Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 366 The approaching truth, the White Queen Shenwei! 【Subscription】

"Nice job, White Queen!"

Zhou Feiming slapped his chin heavily and said excitedly, "I knew you would do it, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. 35

"Overwhelmed." Queen White actually learned to be humble.

"You, if you were a real person, I would definitely recognize you as the eldest sister, just in time to be with Brother Ye. 359"

Zhou Feiming touched his chin, thought about Ye Qiu, and looked at the White Queen.

"Good match, really good match."

at the same time,

Ye Qiu, who was far away in Wuling, sneezed twice.

"Who misses me again? Kate? That girl is very tossing, it must be her." Ye Qiu said to himself.

If he knew that it was Zhou Feiming who was thinking of him, he would probably retching in place.

Worst of all,

Zhou Feiming is actually chasing his CP, and the heroine is actually the White Queen.

Some things are outrageous and shocking.

And some people, outrageous, are even more unreasonable.

Perhaps only Zhou Feiming could do such a thing.

After chasing cp,

Zhou Feiming began to check the doubts found by the White Queen.

Although the thief is well hidden in the museum, it is impossible for him to never be caught on surveillance camera.

At the same time, based on the figure data, the White Queen found 190% of the back with the same shoulder ratio as the thief.

There are also a few clear face photos.

Zhou Feiming checked them one by one.

According to the chronological order, the effective video clips were screened out, and Zhou Feiming obtained a part of the thief's trajectory before committing the crime.

The thief had been wandering around the Sioux City Museum three months ago, and had entered the museum five times a month before the crime.

Zhou Feiming deduced that the five times he entered the museum allowed the thieves to master the behavior and habits of the staff in the museum, paving the way for future crimes.

There is one more detail.

A week before the thief committed the crime, he also went to the stone road in front of the museum, but did not enter.


After about three hours, he came out of the small door on the other side of the museum, holding something in his hand.

It was a black bag, and what was in it was unknown.


Zhou Feiming suddenly said, "Queen White, does the shape of your bag look familiar? 35

"From the outline, it is more than 87.6% similar to the large porcelain vase stolen from the Suzhou Museum. The White Queen replied.

"Could it be..." Zhou Feiming's pupils shrank, "At that time, he actually stole the porcelain bottle?

Zhou Feiming only felt a chill down his spine.

If that's the case, it's terrifying.


The problem comes again,

If the vase had already been stolen by then, why didn't the museum call the police?

What's even more confusing is how could the vase be stolen again a week later?

"What's wrong?" Zhou Feiming felt that his mind couldn't turn around.

He had to keep checking the footage.

The White Queen marked the thief's action path one by one on the map.

I saw the thief holding a black bag and strutting down the street, looking completely complacent.

He bumped into people twice during this period, and he only briefly showed nervousness.

This further shows that what he is holding is very precious.

Zhou Feiming suddenly had an ominous feeling.

as predicted,

After hitting the person for the third time, the thief's bag opened a small opening, and the surveillance just caught a touch of blue inside.

The White Queen analyzed this brief shot frame-by-frame, and pixel supplementation was also performed.

Finally, the pattern is compared with the stolen large porcelain vase, which is basically the same.

"how so?"

After Zhou Feiming got the result, he only felt that a thunderbolt fell from the top of his head.

"Speaking from the timeline, the front and back are not at all right."

A week before the incident, the thief had already succeeded, but nothing happened to Ben in the museum.

a week later,

The large porcelain vase was stolen and the police began to act.

If this is the case, even if the thief is found and brought to justice, he will not be convicted.

Due to lack of evidence...

The only evidence at present is the eyes of the thief in the surveillance, but just relying on the eyes to find someone is not enough to identify him.

This kind of power (cfai) is unique to the White Queen, not a general method, and cannot be used as a basis for deciding a case.

As for the surveillance video of the thief holding the black bag, it is even less convincing.

After all, at that point in time, the museum was not stolen at all.

"what is the problem……"

Zhou Feiming sat paralyzed on the chair, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

Having been an expatriate case-solving expert for so many years, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

Although I don't want to admit it,

But the thief's methods and thoughts made him have to be convinced.

"Is it possible that he stole a real large porcelain vase and left a fake vase in a museum."

The White Queen analyzed, "The second theft is evidence of the destruction of the fake porcelain vase.35

"How is that possible? Zhou Feiming said, "Who would be stupid enough to steal the real thing, and then go back and steal the fake one he put down? That's not...

Before the word "idiot" could be uttered, Zhou Feiming was suddenly stunned.

"Queen White, repeat your analysis just now."

"I want to say, is there a possibility..."

When Queen White finished speaking, Zhou Feiming jumped up abruptly.

Uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"Queen White, you really are the strongest brain, you have solved such a difficult puzzle. 39

"I finally understand now..."

turn out to be,

The real time of the theft of the large porcelain vase is not the second theft.

It was the first burglary by the burglars a week earlier.

that time,

He had already stole the large porcelain vase from the museum, but he did not know what method he used. He put an identical fake porcelain vase in the museum to hide people's eyes and ears, making the museum people and tourists think that the porcelain vase was not available at that time. stolen.

done this,

The thief was actually able to get away, because he got the real porcelain vase.

By the time the museum actually revealed the theft, he had no idea where he was at large.


He didn't do it.

There are two reasons.


He is a proud man, which Zhou Feiming analyzed rightly.

He just wanted to embarrass the police, and he was looking forward to committing the perfect crime.


To cover up the time of his crime.

If the museum itself exposes the theft of the porcelain vase, the time of the crime will be pushed forward by the police indefinitely.

if that's the case,

Sooner or later, he will be crowned a suspect, and the days to come will not be easy for a long time.

Only by washing himself out as much as possible can he live a happy life.

This is why,

The reason why he dared to swagger on the street holding a porcelain bottle.

From the beginning,

He had planned to carry out the second theft to free himself from the suspicion of the police.

"Exquisite, so exquisite.

Zhou Feiming couldn't help applauding the criminal.

Such an opponent, Zhou Feiming had to sigh.

Fortunately, with the White Queen, he finally sorted out most of the truth.

"Next, just need to figure out how he got the fakes into the museum.

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