the circle of car friends of Wuling app, it is very lively every day.

Ye Qiu has almost formed a habit now, and looks at the evaluation of Wuling by riders every day.

Pay attention to the hobbies of the riders and see their suggestions for improvement.

If there is, it will be changed, if not, it will be crowned.

Browsing the forum for a while,

Ye Qiu put down the phone, and the assistant secretary sent a new document.

The document is written in Japanese.

There are two copies, the other is a translation.

Ye Qiu glanced at it briefly, and suddenly felt a little interesting.

This is a letter of intent for cooperation from an island country.

And the signature...

Toyota Yukiko.

"Toyota?" Ye Qiu muttered to himself, "still a woman. "Eight.

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