Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 342 Musk changed his life on a planet overnight! 【Subscription】

"It shouldn't be the Musk of Tesla, right? But it looks a bit like it."

"Why not, just this profiteer's face, the most obvious one, is the Musk of the United States. 99

"But this is Wuling's press conference. What is he doing here?"

"Looking at him like this, it doesn't look like he's gone the wrong way. Is it sneaking to spy on the enemy?

"Who knows then? You'd better ask him.


The riders in the audience murmured.

The White Queen also slowly completed his data flow.

From life, to school experience, to entrepreneurial experience, and finally to emotional history...

A series of Internet-related and unofficial, Musk's official history and unofficial history are listed.

what is interesting,

Obviously just an intelligent AI, but the White Queen suddenly seemed to have gained human nature, and made a brief evaluation of Musk's recent series of rude operations.

Including but not limited to hyping digital currency to cut leeks, selling a large number of Tras stocks to realize, and the price of Tras rising at will, and so on.

"Businessmen seek profits, and Musk, as one of the representatives of American capitalists, all kinds of strange behaviors may herald the arrival of the next round of financial turmoil." The White Queen finally analyzed.

If you count the cycle, the American financial turmoil is almost too fast.

According to the cycle of seven to eight years, it should be almost in recent years.

The riders were stunned.

"No wonder Musk has been cashing out recently, he originally wanted to cash in as much as possible to save his life before the financial turmoil.

"Damn it, I've always been bullish on Tesla's stock, and I just spent a lot of money to buy it a few days ago.

"If what the White Queen said is true, doesn't it mean that America's Wall Street is going to do something again?"

"It can only be said that the winter of the leeks is coming. However, what does it have to do with me? I don't trade stocks.

"Yeah, what are we worrying about? Let's pay more attention to Son of Dragon S.


The stock issue flashed by, and everyone's attention returned to the Son of Dragon S.

Outside the "window",

Musk is still sneaky, cowardly like a mouse.

From time to time, he glanced at the little black house, and immediately retracted his gaze, looking like a thief with a guilty conscience.

He thought that no one would find out, and he didn't realize that every move was broadcast live.

No one noticed, I could get a little closer... Musk thought.


The man next to him raised his head to look at him.

Musk hurriedly lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands, pretending that his eyes were uncomfortable.

just turned back,

He was blocked by someone behind him.


The more and more people around Musk, it seems that everyone is deliberately moving towards him.

"I'm sorry, please let me go."

He tried to clear the crowd, but no one seemed to make way for him.

The people around looked at him silently, with very careful eyes, as if to confirm an important matter.

Confirm whether this surrounded "sad man" is the legendary Musk.

The car friends in the small dark room witnessed everything, and Musk's funny appearance made them laugh.


Someone laughed.

"Hahaha, this guy thinks that no one knows him, so covering his face is like going out." 5

"It's really fun, it's a lot more enjoyable than watching clowns in a circus. 99

"Unexpectedly, Musk, who talks a lot on Twitter, is also shy."

"How can you be shy? It's obviously shy, haha..."

"Okay now, the whole world knows that Musk is a shy man.

"Excuse me, how can I be higher than the social death? The answer is that Musk is standing next to Wuling's little black house. After today, I am afraid that Blue Star will have no place for Musk.

"Fortunately, with SpaceX, Musk sat on a rocket overnight and changed his life on the planet.


all over the world,

The live footage of various websites relies on the mobile phones of the riders in the little black house.

Someone was interested, and the content of everyone's discussion was also broadcast live.

next second,

I saw someone outside the little black house laughing at the phone.


Some netizens will discuss the content, in the form of barrage or comments, to other live broadcast rooms around the world.

outside the dark house,

All the riders laughed.

Musk is a bit inexplicable.

Why do these people just laugh around me? Is there something special about me?

In terms of temperament, there is really no resistance.

Musk felt confident for no apparent reason.

Sitting in the dark room, the assistant couldn't watch it any longer.

He secretly sent a message to Musk and asked him to find a live broadcast to watch.

The assistant's tone of voice looked anxious.

Musk didn't care about being watched, he took out his phone and opened the tubing.

.....for flowers 0

for ten seconds,

For Musk, it seems like half a century has passed.


His old face gradually turned red, his breathing became rapid, and white smoke seemed to rise above his head.

The good things Wuling did, Musk was very angry.

But he was too embarrassed to scold people in public, which seemed that his pattern was not enough.

Taking a deep breath, Musk forced himself to calm down.


He pretended to be open to the people around him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Musk, and welcome to visit the Tesla booth.

Musk held back and waved to the people around him.


Taking advantage of the looseness of the crowd, he decisively opened a path and escaped.

"You're cruel, Ye Qiu.

Musk found an empty room to hide in, cursing.

Frightened by a cold sweat, Musk was about to take off the cloth hanging next to him to wipe his sweat.

Just at this time,

Someone pushed open the door of the room.

The person who came in was a cleaning lady with a vacuum cleaner in her hand.

She glanced at Musk, her expression quickly disgusting.

"Bah, pervert!

The aunt cursed and turned to leave.

"What did you say? I sue you for libel, I..."

Musk frowned and ignored it.


He turned his head unexpectedly, glanced at the "cloth" he was about to grab, and quickly retracted his hand in shock.

After looking around, he realized that this was the women's laundry room.

And what he wanted to grab was their privacy.

"It's all your fault, Ye Qiu, why is it you every time? 35

After another death,

Musk could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth, and the sky was smoking.

At that moment,

He really wanted to live on another planet.

on the other hand,

After losing the laughing point of "Musk" in the little black room, he soon found his heart's pleasure.

After all,

Xu Feifei is a beautiful woman and an ordinary person.

The enemy she subconsciously pays attention to is naturally what the car friends want to see.


You don't have to admit it yet.


Isn't it the goddess Xu Feifei's interest displayed on the screen?

What a great opportunity to see what a goddess really is.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime... 8.

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