Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 280 Is this the speed that Wuling mini can have? 【Subscription】

The people around started booing, and someone leaned out of the car and slapped the door.

Sakamoto also joined his team, raised his hand and shouted.

"Roar, Roar, Roar..."

"Compare, compare, compare..."

"It's so interesting, it's really exciting, hahaha.

ring line,

The speeding parties at night are basically men, and there is very little chance to meet female drivers.

The excitement of drag racing seems to be inherent to men.

After finally seeing women on the track, the ambitions of these guys also woke up.

Compared with drag racing, women are equally interesting.

"Hey, woman, it's too late to regret. 35

in the crowd,

A rough voice sounded, suppressing the crowd of people who were booing.

The surrounding shouting gradually stopped.

A middle-aged man wearing a mask opened the door and stepped off his black and white Honda Civic.

Judging by the pitiful, sparse hair on the man's head, he must be going through a mid-life crisis, and he's still under a lot of pressure.

His name is Miyamoto, and he is the head of the temple horse racing team.

In order to show his temperament, Miyamoto wore a black leather jacket tonight with dazzling rivets on his shoulders.

He walked over to the front of his Civic and patted the hood.

"Have you seen it? Honda Civic, after seven modifications before and after, how could it possibly win us just with your little Wuling mini?"

Recently, Wuling mini is attacking the island country market, causing Toyota and Honda to suffer a big downfall.

Due to its high cost performance, local social animals are rushing, and the sales quickly squeezed to the forefront.


This does not mean that Wuling mini can be recognized by the Night Speed ​​​​Party.

In their minds, the Honda Civic is what everyone expects, this is the rule handed down in the last century.

Miyamoto knocked on the hood again.

"The i-VTEC engine on board alone is not comparable to your junk.

"5AT manual gearbox, double wishbone suspension..." Miyamoto said more and more confidently.

"See? This is the legendary car.


Miyamoto hooked his hand and raised his eyebrows at the woman in the driver's seat of Wuling mini.

"You, you will mess with your brother from now on.

"Throw this rubbish away and I'll get you a Honda Civic.

words here,

The people next to him started to jeer again.

"Civic, Civic, Civic..."

Someone simply got out of the car, jumped on the roof of his car and rocked it.

The noisy voice spread from the viaduct, which annoyed the woman on the Wuling mini.

She frowned slightly, but finally held back, not pulling out a baseball bat and getting out of the car to give each of these ignorant fools a stick.

Although I really want to...

She pressed the switch, and the roof of the Wuling mini was retracted.


The men who were still complacent all froze.

Everyone watched an ordinary Wuling mini turn into a convertible, and their eyes almost fell out of shock.

"This... am I right?" Someone asked dumbly.

"I can't accept it, how did a Wuling mini turn into a roadster?"

"No, I went to Wuling's 4S store to see it, and the minis there are very ordinary cars.""

"Then why are we seeing a car with a convertible top?

"And it's also very handsome. If it wasn't for the speed, maybe I would be tempted."

"What do you say? We speeders, we have to be prudent in doing things, and when we say that if you use a Honda Civic, you must use a Honda Civic. 35


The people around were discussing in a low voice, for fear of losing face by speaking out loud.

Even Miyamoto stayed there for a while, and unconsciously raised his right hand several times, wanting to go up and touch the convertible mini.

Damn, why didn't I know Wuling mini still sells convertibles?

Miyamoto's face twitched slightly, and he began to regret it in his heart.

Looking at the woman in the Wuling mini, she pushed her hair behind her ears and stood up slowly.

He has long straight black hair, a black leather jacket, and a mask.

On the mask, a Yaksha is also drawn.

Yaksha is one of the unique cultures of the island country.

The mask covered half of her face, but from the exposed almond eyes, there was a charming light from time to time.

Toyota Yukiko, she has such charm.


The crowd that was still sluggish started to move again.

Youxizi's leather coat, and her pair of electric eyes, are all tightly hooked on these social animals.

"Hey one `" one" Someone looked at Yukiko and smirked.

What can make a man more attractive than a convertible is that there is a big beauty standing in the convertible.

"Hmph, Tosi." Yuxizi dismissed this group of people.

She learned this word from Ye Qiu, and since then, she has seen all the men in the island country so much alike.

"Will it compare? 39

Youxizi became impatient and said, "If you don't dare to compare, just drive your rubbish, turn around and go home to hide."35

"Wasting my time……"

After killing you all, my mother still has to go to the coastline.

As soon as this is said,

It really stung the nerves of these bikers.

They have dominated this loop for many years and have never been so despised.


Still a woman.

In this case,

Even if she looks very attractive, give her some color to see.

"Compare, I still don't believe that my Honda Civic can lose to your two Wuling minis.

Miyamoto became serious, "If I lose, I will disappear on the ring line from now on.

"Beauty, how many laps do you want to run?"

Yukiko opened her palm, indicating "five circles"

"Okay, just run five laps.""

Miyamoto waved his hand, "Brothers, get in the car.

"Yo hoo, rush up. 99

A group of people cheered and got back into the car.

Yukiko also sat down and adjusted the hood back.


More than a dozen vehicles descended the elevated road in a mighty manner and came to a traffic light intersection.

The street lights are red, and when they turn green, it is the signal for the start of the game.

There is Kiko and Miyamoto's car in the first row.

"Beauty, let me tell you, arrogance requires capital." Miyamoto provocatively took advantage of the red light.

"If you want to beat us, you at least drive a decent car, this Wuling mini really looks down on us.

"Although your convertible looks pretty cool, you can't win without a convertible when running a loop.

Yuxizi didn't bother to pay attention to him, and just silently looked at the street lights.

Miyamoto had a warm face and a cold butt, but he still didn't intend to give up.

"You are like this, after the game, we will add a contact information."

"After that, I'll give you a Civic, which is guaranteed to be better than your little thing.

"The cars in the Xia country are all flashy, how can they compare with Honda, don't you think?

Yuxizi didn't even look at him, her heart was full of disgust.

As one of Toyota's helmsmen, Yukiko's most annoying thing is that someone brings up Honda in front of her.

Honda has been arrogant for many years by relying on a Civic.

When it comes to the car in the island country,

People always like to compare Honda and Toyota, as if the two car companies are evenly matched.


In Yukiko's eyes, Honda doesn't deserve to be Toyota's rival.

She wants to break this status quo, and she wants to discredit Honda.

But her relationship with Toyota has not been good recently, and she just scolded the old Inuichiro on the board of directors the day before yesterday.

She is also extremely disgusted with her own car now.


Wuling's new car, the convertible mini, was released.

Yuxizi used the relationship with Ye Qiu to get a convertible version of Wuling mini ahead of time, and it also got the highest configuration of Wuling.

After some adjustment in the refit shop...

Before coming to the loop line, Yukiko took a test drive.

that feeling,

It's no different than a supercar.


After the red light finally flashed, it jumped to the green light.

Game start……

Almost all the cars started at the same time, crossed the white line in an instant, and galloped on the road.

The Osaka Loop Line is less than 7 kilometers long, with a total length of more than 30 kilometers in five circles.

At the beginning,

None of them fully accelerated.

"Hey guys, don't run too fast, save face for that girl first."

Sakamoto rolled down the window and shouted, "Let's just follow along, wait until the last lap to accelerate."

"Okay, then run slowly ahead." Someone echoed.

"Just such a small car, how fast can it run, everyone remember to step on the brakes.

" may be overtaken by accident."

"Then there's no way, it's really my car, it's not allowed to drive too slowly."

"Yeah, we didn't buy the Civic for slow driving."

"Then try your best, for a while, try not to throw it too hard."

"Hahaha...then do your best.


hard to imagine,

Except for Yukiko, these dozen cars belonged to multiple teams, and at this time they were actually "united" together.

early morning,

A magical scene appeared on the streets of Osaka, an island country.

A Wuling mini led a dozen Honda Civics and ran around the loop.

If it is seen by ordinary people, I am afraid that it will be the headline of tomorrow's Frozen Beijing TV station.

The first lap passed quickly.

Wuling mini took the lead, followed by the rest of the cars, and there was no fierce confrontation.

But soon someone couldn't sit still.

Running so unhurriedly makes them unable to experience the passion of racing and the thrill of adrenaline rushing.


Some people start to slowly speed up.

From 100 kilometers per hour, gradually increase to 150 kilometers.


Someone was left behind.

But strangely,

The Wuling mini at the forefront still maintains the lead, but it is not much ahead.

When everyone was driving slowly, the Wuling mini kept the lead at a slow speed.


Someone started to speed up secretly.

this time,

Wuling mini maintained the lead at a medium speed.

Yukiko opened the car window, holding the steering wheel with one hand, with the other arm resting on the car window, propping up her little face.

looks like,

She didn't seem to pay much attention to this game, as if she was bored and came out to find something to entertain.

Although she can't see her expression wearing a mask, she can feel that she is a little bored from the overall atmosphere around her.

Yukiko glanced at the rearview mirror inadvertently, someone wanted to overtake.

She tapped the accelerator a few more times and quickly pulled the distance away, but not very far.

And the second car, always keep half a car distance.

Miyamoto thought similar to everyone at first, but silently followed Wuling mini.


He was overtaken by several people in the convoy.

"""What's going on with these guys?" Miyamoto looked at the taillights of the car in front of him wonderingly.

Not as planned.

It was said that they rushed up on the last lap. Why did some people lose their patience just after the first lap was over?

In fact, Miyamoto is also a little eager to try,

I have been suppressing my inner impulse, just to be embarrassed by this rare female driver on the ring line.

But since everyone was excited, he didn't want to suppress it.

"With my car, it's too easy to overtake you. 39

Miyamoto was full of confidence, "I really don't want to bully women, I'm a little unhappy. 99

The words say so,

But in the next second, Miyamoto stepped on the accelerator.

The modified Honda Civic growled and quickly overtook the car in front.


Miyamoto is back in second place.

He didn't want to dawdle any more, so he continued to accelerate, trying to surpass Yukiko.

"Although it's the second lap, it's time for you to take it easy. 99

The Honda Civic continued to growl, gradually approaching the Wuling mini of Yukiko.

The front of the car is attached to the rear of the car,

Miyamoto had already thought that when he surpassed Yukiko, he must provoke her fiercely.

This woman is too proud to be suppressed.


Just when Miyamoto made his international gestures, the distance between him and Yukiko actually widened again.

It is still half a car distance, and it is kept quite in place.

"Huh?" Miyamoto was briefly surprised.


He was even more excited.

"It doesn't make much sense to win too easily, you kind of surprised me.

(The promise is good) Miyamoto continued to accelerate.

The desire to win or lose was picked, and the two cars drove faster and faster.

The second lap passed, and Miyamoto was still behind Yukiko, half a distance away.

And the car behind them has been pulled away a lot.

the third circle,

All cars are no longer depressed, and you start chasing me.

"That's interesting. 33 Sakamoto got excited and shouted to the outside of the car.

"Brothers, just rush up like this, whoever loses tonight will treat you to sukiyaki. 35

"Okay, I want sashimi.

"Then I'll have tonkotsu ramen and tuna.

"Let's finish it quickly, go back to drink sake, and race with a Wuling mini, there is no glory in winning.


"It is estimated that the mini was almost unable to run, and rushed up to overturn her."

"I guess, just the paper engine made of Wuling mini, I'm afraid it's going to smoke after a while."

"Haha, the Wuling mini is really going to burn, remember the hero save the beauty.

The scene finally got lively.

On the Osaka loop, the chase began.

Wuling mini led the way, followed by more than a dozen Honda Civics, chasing after me.

The ranking keeps changing, only Wuling mini has always been ahead.

The speed continued to increase, and all the cars had exceeded 200 kilometers per hour.

The men were all excited, and the sound of the engine roared higher and higher all along the road.

When someone got up, they just twisted it directly in the car.

that's it,

Halfway through the third lap, Wuling mini still ran at the forefront.

When he saw that the mini passed through the intersection smoothly and flicked his tail, Miyamoto finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

"The speed is almost 250 kilometers per hour, why hasn't she slowed down at all?"

"Is this really the speed that a Wuling mini should have? This...I can't accept it.

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