Military? No, I'm Just A Car Company

Chapter 66 I'm sorry, I'm not rich, I look down on Daben! 【Subscription】

this day.

Like Du Hang, users who originally wanted to buy Tesla, for various reasons, saw two new models of Chitu.


Everyone immediately discovered that what Truss was, it was not fragrant in an instant.

On performance, on cruising range, on appearance.

The two models of Chitu are almost all-round crushing Tesla.

It is almost very difficult to obtain a fuel vehicle license in a first-tier city.

Relatively speaking, new energy licenses will be easier to obtain.

Except for Kyoto (Jingcheng is not allowed to be written, and will be replaced by Kyoto in the future) and the two super first-tier cities.

In other cities, new energy vehicles are basically licensed for free.


Now living in the first-tier cities without a car, or the family car is not enough, people who want to buy a new car, basically choose to buy a new energy.

This is also the strategy given by the state in order to develop new energy.

Before the red rabbit brand came out.

The hegemon of domestic new energy has always been Truss.

Although Biyadi's three-electric technology ranks first in the world, in terms of sales, it can't compare with Tesla at all.

The model that young people love will always be a handsome face and a louder brand.

Bia Di is much worse than Tesla in terms of brand influence.

This is impossible.

But starting today,

The brand of Wuling Chitu, after the two models came out.

Those who were about to buy a car suddenly changed their minds.

Especially the Kyoto side, because the auto show is here.

After seeing the performance and cruising range of Chitu's new car, many people can't wait to go to the auto show, order a car, and buy Chitu.

Good looks.

Strong performance.

The cruising range is the first in the world.

Who doesn't love this new energy vehicle?

"Young Master Qin, he's so handsome, so handsome, I'm sitting here and I don't want to go out.

At the Kyoto Auto Show, Wuling Chitu booth.

Qin Shao, Li Zhixian, Wang Xuan and other top rich second generation from the magic capital.

In the struggle with those media, you are vying for me, and you are squeezing me.

A group of people finally waited for nearly three hours.

Before the closing of the first day of the auto show, I squeezed into a red rabbit lightning in the color of ice plum pink.

This crowded crowd simply gave Qin Shao and others a feeling of going to hell.

too difficult.

Just ten meters away.

It took almost three hours to get here.

Abruptly looking at your beloved model, it is in front of you, but you just can't get through it.

This kind of despair so close to the end of the world almost made Qin Shao and others collapse.

But fortunately,

Young people are in good health.

After an arduous battle, they finally came to the car they were thinking about.

Li Zhixian, Wang Xuan and others entered the car first and sat in the driver's seat, the co-pilot, and the back row.

The interior design of the Red Rabbit Lightning is really unstoppable after seeing it.

It abandons the dual-screen design that host manufacturers are chasing after the trend.

Because there are too many dual-screen designs.

Too flooded.

And as a pure electric vehicle.

Basically, whether it is Tesla or Bia Di, it will integrate a large screen in the central control position in the car.

Almost all the functions of the vehicle are integrated into the screen.

The remaining physical touch buttons, none of them.

at this point,

Ye Qiu didn't like it very much.

He thinks a car has to look like a car.

Both the exterior and interior.

Especially as an interior.

When the owner is sitting in the car, a good interior design is the clearest intuitive feeling he can have about the car.

Cancel all physical buttons and replace them with a large screen hanging in the central control area.

This looks cool.

In fact,

In actual experience, the texture is very poor.

There is no physical button, I want to adjust the air conditioning, adjust the impact, adjust the vehicle atmosphere lights and so on.

All need to be found in the big screen to adjust.

25 This greatly affects the driving experience and is also very cumbersome.


With the popularity of artificial intelligence, almost all new cars now have a set of excellent artificial intelligence algorithms.

As long as you want to turn on any function, you can control it by voice.

But a lot of people actually don't know how to manipulate it at all, or don't like it.


Ye Qiu has very high requirements for Qin Mengyao in the interior design of the new car.

It is necessary to control the screen of the central control within a reasonable range as much as possible, and all physical buttons for daily use cannot be missing.

But also to do the texture, the sense of damping is super strong.

And also the overall design, creating a high-end luxury texture.

This is very demanding for designers.

For the interior of this Red Rabbit Lightning, Ye Qiu forced Qin Mengyao to collapse.

He gave nearly fifteen proposals, and finally made Ye Qiu satisfied.

"Young Master Qin, have you seen it? The interior of this car is absolutely amazing. It's high-end, and it's amazing to touch."

"Wow... Compared with the interior of the Red Rabbit Lightning, the interior of my Tesla is like shit."

"The size of the central control screen is just right, and many of the commonly used physical buttons are integrated in the right places.

"Look at this lever, oh... it looks like a crystal, it's so damn good-looking.

"It's not me who blows it, it's the interior that looks even better than the Mercedes-Benz, and I'm also grateful for the texture."

As the evaluation of the rich second generation, it is naturally the most pertinent.

Because of what car they drive every day.

It's not a supercar, it's a Les Royce.

The lowest Mercedes-Benz is also a big G start.

Eyesight is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

The interior of the Red Rabbit Lightning has been appreciated by them, which means that it has really succeeded.

Li Zhixian and Wang Xuan were excited to touch here and look there, and the love in their eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Cut, I've blown it a few times, the broken interior, I admit, it's a bit good-looking, but if you say it's better than Mercedes-Benz, then you're talking nonsense.

"The interior of Mercedes-Benz, which is accumulated little by little through several generations of designers, belongs to the pinnacle of industrial design, and has historical and cultural precipitation.

"The interior of this Chitu's new car is just average. Other pure electric vehicles have a huge screen. When you look at the screen, it is too small and has no sense of technology at all.

"and also……"

outside the car,

The other people who were waiting to get into the car sneered a little when they heard Li Zhixian's words.

This guy is a standard German car tout.

Especially the biggest fans of Mercedes-Benz.

When someone said it was better than Mercedes-Benz, he immediately became unhappy.

Barabara's beginning to retort.


When Qin Shao and the others heard his words, they didn't even look at this person.

Not bothering to deal with it at all.

There will never be a shortage of such people in the country.

Everything is good abroad, and everything is fragrant.

Even if it was the exhaust of Mercedes-Benz, he said it smelled immortal.


Qin Shao snorted coldly.

"Who are you calling idiots, you have the ability to say another word!

The man's ears were very sharp, and when he heard Young Master Qin's muttering, he immediately became angry.

"I'm calling you brainless, stupid, go away, want to lick your Mercedes-Benz dad, go to the next exhibition hall to lick it, this is the booth of the domestic Wuling Chitu. 99

"That's right, just the rubbish of Mercedes-Benz, the accumulation of history and culture, and the accumulation of generations of designers, you know a hammer."

"Licking a Mercedes-Benz in your mouth, I guess you can't even afford an S-class car, is that a Mercedes-Benz?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, this kind of person is so funny."

Who are Li Zhixian, Wang Xuan, Xiao Gui and others?

Second-generation rich.

Arrogant and domineering representatives.

Although they are arrogant, although arrogant.


No one is more patriotic and loves domestic production more than them.

This licking dog wants to yell at Young Master Qin? How can this be done?

At the moment, a few people sprayed him.

There were so many people around who were waiting to see the car, and they could clearly hear what happened.

So watching Shao Qin and others scolding the Mercedes-Benz licking the dog, they directly applauded.

"Well, this kind of dog licking, you should scold him."

"If you want to be a loyal dog of Mercedes-Benz, why don't you go to Mercedes-Benz next door, it's a shame here.

"I don't know if it's because of your brain, and you went to the domestic car to show your sense of superiority."9

"How much benefit did your Mercedes-Benz father give you to protect him like this?"

"Mercedes-Benz? A Mercedes-Benz that never pits the poor, oil leaks, broken axles, punctures, brake failures, it's a really good car.

"Ha ha……"

Mercedes-Benz licking dogs can't imagine why he is telling the truth, Mercedes-Benz is the world's number one.

Anywhere is fine.

But why do these people spray themselves.

"You...hmph, junk domestic cars, no matter how good they look, they still can't be sold.

He angrily squeezed away from the crowd.

I can't go.

never leave,

That face was thrown to my grandmother's house.

"I know him, a Mercedes-Benz car reviewer who knows Che Moudi, who is a professional Mercedes-Benz licking dog. The last time the Mercedes-Benz new car leaked oil before it left the 4S store, this guy was washing the floor and licking the Mercedes-Benz in the video. It is called a professional, I don't know, I think Mercedes-Benz is his biological father."5

"Haha... Look at the car, look at the car, this kind of idiot, don't pay attention to him.""

"That's right, ahhhh... I'm fine with you guys. The auto show is about to close. Anyway, let us sit in and take some pictures."

"Yeah, I've been waiting for more than three hours.

"There's something to be learned from the world, I've pissed my pants twice, let me take a picture first?"

"Only urinated twice? I have pulled my crotch three times. If you don't believe me, let me sway and smell it. Is there a fragrance from nature?"

" two are enough..."

As I talked, the taste next to it changed a bit.

Qin Shao admired the shamelessness of those two buddies very much, so he had to make way for others.

"Let's go, come back tomorrow and see if I can book a car."

Seems to be closing soon.

Qin Shao didn't stop.

Just wait until tomorrow when the car opens, and then ask the staff of Wuling if they can book a car directly.

As for what model to order.

That must be one of the whole series.

Qin Shao doesn't care about money.

Even if Chitu Lightning sold millions of cars, he felt it was worth it.

The first day of the auto show came to an end soon.

before closing.

It is frustrating for the staff.

At the booth of Wuling Chitu, many people were reluctant to leave because they did not squeeze into the car after taking pictures for several hours.

"Everyone, please cooperate with the staff of the auto show, it will be closed now, thank you for your support to Chitu, you can come early tomorrow.

No way, although Xu Dabao was very happy, he had to cooperate with the people in the exhibition hall to clear the venue.

"Damn, don't go, I haven't seen enough yet.

"Feifei, take out your woman's exclusive skills and roll around. I haven't seen the interior of the Red Rabbit Lightning yet."

"That's right, you said that you are too wasteful, you can't squeeze in for so long.

"I don't care. If I can't see Chitu Lightning today, I will dismiss you."

Xu Feifei was about to cry.

She felt so unlucky.

After attending the press conference, I originally wanted to sit in the car for the first time to see it and broadcast it to the audience.

Because throughout the afternoon, Xu Feifei was surprised to find that because of his good location, he broadcasted the press conference of the Chitu brand throughout the whole process.

Directly rose to nearly 300,000 fans.

Up to now,

The number of people in her live broadcast room is still more than 200,000 people watching.

200,000 people.

The number of people Xu Feifei dared not even dream of.

In her live broadcast room before, there were more than 20 old and loyal fans.

Now it has grown to 200,000.

The barrage was flying, and she had a dazzling illusion.

Getting fans is a happy thing.

But what's hard is that Xu Feifei thought that he could enter the two cars of Chitu at the first time and live broadcast to the audience.


She really muttered about the speed of those men.

at the end of the press conference.

Xu Feifei was rushed directly to the outermost area of ​​the booth by the violent crowd, almost entering the area of ​​the booth of Truss next door.

As you can imagine.

How terrifying the crowd was.


Xu Feifei found that he couldn't squeeze in at all.

She is a woman, how can she compare her strength with those strong men.


Poor Feifei can only helplessly on the periphery, and then brag to the audience in the live broadcast room, there is no way to get in.

Seeing that the auto show was closed on the first day.

She was still wandering around.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Feifei enter the crowd several times, and then quickly came out.

"Hmph, although I didn't go in today, you must know that I have successfully penetrated into Wuling's interior.

"There is a handsome little brother from Wuling, who has already promised Feifei. After the auto show is over in a few days, he wants to lend me a new Chitu car for testing.

"Maybe, Feifei, I'm still the first car reviewer in the entire network who can test drive the new Chitu new car."

no way,

In order to stabilize his audience fans, Feifei can only brag.

"Put it down, how many fans do you have. Brother Hu has said that it must be the first new car he borrowed from Chitu.""

"Brother Hu? It's just a joke. My brother Monkey also said that the first test video of Chitu's new car on the entire network is definitely his."

"Hey, Brother Niu also said what you said.

In fact, Feifei also knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to be the first car reviewer in the entire network to get a test drive of Chitu's new car.

Because she knows herself.

With the huge number of fans and traffic, it should be possible to get a test drive.

But what about yourself.

It's through the back door.

I begged my little brother, and at the risk of being scolded by the leaders, I bought one for myself.

"Hey... I don't know if my little brother will be criticized by the leaders because of this.

As for Ye Qiu, Feifei didn't know his name, but she felt that this handsome and sunny little brother is really the best person in the world.

"Brothers, I'll stop broadcasting first, tomorrow morning, I'm going to wait after six o'clock, and try to show you the two new cars of Chitu as soon as possible.

"So, brothers who want to see the new car tomorrow, please pay attention and don't get lost!!!"

Feifei shamelessly went down today.

But she was happy.

Because it has gained 300,000 followers today.

Now her fans have reached a terrifying level of 400,000.


for herself.

"Tomorrow, you must get up early, hum, no one can stop me. 99

After leaving the auto show, Feifei came home, made the video at the auto show today, and released it.

It's already late at night.

She quickly washed and went to bed, set the alarm clock.

The auto show opens at 8:30.

Feifei's six o'clock alarm clock.

The next morning, Feifei was in high spirits, packed up and headed to the auto show.

look at the time,

It was only about 6:40 when we arrived at the auto show.

"This time, no one is earlier than me."

Feifei is very proud.

And when I downloaded Didi, I immediately turned on the live broadcast, wanting to show off to the audience how early I came.


Wait until she arrives at the door of the car show.

Feifei was shocked.

"This...this...what's the situation.

The scene in front of him made Feifei feel like he was living in a dream.

I thought I came early enough.

Unexpectedly, when I came to the door of the auto show, I found that there was already a line that could not be seen.

"Sister, you are late today, haha!"

"Sister, do you want my brother to move a place for you, hehe.

"As a professional car reviewer from the media, Feifei, you can't do this.

"Speed ​​is our best tradition. I knew yesterday that there must be a lot of people today, so my buddies didn't leave last night and camped at the door, haha.

When he came to the door, Feifei saw several familiar car reviewers.

They are all people with hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of fans.

Everyone is working hard to survive.

"I'm going, you guys are working too hard... That big brother, can you let me in?"

Feifei was a little terrified when he saw the team that looked over and couldn't see the end.

Talk to someone you know to put yourself in the queue.

When the man heard this, he showed a wretched smile: "Why do you just plug in, as long as you want, I'm happy to do as many times as you want, hehe.

"go away.

Hearing this, Feifei rolled his eyes: "Sisters line up by themselves.

"Did I say something wrong? Why is Feifei ignoring me?"

That buddy was very innocent when he saw Feifei go away.

He had always wanted to chase Feifei, but for several months, he had not even gained the other party's prestige.

Only in a large group, talking to her every day.

"You are right, what is wrong is this era, many people don't understand your kindness.

The man next to him couldn't help laughing.

"Ah... the sky is tricking people."

The buddy sighed with emotion, why does Feifei dislike me, such a good man.

"Wow, there are so many people in the morning.

"It's not even 7 o'clock. When do you have to line up to see the auto show?"

"It's so scary, wouldn't everyone go to see Chitu? 35

"Hey, brothers, I was also at the auto show, and there were simply too many people.

"I also saw Feifei just now, she took the last photo, haha."5

Feifei opened the live broadcast room, and soon thousands of people entered and started chatting.

on site,

Many viewers in Feifei's live broadcast room also lined up at the entrance of the auto show.

Because today is the weekend, everyone is not working.

Since Chitu is so popular, it is natural to queue up early and try to be the first to enter the Chitu booth to see the car.

"Are there any brothers in the front row, there are too many people here, can I let the humble me join a queue, woo woo..."

Feifei walked all the way, not knowing how far he had gone, all of them were people.

She estimated that if she wanted to get in, she would have to queue for at least several hours.

Too tormented.

"Come to me Fei Fei, I'm at the front, there is a flag here.""


There was a female audience in the Feifei live broadcast room, and the queue was very good.

The female audience member was a group of sisters to watch the car, so she invited Feifei to jump in the queue.

Although jumping in line is a bad habit.

But in order to get in at the first time, Feifei was also cheeky and found the female audience.


A group of women chatted.

"Wow, Feifei, you are so beautiful in person, and your figure is so good."

"Hee hee, sister, don't laugh at me, your figure is much better than mine, wow, your waist is so thin, how did you train?"

"I'll teach you when I have time, by the way, I watched your live broadcast yesterday, and I like the red rabbit lightning in the color of ice plum pink so much, I came early in the morning.

"Me too, Bingmei powder is really pretty.

"Love it so much."

Women, they are madly in love with the color of Chitu Lightning's ice plum powder.

The beauty of the Red Rabbit Lightning itself makes them unable to extricate themselves, and the young lady loves them.

Plus there is the color of ice plum powder.

So this car,

Not only men like it, but women like it even more.

Feifei himself also loves Bingmei powder and Red Rabbit Lightning.

"Then let's go together, rush over as soon as possible. I estimate that many of these people in line today are coming for Chitu."5

"Shouldn't it be? It's all for Chitu?"

"That was just terrifying.

Several young ladies do not believe it.

At this time, the people behind him spoke up.

"Ladies and sisters, don't believe it, I just asked, 90% of the people behind us are here for Chitu, otherwise who wouldn't sleep in the morning and come to see the auto show.

"That's right, I saw the live broadcast yesterday, and many people couldn't squeeze it, so I thought of coming early in the morning, but I didn't expect it to be a little late.

"Crap, if I had known so many people came to see me, I should have brought a tent over last night."

"Ha ha……"

good guy.

When Feifei and the others heard it, they all came to see Chitu, and they suddenly felt a sense of excitement and urgency.

Excited that my favorite car is so popular.

That means that your vision is not wrong.

The urgency is that with so many people, they have to run fast for a while, otherwise they will definitely not be able to get in.

"Sisters, come on, we can't lose to those stinky men."

"Knowing this was the case, so I wore sneakers today."

"You're such a careful bitch, I'm wearing it too."

"You guys are so nasty, the high heels I'm wearing..."


Until half past eight.

The staff of the auto show began to check in.

Today is the second day of the auto show, the public open day.

The staff at the Kyoto Auto Show was shocked to see so many people lining up at the gate early in the morning.

The auto show is held every year, and they have never seen it before. Before the 907 opened, there was already a long queue.

"Why are these people here so early?"

"Isn't it? That guy still has a tent. Could it be that he sleeps directly at the door at night?"

"I'm going, do you want to work so hard? Why don't you just watch an auto show?"

"Those who didn't know thought it was a rush to buy Xueyou's concert tickets.""

"I guess all of them came to see Chitu. Have you forgotten that those car critics and media crowded the entire B-area exhibition hall yesterday afternoon."9

"Look at the red rabbit, that's no wonder, fuck, if it wasn't for work, I would also like to see it.

"I want to see it after get off work and everyone has left, so let's go and see it again."

"Hey, that's true. 35

"Attention, the leader is here, work hard.

The staff began to check tickets and let the people in to see the cars.

And the leaders of the exhibition hall, like facing the enemy, called in an ambulance, and the security guards maintained order.

For fear of any little stampede or other accident.

By the time,

It's him who is miserable.

But with so many people, the leaders should not be too happy.

If there are many people watching the auto show, then his performance will be high, and the big leaders will be very happy.

"Be sure to take safety measures for Lao Tzu.

After the car opened the door, the first person in line to enter the exhibition hall was to ask where Chitu's booth was.

When I learned that it was in Hall B, I ran all the way and rushed over.

The person behind that person is the same process.

"Where is Chitu? Hall B, thank you.

"Red Rabbit is in Hall B? Okay."

"Come on, Chitu is in Hall B.

The staff at the auto show had to hurriedly bring out a huge writing board, which said, Wuling Chitu's booth is in Hall B.

Then stand in the doorway.


No one asked.

After everyone came in, they immediately rushed to Hall B when they saw the sign.

in Hall A.

On the Mercedes-Benz booth, the person in charge and the Mercedes-Benz salesmen looked at the audience who entered the auto show speechlessly. When passing by the Mercedes-Benz booth, they didn't even look at it.

Go straight to the B hall.

"When did our Mercedes-Benz be so neglected, these people really don't understand cars, they didn't come to see Mercedes-Benz, they went to see a domestic car, hum."

The manager of Mercedes-Benz thought sourly.

"Manager, so many people entered, and none of them entered our Mercedes-Benz booth. They all went to see Chitu, what should I do? 99'

"Yes, manager, the boss will call to ask about today's sales. If a car is not sold, we will be scolded."

previous car show.

Which Mercedes-Benz is not the most watched one.

As long as the public is open, the Mercedes-Benz booth will always be the most crowded.

That's the beauty of Mercedes-Benz.

Even with so many negative news, consumers are still very longing and tolerant of Mercedes-Benz.

This is also the confidence that Mercedes-Benz has no scruples in Xia Guo.

I know you Xia people buy cars for the sake of face.

It just so happens that our Mercedes-Benz is the car brand that can best satisfy your face.

So I am proud, I am proud, I am unbridled.

If something goes wrong, even if I don't handle it for you, you have nothing to do.

But since the last Magic Capital Auto Show.

Until today's Kyoto Motor Show.

At the two largest auto shows in China, Mercedes-Benz was miserable.

At the Magic Capital Auto Show, Mercedes-Benz is expected to sell more than 5,000 units in seven days.

But in fact,

In just 7 days, less than 1,000 units were sold.

Because at that time, most people went to see the car named Wuling Hongguang Mini.

Very few people came to the Mercedes-Benz booth.

This time at the Kyoto Auto Show, Mercedes-Benz officially gave a death order, and the sales volume must reach 6,000 units in seven days.

Originally, the Mercedes-Benz experience on the first day was full of confidence.

The Mercedes-Benz booth is also the best. After the audience enters the exhibition hall, they enter Hall A. The first largest and most conspicuous booth is Mercedes-Benz.


What makes the manager and Mercedes-Benz salesperson speechless is.

There are indeed many spectators who came today, and many people feel terrified.


No one entered the Mercedes-Benz booth, and didn't even look at it when passing by.

Go straight to the B building.


Mercedes-Benz's sales, with a friendly smile, invited passers-by to come and see the Mercedes-Benz. The direct disdain of others made the sales speechless.

"Mercedes-Benz? Who still looks at Mercedes-Benz these days, do you have a red rabbit that looks good in your Mercedes-Benz? Can your Mercedes-Benz run 1,500 kilometers on a single charge?

"Look at Mercedes-Benz? I'm sorry, I'm not rich and look down on Mercedes-Benz.

"Take it down, you Mercedes-Benz should go to the rich people, I want to see Chitu.

"I warn you, delay my speed, I will go to Chitu in a while and can't squeeze in, I will never stop with you!

things like that.

In short, no one is willing to come in to see the Mercedes-Benz car.

This makes the salesmen very helpless. If they can't sell the car, they will be approved by the leaders, and then they will be fined.

So find the manager and let him figure out a way.

"I can think of a way? What can I do? Haven't you seen that the BMW and Audi next door are just as miserable as us. Anyway, they are all being scolded, not our family.

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