Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 64 Starting today, the auto market is going to change! 【Subscription】

Before Wuling's new car brand appeared, it gave the world's car companies a king to blow up.

The advent of the plasma battery, almost as long as you are not a fool, you can understand how much impact this will have on the world's battery market in the future.

"Impossible, liquid batteries, can't exist, it's against the laws of physics!

"Wuling is bragging, how could there be a liquid battery.

"Fake, absolutely fake!"

Someone at the scene who knew this aspect heard Qin Mengyao introduce the plasma battery.

All were in disbelief.

Because the technology of plasma batteries is beyond their cognitive level.

Violating the laws of physics inherent in their minds.


How could it be liquid.

This is not the kind of lead-acid battery on the battery car. There is liquid dilute sulfuric acid in it. The function of dilute sulfuric acid is to act as a medium for electrolysis and reduction between the positive and negative electrodes.

Its stored electricity is still stored by solid-state batteries.

"And, did you find that the casting process of this plasma battery is integrated?"

"Don't say why the internal energy storage structure of the plasma battery is liquid, just this one-piece technology, you can't understand it. 99

"I don't see where the positive and negative poles of this battery are."

Magic City.

Tesla headquarters.

When Xu Ying was in a meeting, she received an urgent message from the Beijing Auto Show.

When she saw the news, Xu Ying's first reaction was.


Liquid battery pack?

With the same volume and weight, the power storage capacity is more than three times that of traditional solid-state batteries?


It is the same volume and the same weight.

What do these two words mean.

No one knows better than Xu Ying.

If this thing called a plasma battery is true.

Then it is foreseeable that once this battery is mounted on a pure electric vehicle, it will not matter its performance or cruising range.

As long as you have a little bit of technology, you can kill Terras in every way.


Wuling dared to say so at the press conference, it must mean that they have fully mastered this technology.

Once Wuling's new car is listed.

So predictable.

What impact will it have on Tesla in the pure electric vehicle market?

In the field of pure electric vehicles, the performance of the battery almost determines everything.

No matter how good your electronic control technology is, no matter how good your technology configuration is, no matter how good your car chip is.

But your battery technology is far behind.

think about it.

Tesla's best electric car, while ensuring absolute performance, also has a comprehensive range of 500 kilometers.

But what about Wuling?

With the technology of plasma battery, the storage capacity is three times that of high-nickel ternary lithium.

That means, as long as Wuling is willing.

You can easily kill Tesla in terms of vehicle performance.

And it can also make the cruising range easily exceed 1000.

What is this concept?

This is the technology that stuns all new energy vehicle companies in the world.

It doesn't matter if you have fuel, hybrid, or pure electric.

"Suspend the meeting, I'm going to call Musk immediately."

Xu Ying had no intention of going to the meeting at all.

She has to report the news to Musk immediately.

This is something that can affect Tesla's stock price and cannot be ignored.

in America.

It is late night now.

But Musk didn't sleep.

Instead, he was still having his own party.

Inside his private estate, the lights are bright.

Countless famous Hollywood stars, as well as Victoria's Secret supermodels, are writhing beside his pool in bikinis.

Musk and his friends are having fun.

This is his daily life, wanton enjoyment.

"Oh... Shet!

Musk was refreshed just after releasing the pressure on a supermodel.

Preparing for a break, waiting for the next time to continue.

The butler suddenly found him.

"Sir, I'm calling from Xia Guo, looking for you.

Xia Kingdom?

Musk frowned, Xu Ying was the only one who had his phone in Xia.

"What is she doing to herself?

With doubts, Musk went to the study and connected Xu Ying's phone.

"Hey, Miss Xu Ying, what's the matter with me at this point?"

"Mr. Musk, I have to tell you bad news..."

Xu Ying told Musk about Wuling's research and development of plasma batteries.

And directly clarifies how much the technology of this battery will have on Tesla.

Xu Ying originally thought that Musk would attach great importance to this matter.

where did you think,

After listening to this, he just smiled casually and said, "Miss Xu, I think you are overthinking it, although I saw this thing called a plasma battery, I can be sure that what they said about this thing is very serious. Fake."

"First of all, a pure liquid battery is absolutely impossible, and I absolutely do not believe that this energy storage is true. This is just a marketing."

"You may not know how much money I spend every year on developing a brand new battery, but there will never be a liquid battery pack like you said.

"Because that is simply impossible.

"Okay, I'm going to rest, don't worry, in this world, the only people who can affect Tesla's stock price are me and no one else."


Musk hung up the phone before Xu Ying finished speaking.

"Can Xia people develop battery technology that subverts the times? What a joke.

Musk, who is known as a science madman, is a technology controller himself.

He deeply knew that the liquid battery was simply impossible to achieve.

If Xu Ying said that it was the battery developed by Biya Di, then Musk would pay more attention to it.

After all, BYD's battery technology is world-class.

But the other party turned out to be a little-known car company in Xia Guo.

This kind of small car company, will there be such a technology that subverts the times?

The arrogant Musk would not believe it.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and forgot about it, and went on to his party to find the next prey.


Xu Ying sighed.

Musk doesn't pay attention, and she can't help it.

"I hope Wuling is only a little loud and rainy. This battery is a PPT product."

Auto show scene.

After Qin Mengyao announced the performance of the plasma battery.

All the media at the scene immediately started taking pictures of the plasma battery, and everyone was guessing.

this thing,

Can it be built with existing technology?

"Director Qin, is this plasma battery going to be used on Wuling's new brand?

"Can this battery be mass-produced?"

When others hear it,


Now this plasma battery sounds awesome.

But whether it can be mass-produced or not is the most important.

If it is just a PPT battery, it has no value at all, because PPT only exists on paper.

Hearing this man's words, Qin Mengyao smiled, like a fairy descending into the world, and she didn't know how many men on the scene were fascinated.

"You may not understand our Wuling style..."

"Since we dare to release this battery technology, we must have achieved the stage of absolute mass production, and the PPT car-making thing will never happen to Wuling.

As soon as this word comes out.

The audience was shocked.

It can actually be mass-produced.

This is horrible.

"Okay, after introducing our battery technology that subverts the era, I will continue to introduce another brand-new technology of our Wuling. 35

"Look at the big screen..."


After Qin Mengyao finished speaking.

On the big screen behind him, a name about a brand new metal appeared.

"Aviation grade alloy memory metal?"

"What is this?"

"I don't know, but I know that this thing is definitely not simple."

"That's right. 35

See the name, aerospace grade alloy memory metal.

Just these few words can already make people imagine many aspects.

"I believe everyone has seen that, literally, our Wuling material experts have developed a brand new metal.

"Its name is aviation-grade alloy memory metal."

"The properties of this metal are obvious, just like its name, its hardness exceeds that of all metals currently known on earth, and can reach aviation level."

"And most importantly, our alloys and metals, with absolute hardness, are unparalleled in their light weight and flexibility.

"This lightweight, carbon fiber is one-fifth lighter than the current top material, and its flexibility can be repaired automatically."5

"For example, if a car uses this metal, even if the vehicle is hit, the metal bends slightly, but after a period of time, it will recover on its own.


Another blockbuster technology.

Even this aerospace-grade alloy memory metal is, in a way, more useful than a plasma battery.

Because the properties of metal are strong, it is not just used to make cars.

Where it works best is defense technology and even aviation.

It has the highest hardness of known metals in the world, and also has very good flexibility and self-recovery functions.

this kind of thing.

Everyone doesn't understand.

But I also know that it is absolutely awesome to explode.


The shock didn't stop there.

because next,

Qin Mengyao announced another thing.

"The first two are the technologies of energy materials developed by our Wuling. The next thing to introduce is the automotive electronic control technology developed by our chief engineer of Wuling."

...... ask for flowers 0 ......

"I won't introduce this electronic control technology. Let the designer, our chief engineer of Wuling, introduce its advantages to everyone."5

"Welcome to Wuling Chief Engineer, Miss Yan Ran. 99

Qin Mengyao took the lead in applauding.

Seeing that she was leaving, the people who were watching the press conference through the live broadcast were very reluctant.

Especially at this time,

In Xu Feifei's live broadcast room.

That number has exceeded 200,000.

"No, I don't agree, Director Qin, don't go! 99

"That engineer, can you go down and let me, Director Qin, continue to introduce."

"That's right, in this world, only Director Qin is the most... FUCK!! FUCK!!


"Wuling is awesome, Director Qin, don't come back, I love engineers!

"Crap, I just thought I didn't want to watch it without Director Qin, but now I want to say, Director Qin, you should rest.

"Is Wuling a car company or a beauty pageant company?"

"A design director, a chief engineer, how can they be so beautiful?"

"Ah... I will definitely go to Wuling to work in my life.

"Me too."

At the beginning, when I saw Qin Mengyao go down, I was very disappointed because I couldn't see the beauty anymore.

But after Yan Ran came to power.

They found that, well, Director Qin could go down and rest for a while.

It's very nice to have this undisputed chief engineer sister to accompany.

Compared with Qin Mengyao, Yan Ran has more charm.


That is something that is more attractive to men than women.

There is a good saying.

In the face of sexuality, cuteness is worthless.

Yan Ran frowned and smiled, like a seductive goblin, making people unable to extricate themselves and short of breath.

"Hello everyone, I'm an engineer from Wuling, and my name is Yan Ran. 35

"Next, I would like to introduce to you the advantages of this set of automotive electronic control systems independently developed by Wuling.

"First of all, the biggest advantage of our electronic control system compared to some of our competitors is that it can reduce the power consumption of the whole vehicle.

"As we all know, the biggest reason for pure electric vehicles to affect the cruising range, in addition to the performance of the battery, is the various meaningless power losses that will occur during the driving process of the vehicle."

"Our electronic control system can reduce power consumption by 40% while ensuring that all power needs of the vehicle are met during daily driving. 99

"This technology, in today's world, I can say responsibly. 35

"Wuling, No. 1 in the world!"

At the beginning, everyone focused on Yan Ran's appearance and temperament.

With her introduction.

Everyone turned their attention to the electric control system of Wuling.

Reduce power consumption by 40%.

This electronic control system.

Simply invincible.

You know, as the absolute overlord of electric vehicles, Tesla's electronic control system is known as the world's first.

Some time ago, Truss announced the tenth-generation electronic control system, the most important numerical value of reducing power loss.


And Wuling, is 40%.

At first glance, it is only 20% more, but the technical algorithm and logical thinking represented by it are absolutely unimaginable.

The domestic host manufacturer, Bia Didi, the best electronic control, has a power loss of 18%.

A bit worse than Tesla.

Wang fried!

Another king fried.

Today's Wuling has released three new technologies, which are definitely epoch-making for the car rim.

It is truly able to subvert the technology of all car companies.

In the eyes of other car companies, it is completely impossible to achieve.

But Wuling just did it.

With the press conference to the present.

Almost all the bosses of domestic auto manufacturers have received three technologies from Wuling today.

Plasma battery.

Aviation grade alloy memory metal.

Electronic control technology.

Great Wall Headquarters.

After Lao Wei got the news, he was stunned for ten minutes before finally regaining his senses.

"Starting today, the car market is going to change!!!35

PS: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone. I went out for a trip this morning, and I was very anxious. When I didn't have a code word, I thought that the readers would not be able to see the latest chapter, and the little author felt very uncomfortable. When I come back, I will write the first chapter and upload it.

If there are fewer updates today, I will make up for it tomorrow. The number of words is absolutely enough! Thirty thousand words a day.

Very happy news, the subscriptions in the past two days have finally risen, 500 subscriptions away from my goal, surpassed 9 subscriptions, and reached 509!!!!!

Celebrating with the whole world!!! Perseverance can really be rewarded, I am very grateful to these 509 old irons, for the support of the little author, thank you!!! Seven.

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