Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 395 Member-made Dragon Son S Forum! 【Subscription】

"We've made so much effort, but we didn't even wait for a simple reply, let alone seeing the changes in the Dragon Son S forum."

"That's right, how can there be such a manager, the fans are going crazy, and he is still indifferent. 35

"Did it really just give up? Is the Dragon Son S Forum going to be history forever?

"There are always some things that are fleeting like shooting stars, but I really don't want to be the Dragon Son S Forum, because I love this place.

"But now there is a way, the Dragon Son S forum has entered a desperate situation. Even so, its managers still do nothing, which makes me really disappointed. 39

"I'm really unwilling to see the Son of Dragon S Forum go down with my own eyes. Instead, I'd rather cancel my account and voluntarily quit the Son of Dragon S Forum, as if I've never been here."


The negative comments of netizens spread in the Dragon Son S forum, but they still did not let the manager Adam be shaken.

Another day has passed,

The Dragon Son S forum is full of negative posts, and the once glorious atmosphere is no longer seen.

This also gave the New York Times the opportunity,

In the latest issue of the article, the editor-in-chief touted Facebook even more.

The negativity in the Dragon Son S forum is even more serious.

"It's this time, what else do I have to say, anyway, I can't hold the last position, everyone, let's go."

"Let's go, let's go, when everyone is gone, maybe the manager of the Dragon Son S Forum will find out."

"Found what?"

"I found that we really want to make the Dragon Son S Forum survive and become better.""

"Yes, your method is good.


that day,

Posts in the Dragon Son S forum are starting to become less negative.

But decide.

"Today, I'll put my words here, if the Dragon Son S forum builds a membership system, after one day, I will cancel my account and quit the Dragon Son S forum.

As soon as these words come out,

Netizens responded positively and followed suit.

At first everyone was just frightened.

a day later,

Adam remained silent.

He thought it was the users in the forum who were angry with children.

It seems that netizens did not really cancel their accounts.

"It's all accounts that netizens have worked hard to raise, and who would really be willing to give up"?"

Adam saw no change in the background users, and his mentality returned to rottenness.


What he didn't expect was that this was just the beginning.

The reason why the account was not cancelled in the first place was entirely because no one took the lead.

Everyone was waiting for the pioneers to show up, waiting for someone to stir up the atmosphere.


Someone acted.

Someone made a post with the newly created trumpet with a long list of screenshots.

Posted the whole process of the postmaster canceling the old account.

The poster did not forget to show the rich works in his old account.

"These are not important anymore, I have decided to devote myself to the revolution, everyone can be optimistic. 39

The post owner said, "Let me be the first one, I hope everyone can follow.

The first logout post appeared,

The enthusiasm of netizens was instantly ignited.

"I'm here too, I'll go to register the trumpet account now, and post the post about canceling the trumpet account."

"And me, I also want to cancel my account, and I must let the managers of the Dragon Son S Forum see the seriousness of the matter.

"I don't know what happened, but I feel a strong sense of mission. If the Dragon Son S Forum can really get out of this predicament, all of us will be the heroes."5

"Yes, in order for everyone to live better, someone must sacrifice."

"It's so touching, I never felt that I could be so great. 35


Netizens were enthusiastic.

Just like a chain reaction, it has led countless netizens all over the world to join the "cancellation action".

just one night,

The Dragon Son S forum has lost hundreds of thousands of users.

Including creators, there are also a large number of ordinary users.

And this number is still increasing.

until the next day,

Adam came to the company at work.

As soon as he walked into the office, he was dragged into the conference room by his partner.

"Come and see this, how did it become like this?

Adam was pushed to the computer while being questioned.

What is displayed on the screen is the background registration volume of the Dragon Son S forum, as well as the current number of active users.

can be seen,

The number of background registrations increased by nearly one million overnight.

But the total number of users has decreased by hundreds of thousands.

After a simple inquiry, the reason came out.

"It seems that someone has really logged out of their account, and there are quite a few users who have logged out."

Adam analyzed, "The new accounts that suddenly appeared last night were all netizens who cancelled their old accounts.

"They posted with the new account, showed the process of canceling their old account, and then canceled the new account when they were done."

"That's why this strange phenomenon occurs. Obviously, more people have registered, but the number of users has decreased."

There was an uproar in the conference room.

"How can this happen? What are they doing this for?" someone asked.

"Just look at the popular posts on the forum homepage."

Adam turned on his phone, flipped the page to the home page of the Dragon Son S forum, and handed it over.

"They are using this to express their dissatisfaction with us.


Another person asked, "Did we do something wrong recently?"

"Because we don't have a membership system," Adam replied.


Everyone is in a hurry.

"Isn't that for the users? Our original intention is not to make money, but..."

"However, if we don't have the actual income to support us against Facebook, we're going to have a hard time."

Adam interrupted.

"Recently, it has been the darkest moment of the Dragon Son S Forum, so dark that we are at a loss for what to do.


There is a gloomy atmosphere in the whole office.

Everyone bowed their heads, their expressions (De Nuo's) were full of frustration, not knowing what to say.

They apologized to the Dragon Son S forum and felt that they did not manage the forum well.

most of the time,

Dreams and reality are in conflict, in order to grasp the dream, we must fight against reality.

This is the case with the Dragon Son S forum now.

Adam wanted to maintain his original intention again, but he had to face a behemoth like Facebook.

He was very entangled, but helpless.

In the end, you can only choose to suffer silently.


His silent acceptance did not bring comfort to netizens.

Everyone just thought he was an inaction loser.


Only then did this resistance come.

"What should we do? What should we do now, should we continue to let it go?"

"If it doesn't matter, the user will have to log out of the account."

Adam stared, "Hurry up, make an announcement immediately, the Dragon Son S Forum will soon implement a membership system. 35

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