Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 308 Mach cone, a super-run miracle that breaks through the speed of sound! 【Subscription】

"Darling, look here." Lin Xueruo waved out the window.

She was very familiar with this place. Ye Qiu had only brought her here before and was familiar with some operations.

It was at this time,

The crowd reacted,

It turns out that this so-called intelligent control console is the console of the wind tunnel.

Before the wind tunnel upgrade,

Every time I test the car, Ye Qiu drives the car to the wind tunnel for testing, and the rest of the people wait outside.

If Ye Qiu wants to talk to the person at the console, he needs to use the walkie-talkie.

At the end of each test drive, Yan Ran and the others can only get relevant test data through video and body records.

And every time what happens in the wind tunnel, everyone is actually very curious.

After all, Ye Qiu drives crazy, everyone knows that in Wuling.

And his test drive is actually even more crazy, he doesn't treat the car as a car, as if he is afraid that the car under the skin will not be able to drive.

Although everyone dare not sit,

But to observe, "One One Zero" is still very interesting.


The opportunity came.

Although the wind tunnel and the console do not communicate with each other, the voices of speech can communicate with each other.

The Red Queen will automatically determine which sentence needs to be conveyed in the past or over what everyone said.

Ensure barrier-free communication between the two sides.

wind tunnel,

Son of Dragon S lifted the roof, Ye Qiu opened the door and got out of the car, beckoning to Lin Xueruo.

"Would you like to come down for a ride?" Ye Qiu joked.

"No, Darling should play by himself." Lin Xueruo turned around and went to the console.

"What about the other beauties? Are you interested?" Ye Qiu asked again.

Everyone knew who he was referring to.

Yan Ran, Lin Xiuxiu, and Qin Mengyao were lying by the window, staring at Ye Qiu's every move.

They had never been here before, so they were naturally curious.

After being questioned, several people were startled.

"I hate it, so don't fool around with you.

Qin Mengyao frowned and walked away with a wrinkled nose.

The madness in Ye Qiu's car, she didn't want to experience it even once again.

Seeing Qin Mengyao walk away, Ye Qiu shrugged helplessly, and turned his eyes to the other two.

As a result, Yan Ran and Lin Xiuxiu were scared away again.

"Okay, then I'm the only one enjoying the thrill."

Ye Qiu spread out his hands and sat back in the car.

"Console, are you ready?" Ye Qiu said to Kong.

in a while,

Lin Xueruo's voice came out of thin air.

"Everything is ready, Darling, ready to start. 35

"Okay, ready to start the first scene." Ye Qiu ordered.

"Received, Darling.


Lin Xueruo followed the operation and switched the wind tunnel scene to "Western Style".

With the blessing of 4D simulation technology, the line-like rays of light flickered outside the control room window, seeming to distort the entire space.

in sight,

Landscapes are created out of thin air.

First the desert, then the mountains.

There is a straight road in the middle of the mountains, extending from a distance to the end of the rear view.

In less than a cup of tea, the entire western scenery of Meriken can be seen.

"Wow, isn't this amazing?"

The researchers lying in front of the window kept exclaiming.

Looking around, there seems to be an infinite field of vision and an infinite distance.

How did such a large area condense into a small wind tunnel?

Almost at the same time, the same question popped up in everyone's mind.

Although knowing that,

Everything in front of you is fake, and it is simulated by 4D simulation technology.

But it's just amazing, it's so real.


What happened next refreshed their world view.

only on the road,

The engine of the Dragon Son S roared, the horsepower was instantly pulled to the maximum, and the body galloped out like a cannonball.

Behind him is the rolling sand that is constantly being rolled up.

After the maximum speed of the vehicle is reached, the condensing transmitter starts, and the blue fire is sprayed.

Two-pipe, four-pipe, six-pipe, eight-pipe, the auxiliary acceleration system is also reaching its maximum within a few seconds.

in the smoke,

When everyone saw the front of Son of Dragon S's car, there seemed to be a layer of air-like barrier that blocked the smoke and dust.

Wait...a barrier formed by the air?

Is it the sound barrier?

Someone's mouth grew so big that his chin almost fell to the ground.

Dragon Son S ran out of the sound barrier at full speed?

What is this concept?

At present, the fastest vehicles in the world, in addition to rockets, are the supersonic fighter jets of various national defense departments.

The phenomenon of the sound barrier comes from supersonic fighter jets.

The principle is also very simple,

Sound is actually propagated in the air in the form of pressure waves. When the speed of the aircraft continues to increase, approaching and exceeding the speed of sound, the sound generated by itself will be stacked in front of the aircraft.


Layers of pressure waves are superimposed together to form the so-called sound barrier.

And when the bullet leaves the barrel and flies, it will also break through the speed of sound...

At close range, a cone-like air barrier is created in front of the bullet.

That is the legendary "Mach cone".

It is also an effect that can only be achieved if the speed exceeds the speed of sound.

Looking back at the air barrier in front of the Dragon Son S body, it is clearly the Mach cone.

That is,

The Son of Dragon S, driven by Ye Qiu, had already escaped the effect of a fighter jet.

The speed of more than 1,200 kilometers per hour,

If you give him a pair of wings, I am afraid he can take off on the spot.

Someone looked at the scene in front of them and swallowed silently.

Mr. Ye is really crazy.


Even so, the supersonic can not refresh everyone's worldview.

after all,

It's not a miracle either.

What really makes them amazed is the change of the whole scene.

At the moment when Dragon Son S ran out of the Mach cone, it was already lifted up into the sky.

The vision in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows was also covered by sand and dust, making it blurry.

But through the dim yellow air in front of them, everyone could clearly see that the mountains in the distance were approaching rapidly.

In their eyes,

The console seemed to be chasing after Dragon Son S, and someone was so frightened that their legs went weak as they saw that they were about to pass through the gap between the mountains.


The mountains are getting closer, just before the floor-to-ceiling windows that are about to "hit" the console...


The girls covered their eyes in horror.

The boys also inexplicably beat faster, trying to reach out to support the floor-to-ceiling window so that it wouldn't be smashed.

Fortunately, the final console still stopped in time, just at the place where the extreme 0.8 is close to the mountains.

Because the Dragon Son S has stopped, the time of the electric accelerator has passed.

The group of people inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, looking at the corner of the mountain range where the real and the fake were difficult to distinguish, and the texture was clear, the solid worldview in their hearts was really impacted.

this world,

Do miracles really exist?

Someone couldn't help but think.

To know,

For the outside world.

This is a group of science and engineering gods, and is a rare engineering talent in Wuling.

He is a staunch materialist and never believes in the existence of "gods".

Even if they encounter a supernatural event, they will immediately think about how to decipher the principle.

At their level of understanding, anything can be replaced by a formula.

But everything in front of them has made them unable to think of any formula.

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