Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 316 Go to the Dubai luxury car exhibition! 【Subscription】

The situation seems to have reversed a little quickly,

William never imagined,

The navy sent out was originally to build momentum for Mercedes-Benz and incidentally attack Wuling, but Wuling completed the comeback.

at the same time,

Musk is also very uncomfortable.

He has kept that screenshot on his phone, and he has to take it out from time to time to take a look.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how can there be such a thing as a 'folding car' in this world? He murmured to the screenshot.

In his consciousness, the traditional car is already the final form.

There has been no change for hundreds of years, and everyone creates brands according to the same model.

Why does Wuling want to subvert the tradition and build a "folding car" that no one understands at all?

Musk looked at the screenshot and looked at it, trying to find out if there were any traces of fraud.

But soon he gave up.

Because Ye Qiu just posted another tweet at this time, confirming that the words in the screenshot are what he said.

Seeing Ye Qiu's Twitter, Musk was really annoyed.

"Are you just staring at me? It's just to make me uncomfortable, right?"

"Dubai luxury auto show is about to start, I want to see how amazing your 'folding car' is?"

"Hmph, in my opinion, it's just a random piece of things for the sake of eyeballs, it's definitely not good-looking.

"If you take out the ugly stuff, who would like it?"

Musk scolded and scolded, but he was actually panicked.

Go to so many car companies in the world,

He was the first to publicly admit that "folding cars" did not exist, and he also led other car companies to mock Wuling.

If Wuling finally came up with the results, then the last clown would be Musk.

With this slap, Musk may lose his face.


He can only pray that Wuling's "folding car" is ugly and pulls the crotch, otherwise the probability of his comeback is really low.

Also caught in a panic, as well as the head of Mercedes-Benz William.

The source of everything came from that screenshot, and Ye Qiu pointed out a very fatal problem.

Benz's Avatar concept car won't make it to mass production, and William knows this all too well.

At the last auto show, the laterally running supercar sent by Mercedes-Benz could not be mass-produced.

However, Wuling's Son of the Dragon with the same function has done it. It is not only better than Mercedes-Benz in all aspects, but also achieves mass production.

And this time, what netizens call "folding cars", Wuling has achieved mass production again?

William was always skeptical.

"It's really evil, what kind of freaks is Wuling's R&D department?"

"But I will never lose the Mercedes-Benz century-old brand." William regained his spirits.

"Why can you, a car company that is less than ten years old, be able to compete with my Mercedes-Benz for a hundred years? I really don't know whether to live or die."


Except for Tesla and Mercedes-Benz, the top executives of most car companies are panicking.

Wuling will launch a "folding car" at the Dubai Luxury Auto Show, obviously to develop the high-end car market and create a brand effect.

With such a rapid expansion, how can one not worry about it?

If not all car companies have their own plans, they all want to unite and boycott Wuling.

Here in Xia,

Geely Shufu is also very sad.

"The gap between us and Wuling is getting bigger and bigger." Brother Shu Fu sighed.

In this Wuling incident, he didn't make the first move, but just hid behind the scenes to keep an eye on the trend.

The result he most wanted to see was that Wuling reluctantly stood up and apologized after being ridiculed by the group.

In the end, I only saw Ye Qiu's increasingly strong attitude, how could this make Brother Shu Fu not feel uncomfortable as a competitor?


Maybe Ye Qiu didn't regard Shu Fuge as a true competitor at all.

At this time, Ye Qiu had already closed Twitter, no longer replying to anyone, and no longer paying attention to the discussion in the car circle.

He doesn't have that much free time to do such boring things all day.

Dubai luxury car show is coming soon,

According to the plan, Ye Qiu will go to the luxury auto show in person and instruct the people to build an exhibition stand exclusively for Wuling.

"Mr. Ye, all the equipment and equipment have been installed. Miss Xu Feifei has already boarded the plane and is waiting for you to go to Dubai with you." The secretary came to report.

"Well, I see." Ye Qiu nodded.

The Dubai luxury car show,

Ye Qiu intends to show the world a visual feast (cfai) to let them feel how far the technology has advanced.

Most of the planes are polarized screens, as well as some special high-end instruments.

These are cutting-edge technologies, and Ye Qiu will not allow them to fall into the hands of others, so he must personally monitor the field.

Of course,

In fact, even if it falls into the hands of other car companies, they cannot replicate without core data.


Mercedes-Benz's research department would not stare at Wuling Chitu with big eyes, and wouldn't even dare to break it down.

The most inexplicable means of protection technology,

Not to apply for a patent, but to constantly upgrade, so that opponents can't imitate the sample.

Ye Qiu went to Dubai this time for more than a week.

He, who didn't like showing his face at first, disappeared directly from the Internet.

This made many netizens more curious about him, and even paid attention to Wuling.

"Ye Qiu, the president of Wuling, is really handsome, with a strong demeanor. He does things without dragging his feet and hides his merits and fame." Some foreign netizens commented.

What they don't know is that

That's just because Ye Qiu is too busy and doesn't bother to pursue hotspots and traffic.


Ye Qiu also doesn't care how foreign netizens myth him.

on the plane,

Xu Feifei chatted with Ye Qiu inadvertently, and many foreign netizens had positive comments on him, but Ye Qiu just laughed it off.

"Mr. Ye, you are really indifferent." Xu Feifei joked.

She went to Dubai with Ye Qiu this time to get familiar with the venue and to conduct a rehearsal for commentary.

This time the venue is more sci-fi, and she needs to be familiar with the operation in advance.

"It can't be said to be indifferent, I'm just a layman, but I don't like being pointed at by others behind my back." Ye Qiu lay on the chair, closed his eyes, and said intentionally or not.

Yes, you are the boss behind the scenes, Ye Shen... Xu Feifei said in his heart.

the last few days,

Xu Feifei was arranged to visit and study in the hive, and naturally, he was assimilated by those "cults".

After eight hours,

The plane landed smoothly at Dubai Airport, where the receptionist was already waiting.

among several people,

And a familiar face.


This guy is actually in the mix.

After seeing Ye Qiu, Abdullah hugged him warmly.

The staff behind him silently went to carry the equipment.

"Come on, my brother, I'll take you to the venue." Abdullah dragged Ye Qiu to the RV.

"What? A dignified prince of Saudi Arabia, who came to experience life in the folk, and also worked as a waiter?" Ye Qiu teased.

It's just that the waiter is a bit too high-profile, and there is a special car driver who drives a million-dollar RV.

Ye Qiu suddenly thought,

Should Wuling's next goal be to design a high-end RV?

"Hey, I am now one of the sponsors of the Dubai Luxury Auto Show." Abdullah's words interrupted Ye Qiu's thinking.

"When you arrive at the venue, you can walk sideways, just say whatever booth you want, and we will arrange it for you. 35

"It's just... can you satisfy my little request from my good brother?"

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