Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 291 You have worked hard, come to Black Wuling again! 【Subscription】

"To be honest, I still want to persuade you scumbags to have some virtue in their mouths, so as not to be slapped in the face.

"Just like them, are there still few people who have been beaten in the face? The first few times, which one was not swollen?"

"If you want me to say, these sunspots are black for the sake of black, and in their eyes, they can't see the good of domestic products.

"I always thought that the moon in foreign countries was more round than Xia Guo, and I tried my best to avoid seeing my own company.

"No way, some people's spines have been bent since childhood.


Wuling's maintenance sound is also there, but it is not very loud.

The main reason is that the "folding car" is too sci-fi, and even if Wuling made an "ambiguous" announcement, it could not fully convince fans.

This made the sunspots more and more rampant.

some people,

Thinking of taking pleasure in the suffering of others.

As long as it can embarrass people who are not used to it, they are fine.

And all the people who are close to Wuling and stand on the opposite side of them are people they can't understand.

"Didn't you eat? Speak louder, you're not confident."

"You people, I'm afraid that you have been brainwashed by Wuling. Without your own thoughts, you are too embarrassed to come out with such a fake thing."

"Who made Wuling their father? Hahaha..."

"Not only that, last time Wuling became someone's grandfather, which is really funny.

"Let these cerebral palsy pick up a bunch of stupid sons for nothing.


They also stood against Wuling in the last "rubber chassis" incident.


Some people tend to be "rat", they are timid, and they don't dare to bet on their father.


Instead, it became a bargaining chip for them to laugh at others, thinking they were witty at the time.

People who have turned fans on the road, although they have lost face, they are at least magnanimous.

Being ridiculed like this at this moment, it is natural to go back.


The circle of car friends is much more exciting.

"Oh yo, isn't this who so who? Last time I saw you scolded you very happily, why? The face doesn't hurt enough?

"Come on, here's another one. I thought it was sneaky, I don't remember you? Ask you again, did Wuling make a 'rubber chassis'? Oh, no, it's too low to say a 'rubber chassis', It should be said 'Extended Vibrant Chassis'.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, are you still alive? Come to Heiwuling again? It's really hard for you, and you have no brains and no eyes, and your tongue is very sharp.

"There are people like you everywhere. Every day, you are black for the sake of 110 black, and you don't know how to think about someone."

"Have you got this red eye disease again? You really can't see others well? Your great-grandfather Wuling is going to build a 'folding car', so shut up."


To say that this group of strong men is worthy of being born as a sunspot.

After switching to Wuling's name, this old business was not lost at all. He scolded people without swear words, but every sentence could block people's mouths into panic.

Even serious fans can't help but feel relieved in their hearts when they see it.

The loss is that Wuling has both strength and charm, and has conquered this group of people.


It's hard to say how many "innocent" fans are angry with them.

With these "friends"

The scene suddenly became much more refreshing, and it was even possible to equalize with Kuroko.


Sometimes, it can even push the opponent into a hurry.

It's not-

"So what, at least we don't have to be like you and recognize our father in the circle of car friends if we lose."

"It's really a miserable loss.

"I really don't understand, there is someone who is willing to call him Dad."


"Although we lost the bet, we at least lost it magnanimously, and Wuling won our respect with its own black technology.

"Wuling fought beautifully in that battle, we were convinced that we lost, and we were willing to be called 'Grandpa'.

"Unlike some people, they can only be mice, hide behind the pile of shit and scream twice, and they are not afraid of the smell.


"Yes, you guys are so arrogant, you lose righteously, and you have really long faces.

"What about you? You don't even have the courage to bet, you just spit out shit and disgust others."

"We are witty, we don't have to call Grandpa, we don't have to, haha. 99

"Shut up! Shameless old thief, a dog with a broken spine, dares to bark wildly in front of our army! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Talking back and forth, watching the excitement (cfai) almost forgot, this is a post about Wuling.

The newcomers thought it was a quarrel meeting.

It can only be said that these people are too cruel.

look at this posture,

You really don't have to worry about Wuling being scolded in the future.

The two groups of people scolded and scolded, and the popularity of the post continued to rise.

The speed at which the comments are generated is like "Gatling", and everyone's keyboards can emit blue flames.

"Da da da da da da...

There was a crackling.

But if you continue to spray like this, some people will always be unable to watch it.

"Look at what you've said, it's just that people who don't gamble look down on those who lose. 35

"That's easy, let's open the market below this post, no one is allowed to run, and bet on whether Wuling can create a 'folding car'.

"If a few months later, Wuling really took out the 'folding car', and all the sunspots went to call Wuling Grandpa, I just happened to enjoy the happiness of 'super-advanced generation'.

Well said.

When the owner of the original post saw the trouble, he quickly pinned him on the top of the list with the mentality of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.


The posts that were still noisy at first became quiet.

After two minutes,

Someone cheered under the pinned comment, not a great idea.

There are also people who are provoking and asking the sunspots to look over. Isn't it saying that Wuling can't do it? Then it depends on whether you dare to gamble?


Murder is also punishable.

"If they dared, they would have stood up shyly last time."

"It's nothing good, you can only hide behind the pile of shit and spray I shit."

"Well said." Someone complimented.


Great troops follow.

Anyway, no matter whether Wuling can create a "folding car", let's talk about this group of sunspots first.

The ghost knows what the so-called "folding car" is, not even the principle.

There is not even a picture, just a few words to describe it, and it is unclear.

tell the truth,

They don't even have confidence in themselves.

But as long as you can fight against Heizi, that's enough.


Under all kinds of incitement by the crowd, the bet was established as agreed.


If you do not accept it, you will be scolded, and you will not be able to speak back.

New excitement has come again.

Can Wuling create a "folding car"?

Is Zhang Yuxi's article grandstanding, or a prediction of the future?

Attention is paid to every aspect.

The new hot search made Wuling stand on the peak of traffic again.

this time,

Other domestic car companies have no chance to even look up to Wuling.

Xiaomi announced the new progress of car building. For such a big event, the media did not even give a picture.

It's even more extreme for Geely, not even leaving a section, let alone news reports.

Brother Shu Fu looked at the Wuling family's dominance and almost lost his brain congestion.

The only one who is in a better mood should be the old Wei of the Great Wall.

not long ago,

With the long-term cooperation between Wuling and Great Wall, the pressure on Lao Wei has been reduced a lot.

He was looking forward to being tied to a rope with Ye Qiu, and then jumping around together.


Hurry up and become a subsidiary of Wuling. In that case, the last troubles should be solved.

The discussion sparked by an article is far from over.

Zhang Yuxi never dreamed that he would one day become the center of traffic.

just yesterday,

She was still complaining about Ye Qiu's "shrinking head and turtle", which made her almost depressed.


In less than twenty-four hours, the number of fans under her personal account has increased hundreds of times.


Those messages scolding her have long since been dissipated by various comforts and consultations.

While everyone comforted Zhang Yuxi not to be disturbed by the sunspot, they were eager to know more about the "folding car".

It is clear,

Judging from various performances, they hoped that Zhang Yuxi's article would come true.

"Of course what my mother said is true. God Ye Qiu recorded it himself, and the evidence is as strong as a mountain."

Zhang Yuxi said proudly while reading the comments.

She is so happy now that she has completely become a fan of Ye Qiu's brain.

"I just don't know if the Great God specially changed the homepage of the official website for me. It's really unpredictable.""

"Let's just pretend he is...Aiya, Zhang Yuxi, you are too shameless.

Working hours,

Zhang Yuxi sat at the workstation, blushing, twisting like a maggot, almost not twisting the table down.

american nicotine,

Tesla headquarters.

Musk has been in a good mood lately.

on the one hand,

Tesla's FSD driving technology research and development is progressing smoothly, giving him a lot of self-confidence.

"I think I can do it again, Wuling will take over."

on the other hand,

Musk used his celebrity effect to first claim on Twitter that digital currency is the future, causing the price of pyrene to soar.

Before that, Musk had secretly bought a lot of pyrene bitcoin.

Taking advantage of the skyrocketing price, he sold frantically and made hundreds of small targets.

For cutting leeks,

Musk has always been a good hand.

He is a capitalist, and he has no country or compatriots in his eyes, only the market and leeks.

It was rare for Wuling to calm down, and Musk decided to seize the opportunity to vigorously promote Truss.

"Maybe the stock price that Truss has fallen, and then rises back up, will make a big profit at that time. 99

Musk hummed a little tune and turned on his phone slowly.

Just clicked on Twitter, and almost didn't scare off the phone.

Full of private messages.

I have never encountered such a situation, and I almost gave Musk a complete set.

"Am I really going to be on fire?"

Musk hurriedly opened the private message, one by one.

It was fine at first, but it turned out to be more and more annoyed.

"Look, what kind of 'folding car' is Wuling going to do, do you think it's true?"

"Wuling is going to build a folding car. Has Tesla still made a move?"

"Teras won't really lose to Wuling, right? Folding car, old Musk, didn't you think?



All the DMs were about Wuling and "folding cars", and there were people who disparaged Tesla by the way.

This made Musk unbearable.

Why was Wuling so quiet yesterday, and there is such a big commotion today?

"I've only heard of foldable phones, this foldable car...what kind of mess? 55

Musk flipped through the news suspiciously and quickly scanned the story.

After a while,

The corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

"I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just a hype.

Musk breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his face turned cold.

"Ye Qiu, you finally let me seize the opportunity this time, let's see if I don't kill you.

"Also fold the car, you really think that Wuling is Noah's Ark, and cutting-edge technology comes out with just one mouth."

"The last time you made a 'rubber chassis', you really succeeded. I don't believe you can be so hard this time?""


Musk started tweeting.

Because of the excitement, my hands are shaking, and simple words have to be mistyped several times.

"Finally let me find a chance, I have to start other car companies to deal with you together.

After a crackling hit,

Musk's new tweet came out, eagerly too late to check for errors.

"Just now, I accidentally clicked on Twitter, and my private messages were filled.

"It really shocked me. At that time, I thought I was popular, and I could really give up the company in my hand and go to be an internet celebrity with peace of mind. 35

(Recently, Musk has bluntly stated that he wants to resign from Tesla, SpaceX, boring companies, etc., and become a full-time Internet celebrity. His behavior has attracted all kinds of ridicule from Meilijian netizens, and some people simply privately message him how to be a good one. Internet celebrity.)

"But in the end, the protagonist of all the private messages is not me. You may not believe it. As the president of Truss, I received the most private messages once, and what everyone said was Wuling.

"This makes it hard for me to accept, this is something that people can do?

(With pictures, screenshots of Twitter's private message page, the word "Wuling" has been deliberately marked in red.)

"At this time, I realized that it was not me that became popular, but Wuling. 99

"The one that caught fire was Wuling's so-called 'folding car'. I'm sorry, let me laugh for a while.

"How can there be such a stupid idea? Is this really something that humans can come up with after tens of thousands of years of evolution?"

"If you really don't know how to market yourself, Tesla's marketing department is happy to serve Wuling once and see how the world-class marketing team can help the company maintain its face."

"What do you think about this?"

"@Benz @BMW @Porsche  … @honda @Toyota @Geely @Mazda … @GM @Chevrolet …

"I don't want to see a joke, just from an entrepreneur's point of view, I am very eager to discuss it with everyone."

"About this stupid idea...

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