Military Technology

Invincible Chapter 1040

How is your work going? Wu Hao looked at Shen Xiaoxian and asked. As the director of the administration department, as the general that Wu Hao relies heavily on, Shen Xiaoxian actually feels a lot of pressure, especially as the company's scale is getting bigger and bigger, which makes her feel more and more heavy on her shoulders.

In addition, there are still some objections to him as the director of the administrative department inside and outside the company, mainly because she is too young, and she is not convincing in terms of ability and qualifications.

No one is jealous of mediocrity, she naturally knows this truth. Sitting in this seat, how could it be possible not to be envied by others. Although the atmosphere in the company is relatively harmonious, there will be rivers and lakes where there are people, let alone inside the company.

It's just that compared to other companies' intrigues and mutual calculations, under the severe blows of Wu Hao and Zhang Jun within Haoyu Technology Company, this kind of mutual dismantling and mutual calculation has disappeared without a trace. Although there are still some, they are sporadic and few. The current competition still depends on personal ability and work performance.

Although her ability is not bad, she is still weaker than some talents with outstanding ability and work, especially the excellent management cadres below, who work very well, so she also feels the pressure.

Because of this, she will work harder, and she will continue to enrich herself after work, and enroll herself in many courses to improve and enrich herself.

Hearing Wu Hao's greeting, Shen Xiaoxian quickly nodded and replied: "At present, the Administration Department has gradually begun to take over here, and has begun to familiarize itself with and try related operation and management work.

It’s just that the scale of the park is too large at present, and it will take some time to fully get used to it and put it into normal operation.

In addition, although with the help of the artificial intelligence system, it is still necessary to strengthen relevant manpower if it wants to be in charge of such a large park.

We are already asking the human resources department to help us recruit relevant excellent talents in this area, especially those who have the operation management of this kind of large park and have been in contact with the artificial intelligence system. "

Hearing Shen Xiaoxian's words, Lin Jianliang, director of the human resources department, said with a smile: "Mr. Shen has indeed told us that we are already helping them find and find relevant outstanding talents in this field, but these two types of talents, Especially experienced talents are relatively scarce and difficult to find.

Excellent talents in this field are basically in major companies, and their benefits and development prospects are very good. To be honest, it is difficult to be attracted by us.

So now we can only look for some scattered talents in this field as much as possible, as well as some outstanding talents with room for growth.

But for a while,

I really can’t find so many, so I can only take my time and give us more time. "

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the two of them and said: "I understand the situation, and you are also aware of the situation here. The progress of your work also determines when our company can all be relocated.

The environment here is so good, don't you all want to come here sooner? I've heard that many of your houses here have been renovated, don't you want to come and live in your new home? "

Ha ha ha ha... Everyone present laughed when they heard his words. Who doesn't look forward to a new home, and naturally wants to move here as soon as possible.

Wu Hao continued: "Because of this, we should all hurry up. There are difficulties, but they are not completely insurmountable.

As for your administrative department, you can mobilize all the employees in your department to find a way and discuss it together.

With such a large headquarters park, it is definitely unrealistic for you to run it all at once. Can you divide it into regions?

In any case, we must first ensure that the work of the relocated employees and departments will not be affected. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at Lin Jianliang on the other side: "You have to spend a lot of time on this part, now you need talents in all aspects, so you must pay close attention to your recruitment work.

Graduation season is coming soon, I think you can work more on this. We don't necessarily look for those experienced elites. Among these fresh graduates, there are also many very good talent seedlings.

If you dig a lot here, you don't necessarily have to look at your education background or school, but mainly your personal ability. If his personal ability is strong enough, we can boldly recruit even if he is a technician who graduated from a technical secondary school, or a talent with an ordinary high school education.

Although these fresh graduates have no experience, this is not a problem for us. Compared with those experienced talents, these fresh graduates are like a blank sheet of paper. Suitable for splashing ink, more suitable for shaping.

Therefore, our talent training program cannot be stopped, not only cannot be stopped, but can even be expanded.

In the past, there was no venue and no resources, but now that there is a venue, resources, and even the influence of the company, what do you have to worry about? "

After Lin Jianliang heard his words, he nodded and said: "We have always attached great importance to the recruitment of fresh graduates. Since September last year, our human resources department has sent seven or eight campus recruitment teams to various places across the country. Colleges and universities, conduct school recruitment work.

It's just that, now major companies attach great importance to the recruitment of such outstanding fresh graduates, and every time they send out their own elite soldiers.

Therefore, the competition among various companies in this area can be very fierce, and these fresh graduates have not yet left the campus, and their social experience is terrifying, so they are also very confused when faced with the recruitment of so many companies, without accurate goals. indecisive.

For some talents, we have already signed the contract, and then we called in two days to say various reasons, regretted it, and went to another company.

For this kind of person, you say that it is not appropriate for us to follow the normal procedure to sue for breach of contract. We can only negotiate with the other party to contact the contract.

There are also people who promised well, but after signing the contract, they disappeared immediately and could not be found, and finally went to another company after inquiring about it, and they had already signed an internship.

We can only contact him through his company, and then properly handle related issues.

The other one, which you have mainly explained, is that the talent recruitment work is now entering the stage of preferring shortages to excesses. We have already absorbed a large number of excellent talents in the early stage, and the talent recruitment plan at this stage should instead recruit those excellent talent seeds who are truly capable, have room for growth and development.

In this way, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of our talent recruitment, and the number of talents will be relatively small. "Remember the URL of this site,, for the convenience of reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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